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  1. Response To Dr. J. Peter Pham Yassin R. Ali July 13, 2006 Print Friendly The Somaliland lobby is working hard around the clock! After 15 years of showcasing clanocracy (not “democracyâ€) to the world, the breakaway region in northern Somalia seems to be directing foreign “experts†to do its dirty work, online and offline. We have a certain gentleman named Dr. J. Peter Pham, who has garnered a reputation for himself on Somali Websites of late, pushing a case against two realities in Somalia in the article entitled “Dangerous Fiction in Somaliaâ€: the transitional federal government (TFG) and Mogadishu’s new rulers, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU). Before we delve into why Dr. Pham is pushing the case against both the internationally recognized government of Somalia (i.e. the TFG) and the populist movement (i.e. the ICU), I would like to first review his grave errors and unfounded accusations about two institutions he has little knowledge of. First of all, Dr. Pham has proven himself to be an expert at playing into Westerners’ fears. Terms such as “Islamists,†or “local extremists,†or “foreign fighters,†or, the most notorious, “Osama bin Laden,†send shudders down Westerners’ spines because of still-relevant memories of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., or the deadly bombings in the London subway system. In this regard (look at the bold terms), Dr. Pham writes: “…the Associated Press in Nairobi obtained an hour-long recruiting video issued by the Somali extremists which clearly showed Arab radicals fighting alongside the local extremists and invited foreign fighters and contributions for the ‘sacred, holy jihad in Somalia’ and ‘the holy war that began in Somalia’ (the latter a reference to Osama bin Laden’s old claim that al-Qaeda’s first victory against America was won in the Mogadishu street battle chronicled in Black Hawk Down).†What absurd logic! Because bin Laden – a notorious terrorist – “claimed†that his so-called “al-Qaeda network†achieved victory during Mogadishu’s 1993 Black Hawk Down incident, we’re supposed to accept his words at face-value? Since bin Laden also “claims†that the West is on a “crusade†against Muslim countries worldwide, should we accept this “claim†at face value as well? Look at the evidence: two Muslim nations (Iraq and Afghanistan) that posed no direct military threat to the world are invaded by Western powers (led by America), all the while the “real threat†– that midget in Pyongyang, North Korea – test-fires missiles but gets nothing but lip service from the same Western powers. Every logical mind knows that bin Laden’s “claims†hold no water and the fact that Dr. Pham uses this meaningless “claim†as evidence shows the weakness of his anti-ICU case. What Dr. Pham doesn’t know (or refuses to acknowledge) is that the 1993 firefight in Mogadishu wasn’t even between all Somali militias and U.S. Rangers – forget the so-called “al-Qaeda networkâ€! The street fight was strictly between Habar Gedir (Ha-wiye) clan militias led by the late General Mohamed Farah Aideed. Like his anti-colonialist predecessor, Sayyid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan, who refused to bow down to imperial domination, General Aideed fought against American Rangers who sought to install a puppet administration in Mogadishu much like today’s Baghdad and Kabul. Once again, while bin Laden – who seems to exist only on videos – “claims†involvement in the Black Hawk Down incident, General Aideed’s militias were defending long-term Somali freedom and dignity – at great cost to their own lives and their own families. Since General Aideed was on the ground commanding his forces, where was bin Laden? Was he hiding in caves even during those days and continuing his Hollywood tradition of releasing videos? He most certainly was not in Mogadishu, for he would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb! Secondly, the ICU leadership in Mogadishu has dismissed the AP video. I will not vouch for the authenticity of the video itself, but I personally know for a fact that we Somalis are a mixed-blood people; contrary to popular opinion in foreign countries, not all Somalis are of “dark†skin complexion. If the only evidence of “Arab radicals†in Mogadishu is a video showing masked men of lighter complexion, then I have to admit that I am not convinced. As far as the “jihad†in Mogadishu, the Islamic Courts have every right to declare “jihad†on warlords and their callous