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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. There was once a sheep farmer who had a French farmhand working with him to help castrate his sheep. As the farmer castrated the sheep, the French farmhand took the parts and was about to throw them into the trash. "No!" yelled the farmer, "Don't throw those away! My wife fries them up and we eat them, they're delicious! They're called Sheep Fries!" The farmhand saved the parts and took them to the farmer's wife who cooked them up for supper. This went on for three days....and each evening they had Sheep Fries for supper. On the fourth night the farmer came in to the house for supper. He asked his wife where the farmhand was and she repied, "It's the strangest thing! When he came in and asked what was for supper, I told him French Fries and he ran like hell!"
  2. your right love is contagious here so are smiles welcome to the nomadic and ever growing online family
  3. Originally posted by lakkad: Rage of a horny woman?>-loooool loooool hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha seriously I couldn't stop laughing
  4. I had my naval pierced but it closed up :mad: so now im going for only a nose ring
  5. Ariadne

    Yo Mama Jokes

    I've never liked those "yo mama jokes" cruel and vulgar and putting someone elses mom into you and so and so's problem but its all in good fun right
  6. I think some people need to stop being so naive yes there are somali homosexuals and somali bisexuals as well as homosexuals and bisexuals of every nation, culture, religion and ethnicity.
  7. I think some people need to stop being so naive yes there are somali homosexuals and somali bisexuals as well as homosexuals and bisexuals of every nation, culture, religion and ethnicity.
  8. I think some people need to stop being so naive yes there are somali homosexuals and somali bisexuals as well as homosexuals and bisexuals of every nation, culture, religion and ethnicity.
  9. I think some people need to stop being so naive yes there are somali homosexuals and somali bisexuals as well as homosexuals and bisexuals of every nation, culture, religion and ethnicity.
  10. I know this sounds tiring but that was beautiful! MVP
  11. that was cute in a strange childish way
  12. Im not that fast of a runner so no track and field however I am a long runner so cross country for me
  13. Ariadne

    Desert Rose

    to listen to this song go to this website middle eastern music (go to desert rose by Sting and shaab Mami)
  14. I have always been intruiged with the world of darkness (maybe thats why my little brother calls me a vampire) very gloomy and dark poem ...I liked it, as for my own dark poems those are too personal. Maybe some other time....
  15. yes my blonde moment is gone Im as ggd as dew I mean as good as new
  16. Ariadne

    Desert Rose

    This song reminds me of somalia (such a nostalgic song) Desert Rose by Sting I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand I dream of fire Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire And in the flames Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire This desert rose Each of her veils, a secret promise This desert flower No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this And now she turns This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams This fire burns I realize that nothing's as it seems I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand I dream of rain I lift my gaze to empty skies above I close my eyes, this rare perfume Is the sweet intoxication of her love I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand Sweet desert rose Each of her veils, a secret promise This desert flower, No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this Sweet desert rose This memory of Eden haunts us all This desert flower, this rare perfurme Is the sweet intoxication of the fall
  17. I had to read it more than once to star laughing very cute joke
  18. I like my eyes(including my thick lashes with it) I know half a million people in the world have eyes similar to mine however they are unique cuz they can remain expressionless unless I want an expression in them.
  19. ever hear of condemning yourself with your own words or speak not if unsure of the situation lol
  20. I am woman hear me ROAR (Ive always wanted to say that)
  21. that was a good poem very sixties. Your right it was thought provoking and at the same time it makes you bitter
  22. The U.S may have helped out some refugees from somalia but it left a good bulk of refugess in the horn of africa. There were many war crimes against somalia by the americans by the time it was 1995. Isreal may have voted for our independance back in the 60s but how about those babies,children women and men Isreal has slaughtered since 1947 does one nations independance make up for that?. And to support Bush when it is apparent his mother was doing heavy drinking when she was pregnant with him. Support a half a brain,pistol waving redneck? I think not. Brother I don't mean to sound harsh but I think more research should have been done. Just my two cents. Oh and another thing the main reason any african nation can't stand on its own two feet is because of "western help."
  23. we had this neighbor in my childhood and no this was not his nickname but his REAL last name xaywaan(I think thats how you spell it) everytime we heard it we would crack up