Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. Its sad to see innocent people got killed but this isn't even close to what the somali innocent folks endure in the hands of these dollar worshipping Ugandese and Burundis. Why isn't anyone raising a hell when we are massacred, raped, robbed, day in day out? If Ugandese don't want to be targeted, they should force their goverment responsible take out of out Somalia. If not, they should stop playing innocent card when its convenient for them. I guess the Somali blood is worthless.
  2. Banaanbax lagaga soo horjeedo Dhagar qabe Meles Zenawi oo ka dhici doona Toronto, Canada Public Demo againist Meles When: Saturday June 26th 9:00 AM Sunday June 2th 9:00 AM Where: Museum Subway Station and then we walk to Queens Park (if you use public transit it is more convenient). Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia has been invited to attend the G20 here in Toronto. This is a slap on the face of all the Canadians who have their families murdered by this war criminal. We reject this sinister gesture of our government to this brutal mass murderer. We reject his presence in Canada and it is a shameful action of Mr. Harper. For more Information Contact at: Oggaaden Somali Community Mohamed Tuba 416 - 821 - 8340 Abdullahi Abdi 647- 703 – 9019 Oggaaden Youth Network in Canada E‐mail: khadijah.alrubaan@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance Abdi Dirshe: 416 - 899 – 8971 Somali Patriotic Organization (Ururka Waddaniga Soomaaliyeed) Abdullah Jama: 416 - 827 - 0252
  3. I love reading these kind of stories too. However, every time I read reverts journies of dicovering Islam, I am amazed by the difference between these reverts and us who were born in Islam. We don't have the same passion, love, and thirst for the deen. We don't fully understand what we have (Islam) and others couldn't have it. We basically inhereted from our forefathers and never worked hard for it. Everytime I read these stories, I am remindered the stories of the Sahaba when the Islam was in its infancy, what they have endured, how they were tried and tested.......one could only wish he or she lived those days
  4. ^Thanks for the info GG. The doc actually said my iron level was fine. I made a point to get some Vitamin D but I keep forgetting. The other thing is, I meant to go t a sleep test but haven't been able to do that so far. InshaAllah will do that in the near future.
  5. I could sleep 8 or 9 hours and still feel tired when I wakeup!My doc was sure I was depressed but ate his words when the result came back. My roomate goes to bed @11pm and wakes up @3 or 4am 5 days straight. I keep telling that his mom lied about his age so he must be in his late 50's lol
  6. Cawaale's link has virus, please stay away from it. It attached my computer non-stop fortunately I was protected. Admin, please delete the whole post so people do not affected by this deadline virus. Within few minutes, it attached my computer over 20 counts!
  7. ^Didn't you know that Ina Iley is your president's boss? Iley can arrest you or anyone of your cousins with no reasons from Hargeysa or Burco. So Iley's boss is Tawalde in Harar and your uncle, Warabe's boss is Iley. Adeer, geeska Afrika tigerybaa wada haysta be it Hargeysa, Garawe or Jigjiga.
  8. I would think it would be really difficult if not impossible. I remember reading The KIT Runner by Khalid Hussain awhile ago and it was really interesting but SAD as well! Its beautifully written and enjoyed reading it. I was thinking the somali minorites got it bad but when I read it, I realized maybe somalis aren't the worst in terms of how minorities are mistreated.
  9. Tumaa kaluunkii iyo biiniskii laysku shiili jiray iska daysay oo baratay garawgii iyo quote: qarmacdii? Ereygaas baryahan ma maqal, thanks for reminding me huuno -Qarmac -Faracad -Garaax -Garoow or Hadhuudh yar yare
  10. ^^ hadayna reer abtiyadii soomaaligaba aqoon muxuu soomaaligga hala barto lahayey sxb? LOL@laba kala liita. Balo kuliidey. Sxb, nin meejaasaan kagga hadhey waxaas aad arkaysana kaftan iyo galgacal buu ahaa waase ila garan waayey KK, eegga wixii dhacay dhacye, nabad ka keen hadii aad dadkiisa uu Haatu sheegayo kamid tahay
