Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. ^ I guess If you have another MA like yourself, most of the schools will then wave the GMAT requirement. Also, if you want to go for an MBA and in MN, waa laggu kitaab dayayaa There are school which GMAT isn't one of their requirements.
  2. - Akhyaarta xagee xaal marayaa? Who is about to graduate? Graduated? Got a new and better job because of the MBA? For me, I'm almost half way through the program and I can't wait to finish.
  3. ^ And, besides religion reasons everyone should avoid smoking for their own well being. I did not subject to that but rather comparing Khamiis to a hijaab! Caaliya (Sareyso), read on Hijaab. Start with Suuratul Nur and Ahzab.
  4. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Originally posted by AAliyah416: For some reason I can deal with khamiis dude smoking as oppose to hijaabi that's smoking. I really don't know why lol..but you are right it's bad for both. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Thats because you've been conditioned and brainwashed into accepting that men can get into any shit...and still be thought of as saints. Its alright though, soon inshallah you'll snap out of it and find it extremely ugly and gag inducing when you see a khamees wearing brother smoking. I have faith in you. Pucca- I do not think you can compare Khamiis to a hijaab. The latter is ordained and an act of worship (cibaadah) and the first one is nothing more than Shicaarul Islam. Khamiis is like any other piece of cloth one wears unlike hijaab which is mentioned both in Qur'an (7 different verses) and a'haadith (more than 70 hadiths). .
  5. ^What do you know about their leadership? None. Get informed Qalbi Dhagax before you talk about something you know nothing about. They need to die with their soldiers intey meelaha gabban lahaayeen I am not saying they should not fight sxb but did you know these four guys were alone not far away from Dhagaxbuur? Alone? Isn't that a suicidal and irresponsible? Hadii ay iyagga oo ciidankooda kagarabdagaalaya dhiman lahaayeen waxkahadal ah malahaateen taasi. War nimankani reero baas ood ********** ah ayeey heshiisiinayeen reerihii uunbaana soo jaajuusey wax ciidan ahna hal wiilbaa lasocdey .
  6. A&T- Geeridu waa xaq wayna shihiideen; illaahay haunaxariisto. With that said, I just do not understand why three such important men would be alone in the midst of their enemy? That was a terrible idea.....and I am personally tired of ONLF leadership killed easily one after another. How many more? Something has to change Kayd Deeq Abdi-raasim Daqare and ina Sheikh Mohamud Sulub (later escaped from the jail) Xalane Abdullahi Qachi Abdikariim (the reer Aw guy; he also escaped from the jail) Doolaal Now these three guys
  7. ^War waxan aad meesha ku xarxariiqdey masax yaan laggu maqline 1. No need for withdrawal date 2. There is no lack of security in Mog 3. These are not occuppiers 4. They will leave soon 5. They are no a threat to security and peace in Mog. 6. They have to defend themselves and anyone killed in this, well dameer bakhtiyey uun kasoo qaad!! 7. Soomali waa xujo miiran, waa suntii harkaha!! Ducaysanoow, waxkale ood tiraa makuudhimanyahay?
  8. ONLF issue is a separate issue, and our suffering under Ethiopian colonialism must not take peace and progress in Somalia hostage. Our long-term strategic interst lies in Somalia becoming a beacon of peace. We will have a reliable supporter, one which is no more a liablity to be attached to, but an asset. As far as Alshabab is concerned they should declare it functus offico (no long seized of the matter) and pray peacefully in mosques. Otherwise, let them be reminded they shall be fighting the new government on their peril, suo periculo ONLF issue might be a separate but PEACE in Somalia is ONLY a temporary one until that land's issue is solved. Ethiopia knows that a peaceful and strong Somalia will never give up the right to that land; hence them being in our business all the times and their enmity and antagonistic behavior towards Somalis
  9. ^Lucky you sxb! This reccession cost me a promotion already and won't get my annual increase which is due in few days ): 2/15. Luckily, I got my tuition re-imbursement for last semester and this semester hasn't been affected so far...hope it won't be. Will know on 2/22 when the press comes out. Hmmmm.....I am indifferent of what happens for some reasons. I guess am tired of joggling full time work and school; won't mind a break with pay for few months you know
  10. I have a lot of Somaligalbeed(OG) jokes. qof fadhi iga dhuraan u baahanahay. Waryaa, maalmahan waad soo dhigatey dee. Waan dhageystey waxaad ii duubtey hadana reerkaa laggaa karila'yahay. Bal Weekendigga issukaayo keen jokes-kana qaar reer Bari/Mudug kusoo dar Xiin baan kusoo kaxeene Xiin hadii lawaayona ninkii sheeko Dacar ahaabaan soo wadi e waad ogtahay anigga iyo isaga baryahan way issugu kaayo 'jidhaaye' .