militiamen who have raped our Somali women and killed our civilians for more than 15 years! How would you respond, Dr. Pham, if you lived in Mogadishu under the autocratic rule of heartless warlords who killed members of your own family and forced you to watch? Do you not have the right to self-defense? Do you not have the right to liberate yourself – and your family – from these war criminals? The ICU is a homegrown, populist movement that cannot be compared to the Taliban of Afghanistan, other than the two groups’ insistence on Islamic law to govern their respective countries. Naturally, Dr. Pham’s intention is to ring alarm bells in the West and to depict the ICU as extremists who are “a threat to international security.†Nothing could be farther from the truth! To date, as all Somali people know, ICU militias only control territory inhabited by Somalia’s Ha-wiye clan-family. Mogadishu is predominantly home to Ha-wiye clansmen. Contrary to Dr. Pham’s opinion, I believe the ICU is helping safeguard international security. While the warlord militias attacked vessels on the high seas (piracy!), the ICU movement is working to open Mogadishu’s international seaport – after being shut down for the past 13 years because of warlord rivalry. Let’s see: the ICU is restoring law and order in Mogadishu, clearing roads of extortion checkpoints manned by warlord militias, and removing the invisible “green line†that divided our beloved Capital since the onset of the civil war. Banning the World Cup (if true) is a small price to pay for the defeat of the warlords and the return of law and order. But Dr. Pham’s unfounded allegations don’t stop there. He calls Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf a “warlord,†when, the fact of the matter is that since being “elected†in October 2004, President Yusuf has not fired a single bullet, sticking to the promise he made during his swearing-in ceremony. Of course, the man [President Yusuf] has a checkered past from his heydays as Puntland (northeast Somalia) president. Yet, his support in Puntland is unwavering and is similar to Mogadishu citizens’ support for the Islamic Courts: he returned law and order to northeastern Somalia, removed illegal extortion checkpoints on the major Galkayo-Bossaso highway, and established a functioning administration. Recent steps taken in Baidoa prove the man is on a similar mission: on June 29, Bay region elected a governor. Baidoa, which, at one point in time, was one of the most anarchic cities in Somalia, is today under TFG control and is relatively peaceful. International delegations and aid organizations regularly fly in and out of Baidoa unharmed. Are you suggesting, Dr. Pham, that Baidoa is not safe? Delegations from the African Union, the European Union and the Arab League were in Baidoa recently and not a single delegate complained about security. What right does Dr. Pham have to complain about security in a city he’s never even been to before? By far the most bizarre allegation presented by Dr. Pham is this: “…he [President Yusuf] continues to earn a nice return from his stake in Mudan Airlines, which makes twice weekly runs between Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Bosaaso, Somalia, ferrying in, among others, would-be jihadis responding to the promotional video of the Mogadishu Islamists.†Goodness! Using the doctrine of “innocent until proven guilty†common in the “civilized†world, I am inclined to ask Dr. Pham a question: Where is the evidence showing Mudan Airlines is flying so-called “jihadis†into Somalia? Have you, Dr. Pham, personally flown on Mudan Airlines alongside so-called “jihadis†or are you continuing your practice of “educated†guess games? It is truly sad when foreigners transform into clannists with regard to Somalia affairs. For those who miss the connection, the owner of Mudan Airlines is a clansman of President Yusuf. Those who oppose President Yusuf’s leadership solely for clan loyalties are known to make such unfounded allegations against him. This part of Dr. Pham’s writing was nothing but cheap name-calling at Somalia’s leader (whom even the ICU recognizes); if it wasn’t, I implore Dr. Pham to produce the evidence for such an enormous charge. Those who follow Dr. Pham’s writings know him well as a “Somaliland†sympathizer. In a May 11, 2006, piece entitled “Facing Reality in Somalia,†Dr. Pham wrote: “Now, however, is the time for the United States to break ranks and let realism triumph over wishful thinking, not only by recognizing, but actively supporting