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Posts posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:



    Which populace? Because you think on clan lines as evidenced by your earlier allusions about which business I should mind, let me ask you: is it the Awadal populace? the Sool and Sanaag populace? the Triangle populace? And what is the use of quoting refrendums which are not recongnised by anyone oustide those who organised it? Is it not the same as a student writing an exam and marking it as well?

    You have indeed made a pertinent comment regarding who the populace of Somaliland is. Somaliland, unlike the rest of the Somali peninsula is based on self-interest and the joint development of its people, working together to achieve a violable and sustainable future.


    It is quite obvious from your wishful thinking who is into clannish dogmas AT&T. It’s somewhat foolish to think in irredentist tendencies in these interest based political times we live in. If you’re talking about the Sool and Sanag, these regions are under the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somaliland. Look at map. The people of Sool and Sanag have accepted the mandate of the Somaliland government, as affirmed in the 2001 Somaliland Constitutional Act. While some of the people of Sool and Sanag are of different clans to the bastion of Somaliland diverse population, it shows lacking of understanding on your part that Sool and Sanag should be annexed to Somalia on the grounds of their inhabitant’s common clan membership with other reer bari and konforians. I reiterate yet again that Somaliland is based on interest not irredentist clannish dogmas


    The people of Sool and Sanag and Awdal and the so-ineptly named triangle of love by certain irredentist SOLers here, all share land, marriage lineage, cultural heritage, tradition, common customs, history, similar dialects, folkloric dances, upbringing, educational system and a colonial system. With the people of reer bari and konforian they share a common clan lineage. It just so happens that these same people are have more in common with the people of Somaliland. For many people, clan is a not a defining feature of their identity. It’s a contributing factor.


    Identity is constructed; it’s not biological so please spare the using historical irredentist overtones to justify these regions annexation from Somaliland.


    As for the constitutional acts being recognised, I think you need to appreciate a plurality-conscious legal framework. Its seems your a positivist in your legal approaches. The post-modern world we live has rendered this philosophical mindset redundant. Again this clashes with the realist school of thought paradigm. Something on previous admission you seem to have no grasp off.


    Cheers AT&T. I am out for today.

  2. 97.1% of Somalilanders support the recognition of Somaliland as confirmed in the 2001 Somaliland Constitutional Referendum. The referendum affirmed Somaliland's independence from Somalia as a separate state. Ama diida, ama dhilac, Somaliland is an independent, Sovereign and functioning nation and has jurisdiction over its territory.


    Many of anti-Somaliland groups do not follow the realist school of thought but are living in a hypothetical discontinuity, where there there is an imagined distortion of the progress of time in their thinking so that, for instance, events from the past seem to be happening in the present.

  3. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    A Gorilla can not survive in Somaliland. There is not enough rain to sustain it and the trees it relies on. This mystery 'animal' is more likely to be a Yeti.

    Are you comparing the Yeti and Somaliland here NG, because there are stark contrasts, despite peoples opinions.

  4. Speaking of honesty AT&T, your a man whose people are in limbo. I think you have exhausted yourself championing anti-Somaliland rhetoric.


    Somaliland needs to look West and forge alliance with those with tangiable power. IGAD, AU, Arab League are all in my opinion a waste of time.

  5. ^^

    No one is getting emotional eedo Malika. Like I said in the previous post to CL, where is the question? did you actually read what I wrote or are you adding more fire to this already burnt discussion. All my threads about Somalis are about a behavioural defect - things that can be easily fixed. CL is attacking the very essence of what we stand for.



    Originally posted by Norfsky:

    Cynical or not, these are valid questions which you’re avoiding answering.


    Are these organisations actually effective? What is being done? Who is chasing things up with the families involved with the aim of putting the true story out there or even limiting the damage caused to the community?


    Let me guess, you don’t know.


    Apologies if I'm being harsh but the truth needs to be said at times. These Somali organisations and societies have proven to be toothless to date.

    Norf, This is not my question to answer. I am not claiming to represent the Somali Community. I am doing my own personal bit in my capacity. I don't don't represent any community group but a particular interest.


    This short documentary offers a unique and intimate perspective into the thoughts of a Moroccan imam and his wife as they discuss their romance. They describe their thoughts about how to build a deep, trusting, and enduring relationship in this film that shows the specific ways the Islamic faith relates to the universal concepts of love and respect.

  7. CL, you level of sarcasm is shocking marka hore. Besides that, your developing a habit of making unhelpful remark. Just because you grew up in the shanty towns of Arusha or Darsalam away from any 'real' Somali in your presence doesn't entitle you to have a dig at the somalis every given opportunity.


    ''P.s mistaking valid questions/comments with attacks highlights your age''. kulaaha!!!



    Originally posted by cynical lady:



    A pity that our name and honour are being dragged in the street


    For a supposedly educated community, no one has written to the papers and made complaints of this negative portrayal of our community


    We are now a settled community


    People are still convinced Somalis are refugees and asylum seekers.


    the truth of Somalis as hard working and part of British society as been deplorable



    is that a valid question or is the big fat LOL even a question?



    You didn't pose any questions but was attempting to ridicule what I had to say on the matter. In future, instead of seeking my attention, please refrain from writing unhelpful and inappropriate remarks. Do yourself a favour and channel your energies elsewhere.


    Originally posted by Norfsky:

    Waar heedhe, CL made a valid point. Since you've been involved with numerous Somali organisations (that say they represent Somalis) and actually chair one or two where is the coordinated response? Or are you waiting for govnt funding? :D


    What a cynical remark. What did you expect me to say?


    This is a very interesting short contemporary French short film about single people and finding true love in this world. It was set in the underground railway transport system in France, giving an urban atmosphere, which influences the mood of the film. The soundtrack also lent a sad, longing feeling to the rest of the film.


    Please write your reaction at the ending!


    More short films coming up. Please share some short films.

  9. Originally posted by cynical lady:



    A pity that our name and honour are being dragged in the street


    For a supposedly educated community, no one has written to the papers and made complaints of this negative portrayal of our community


    We are now a settled community


    People are still convinced Somalis are refugees and asylum seekers.


    the truth of Somalis as hard working and part of British society as been deplorable



    Can you share the joke please? Its often people like you, with no sense of self who are responsible for these attack on the somali community.


    BTW, many kenyan's are claiming aslyum as somalis these days, are you actually of somali origins CL?

  10. excuse me? Baal noo sheeg if you learnt English in a private boarding school in middle England, while your parents sipped cognac or in an inner city london,slums of Jo'Burg or Eastleigh, hoods of ohio and Minneapolis or the ghettos of Toronto, while your parents lived on welfare and benefits and struggled to make ends meet!