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Posts posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. Indeed, a positive for Somaliland second biggest city and the major hub for Eastern Somaliland. Burco has taken major steps toward development and this is largely the result of the resolve and hard working of its people. Hambalyo! viva Burco and Somaliland.

  2. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^I agree both men, should be executed in public. Kooro, adeer I don’t care if they came from Mars, what’s important is that no one should get away with shooting anyone least of all a legislator in the city of Bossaso.

    The people of Puntland should follow due process and execute justice accordingly. The people of Puntland are better than to take draconian measures. I am sure justice will prevail.

  3. Originally posted by Resistance:

    Perharps someone aught to inform you that the top three ranks in Al-Shabaab are filled by indivuals that hail from Somaliland and yet U never a southerner blame Somaliland for exporting extremism, also that foot soldeirs of Al-Shabaab etc hail from all over Somalia and no one tribe dominates.

    These people are not Somalilanders. They are extremist intent on delibrately interpeting the Quran to suit their extremist ideology. Many people have seemed to have confused that being a Somalilander means belong to a particular groups or clan. Somaliland is a political construct, it was arrived at after a point of consensus was agreed upon by its diverse poplace. Anyone can become a Somalilander so long as they have respect for the rule of law and want to live in peace. You just have to see major urban centres in Somaliland to realise this.

  4. Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

    Walee qabiil will never die down; it merely wears different clothes. Progressive or not, qabiiliste will always be qabiiliste. Somali people are to blame for the precise reason you think Somaliland isnt to blame. Maybe your 2010 resolution should be " See beyond my qabiil"?

    The above digression is lacking both objectivity and historical facts. For that reason, I will not reply back to it. It lacks focus and has tribal overtones.

  5. Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

    people have been getting high on it in NW Somalia longer then any other Somali region. It was something that was once only used by Somali's from NW of Somalia.

    You say this with a sense of authority! Has any research actually been done on this?


    Also... ''Regardless, the admin and people have spoken out against Terrorism, Piracy, Human Trafficking.'' What admin is that? If you are talking about the Faroole regime, has it not conspired with pirates, make a profit from human trafficking. Isnt the puntland government actually encouraging human trafficking in Bossaso? Perhaps they should also realise and maybe do something about the high level of prostitition and rampant rates of HIV/AIDS in puntland especially in major towns.

  6. Originally posted by Cowke:

    It is quite an interesting observation you make. But simply uniting 1 clan is not very hard task. That is pretty much all somaliland did and you know it and i know it and more importantly the international community knows it.

    When they called you the King, It certainly wasn't through hadal dux lahayn! but perhaps the delusional that runs through the mind of a tiny elite in puntland who have a monopoly on power. Cowke, despite your claim that its easy to unite a clan. Somaliland is not based on a clan-entity unlike Puntland and yet we have managed to have peace and prosperity even with our diversity.



    Originally posted by Cowke:

    As for your reference to eastern somalis. They never took part of any war in somalia. The only time we fought is in 92 With Al-Itihaad extremist in Bossaso. Galkacyo War in 93. And 2002 abdullahi vs cade muse internal political war. All of which was quickly resolved.

    You failed to mention the recent skirmishes in Galkacyo and instability that rocked Puntland.



    Originally posted by Cowke:

    But more importantely it is noteworthy to note that the international community now knows that separation doesn't mean development and peace because Puntland can develop as proven over the civil war era and still remain firmly apart of Somalia.

    Development must have a different meaning in your mind compare to its usually definition of establish and achieving progress, if you chose to deny the development and prosperity that has been established in Somaliland. The very fact that you can even compare a tribal-entity fraught with violence and instability with Somaliland doesn't surprise me but this is something that is ingrained in the minds of Puntlanders who harbour deep resentment towards Somaliland and its development.

  7. Since the mid noughties, media coverage of Somalis both of those in the Somali peninsula and Somalis in the diaspora has greatly increased, albeit adversely negative. Most of this coverage in most circumstance stems largely from certain types of Somalis. These people have reduced what was once a great nation to rubble's and only understand lawlessness, extremism and criminality.


