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  1. Ma ahaan kartaa in aqoonyahanadan qabyaalad aynan u shaqaynahayne ay u shaqaynayaan wadaninimo? Taas horta ma is weydiiyay qoraagu? Qooragu ma fahmayo in ay aduunyadan ay ku nool yihiin dad wadankooda jacel ogna dhibaatada qabyaalada.
  2. Rahima, stop hating on a whole nation, it makes you look worse then you are Come on look, you don't catch a fly with vinegar so stop being so sour and acidic! Give loving Somalis a chance, this hate thing is not working for you I see (although its satisfying)
  3. me


    HAHAHAHA@NAXAR Xudun iigagama sheekaynaysid aniga. Umana baahni in aan ku raaco labadayda cagood ayaan ku gaadjayaa. Darwiish dhab ah hadii aad rabtid in aad aragtidna waad la hadlaysaa. Marka qab qable qabyaaladaad wadid meesha ka jooji. Magaca Nugaal ayaad ceebayneesaaye. Kala saar ICU iyo Danta guud een ummada Soomaaliyeed. Anigu ICU lama jiro fikrad ahaan, qabiilna kuma nacayo. Soomaalida oo dhani waa qabiilo. Adba qabiil baad ka dhalatay, ma in wax walba oo aad samaysid qabiil loo arko ayaad rabtaa? mise in loo arko wixii fiican wax fiican wixii xun'na wax xun? Anigu Soomaalinimo ayaan la jiraa, Soomaalinimadii ay daraawiishtu u halgantay. Soomaalinimadii boqolaal kun oo Soomaali ahi ay u dhinteen. Marka cudurkan qabyaalada ah iska saar, ee garo waxaad u dagaalamaysid. Danta guud een Dadka Soomaaliyeed u dagaalan intii aad ka soo horjeedi lahayd.
  4. Naxar has got Nugaal in his name by a mistake and Naxar you are either a traitor or a sick clannist you pick. I asked you questions and you still havent answered. So answer those questions Stop dodging them.
  5. Ideology: Somalism All Somalis are equal and have equal rights, Somalia is indivisible and that Islam is the religion of the Somalis. The homeland of the Somali Nation is the Horn of Africa. Somalism supports the reunification of all the territories inhabited by the Somali people in the Horn of Africa. The flag of the Somali Nation is azure blue with five angled star. The loyalty of the Somali should be with the Somali Nation. The Somali language, culture and heritage are unique and they should be protected from all foreign influences. The main points on which we need to agree on: 1. Equal rights for all human beings in Somalia. We are all equal no man or clan should ever dominate another. 2. Islam is the religion of the Somalis 3. Somali is the first language in Somalia 4. The common interest of the Somali people and of Somalia outweighs everything else. 5. The Somali flag is azure blue with a white star in the middle 6. Somalia is indivisible 7. The lost Somali territories should be reclaimed by any means possible 8. Minimal interference of the state into the daily life of the people 9. All laws should be derived from Somali customs and our Islam 10. The state should encourage business In my opinion the power of the clans should be limited since we can not destroy it today. I believe that we can limit their power by incorporating them into the political process. 1. All clans should be recognized by the state 2. The council of the clans should be formed 3. This council has 30 members, chosen from the traditional leadership of the clans such as the islaans, ugaas, suldaans, boqors, garaads. 4. Only the recognized clan leaderships with the longest genealogy can claim a seat in this council. 5. This group will be the official mouth piece of the clans and no one else can claim to be the leader of the clan or to be speaking in the name of the clan. However the power of the clan leaders is limited to being the mouth piece of their respective clans and approving the laws of the land. The clan leaders will have no power over a territory and there will be no clan territories. All the territories of the land should fall under the old 18 provinces of the country and their governors should be elected by the general public. The country should have a representative democracy. To ensure that all the people in country have a say in their government each party should at least get 10% of the vote in each province. This will surely limit clan politics.
  6. me


    Laugh away You know the truth, Xudun ha lagugu arko adoo sidan u hadlaya.
  7. me


    Hahahahha@Naxar. The BIG PICTURE,the BIG PICTURE Xudun ha lagugu arko adoo sidan u haldaya, waa lagu gowaracayaa. Gaalo raac.
  8. I asked you something Naxar, so answer it and you don't have any answers just say so.
  9. me


