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  1. I rep the old face to face shukaansi sytle..oo jardiinka lesla tagaayo..nothing like it../
  2. 120 sano ku yeh, subxanalah. Nunooz, sheekada bargo'a maxey tahay sxb mise qalinkaa kaa murgacday lol
  3. - where you're from >>>>>> Geed Jaceyl, Warta Dhiigga, but currently in Cape Town..just for the moment. - Your sex >>>> Male. - Occupation..>>> Doing some weird business. - What you do when you think people aren't looking? >>> Waa kuuraa lolz I stare, and if get caught, who gives a damn. - Favourite music >>> I hardly listen to any kind of Music at the moment, but if any, Classic Somali is the beat. - General interests, etc >> Too many to mention in a few lines.
  4. Prinz


    Ciid wanaagsan my fellow Somali'z.
  5. Originally posted by The Zack: ^Are you and the poster implying that somehow Somalis are superior to Jamaicans? I mean, why can't a Jamaican brother be ashamed of a Somali girl? Just read your signature.
  6. We dont need more qaxooti's. Anagaa already isku badan. Get ready for repatriation.
  7. Ahahaha. We not black, we purple lolz. Had we been a little bit fairer we would have a legitimate reason to deny africanism. Lets intermarry with the nordic people.
  8. The so called Ahlu sun are messing things up.
  9. Inna lilahi wa inna ileyhi rajicun. Wa sheeko aad u naxdin badan runtii. My eyes are almost in tears already walahi, this is horrific and shocking. I was in tahriib once, walked for 120 km in the jungle and ended up in a prison for more than a month. But nothing compares to the death journey to Libya, Inta ku dhimatay ilahey ha u naxariisto. Sxb sheekada inta ka hartay so dhameystir, waadna ku mahadsan tahay walaal.
  10. Qalanjadaan qoorta dheer lahee naasuhu ka laalaadaan. Tira badana ma hangaraarac baa..lolz brilliant writing, sxb keep it up, maa axsana haadihil khuraafaat.
  11. Cuudu billah, innaba caadi maaha wuxu.
  12. Originally posted by Showqi: Nuune, Waad mahadsantahay. Laakiin fadlan liska ku dar Cudarada la dhaho: Buufis Mingis Boorame Wadaado Fadhi-kudirir Cuqdad Masayr Marqaan Sxb waxaan u maleynaaya ereyadaas badankood ineysan ku laheyn Ingriiska *equivalent* ama eyni, waxan so xusuustay erey aan hada ka hor ku arkay journaal carabi ahaa issued by a private school, they translated Fadhi-ku dirir as "xarbul majaalis" wtf lolz.
  13. Self-consciousness cudur la dhaho aya jira waana 'cuqdad nafsi'. Stress 'buuq', sow ma maqli jirin hebel wuu isku buuqay, buuqsan yahay, stress aya inta looga yaqaan qurbaha. Depression "Walaahow". Daltabyo "homesickness". Sexual-frustration? Qooq? 'Kacsi-wareer'? idinkaa layn ka rabaa cudurkaas magaciisa inad sheegtaan, waana cudur aad u xun. Shakki, wiswis, isla hadal, isku dhex yaac, maskax mirir, waallida dhaqanta, buufis, kwd magacyo haloo keeno. Teeda kale what the heck is asaasaq? Waaxay? Hebel wuu asaasaqay..!! Taas ha ley faaideeyo.