  11. This is for Sheikh Nur. Sheikh Cabdinur Fatwa ONLF war against Tigrey
  12. Gabaygani wuxuu **** socdaa labadii gabay ee ay kala tiriyeen abwaan Xuseen Cabdi Xalane iyo abwaan Maxamed Hirad. Sida kuwaa hore ayuu gabaygani wax ka sawirayaa foolxumada Soomaaliyi ku sugan tahay. Waxaan u arkaa in xalku yahay ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka oo keliya. Nafta Doy Ibleys ugu Rid
  13. Tixdan gaabani waxay raad raac u tahay, gabaygii qaaliga ahaa ee Dawladnimo ee uu xaaladda Soomaaliya ka tiriyey abwaanka qiimaha iyo qaderinta mudan Xuseen Cabdi Xalane. Waxa aan tixdan curiyay bishan Diisambar 20 keedii 2008. Ninka aan ku hal qabsaday waa Axmed Cabdiraxmaan X. Xasan oo ah nin aanu saaxiib ku nahay fikirka, Soomaalinimaduna qiimo weyn ugu fadhido. Axmed waxaaan ku halqabsaday in badan oo maansooyinkayga ka mid ah. Tixdii Durugtay Dawladnimo waa tan ee iga guddooma Durugtey Dawladnimo
  14. Gabaygan waxaan gocdey tirintiisa horraantii 2008, waanse ka wahsaday. Horraantii Bisha November 2008, ka dib markii la I weydiiyey maxay dawlad Soomaaliyeed u cago dhigan la’dahay ayaan ebyey curintiisa. Waxaan ku tiriyey Magaalada Khartoum, waxaanan ku halqabsaday Axmed Jaalle oo ah nin Soomaalinimadu aad ula weyn tahay. Dawladnimo
  15. Wlc sxb...do tell us though your political views: a. Shaabab b. TFG and ****dhoon c. Sh. Sharif and Co. d. Seccessionist e. None of the above.
  16. ^Lying about what awoowe? Takale, did you hear Riyaale, Nur Cadde and Sh. Shariif inaa Djabuuti looggu wada yeerey? Maxaa loo sheeggibaad umaleyn? Somaliweyn-President Speaker of the baarlamaan, iyo prime Minster? War Waraabe geeya meesha walee hadiikale Xidiggo aan idinku jano tagi
  17. I nominate our very own - - - , [eventhough his absense for the last few days from here has been the best gift we could have received ]. - - -although af-xaar in nature, is clearly an intelligent individual, who while opinionized, makes valiant attempts to back up his opinion even if they are wrong. But make no mistake, - - - is a mainstay and an important cog in maintaining the variety of this forum. And for that I salute you Mr. - - -. I'm sure you don't get thanked often for your work, so here, Thank you ... Ma Suldaankiibaa sidan loogaley? Arintan dagaalbaan ka xignaa! Aawey dadkii aan shacabka u ahayn may arintan wax ka qabtaan :mad: :mad:
  18. ^War adiggu reer awoowgey maxaa kudabadhigey maad faraha kaqaadid waa kusidee dee? Reer Burco garbaa nootaal balse maalinkale iyo meelkale ayaan lasugeynaaye e daa Naxash Nugaal iyo Generalka hayska celiyeene. Soomaali-diidnimadooda aad hawgga didin waayo "ninkaad ceesaan kadooneyso, sabeen baa lawaydiistaa"....hada waa ineydhahaan waa go'aynaa si ay prime ministarka dood loogga galinin. Hambalyiyo bugaadin!
