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Everything posted by Mad_Mullah

  1. Somaliland is going up while the South is going the opposite direction. Nobody can deny this/
  2. Somaliland/Puntland have been talking about building new roads since 2003. We always see the opening ceremonies but never the outcome. What gives
  3. LOL most of the Somali population speaks English? LOOOOOOOL. The parliament/gov people hardly speak correct English.
  4. Somalis love to talk. Speeches by men, women, most who have nothing to do talking with the actual project.
  5. Europe gives them good look and health.
  6. What's with all the English though? Honestly?
  7. Khaleejis treat everyone like that and then we have some Somali Malcolm X's thinking that they love everyone except Somalis
  8. I hate it when Somalis say Niiko is part of their culture or that we started twerking, like they're proud of it. Nacala-- If you want to look at real Somalis look at the north, not tainted by this.
  9. What's the percentage/ratio of light skinned (normal skinned) xalimos - everytime I watch a universal program about Xamar/Somalia I feel like I'm watching Tanzania, acuudubillah, till now I'm blaming the cameras....must be the cameras.
  10. I never understand why people bring up the arab card, Somalis as a people are more religious/conservative than most Arab countries.
  11. Reeyo;979892 wrote: Wow. That is a stunning photo. Where? Shingaani, Mogadishu.
  12. Miyir;979822 wrote: isn't alhalram run by Culuma? What's alhalram?
  13. Please no more conspiracy theories. It was Shabab as claimed by them.
  14. At least our fighters are in Jannah after being killed by Habashi orthodox Christians, yours are burning in hell for killing Muslims so that they could go back to their original state of being a tribal enclave created by the British.
  15. Saalax;979807 wrote: Greater Somaliland is more plausible than a sovereign state being called 0cadenia, sad but true. LOL - no it's not. Because that would mean first Somaliland would need to get independence and 2. which is the hardest bit, a part of another country would need to join it which is unheard of.
  16. Look at Morocco, with their economy, tourism, import/export, military etc. and they're not even close to being a power house.
  17. They are able to become Somaliland citizens because they are from the I-Tribe. Call it a power house is also laughable. A country of 3 million with no resources, no decent ports, airports, or middle class.
  18. You could say the same about the Somali army, they couldn't face Shabab by themselves so they had to get Ethiopian/Kenyan/Ugandans to do their job while they rape women in refugee camps.