    Some of the issues that Somalis have become known for:


    International Terrorism


    Human trafficking




    Tribal warfare

    Barbarism and Extremist ideology


    I don't ever recall Somalilanders ever being responsible for any of this. In fact we have been victim of terrorism and have been inflicted by many of these externalities that seems to originate from Southern and Eastern Somalis. While these people having been busy destroying their country, Somalilanders have done nothing but go from strength to strength contributing to somali culture, literature and living in peace and prosperity. When you look back at history, there are only certain type of Somalis who have reduced the notion of 'Somaliness' to nothing and have tarnished the reputation of Somalis collectively. I dont blame people like PeaceNow and other self-haters for hating Somalis.

  8. This is a seldom discussed topic and one where I am more than happy to say my opinion on.


    I think Somalis in London are good people compared to the niggerised Somalis in North America. I have seen and are friends with many Somalis from both America and Canada and they strike me as morally bankrupt and pretentious. They think they are 'cool' but this is contested terms and has no clear definition. You can find most Somali atlanticist from the US and the British colony of Canada in Leicester square on a Friday night or weekends sippin on a bottle of Jack Daniels or High Commissioner. Akhas. Many of them use thier 'coolness' to lure innocent UK girls into thinking they are 'cool' but many of these somalis atlanticist have no game and I have on a number of occasions scopped many girls infront of their own eyes.


    These people are not cool. They are morally bankrupt and only understand violence and living in the ghetto. I have never come across an intelligent Somali atlanticist, even the ones on SOL seem to me to be in need of civilising.


    I dont mind Canadian-Somali girls though. I like the way they talk and say 'baby' at the end of every sentence.

  9. Originally posted by Laba-X:

    This paradigm shift is in full swing, so it wouldn’t make sense to simply deny the existence or progress of the Islamic movements as well as their full domination of the Southern regions. Acknowledge the facts and employ sound reason.

    No Islamic leader could ever claim to have found the 'truth', through his own effort of interpretion. Thus, striving for truth at the highest level of Islamic understanding becomes ultimately unachievable ideal. Shabab leaders as individuals can view themselves only as interpreter of the divine will, never as automanous law-makers, since they themselves remain a falliable tool, a socially conditioned element of human intrepetion of the divine will.

  10. In West Mogadishu born and raised, in the mud house where I spent most of days.


    Chilling out, relaxing and eating some bataato, chatting to mataano while drinking of some caano.


    When a couple of shabab who were up to no good started making dhibaato in my neighbourhood.


    They made a right old mess and Hooyo got scared. she said 'Your moving to your adeer in Berbera instead.


    So I whistled for a taksii, it came the next day, told him where to go and I weren't going to pay.


    I knew I smelt something, it was the siliid in his hair if anything but I though ''goobilow gobile''!


    I pulled up to a house about one or two, got out of the taksii and stepped on a skinny dude. Looking at my Kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my Kursi and breathe sweet Berbera air.




    I love Berbera City. ;)

  11. The world, will no doubt be watching the outcome of the South Sudan referendum in 2011, which many analyst predict will redraw the borders set by the colonial powers and open a Pandora box of nations seeking self-determination, which Somaliland is surely primary candidate. The African Union has for a long time now been worried about re-drawing arbitrary borders set up the colonial powers. South Sudan referendum will open up the flood gates and Somalilanders will at least have the opportunity to have their voice heard.

  12. Originally posted by *Faheema:

    Community Service

    I think I have done my fair share of community service.



    I always wanted to become an an architect. In fact. For me its about functionality, simplicity and modernity. I am a big of fan of the German design movement Bauhaus.




    This is relative. This question has no answer.




    A beautiful wife, and 2 kids.








    I am in good shape. I'll start to worry when I am on the wrong side of 30.



    Hobbies and Recreation

    I have plenty of these.