  19. ^Huuno waa laygu-jiraaye faataxada haba diidin sinaba. Hadii aad ninku wuxuu sheegaayo saluugsantahay waan kaabadeley waanaka badelkeedii e kadaba qaad...nasteexo miyaa lacayrshaa? xaafadana ha toosinin (:
  20. ^Cabdiyo Aw-Cabdi, Nuur Cade wuxuu kahadlaayo ama hayaba aan labo faataxo kuugu marey...aamin
  21. ^While I might not speak for all the 'people', am aware of the general feelings...and that's wadaads should not fight in O.g.a.d.e.nia and leave that to ONLF because we cannot have two armed groups in this region. No,you cannot say all came from that region. Godane sent the last group of shabab kids who were expelled from the region when they clashed with the ONLF around Yoocaale awhile ago, is Godane from the Region? If Godane wants a war with Ethiopia, let him start at their Hargeysa base. As for Sh. I and his group, only after he settles his difference with the ONLF. Abdilatif I don't think any freedom-loving person will not support the ONLF; but that is not synonymous with supporting all of its actions and moves. I think the ONLF should settle their difference with the wadaadas for the common good. Because the wadaadas are inflexible, ONLF should take the lead in compromising. Agreeing to the terms of the wadaads in lower jubba would have been a good move. I don't think it is healthy to expect that the O's are exempted from the rules of the Alshabab, just because ONLF is fighting the ethiopians as well. In principle, I support that all forces in Somalia must support the Alshabab's and adhere to its directions, at least for the short-run. The O should not be exepted from the rule and I agree that ONLF should agree to the terms of the wadaads in Jubba but the problems isn't that ONLF does not want to do that but rather wadaads are inflexible and irrationals. They believe that ONLF is a snitch for the US and Ethiopia and should leave the region. A&T, bal waan kuggu soo xireynaa B.G. iyo Dul-yadeyn e usheeg inay macagagiinyihiin. Miyaad kadhaacinkartaa inayna ONLF Ethiopia ushaqaynin gaalna ahayn? War habeen dhawayd culimada reer Minneapolis iyo kuwa Raaskambooniyiinta kidaabadaa lasu soo urursadey dooduna waxay ahayd oo kali ah, ONLF waa murtadiin waayo waxay aaminsayihiin 'democracy'...ninkii democracy aaminaana waa murtadad.
  22. ^our people whether in Og.a.a.d.e.e.ni..y.a, NFD or waamo support ONLF against any group. They believe UWSLF(Al-Itixaad) should not fight in O.g.a.a.de.e.n.i.a and leave the region. If Shabaabs, Raaskombiniyiin and ONLF collide, we support ONLF 110%....no compromise there at all. As we speak, Sh. H. Turki is sitting down with the elders and will have 2 choices: A. Accept ONLF, the people, and the elders demands B. Reject it and control them by force. If the latter, ONLF will have no choice but to abandon their aspirations of using this area for now for it does not want to fight any somali group, not want to be part of Somalia's porblem, and will want to bring problems upon Waamo's people. If I were Turki, I would go for option A and I am hopeful that he will do that as he is negotiating with the elders as we speak. **Godane, Dulya-deyn,B.G., and yacquub have no say here other than consulting the good Sheikh.
  23. . . Congrats to the boqor. However I do not believe he is the BOQOR of all D-Block. Marka Maaqam uuna lahayn hagaynina boqorka. Magaca “D-da” yaan suuqa madow lagaynin oon si bilaa sharci ah looggu adeeganin adeer ileyn magaca wuu innagga dhexeeyaaye. Boqorka H-block ama M-blockga ku ekaada oyna ahayn intaas wixii dheer waa maxaabsi
  24. The bro. has done a great job and accomplished alot and congrat him on that. Nonetheless, he is a prime example of how none of us somalis, none, even the best & brightest isn't save from this mental disease: Qoys iyo qabil. Was he a regular faarax, such myopic and narrow-mindedness (our xaafadana is better than your xaafad mentality would've been not so surprising. Ps. Stoic Blame redsea for this.....for actually taking to the next step - our footley our brighter than yours.