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Posts posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. Burco is a great city! It was one of the major cities in Somaliland that was destroyed by the Siyad Barre regime. Today its development is testimony to the hard work and determination of Somalilanders.

  2. Burco is getting bigger! Hopefully it will become a centre of commerce, trade and culture of Eastern Somaliland.


    On another point, there appears to be an uneven development between the two sides of Burco, we need to make bridges to overcome these uneven development lol.

  3. Its not working. The football games will finish and the punties need a better plan to annex these regions on the basis that they share a common clan membership with the inhabitants of Sool and Saanag!


    Somaliland, I reiterate yet again is built on its people arriving at a consensus and building a prosperous and peaceful land. Any attempt to destabilise Somaliland security will be dealth with force, from encroaching punties with geo-political strategic imperatives.


    It has been noted that Somaliland Defence Force was actually keeping order in many of the football games.


    also on the somaliland bashing:


    khat abuse - its a well know fact that merfishes around the world are infested with punties and koonfurians.

  4. How can I have missed tongue in cheek warming and endearing thread dedicated to me on my birthday day.I am very humbled by this warm gesture of friendship.


    Khayr, you are a legend mate. and to all those who sent me their best wishes, its all appreciated!

  5. ^^

    Sorry your too new to share my birthday thread! Happy birthday though!



    Just a quick reminder not to forget my thread people. It is my birthday after all. Its the least anyone can do.




    Tomorrow morning, I want to wake up with a thread dedicated to me please.


    Cheers Guys,


    Your the best!

  6. These beauty pageants assess a woman's overall capabilities. From the physical appearance to questions relating to world peace or in this case Arab unity. In a part of the world, where women seldom have rights and mediums of expression. These contests are not based on material possessions, how rich a country is or the history, military power, cultural influence or any other characteristic that is used usually as a marker of difference between countries. It gives the likes of Palestine and the representative from the Somali peninsula the opportunity to stand side by side with regional powers likes Egypt and Saudi Arabia.


    It is a meritocratic competition!

  7. Oh please IBZ! lets not moralise the issue here. If you got it, flaunt it! so maha!


    Do you not design clothes for muslim women and let them parade it. Inst that a little inconsistent?? In fact, I am sure Ms. Somalia is wearing one of your designs!

  8. The father seeks out the bully: the son is an instigator and writes the commentary.


    NG is nothing like his father! :D


    On the fight itself. let them all perish. They are all the same to me. Though AT&T is better man than Xiin.

  9. Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

    ^All the Somali regions above Hiiraan have little or no diversity ( saying budh or bud is not diversity) but the regions below Hiiraan are diverse linguistically (Af-maxaatiri, Af-may, Af Barawaani,Garre), and culturally (ethnic Somalis, Somali bantus, Somali cad cad, Somali Aboow etc).


    I doubt there's any difference between Las Qorey, Hargeysa, Galkayo, or Dhuusa Mareeb except some are louder than others

    Fair comment Che. However I was refering to difference in terms of understanding that each individual Somalilander is unique based on their sense of identity and how they define this. Somaliland is a political construct, based on different people sharing ideas and coming to a consensus to establish peace and prosperity.


    These difference can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. In Somaliland we have diversity along the lines of the defintion above.


    People are different and we should make carefully considerations to accommodate these difference. Having said that, Somalilanders, despite their diversity also share many things including marriage lineage, cultural heritage, tradition, common customs, history, similar dialects, folkloric dances, upbringing, educational system and a colonial system.