Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. All those beautiful Somali divas out there without "Hijab" are everything but ugly and not all men who see them are giving them that look or getting wild errections. Yet it is the reversed psycology that works for the ones that wear "Hijab". Target group beeing those " She is (wadad), i`ll marry her" type of guyz. Hijab classes psycologically a girl into the " I´ll give you kids" mentality group. ( this is according to a somali sociologist freind of mine) I for one admire a God fearing ,Jeans wearing,working ,highly aiming and bed rocking Somali diva.
  2. Originally posted by Zephyrine: ^ No change there then. ....... That's a lie and you know it. Just shaving your moustache takes that long. takes only two secondz It is doing this that keeps her come late
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Not even 24hours and they leave by themselves, Abti ... How many hours are allowed to call it Chaos?
  4. Two things that are bad about Hijab!! 1: Since it is about the body of a girl/woman, hiding it implies a conviction against boyz/men. it says .. you animal thing , if you see this you´ll want it so bad you may treat me bad . A crime men used to commit in the Hunter/Collector ages. 2:In today´s modern Islam ,The arabic culture and the religion Islam are seperated . Hijab breaks with that seperation.
  5. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Suldaanka sxb to be honest, I am exteremely ignorant (for the most part) on the happenings of that part of the Somali peninsula, so thanks for starting this thread. Is it so hard to say Somaliland? come on SOL politician ..say it after me .. S.O.M.A.L.I.L.A.N.D
  6. Daily assasinations in Bosasso,North Galcaio and Garowe. The under/never paid miltias of Puntland are in th vergue of taking over those towns .
  7. Back in the dayz of IRC , i actually knew a female freind by the nick "SKY" .
  8. So NOT beeing acquainted to Mr Lexy paid off Since i´m not on the boat(heaven knows what i´d do if i was ), somebody Save 7of9 for me.
  9. As the man said "So much for National Army" Now , was it one third or quarter of Puntland´s militia that are in FERFER? I guess Yey will be in Mohamed Dhere´s custody for looooooooooong time to come, so much for a strategy, so much for a vission
  10. ehem ehem ..... No matter what colorful,hot piece of clothing a chick puts on , it is destined to the EYE of a steaming hunk whose target is to rip it off. Any piece that doesn´t fulfill that need no matter what fashion house it comes from is a lost piece.
  11. Well .. it depends on how she formulates it 1: Honey, will you marry me? 2: Honey, shall we get married? : D seriously though ..... If a guy waits so long to purpose that the girl has to do it, there is something WRONG .
  12. OG_MOTTI... This is more like it !! I can smell the Oscar already, not to mention the cash Box office It was fun working with Ina Libanow and Ina Kronto, but i missed Foxy Brown. Maybe the way am holding the helemt says it all.
  13. MOTTIIIIIIIIIII ... Ina Haji Aftag is 1 Layer too much . where is gonna be shot?
  14. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: Boring!!!! And who said the truth is always entertaining?
  15. And that wraps the whole thing !! As for the subject in hand ,case is closed .. you n NGONGE can´t take the morning TUBE together , one of you sure catchs the attention of the security guyz NGONGE used to tell me that i´d a crisma that makes ppl feel insecure, intimidated n a lil bit agitated Time for him to vissit a Hare krishna Hare rama temple for a Crisma refinement.
  16. Det är bra att ni vet vart ni har vrandra !! Bätter är det för att du fick säga vad du hade velat sagt. men Jag tycker att det är på gransen till idioti att fortsätta på det här viset.onödig personifiering av det hela Jag förstår om du är lite besviken och irriterad också , men det är väl lite att ta i att tro att han tror att du är CP. han har väl inte kallat dig CP? eller? Det är nog omöjligt att få alla att hålla med en. Den som förväntar sig standig vidhållning av andra blir nog klossalt besviken.
  17. Originally posted by Viking: This (un)fortunately says more about you than it does about me. Now i understand what Poor Ngonge is up against !! good Viking , you´re not debating a subject and making a point ,you´re debating a point just becouse it´s debateable ? Ngonge says that he stands for whatever name he called you . How come that say anything about you unless you think you´re Ngonge? Ngonge please wrap this thing n give the dog a good name
  18. Johnny B


    I didn't even use to know such thing as shia existed. really? how innocent? that ignorance of yours triggers the question of your knowledge about your religion. there are supposed to be other three doctorines than your supposedly Shafi . Why do you people put so much energy into Ali and Ali and more Ali. Ali wasn't the messenger. Ali aint gonna do u nothing. Typical non-Shiia steareotype , anyhoo ,So far so good , but .... I just can't understand. It's like Christians caring all too much about Jesus. there you crossed a line , dnt you realize .. you dnt compare a muslim brother to a christian , even if you dislike or hate thier view in Islam. Time to appologize for the sister n all the Shia muslim brothers n sisters ,, dnt u think so? First learn or Chew n chew as they .. then n ONLY then , MAKE your mind n have ur OWN bird view.
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: You’re a bit Islamic and a bit left-wing. Your arguments for linking the Iraq war to terrorism are nothing but left-wing rhetoric. They don’t follow an Islamic position (though you try to supplement it with articles such as the see-saw above). Besides, I’ve already pointed out, in boring detail, why I think you’re being duplicitous. Well said NGONGE !! When you´ve a triangle with two 90 degree angles , you know what type of triangle you´ve infront of you. This thread ,The thread about Irashad Manji and the comparission of what the coalition forces are doing in Iraq to what Al-qaida ( n like minded)has done in 9/11 n 7/7 in the name of Islam. That per se should make anyone´s equation equals to nill [n] The kind of debator you´re looking for is ONLY found in the academic circles.[/b] Somalis just like many other Muslims are practising a lofty dogmatisim , just what the church did back in the 17th century when Dawrinisim was on the march. Islam has done it b4, Islam does it better,etc etc .. wothout the matching self explanatory whys n hows is a cockamamie STANDARD i´ve very difficult to adopt. One could think as if they beleive in a competition between the WEST and ISLAM. West is not a religion , Islam is . try to explain that n you get yourself engaged in a meaningless debate where you´re precieved as the defender of the WEST, i.e ANTI-ISLAM.
  20. Originally posted by rudy: however, UFFF, will be released later this fall!! expect alotta nudity scenses by the star foxy-brown! which characterizes alot the Director Rendezvous flicks!! no surprise there!! !!!!!! If ppl only knew under what circumstances those scenes were shot... Lots of CUT & ACT by Rendezvous .. i remember getting slapped by Foxy .. but that is another story ...
  21. I coulden´t agree more NGONGE !! Time to clean our backyard , time to get rid of the less bright , underacheiver "Wadad". No matter how we turn n twist it .. they´re all Muslims n supposedly killing innocent ppl in the name of Islam. I for one take this very serious and fight with those spreading the HATE in the Mosques and community centers . DAYUM !! but then , i NEVER go these places .
  22. Ooooooooooh Foxy .. ´"ha i necin " OG_MOTTIIIIIIIIIIII ... you may as well dig ya grave now, cause in March all you Oscar statues will be stolen by RUDY... Ppl are already talking of the premmier.. for those of you intrested in seein a clip goto
  23. 44- Men and women BOTH love the same things ! WOMEN !!
  24. Johnny B

    ^^^ AHAAAA , I see ...... Since we´ve got a burning desire to live , you mean we commit suicide? I hate death , so my desire to live is unnegotiateable .