Somaliland…†Is there any question in anyone’s mind that Dr. Pham’s unfounded allegations against both the TFG and the ICU is motivated by his support for Somaliland recognition? His mentality, which is shared by Somaliland politicians, is that, as long as Somalia is chaotic, Somaliland’s chances of international recognition go up a notch (read: “INTERVIEW: Somaliland says Somalia unrest helps statehood bid†for reference). Dr. Pham did not write critical pieces about Mogadishu’s defeated warlords but openly opposes the ICU’s ascendance to power. From this, it can be argued that Dr. Pham opposes the restoration of law and order in Mogadishu (for that weakens the Somaliland case). How hypocritical! But viewed through the lens of a Somaliland sympathizer, it makes perfect sense, does it not? At the end of the day, all Somali people, regardless of clan or regional affiliation, are overjoyed to see our beloved Capital under the control of a single authority for the first time since 1991: the Islamic Courts. Dr. Pham appointed himself judge and jury when he arrogantly labeled the ICU as “local extremists†and the TFG as a “gang,†without a shred of evidence. In Baidoa, the TFG leadership is welcomed by thousands of cheering Somalis wherever they set foot. In Mogadishu, those boys (ICU) upholding the peace are known as local heroes. …Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. While “Somaliland†cries to the world about recognition, Sool and Sanaag regions remain part and parcel of Puntland State of Somalia (compare how the Puntland leadership is welcomed into Las Anod city while the so-called “president†of Somaliland was chased out of the city in broad daylight in 2002). That’s called “facing reality,†Dr. Pham, so let the secessionists feed you more rubbish to publish under the pretext of being a “foreign expert†who truly remains “foreign†to Somalia’s complex political affairs. Yassin R. Ali Seattle, WA (USA) E-Mail:
  2. Well said SOOMAAL Some people do not realize that.
  3. Naxar isku xishood, Xabashi maanta ha noo faanin. Dagaalkan Soomaali ayuu ka dhexeeyaa, angu ama aan hashiino ama aan is dhameeno. Anigo oo Soomaali ah maanta Somalinimo uma iibsanayo qabiil. Cadowgeena waa in aan iska islaalinaa. Oga- sida lagu qabsaday ma taqaanaa? Sidee buu Manelik Oga-denia ku qabsaday waligaa ma is weydiisay? Qabiilo Soomaaliyeed inta uu dab ka dhex shiday oo uu cadawtinimo isagu abuuray ayuu markii danbana ku yiri, ciidamo ayaan idin dhex dhigayaa idin hesheeya, markii uu ciidamadiisa dulkeenayna, kuligood hubkii wuu ka qaaday, guumeysigiina wuu ku bilaabay. Ilaaiyo maantana waa la haystaa dadkaas. Maanta Soomaaliya sidii uu ku qabsaday Menelik ******ia ayuu maanta Meles ku wada Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya. Marka anigu qabiil kama dooranayo Soomaalinimo Naxarow anigu waan arkaawax walba, waan arkaa ICU in hal qabiil u badan yahay, waan arkaa in TFG qabiil loo wato. Kuligeen Soomaali ayaan nahay waanna is naqaanaa, marka fakar. Anagu ama waa in aan heshiinaa ama waain aan is dhameenaa, laakiin marnaba in aan cadowgeena guud aan u soo kaxaysano walaalaheen Soomaaliyeed ma aha.
  4. Tan bal eeg;f=11;t=000126#000014 af xumadaadana dadka kala fogow Caydu ma fiicna.
  5. Kashafa my friend, Arabs are always selling us Arabism with Islam. Its like 1 for the price of 2. I am against Arabism and the Somali islamists of today should reject there Arab cultural traits and bring us Somali Islam otherwise they will not be credible in my book. So you tell me do you support Arabism? or should we stick to pure islam and keep our SOMALI culture without giving everything away. Read this article and how they are mixing Arab culture and Islamic Culture and how they are trying to change our language and expand their Arab heritage under the disguise of Islam.
  6. We need a winner. I dont care who wins. Let there be a winner and let that winner bring a lasting peace,let them become dictators and I will defend their dictatorship. This time no more revolutions, no more rebels no more BS. Its better to have a bad dictator then no dictator at al. If we want government chances in the future, think about SIT INS, BOYCOTTS, PETITIONS and PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS. Yes I am prepared to serve da winner (as long as its a somali winner and he unites the nation)
  7. Si fiican ayey u dhargeyn, calooshu meesha ay marayso waad aragtaa. ma aragtay meesha ay ku qorantahay CUNSULT?
  8. ^^^Is this for real? Is this guy praising Meles Zenawi, the dwarf of Ethiopia?
