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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. lol@malika, i really cant imagine adigoo sanka taagaya Ngonge waa lugooyo and as stoic said easy for him meeshaas bu ku dhuuntaa with only his numbers to answer for
  2. That is so nice of you to stay, i dont hear the word 'approachable' often waad iga farxisay Sanka ma taagi kartid, you will soon get ''wey kibir badan tahay tag'. kibir is time consuming
  3. hahahahahah i know stoic, sometimes i repeat that is not my field, still they insist so i end up doing research just to help them and they take it so granted. i never complain about the elder generation, my beef is the young, lazy ones:) i keep repeating war aniga iskeey uma shaqeysto, my hours are billable and my boss wants ££££ this girl needs her xalwa
  4. waa runtiis, he needs some sort of ownership in the house! i still need a flag! ps: why do people, our kind expect me to advise and do work for FREE? i feel ceeb saying charges apply
  5. is this where the young hang out?
  6. where do i buy calanka sland? mise one of you will donate it to me, i am decorating the office to cheer up my collegue, of course we had agreed on later celebration on 26th june and first of july. if only siyaasada somaliya/sland was this cordial and ilbax oh yes waad salaamantihiin
  7. which part baa lagaa cowriyay? maqal mise muuqaal mise maskixiyan?
  8. Having hargab repeatedly means waxbaa OFF kaa ah! waxaad u baahan tahay in adigoo dhan lagaa dhigo BALANCED! Check fiitamiinad iney kaa maqan yihiin, also try herbal daawo ah
  9. N.O.R.F;950022 wrote: Gacanta jeebka gali warya. $500 :)
  10. waxaad ubaahan tahay maraq leh filfil inaad cabto salaam alaykum, the good mood is disappearing fast:(
  11. Run sheeg waa ceeb sheeg Cute kids M'A
  12. happy client and 4 kilo oo xalwo ah makes gabadhan happy salaams all
  13. take the kids away somewhere exciting, soon they will not want to hang out with you! hello norf, where is saaxiibadeey?
  14. It is just i decided inaan ka tago shaqada, so now waa shaqo raadis, i got to show positive attitude soow maaha? iska waran? how are the gang? have you planned their summer holidays yet?
  15. Salaam alaykum dhamaantiin, what a wonder start to the day, qorax shining, traffic jam etc
  16. Speak the accent your parents speak! stay close to your origins
  17. cover you back or as i say waryaa dhabarkaada ilaali to my somali collegues is the way forward! it does not help the fact there are too many bloody regulators, you sneeze and they investigate
  18. UD Ngonge partly answered you, we have to keep paper file for 6 years, many companies are going paperless but still each email have to be filed with the actual file. besides unless you print sidee u charge gareynaysaa? fyi it is £20 per email:). I say this because sometimes things are subject to detailed assessment and odayaasha judgeka ah want to see the actual file and tirikoobid the actual letters, emails, fax etc. dheeldheel laguma cuno lacagtaan. how is canada? Ngone faro fiiqida waa iska cadi:)
  19. I would like to add my ayeeyo's valuable talo............KHEYRKA WUU SOO DAAHAA!
  20. Salaam alaykum and jumce mubarak iska warama? and seriously where is the qorax?
  21. First step is to accept you/friend/family member has a problem. Follow Aaliyah's recommendation and also please seek medical help! there are programmes and they do amazing jobs. ilaah waxan kaga baryayaa ama uga baryayaa qofkan dhibateysan inuu ka madoobeeyo balayada oo wadada toosan tuso