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Posts posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. Indeed a great decade. Though 2010s will be crucially as important for me inshallah as the 2000s were important for you.


    Sometimes, I forget that DD is actually a human being. He is too busy being serious, but lately the man has become more human sharing important facets of his life with us.


    Saxiboow, I pray you live to see many more good years.

  2. Its my Birthday on the 17.12.2009, can someone please post a thread dedicated to me on that special day please. I am not really too fussed about who creates the thread but it would be nice to receive a few nice messages and well wishes for a special day.


    If anyone shares the same birthday, maybe we can have a joint-birthday thread.


    Cheers Guys,


    Your the best!

  3. Edeb?


    Saxiboow SOL ladies are practically all in love with me. and I love them back. Actually I might dedicate a few more songs to my SOLers Ladies!


    For ladies, sick and tired of their men cheating on them....


    For ladies who are in love and feeling that jacyl sensation when they wake up first thing in the morning....


    For those ladies who have received a nikah worth more than £5000 and looking to tie the knot next summer under a marquee..... Lets Get Married - Jagged Edge


    For those would have received a nikah less than they demanded but are still happy to have a normal somali wedding with the all the basics including cream custards and coke cola from lidl, dont worry I am sure your fiance love you...

  4. Sounds wonderful JB! Its a shame Berbera has become a ghost town. The indigenous people of Berbera have all but moved out but at least the Eastern Somalilanders have come and filled all the sector shortages including crucial jobs in the Berbera Docks and construction.


    I love Berbera City.

  5. The reason why many Somalis don’t consider themselves black is due to cultural and religious difference. Most attempts to classify Somali fails to take in account their distinct position as the interface of different cultures. The closest monitoring category – Black African, is too broad, when subsumed within this category, Somalis do not share any culture, language or religious practices with their fellow Black Africans. As Muslims, Somalis worship along side their co-religionist from Asian and Arab countries, but just as they diverge from Black Africans, Somalis do not share other aspects of culture, language or dress with their co-religionist. Somalis are thus a unique demographic community (UDC). They are niether african or Arab.


    I am African and very proud, however when I see fellow African people showing clear contempt for Somali people, it makes me think twice about Africans and their xenophobic attitude towards their own kind (I say this with caution, by African, I mean Geographically).Even in South Africa, Somalis businesses are attacked and destroyed since the black South Africans don’t consider Somalis to be African.


    The terms 'African' and 'Black' should not be used interchangeable, since they have different meanings.

  6. That was fairly straight forward. Citizenship should be about being a responsible member of society, not learning English history (Not even welsh, sottish or even Irish history.) This distorts what being a good citizen is all about. And anyway, how many indigenous English people would know the answers to these cultural bias and gender-specific and patriarchal questions. The UK govt is at a complete lost on this discriminating policy.

  7. Originally posted by Khayr:

    So I just replied with "here is my address......." and lucky for him, he will be contacting the fraud office, to complete his transaction.

    This is the kind of thing Ian Hislop would say!

  8. Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis:

    Mentality of Koofur peaple is somewhat Conflict-oriented mentality or not-optimistic mentality with large population from different tribes having different inner cultures while Putland and
    Somaliland Population mentality seem optimistic with less population fall in same tribe with almost same custom.

    The people of Sool and Sanag and Awdal and the so-ineptly named triangle of love by certain irredentist SOLers here, all share land, marriage lineage, cultural heritage, tradition, common customs, history, similar dialects, folkloric dances, upbringing, educational system and a colonial system. With the people of reer bari and konforian they share a common clan lineage. For many people, clan is a not a defining feature of their identity. It’s a contributing factor. Identity is constructed; it’s not biological.


    Somaliland is built on interest and people working together to build peace and a sustainable futures together. It cant be thus compared to Puntland, which a tribal entity. YY, instead of stating unreasonable and illogical ideas, embrace the eventual and inevitable fragmentation of the Somali Peninsula, or what is left of it.

  9. 14561_195434774249_675814249_2887337_150


    Nomad International and Somaliland Public Affairs Committee (SPAC) in collaboration with the London Somali Youth Forum proudly present a Conference about Somaliland's Higher Education.


    This event is to welcome the Vice-chancellors of Somaliland universities who are coming to visit the UK and to learn about the progress as well as the needs and challenges of Somaliland’s higher education. It is also an occasion to discuss and have a lively debate about the role of education in developing and building the Somaliland nation.


    This event is one of series of events and meetings the Somaliland Vice-chancellors will attend to engage British Universities and Higher Education Sector to develop and build working partners with them and Somaliland Diaspora.


    Key Guests Include:


    President/Vice- chancellor of Amoud University: Professor Suleiman Ahmed Gulaid. Professor Gulaid studied in Michigan University graduating Master Degree in Psychology and he taught in Somali University before the civil war. He is the founder of Amoud University which is the first University established in Somaliland in 1996.



    Vice-chancellor Burao University: Dr Abdisalam Yassin Mohamed

    Dr Mohamed did his PhD from School of Oriental Studies of London University and he lectured in Saudi Arabian Universities for many years. For the last four years he has been the Vice-Chancellor of Burao University which was established in 2002.


    Vice-Chancellor of Hargeisa University: Dr Hussein Bulhan

    Dr Bulhan did his PhD in American Harvard University and he lectured in many USA Universities including Harvard University, Boston University and Wesleyan University. For the last two years he has ben the Vice-chancellor of Hargeisa University which was established in 1998


    President/Vice- Chancellor of Gollis University: Dr Saeed Ahmed Hassan

    Dr Hassan did his PhD in Toronto University and he is founder and President of Gollis University which was established in 2005.


    Please do your utmost to attend this very crucial event.SPAC is reconstructing its executive committee. Drop me an email if you would like to work with us.!



  10. No. I actually woke up 7.10am this morning after snoozing the alarm several times. I left my house at 7.50 after buying my weekly discounted oyster card for £11.60 from the turkish newsagents. Arrived in Uni at 8.50 before have a having a two hour lecture on marriage solemisation.


    So i didnt wake up now. NG.