  9. Brother Gediid, The reality on the ground today is not positive, there is actually allot of negativity. My opinion is that we as Somalis should work on creating peace and unity and work for a prosperous Somalia. The mini-states have done allot of good work so far, but its time that we moved on from the division and work together. Clan divisions should not stop us from claiming our rightful place among the world’s nations. Yes today the two mini-states are relatively more peaceful then the rest of the country, but that is no argument for keeping the division. We will have a stronger more peaceful and prosperous Somalia if we go along the path of unity. If we choose for division that we will forever be in these cycles of hate and destruction. So let work together brother Gediid instead of mistrusting each other.
  10. Great news, this is a Somali National port. The opening of the port is a symbol of the emergence of new Somalia. This is positive development. Next the international airport a police force and the other symbols of the Somali government. I hope the two sides negotiate, we are so close to a lasting peace.
  11. Rendvous there is nothing going away. It’s just a change with times, but Somali dhaqan will never go away. As long as there are Somalis, Somali dhaqan will exist. We are talking about the issue of family here and there is also a tread on Somali language.;f=11;t=000126;p=1#000014 We need to discuss one issue at the time. So on this tread lets only focus on the issue of family and parenting. What the problems are and what possible solutions there are. So everyone please whatever problems you raise also post what you think the solutions will be, use your imagination
  12. Ok a question then. What would be acceptable Somali parenting? When is a family successful? Could we find what makes a family a successful and use that for other families as an example that they can follow. Could we maybe write a book on the “modern†Somali family or start a project that tries to improve Somali family lives? In my opinion a sort of Social contract would work. That involves -the couple that is marrying -the imam that is conducting the ceremony -the two families -the surrounding community And all these parties pledge to make this new family a successful one. This marriage will then not be just an affair between the bride and the groom, since there are more stakeholders then just those two. If any conflicts or problems arise all stakeholders should be brought together to solve the problems. The kids (the products) of the marriage also belong to the community, so the community should have a role in the way these kids are brought up. And maybe we should also change the way people get married, by preparing the couple for their new future,with more focus on the new family instead of just a party that costs a fortune and afterwads they get plunged in the deep. With a little help more families could survive. I am not suggesting any new radical ideas, all I am saying is lets just fine tune the processes that we already have. Most of the things that I suggested already happen, the problems are they are only a ritual that’s not taken serious. Anyhow one can only solve these problems only on community wide level. But this is how it is Crisis in the families >>> Crisis in the communities >> Crisis in the country It also works the other way around. If we are discussing the problems, lets also discuss the solutions.
  13. Hi MMA, Mahadsanid sawirada aad meesha ku dhajisay si fiican ayeey noo tusayaan sheekadu meesha ay marayso. Labadan meelood ee aan soo diray bal guji. Ta hore waxaa qoray nin la yidhaahdo Cali Baxar. Waxayna ka sheekaynaysaa dagaalka laguhayo dhaqankeena iyo afkeena. Ta labaadna waxay ka sheekaynaysaa koox carbeed oo u halgamaysa afka carabiga ah sidii loogu soo celin lahaa dhulalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Africa oo dhan.
  14. Lol@Suldaanka Local’s kulaha, spoken like a true colonialist, I am glad you are not denying your heritage bro This is good news, the more people that realize that the secession is a one way path to destruction the better. I welcome these developments. Suldaanka, denying the truth does not make one look braver. Yes these guys defected, so ask your self why would so many defects with their weapons and everything. Maybe its time you collected some money to pay the wages of these poor souls. Maybe then they wouldn’t defect. Rhetoric’s don't fill stomachs. These gaps in the front line due to the defections need some filling, so why don't you join the war Suldaanka and take the other apologists with you
  15. The funny thing is how the secessionists try to sell their 'achievements' to the people back home, while this is their reality. How long can they try to keep this virtual realty going? May they find guidance, wisdom and peace and unity with their fellow Somali brothers.
  16. Lets start with an IDEAL theory then and see how far it gets us. Everything is better then the curent situation.
  17. Cadwtinimada xabashi maanta tusayso Soomaali, mid la ilaawayo ma aha. Maalin maalmahan ka mid ah ayaan heli doon naa yagoo dhulka jiifa, markaas ayaa la arkayaa ta ka raacda.
