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Everything posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. al Shabaab are criminals’: Somalia opposition official MOGADISHU, Somalia Sep 29 (Garowe Online) - A senior opposition official in Somalia has condemned African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) peacekeepers and al Shabaab insurgents for “targeting civilians.” Col. Omar Hashi, the secretary of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), told Mogadishu-based Radio Codka Nabada (Voice of Peace) that both sides must be held to account. Col. Omar Hashi, ARS Secretary “The responsibility [for the bombing] lies with both sides, but AMISOM committed the bigger crime by bombarding civilian areas,” Hashi said, adding: “The al Shabaab group who made the wrong decision are also criminals.” The ARS official said AMISOM peacekeepers “did not start the violence,” but responded to al Shabaab mortars “launched from civilian areas.” Last week, al Shabaab rebels launched mortars at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport, which is a major base for AMISOM peacekeepers. More than 50 people have been killed in airport-related violence since September 16, when al Shabaab issued the threat to shoot down airplanes landing at the airport. Col. Hashi condemned both sides for the bombing of civilians, while calling on al Shabaab to rescind their decision to shoot down airplanes. In June, the Islamist-led ARS opposition umbrella split into two camps after ARS Chairman Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed inked a peace deal with Ethiopian-backed Somali Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein. ARS officials based in Eritrea are led by Islamist hardliner Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who has rejected peace talks until Ethiopian troops withdraw from Somali soil. Col. Hashi is allied to the Sheikh Sharif-led ARS wing, which has been based in Djibouti since June 9. ---------------------------------------- dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  2. ^^^Who cares where the weapons are being shipped to...when do we get our money? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  3. Isbaheysiga Dibu xoreynta oo eed ujeediyey Al-Shabaab. Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay Isbaheysiga dibu xoreynta la baxay ee fadhigiisu yahay dalka Jamhuurihada Jabuuti ayaa lugu eedeeyey ururka Al-Shabaab oo ka mid garabyada ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Warsaxaafeedkan ayaa lugu sheegay in ay ururka Al-Shabaab masuul ka yihiin dagaalada & qaraxyada maalin walba ka dhacaya gudaha Soomaaliya, waxaana lugu eedeyey in ay masuul ka yihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed ee sidoo kale maalin walbaku dhimanaya dalka Soomaaliya. Warkan ayaa lugu sheegay in ay Al-Shabaab diideen Dibu heshiisiintii ay gaareen dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Mucaaradyada hubeysan, ayna taasi muujineyso ayaa la yiri in ay uadeegayaan Dano shisheeye oo gaar ah. Lama sheegin danaha ay uadeegayaan, balse waxaa sidoo kale lugu xusay qoraalkan in aysan Soomaaliya waqtiga ubaahneyn dagaalo dib loogu celiyo ee laga baxay dagaalada & rabshadahaha ayna Soomaaliya dagaalo ku soo jirtay 18-kii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay. Warkan oo Saxaafada Soomaalida lugu baahiyey, waxaa lugu sheegay in ay ururka Dibu xoreynta la baxay diyaar uyihiin fulinta dhamaanba qodobadii ay la galeen dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayna sidoo kale ka shaqeynayana sidii ay heshiiskan ugu soo biiri lahaayeen Kooxo cusub oo dagaalada ka wada Soomaaliya. Eedaynta oo ah tii ugu horeysay ee lugu eedeeyo Al- Shabaab in ay masuul ka yihiin dadka maalin walba ku dhimanaya Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyey samada galay dagaalada ay dhinacyada Muqdisho isdhaafsanayaan. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  4. ^^^ And I just simply wanted to share that with you all. Waryaa, cut the sarcasm! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  5. Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: This is crazy walaahi, the situation is getting more complex now, I think there will be a religious war after the Ethiopians leave, all these different groups have their own agendas and would like to implement it....!! Ilaahayoow dhibkooda na dhaafi :rolleyes: "Labadii xaqdara isku raacda, xaqee ku diriraan" :rolleyes: Xassan Tuug can run but he can't hide from the mounting death toll of innocent civilians he's placed in harm's way. He can run, but he can't hide from the innocent women and children who have been killed and injured due to his munaafiqnimo. He can run, but he can't hide from the all the destroyed homes. Nor can he hide from the breach of the holy tenets of Islam, in attempting to gain political power. He can run, but he can't hide from all the orphans, widows and widowers he's created and the lives he helped end. Kulahaa,"Ilaahayoow dhibkooda na dhaafi". Heeeell NOOOO: Ilaahayow madaxa isku geli oo isku burburi, tuugada tuugada dhashay! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  6. ^^^ Abtigiis &Tolka, Saaxiib, habraha aad bililiqada isku barateen oo caanabooraha kuu shushuba waxa ee hoosta kaaga soo dirayaan maxaa aniga iga galay. Tan aad leedahaynah "Maaweelada Caruurta" baan tv-yada ka sii daayaa, u maleen-mahayo fikir kaaga guracan inaad caruur madadaalisee, ma mukulaalahaad muusikada u tuntaa? Muusiknah u ma maleen-mahayo inaad taqaanidee, ma ururka bililiqada baad sadaqada u aruurisaa? Waan ogahay, ururka bililiqada waxaad u diidantahay in laga wada hadlo, waxaad ka baqeesaa in ceebo-haaga banaanka ey u soo baxaan. Tan kale aad odaynimada ku faaneysidna, waxaan kaa iri...waabaa tol geed hoostiis ku shiray. Markaasee is weediiyeen arintii ee ka shirayeen cidii ey u kaashan lahaayeen. Markaasee odayaashi waxay yiraahdeen odayaal hala soo aruuriyo. Wiil yar oo geedkii ey hoos fadhiyeen dusha ka saarnaa, ayaa yiri,"war waayeel yaa loo wicinee, wax garadka ha loo waco!". Marka taas baa tu saale kaaga filan da'dii aad ku faantay saaxiib. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: As an individual, I see a sick kid who needs all the help one can give... Saaxiib, boqol jeer baan ku uri iska kala yaree caana-booraha, but you refuse to heed my advise; ergo, the aforesaid articles of hallucination. Anyways A&T, forget about all that and tell me your thoughts about the topic of this thread..."Kala Japkii ururkii biliiliqada ee la magac baxay Al-Shabab"??? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  8. ^^^ A&T, What you mean "merry-go-round", mayn! This is one heck of a rollercoster ride for me, with all the bells and whistles and it's smooth twists and turns. Infact, my whole objective is to poke fun and ridicule the victimhood associated with that word. Marka, caano-booranimada markaad kabaxdaan oo aad iska deysaan in aad askar-jinni noqotaan oo aad is xoreesaan baa magacaan aan iska deenayaa. Hadii kalena tixdaan afarreeda ah inala daba joogayaa. Also, hopefully someday, this will help all my caano-boore guzzling brethen to overcome their inferiority complex. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  9. Originally posted by Norf 1: Lazie's persona was not attacked. Her Fox News style of reporting was. Norf, Insinuating that LayZie's reporting is biased, you're infact still mired, neck-deep, in an ad hominen arguement which attacks the source(i.e LayZie) without actually addressing the issue(i.e the "alleged" terrorists). The funny thing is that, this is exactly what you're protesting. So accusing LayZie, of bias reporting does not magically destroy what she said about those wannabe mujahadeen. Your concern should be whether her statements are factually correct. If so, did she only represent a half truth? Or has she taken the whole story out of context? Maybe it's a spoof? Maybe it's technically true but misleading, or a shows a faulty sense of proportion? All of these are possibilities, and each can be used to refute her claims--if you got what it takes that is. Give it a shot, alright. You just might surprise yourself. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s LayZie G.--I look forward to the day you thrash some naysaying secessionists on SOL... dhulQarnayn---^ ^---LayZie G
