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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. rounder than he is intee la geynaa bisinkee? salaam alaykum another sunny morning (sunshine is worthy of daily reporting). i went to tinseltown shalay and now feel awful! i should never have chocolate shake(the bunty). i dont like chocolate
  2. what kind of qaraami? cuud iyo joos makuu shidan yahay? waves back like islaan waalan with her garbasaar @raula
  3. To me it is, but to others is normal I am glad you are ok, who was driving?
  4. I love the fact any home you visit, you hear ' gabadha ukeena cuno'. The hospitality and the deeqsinimo what can i say i am dhuuni:)
  5. hahahahahaha ok, I already sent angry email to lily and said textka baas maxaad noogu bartay:) now she told me how and i shall send all my angry rants your way waxaad ka hesho waxba ha iga siin
  6. I do better than texting, i actually call but do i get a credit noooooooooooooooo she complains i dont text bloody cambaro
  7. Oh my lord, Ibti i think it is from the same charity, but it is not your friend, it is midkale oo chairmanka ah! I actually thought markii hore it was kii kujeclaa:) this one indhahuu iikala rogaa, last time waxan ku dhahay markaan ku kula hadlo acknowledge inaad ifahantay, he keeps saying hmmmmm hmmmm.
  8. Norf how was umrah? I have this gent from a charity that makes me solve all his little buzzles(demand letters, evictions, claims, insolvency), at the same time wuu iharuufaa and he wont even look at me when i explain things? waxa iheysa inaan dhaho pay my hourly charge next time qashinyahow. never seen qof qasab ixsaan ku samee kuleh yet does not have the decency to say mahadsanid
  9. Congratulations Wyre! Another sunny morning from london shanty! salaam alaykum
  10. Dumaal is when you marry your brother's widow!
  11. Caafimaad insha Allah
  12. 1- Make effort and keep in touch with my nearest and dearest = 2 calls and one email made sofar 2- Work contracted hours =fair 3- Stop working weekends = getting there 4- Join Gym = Success then quit after the first day 5- Travel more = somewhat 6- Go to Hajj = Working on it 7- Retire (hihi ha iga qoslin baa la igu yiri)
  13. I love cooking with dhuxul and having little babis. Ibti where is everyone? are you getting ready for the summer visitors, just dont let anyone stay in my room:)
  14. warheedhe maxaa kaa qaldan, why would you even look such fidno?
  15. Allaha caafiyo wiilka Reer North America fura gacanta balaayo gacan adage oo dollarka ku dhagane.
  16. Istaqfurullah Istaqfurullah........danbiga iska daa anyways women are not for sale! Bluhhh
  17. So basically waxad leedahay guurka dhib iyo cariiri halaga dhigo oo ninka hala xujeeyo dont you think xaaraanta iney badaneyso? and kalifka sowma diidana diinta? mise sheekadu waa aroosaa faqiir maaha
  18. ^^ bax makasee! i have had enough of waiting, safaaradaha noo kala qaad baan ku iri Of course i will accept maslaxo paid by the usual currency
  19. hahahaha@long cago islaanka waa dhibeen! this is pure kutiri-kuteen Ibti naga daa hee.........geel maxaad ku sameyn, it will spit on your face and no amount of face scrub will clean it ps: gold is trouble and you need to pay zakat on it! take cash, cash, cash
  20. Alpha, offer the oldies some shaah and few slices of cake
  21. This was my experience at flying with Jubba but that was in 2002. My recent trip i went with Turkish Airline, the only advantage was the seats were secured, air conditioned and your luggage arrived safely. I took domestic flight from mogadishu to Hargeysa and apart from cancellation and no air conditioning, the seats had seatbelt and were secured so you did not need to lean on the knees of the passenger behind! Having said that, the prayers dont stop, you feel closer to meeting your maker
  22. JB, 12 hours is nothing ee grow gar iyo shaarbo! I dont like qumayo boss ah, magac xun bey siiyaan women at large always trying to prove something Salaam alaykum dhamantiin
  23. Hello ibti, lily aaah it is full house! I wont mind Galaxy S4! i have been iphone addict for years and hardly ever do anything with it