  18. Gediid if you agree with unity among Somali people and taking qabiil out of the equation. Then we are on the same side. Welcome my brother. As for whether people like Duke and Oodweyne will drop their rooting for certain factions well, I am in no position to speak for them, but I do hope that we all choose for unity over division, for peace over conflict, for prosperity over underdevelopment. Once again I welcome your courage for choosing the right thing.
  19. In this marketplace of ideas called SOL, all opinions are treated equally. It is up to the readers to make up their own mind. Those who can not argue their case in a fair manner without any name-callings or other silly remarks that do not contribute to the discussion at hand should feel ashamed for not being capable of making two coherent sentences without any insults. Freedom of expression is not a right for the few, all of us have the right to express our opinions, although I do not agree with the pro-secessionists I give them a fair chance to defend their ideas. It is not my problem that these people can not give us any real arguments for their case. The fact that they can not give us any clear arguments why it is that we should choose for secession over unity, shows us only the weakness of their case. The arguments that they have brought forward have al been utter lies, half truths and other distortions of the truth, furthermore this topic has been about the views of some anti-Somali, anti-Islam secessionists. Many secessionist apologists have ignored to speak out against the actions of these people, let alone condemn them. Trying to silence those who are speaking out against the ill conceived actions of the secessionists can only be seen a prelude for the totalitarian nightmare that awaits the people of the North West were we to follow these mercenaries along the path to self destruction. A question for the pro-secessionists is, if the division of the Somali people can not be defended in this market place of ideas how can this division ever defend it in a real battlefield? Ignoring the truth and burying your head in the sand has never solved anything. The fact that the secessionists have been ignored for the past 15 years has made them grow bolder. It is time that we take this problem head on.
  20. Thanks for deteling those remarks silly remarks!!!!. Ayoub I asked you a straight forward question. Please answer the question, the childish remarks in your post are uncalled for. I know you can do better then this. If you have anything to say to defend these people who are so willing to jeopardize Islam’s holiest places, then tell me or present your case to our fellow SOL readers. If their actions are inexcusable then condemn them. Don’t come here and try to call me names or throw false accusations at me just because I just pointed out the obvious. Do understand that there are views out there that are different then yours, so please formulate your thoughts well in your next reply and refrain from silly remarks.
  21. Gediid please read the posts and the other articles that have posted with this topic, before you jump the gun.
  22. Gediid the wadaads can liberate all Somali territories according to me. Aways telling the Ethio's to handover Western Somalia was a great moment, the first Somali leader in ages to be that brave. If the wadaads are planning to UNITE all of Somalia. Then why not support them. They are as Somali as any other faction, plus they seem like an attractive option. -United country -Unitary system -Anti-corruption -They would also resist Ethiopian meddling in our affairs -Pro-business -And ruthless when it comes to law enforcement Well the wadaads are not a bad option and they would be a more attractive option if they mixed some more nationalism with that Islamism. And them showing a more diverse face in their leadership would appeal to all Somali groups. I am waiting for their grand plan for Somalia.
  23. As I said in my previous post being a Northerner does make one pro-secession. There are many people in the North who are pro-unity. There is a small group of politicians that are trying to hijack the people of the North and I do not agree with them. I am proud to be a Northerner, I am proud to be a Hargeysawi and I am a proud Somali. The old days of clan loyalties are over, so please give patriotism a chance brother. Secondly if this letter is phoney why are there pro-secessionist ‘intellects’ and some SOL members advocating for these pro-Zionist and anti-Islamic activities. Why are you not condemning those who are in favour of renting Berbera military base to Israel? Come out against those people because silence consent.
  24. NSPU: We call upon our brothers and sisters in the Northwest of our country to forgo secession and to join hands with us in order to ensure that the federal structure which has been adopted will mean genuine devolution so that we will all be masters of our homes. We should channel our energies and resources towards building a peaceful, prosperous and united Somalia. Long may our unity live! I agree with it 100%, except that federal part. Somalia doesn't need a federal system that would recognize these clan divisions, clans should not be rewarded for the mess they created. The clan system is obsolete and should be abolished not repackaged under the disguise of federalism.