    Waan arkaa in af soomaaliga iyo af ingriisku labadaba in ay kugu adag yihiin. Naxar, ICU'da waad ka soo horjeedi kartaa, fikrado kalena waad la socon kartaa adoon Soomaalinimada dhibaato u gaysan, waan arkaain maskaxdaadu taas in ayn ku usi karin. Anigu ICU'da lama jiro, laakiinse maanta, walaalahay Soomaaliyeed waan la safanayaa. Maanta looma baahna in la kala istaago, waa in aan isku duubnaanaa cadawgan hadii aan rabno in aan jabino. Qof walba oo Soomaali ah oo maskax leh wuu arkaa taas. Maalinta aan cadawgan jabino ayaan anagu xisaabtamdoonaa, ilaa maalintaas laga gaadhoyana waan la safnaanayaa ICU'da. Soomaali iyo Xabash kala dooro hadii la yidhaahdo mar walba dhanka Soomaalida ayaan dooranayaa.
  10. Naxar naac naacda meel kale la tag. You do not care about Somalia; the Somalis not even a clan. You are just a poor soul seeking attention. If you say you think that the Daraawiish were noble and that your ancestor were Daraawiish, why is it that you are betraying their legacy? Why is it that you are so willing to serve the enemy that they have fought against? Why is it that you are so are so willing to deny their victories? Just like you did earlier in this tread? You are full of hot air. I am not your brother so never claim to be a brother of mine. My brothers are true Somalis not traitors. Nugaal iyo Hawdba Daraawiisheedu diyaar bey u yihiin cadawkasta oo umada Soomaaliyeed dhibaato la raba. Why don't you emulate the heroics of the Daraawiish and stand for their ideals instead of betraying everything that they stand for.
  11. me


    Naxar adigu maad dantaada garatid intaad dhabadhilifnimo wadid.
  12. Naxar make the distinction between the ICU and the common Somali interest. One can disagree with the ICU and at the same time be a Somali patriot. You have chosen to be a traitor and a collaborator with the enemy of Somalia and you still claim to be a Darwiish. No self respecting Darwiish would ever fight against the common interest of the Somali people. The Daraawiish were the ones who have shown their bravery in the battlefield of Somalia and who have struggled for the Somali honour and for Somali liberty. The Daraawiish were and are Somali nationalists while you are a traitor of everything they stand for. The biggest attacks that the Daraawiish mounted were against the xabash because they considered them our worst enemy even worse then the colonials.
  13. The irony is the Naxar is claiming to be a Darwiish. if they only knew, wey qowrici lahayeen.
  14. Naxar now I would like to ask you to show me one war that the xabash have ever won against the Somalis
  15. Futuh Al-Habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia - Sihab ad-Din Ahmad The USSR in Third World Conflicts: Soviet Arms and Diplomacy in Local Wars 1945-1980 By Bruce D. Porter Read these two books Naxar. Then you might understand the history of the Somalis and the xabash. Secondly I have historical knowledge, its only recently that we see historical revisionism from the xabashis side, trying to claim victory in the O-gaden war. The Ethiopian army was decimated, isorientated and totally destroyed. Somalia fought Russians, Cubans, East Germans, Yemeni’s and Israelis. Please lie to me and tell me that we did not fight all those nations. Lie to me and tell me that the Ethiopian army was not defeated by the Somali army.
  16. Naxar, I gave you a list of wars that the Somalis have won against the Xabash, if you have any brains you will investigate it. Do you want me to recommend some books?
  17. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: Somalis has never one a single war against ethiopia for your informationo or dadka ay itobiya kaga degtey. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: lx, forget wikipedia, tell me one war we somalis have wan. How can you debate with someone who can’t even spell WON.
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: it makes no difference to me wither I am Somali, Xabash, oromo or canfari, but why don't you step out of the dark ages. with that mentality, your people wll continue to be in that sorry state while you get fat off of western aid. Naxar back your claims up with evidence not with. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: me, came oooooooooooooon, are u serous? Back it up!
  19. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: Somalis has never one a single war against ethiopia for your informationo or dadka ay itobiya kaga degtey. Naxar. The conquest of Abyssinia by Axmed Guray, were they no Somalis? The Sayd and the Daraawiish against the Xabash. 1964 under General Dauud The 1977 war We never won huh? ïŠ lol We always win, it’s always some other country bailing you xabashis out. This time no one will bail you out, because your sponsors are busy somewhere else.
  20. Naxar let me entertain you. Why don't you tell me and 'my people' how we are in the dark ages and please explain this western aid that you are talking about?
  21. Ethiopia is worse, millions of Somalis will be killed. Naxar, your are a xabash,you are not Somali and if you are you should be hanged high just like all other traitors.
  22. me


    Alle Ubaahane, starting a religious war is in no ones benefit. We have been fighting religious wars for a thousand year. We need to learn how to live together. This coexistence will never happen if there is no justice. All the people of the horn should get the chnace to choose their own destiny and practice their religion without any interference. Religious intolerance from Christians in Ethiopia directed at the Ethiopian Muslims is the root cause of all these wars. All men are created equal by god and no man should oppress another. All forms of oppression should be fought against If you ever want to fight a war, your goals should be clear. This war is not about destroying Ethiopian Christianity; this war is about justice for the people of the Horn. This war is for the justice of al the oppressed peoples. It is for justice n Somalia, Justice in Somalia Galbeed, justice for Oromia, Justice for the Afar and all the other oppressed people of the Horn. Without justice there will never be peace.
  23. me


    Oromia, this is not about religion. This is about justice and peace for all the people of the Horn. Christians, Muslims and all other religions can coexist in the horn, if there is justice for all.