  10. Originally posted by Mujahid: Red Sea: ^not the funny. Creativity aint one of your stronger spots among other things. Red Sea, Now that it's almost Eid, could you please do me a favor and mind your own business. I recall the last exchange we had, you tried to pull an "caano-boore" on me by reporting me to the thread moderator. Thank God your bogus accusations had no merit. Marka ninyahow, amaan aan isi siino, hadaadana rabin inaan darbiga kugu musbaaro! Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: ^Who told you this is his creation, yaa Red? It is another plagiarism, but this time around from local mediocre afarareey experts. A&T, Wax walba ma inaad mucaarad ku noqotid baad rabtaa.Waa yaab walahi. Once again, don't take sh*t personal saaxiib-- oday inaad tahay oo dhiig kar qabtid waan ogahayee. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  11. ^^Maya, denbi ma aha, laakin weli cibaadadii baan wadaa...so I can't give you an answer! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  12. ^^^War ma waalatay...wax yara sug ninyahow, Ramadaankii wali ma dhamaaninee. Give me another day or two and I will be more than willing to add my $0.02 to this thread. dhulQarnayn Republic Of California
  13. As-salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakathu to ALL! Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: I salute dear friends Xinn, Ngonge, Nuune, Ilax, Sayid, Zack, Che, Jacaylbaro and Johnny B. I don't wish happy Eid to General Duke,Username etc . I wish we will see Unknown1 back again. To Abtigiis &Tolka: I am astounded by the audacity with which you refuse to offer Eid greetings to my compatriots, General Duke and comrade Username, but instead, offer it to me. See wax kaa yihiin ninyahow. Anyway, A&T, Ciid Wanaagsan-- Ilaahay waxaa ka baryeenaa inuu barwaaqo iyo bashbash nagu gaarsiiyo tan kale...oh yeah,ofcourse, iyo caano boore badan. To ALL: EID MUBARAK to my brothers and sisters on SOL. I hope you all had a blessed Ramadan and may Allah(SWT)accept from us all, our prayers. Ameeeeen! Please keep all Somalis in your Dua and don't forget to eat, AIGHT! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  14. ^^^Lol@Puntland's Navy! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  15. Originally posted by Cara: ^LOL. Really nice. Unfortunately others would probably think it's a fitting flag for the whole nation. Has there been any effect on delivery of food aid? Is it mostly by air and land? Cara, our venerable pirates waa niman nasab ah, and do not target ships carrying caano boore for our Somali IDPs. However, wixii fasax la'aan kumarah, our territorial waters, GANAAX un baan u jareenaa dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s Centurion...Am loving this flag. However, could you please also include beneath the Skull-N-Bones, the Kalimah...
  16. B_G The shabab munaafiquun will always be more dangerous and worse than any disbeliever. Allah(SWT)has said so in the Holy Qur'an and has delineated, with wonderful clarity-- right from wrong. For instance,Allah(SWT)says in Al-Baqara(8-12): And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not. (8) They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not. (9) In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. (10) And when it is said unto them: Make not mischief in the earth, they say: We are peacemakers only. (11) Beware ! They indeed the mischief-makers. But they perceive not. (12) Now with that in mind, is it too much to ask the Al-Shabab mischief-makers to stop murdering our innocent civilians? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  17. ^^^ Hey Yo General Duke, I got some real comedy for you saaxiib. Ma maqashay doodi dhexmartay Cabdullahi Yuusuf iyo Caano-booreyaal? It went summin like this... CABDULLAHI YUUSUF Caanoboorahaan cimrigiini tiray, Caziiz baa jiree, ma ka caymateen? CAANO-BOOREYAAL Hadaad caadil tahay Cabdullaahiyow, Caano-boore keen, hadii kale, Colkeen cimaamuu sitaa. CABDULLAHI YUUSUF Waa cajaaibee duulkaan Caabuqa ah, Cagihiina fiday, Caano-boorohuna caqligoodi tiray, maka caawiyaa? CAANO-BOOREYAAL Cabdullaahiyow caawimaad ma rabnoh, Caano-boore keen aan ka Ciil baxnee! CABDULLAHI YUUSUF Caana-boorahaan cimrigiisi tagay, Cudur iyo fidmiyo, Caalir buu wadaa, Calooshaa ku fidi, Cimaamadahaan baas Carafat katagay Cawaantu ey sitaan, Culimadii ka dudayn, Ha iska caashaqinee, Calankaaga raac!] To be continued... dhulQarnayn:cool: Republic Of California