  11. ^^ Haatu, gabdhihii xataa way qireen inuuna ninkaasu tol meesha kulahay halkan fiiri Haatu, Maaddeey ilama dhalan ee beenta daa... KK xaataa way disown-gareysay haatu, adeer ninka haygu sii dirin dee yaanan oranine: Ma darbeeyey Maadeey Dube soo lamaan dhicin Daw daw kamaan siin Dakhar soo kumaan dhufan Daamashiina maan jabin Dad nin aan lahayniyo Dayro--------
  12. ^Adeer aniggu 3 nin oo culus oo 3 saldano kasoo jeeda NG marka laggu daro ileyn boodhkuu isku qarinayaaye waa dhinacayga e(Ngonge waa awoowgey, A&T waa adeerkey, Xiinna marna waa sxbkey marna waa ina adeerkey )ayaa iggu hareeraysan marka nin cabsanaya maahe . Maadeyna sidaan horey uggu sheegey, waa tol la'aan iyo sxb la'aan Hadii alamtara lasoo dhaaf ka dhacdey, afarey in muda ah aan sida Madoobe hal kaliyaale urido waan hayaa
  13. ^^Sxbo haduu leeyahay awaye? Sheekadiinu waa Ahmed Madoobihii xuduuudka la gudbiyey iyo Aweyskii Ceelasha biyo kalahaa Madoobe waa Xisbul Islam . War ninku waa sida adeerkey Madoobe oo sxb malahe ha waalina. Waxba haw qabane qawda maqashii lol Adeer xaalada waan waan inaan kudhamaynaan rabnay. Salaana ku dayney Maadeeyow colka joojina la yiri balse dhaw dhawdu casuur u dhiciwaydey
  14. ^^Waad udhameysay sxb e innagga daa. Ninka afka hala barto lahaa xataa afarey islama hayo allow alle Hadii uu hadal dambe soo celin lahaa waxaan dhihilahaa: Adiggoonan Baaluqin Buuryo-goys xataa noqon Baarayda tuman karin Barbaartana la shixi karin Ha baleyn naftaadoo bada haysku soo galine Bilistaada------(ma dhameynayo baydkan) -- @he put me off with his comments about broken Somali. NGONGE, waar ninkani sxb malahe ka carar
  15. ^^War qosolka dhaaf yuusan dhihin waad ii hiilinaysaaye ileyn ninku tol la'aan weeye. Koley eegguu soo galidoonaa isagoo olale afka soomaaligga barashadiisa ah wado e Tol la'aan, sxb la'aan, iyo shaqalnimo isku darso waa ibtilo inteeda le eg!
  16. ^^You thought that was cantarabaqash? Its coming to your way now lol Salaan diiran oo kulul Sacab laba dhacaayaan SOL dumar iyo raggeedii Soo dhawoow kuleenahay Sasabaad hamoodine Saluuggaa kasoo noqo Hadhoow buu dhihi layma soo dhaweyn
  17. Sadarka 1aad walaalkeen wuu qoonsane maad ka joogtid. Jidkii qodxaha badna ee layga raacay baad haysaa e ka joog. Mowqifkeyga kuwajahan Shabab wali meejan kuma qorin marka meejaas laygama raacin e bal ku noqo!
  18. ^^ Salaanbaan u saluugsanahay aa? Adeer waan ku salaamey e colka jooji bal
  19. ^^Dhufeyskiibaa looggu galey caawa ilaa uu kuwaashey afka hooyo hala barto lol LOL@WA IN CUDTUM CUDNAA Waryaahe, cabaad waynidaa. Wacadale ineyna wiilashii gafuurka duubnaa ee kanigga adkaa waxba kuu galin. Annigga waxaad rabto igga sheeg e sxbkey Xiin dhinac kamar hadii kale afareybuu kuggu asqeyn PS: Adeer nin kaftamikaraan kuu maleeyey e sabeen ama ceesaan kolba kaad doonto
  20. ^^ Iska daa madaxaasi ku wargali umma eke e! Waar ninku innuu shaqalyahay odey Xiinbaa saxiixay anna innuu damiinyahay iyo waliba suufi uggu darey balse waxay illatahay innaa intaas loo weheliyo
  21. Ina Adeerkaa Abdiladif maad naga celisid, wuxuu igu noqday cunuggii Hooyadi aamuskiisa ka yaabtay eey Alle ka tuugtay inuu ka hadashiiyo... Allow alle....sowdiggass damiinimadii lagguugu duur xulijirey isku qirey. Miyeeyna aamuska diinteenu amaanin oyna reebin malaa yacnigga iyo laqwigga? War adiggu warka Shababka kabax e Suufiyada kubiir sxb waayo lama qabsankartid nimankan
  22. A & T, I dont agree with lot of Kashafa's behavior, lakini in Princibal ' Diin & Wadaniyad ' waan ku waafaqsanahay, runtiina waa i 'inspire'gareeyaa as u 'inspire' me sometimes. Maadey ama waa damiin oo shabaab waxay ku akhriyeen wali qub madhihin ama shabaabka wuu iska sheegganayaa waayo labada wuu isku darey hadii ay ina Godane maqlilahaa isaggoo noolbaa haragga lagga saari lahaa
  23. I was actually there when he was making this one. Duqa is very fun guy, he entertains us. I like their Hindi-Somali translations.
  24. if he can Xiin, walaahi waan qosley markaasuu galkii i agfadhiyey shaqada gave me that look of what? Looks like inaad Shariifkii quus kasido maanta.....war warka nuggu boob maxaad ogtahay sxb ?