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Everything posted by Final_Say

  1. thank you, thank you all, dawoco, i'll bring you watever you want, just something i can find in london Delusion; i try, but they give us billion and one things to do, essays, projects; you give it all in, and guess wat in a weeks time you have all your exams in a row; mon, tues, wed; thats like setting you up to fail; thank you though; adanna loool anyway i have to go now, so thanks all, see you after wed; on wed if you live in london and you see a xalimo eating the biggggest ice cream jar u've ever seen, wid a big smile >>>>>>its me say hi. looool
  2. i have it monday, tuesday, wed; how evil of them but wed i'll be on top of the moon; lol
  3. okay haddad; if you say so;; i have enough things to worry about than statistics and how correct/incorrect they are; i have free time next week, wanna talk about it then :rolleyes: sky good luck inshallah, and being sent back to somali is not so bad but then again i never been. inshallah i'll pray for you too
  4. ^^^^^how about just giving coz i'm in need and i asked and i'm a muslim; woow do u normally analysis everything brother; statistics are not always correct either; anyway thanks for your time,
  5. ^^^^ i'm sure you will wid a present added; i'd have, but i don't wanna get hate mails and junk mails frm all the SOL readers, so i won't put up my adress and door number; pluz the monkey is quiet scary looking to say the least; if only i knew thats wat profiles were for.
  6. aaah nunne; i should have guessed u'll be the first;; i wz loosing hope in da somali ppl, but den dere you were offering ur prays everytime i need help, ur alway dere man!! my Guarding angle; i love you brother; much Appreciated;
  7. ^^^^love you picture of the neighbour watch, i need to put that on my front door
  8. maybe you guys are all sick of giving charity; namely sending money back home; that you don't wanna give anymore; i'm gonna change the topic name of the thread ; can i even do that; :confused: but i though somali ppl like giving;
  9. salam ppl; since your all in hear, visting SOL, i was wondering if you guys can spare me and couple others who are in the same boat, a little bit of your time and give some charity;; don't worry it is not money;(though that is also wlc) anyway can yous guys remember me in your prayers and make duca for me that allah makes my exams easy for me, i soooo don't wanna fail, after so many years of studying; so inshallah, pray i pass with good grades and thats your sadaqa for today; all other students i feel your pain and i pray for you all; your all included in the dua from this thread; thanks p.s. don't tell me to post this on ISLAM OR STUDENT section plzz. may allah bless you all oh if i pass i'll invite you all to my local mosque, for a islamic talk
  10. ^^^^^glade to hear you actucally believe in love;; i must say i find hard to believe in it when ppl like u are concern, but somehow i manage; maybe you should practice what you preach and learn the general meaning of love; forget that, the general meaning of having basic manners and respect; you must have missed that lesson when u were younger adeer; and i don't think it is possible to bend an old tree, so you do your thing!!
  11. all i know is it is 15.09 in london now; you do the math
  12. Originally posted by Xoogsade: [QB] Mizz_S_Lander I was funny few days ago and made you laugh all of a sudden I am a farax with attitude now? All that because I negated the deprived-xoogsade impression rayaana had? Me thinks somebody should employ equality of the sexes. If a girl can say I am deprived, I can surely say I am not and show where I stand high atop the mountain looking down laughing lol. Ops![QB] lol employ what ever you want; frm your name i assumed u'd be coming to beat da hell out of me;; either way its good to have high self esteem;; but may urs is a little high; as for u making me laugh, and my changing views;; nothing personal; i just see words on screen and that shapes what i think of you. me being a such fish i forget ppl when i leave each thread, so i can dissmiss your *** in one thread based on wat you said, and agree wid you on another thread (or the same thread) based on wat your saying;;; to make it short dee i don't like farah's acting like dey are better den xalimo's, if i see it happening i feel it is my duty to put dat farah in place; sorry dis time it wz you;; easy off your high horses and i'll leave you alone; peace
  13. Originally posted by waryaa_liibaanow: According to Allah and any believing Muslim,it doesn't matter what you are,you're gonna die when Allah wants you to die,so stop reading this kufar bullsh*t correction my brother; allah did not say don't look after your self and become obise; in fact in da sunnah your meant to be in good health and in good shape; not making excuses to over eat on side of the world; while the other side are straving;
  14. no problem;; i like helping out love i hope ur intentions are good good luck
  15. sis i don't remember saying anything about anyone else; i said he wz sold his manners and language; wat has dat got to do wid anyone else; :confused: i have love for all somali's regardless; i just can't stand ppl who can't see dere own feet salamz
  16. Final_Say


    loooooooooool bonding sission for da chicks of SOL;; dee include me lol lol hibo maybe u should remove ur e-mail address; everyone on SOL will add you to dere MSN and u'll wonder who all dese hotmail addresses are;; and not only the members but the guest who read the threads;; see ya all
  17. lol aah bless you;; so really and truely your both as bad as eachother; both blushing;;;how sweet;;; i'm sorry i did't mean farah in an offensive way; i call all somali guys, regardless of their personalitiy, looks and attitude a farah;; basicly coz i think dey are all da same but i'm sure ur a cool guy as for saying your too good for her;;;maybe she is telling the truth as she knows something you don't know about herself;; or ur a great guy and she is really over the moon;; personally i think it is a mistake for her to tell anyguy he is too good for her; talking about give them a stick to beat you with later;; i don't think it wz her way of saying get lost; has she tried fixing you up wid someone else "my friend is much better den me, u wanna meet her...." sort of thing usual means get lost or maybe your always WATCHING her;; don't stare dee;; it is embrassing;; girls like to look, when guys don't know dey are lookin
  18. xoogstad plz about; even though it is true old man like you could always go to somalia and marry a freshi from da miyi/ baditiya; but with that attitude aint no nice xalimo coming ur way; i can't believe this thread is still even here; uuf, the worst thing on dis earth is farah wid an attitude who thinks he has it all;; we all know where they end up peace 1
  19. size 14, sorry but in london thats not curvy, thats clearly overweight heading on to obesity; so i think this study was a vain attempt by a fat women to try and comfort the likes of her; size 14 kulah; dere is no advantage at being size 14, so ladies it is summer; see you at da gym;;
  20. loool nuune; u mean it is his time to get in a word in egewise; you know what they say, the first year; he talks and she listens, the second year she talks and he listens; the third year they both talk; and the neghibour listens; so maybe he better be glade she is quiet now; i think ur just too much to handle, or maybe she is just admiring the view and does not want to spoil the image by opening her mouth; bless her she just likes you too much dee, and ur making her trip over her self;; though i can't imagine a farah having that affect on any one;
  21. depends on wat you want from her; and wat she is willing to give; stop beating around da bush, playing hiding and seek; spell out exactly what your intentions are (don't lie) and say Wat do you think of it my friend; she'll either tell you to get lost, or go and see the dad! either way u'll have you answer; the reason i say she'll say get lost or go and see the dad, is coz she sounds like a good girl and dere is nothing that goes on between those two choices, so if you were hoping for anything in between those two options then your out of luck my friend; good luck....shall i say, salamz
  22. p.s. if you can propose a better group then the salafi to follow then by all means do so, lets see it and bring your evidence based on the criteria; if you are not offering another alternative; and your goal is simply to prove that certain salafi shiks have faults or you don't like; then in your view what should the lay people, who cannot easily tell the difference between false and true islam do; you and me both know that there is a need for interruptions and extended meaning on the Quran and hadith and clarifications and selectivity on the hadith, and we choose our shiks on our knoweldge of them; WHat do you suggest they follow, remember that it is almost impossible not to be affected by a group or a sect ; salamz