  18. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Could you tell us more about those great leaders of Puntland that ruled Somalia? Gheelle.T, Laga soo bilaabo ka hor qarnigii 1800 ilaa boqortooyadii kajirtay Puntland oo taxanaha ahayd oo soo gaartay Cali Yuusuf kii Hobyo xarunta u ahayd, ilaa markii isticmaarkii reer europe soo caga dhigteen carigeena uu halgan dheer oo 21 sano ahaa la galay Sayid Maxammad Cabdulle Xassan oo ka soo jeeday gobalka sool ee Puntland. Ka dibna nin layi raahdo Yaasiin Xaaji Cismaan ayaa aasaasay ururki SYL oo u soo halgamay xoreenta ummada soomaaliyeed. 1960 gii na, markii la sameeyey dawladii ugu horeysay waxaa Prime minister yaal ka noqday Cabdirashid Cali Sharmaake iyo Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo labadooduba kasoo jeedeen Puntland. Xataa Maxammad Siyaad Barre oo iyaga maamulka kala wareegay wuxuu ku dhashay gobalka Mudug ee Puntland. Maalmulkiisina waxaa wiiqay ururkii SSDF oo u gudoomiye u ahaa Cabdullahi Yuusuf, kadibna waxaa riday dawladiisi ururkii USC uu Maxammad Faarax Caydiid madaxda u ahaa. Caydiid iyo Cabdullahi ba waa niman gobalka mudug ee Puntland kasoo jeedah. Ilaa maanta Cabdullahi oo Puntland kasoo jeeda ayaa mayalka u hayo dawladdaan cusub oo ku meelgaarka ah. Marka Gheelle, saaxiib intaas oo taarikh taxana ah waxay ku tusaysaa hadaadana iska indha tireen in u hogaanka ama majaraha dalka Soomaaliyeed weligeed ee soo hayeen rag kasoo jeeda dhulalka Puntland. So learn to live with this fact of life! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  19. ^^^Typical simpletons always answer a simple question with a list of baseless questions! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  20. ^^^War anigu, the fictitious entity called Somaliland sadex baan ku qabaa-- weligayna ma furi doono Waagan ku qabteyna, UN-ta baa marqaanti ka ahayd. Marka, what nonsense are you mumbling, saaxiib? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  21. ^^^Xaal baan ku siin lahaa markaas--laakin I doubt that very much! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  22. ^^^Before I do, kindly answer the following for me: Firstly, do you wear a Yassar Arafat headrug, without having an iota of genuine faith in Islam? Secondly, do you unlawfully occupy properties that belong to someone else? Thirdly, are you a cretinous secessionist? Fourthly, are you mad about the loss of Kismaayo by the Galgaduud brothers? And finally, due to the reckless imbibing of caano boore- do you engage in Somali politics without necessarily having a direct stake in the current conflict, when infact you should be focusing your efforts on liberating your lands from the 60+ yr old Xabasha occupation? If you answered YES to any of the above questions...then saaxiib, you are! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: Creativity is a key part of the educated mind. by Sir Ken Robinson Ngonge, Ofcourse there is a little truth to that story. But then again; how far do you think people should take artistic expression? http://www.jibjab.com/view/252163 dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  24. ^^^ Waryaa Caqli-macna-maleh! As long as the Kismaayo natives are in charge of the affairs of their own city, they can call themselves Al-Shaydhaan ama Al-Shaxshaxlee, for all I care. Every clan in Somalia must return to their own lands...No more alien clan occupation of one group by another, saaxiib! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California