Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. c'mon scarface---dont be changing your reply wierd costumes
  2. Can any one of you help me learn arabic? I want to learn it so bad but here in the west, its not easy to learn.....please help guys. Thanks
  3. yaa dhahay shukaansi iyo Ramadhaan isma raaci karaan? lol@legend. Bal adi tijaabi oo nalasoo socodsii waxaad la kulanto!! How abt that?
  4. waraa willka beenta kadhaafa----lefty, shukaansi waa nooc ciyaaraha soomaalida kamid ah and if you need any further info. abt it, the author of SHUKAANSI 101 is in the house, the one and the only Miss FLying-Still.
  5. We need more individuals like fareed Zakaria who can represent us in the world of mass media and propaganda and expose bigots like Rumsfeild, Botkin and their likes
  6. Jini ninkii keenaa bixiya sxb, start off and call in Gabarta gugu qaxabtay inaad posti-garayso topiga
  7. seems you liked the guy besides, I dont even know what you asking for .....an approval or something? I'm really confused, not to mention how I feel sorry for you.
  8. ^^^^^Marriage and 5-10 kids are the first and the second in almost all the girls' lists. Click on the following link to see another similar topic and how they responded. http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=001187;p=2
  9. Yes we should all condemn it but I just dont understand why we only blame it on the west and not ourselves(Africans), while we participated the trade(at leasst some of our ancestors). We should allocate some of the blames to the africans. In trades, there has to be sellers and buyers or else, it wont take place.
  10. Both Pro.Samatar's live and teach in MN. bro
  11. I believe the old generation failed their mission as far I can remember. Now it’s up to us to take this responsibility to our shoulders, and beside that this is our time please don't hesitate to step up. bros and sis... CIID WANAAHSAN
  12. Waxaan aaminsanahay in luqada af soomaaliga ay ka timid galbeedka kan ugu soo dhawna looga hadlo gobolada dhexe...
  13. Salaamu calaykum Bro & Sis: Dear my Somali people for the last ten and so years I have been bothered with the distraction of our country, nor do I see any prospects coming for the near future. Since we [Diaspora] are the generation X or most of us are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. How can we face or solve this problem? Or have we really erased our memory from this no men land?