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Everything posted by Final_Say

  1. Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%. How about achieving 103%? Here's a little math's that might prove helpful. What makes life 100%? If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Then: H A R D W O R K 8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98% K N O W L E D G E 11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96% But, A T T I T U D E 1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100% And, B U L L S H I T 2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103% So, it stands to reason that hard work and knowledge will get you close, attitude will get you there, and bullshit will put you over the top. But, look how far *** kissing will take you. A S S K I S S I N G 1 19 19 11 9 19 19 9 14 7 = 118% U should think about it take a second.....thats it!
  2. oooh i forgot i wrote this post for the benefit of certain ppl, it is all here for you read; safes me writing it all out again!!!
  3. Animal farm; darling a very grim part of earth you live in dear; "That is why most of us guys have turned into either insecure self-analyzing socially inept geeks who think we can achieve sexual gratification through intellectual and financial bondage or khat addicts/drifters that are sperm donors to angry Somali women. Hey but than again, there are prostitutes and the coalition of the willing [traditional Somali women] to boost our egos. wow; i would hate to live in your part of the world; down my ends things aint that bad!!! adnaan no matter how high is her horse some one is bound to point da obvious out and tell her that the laxoox and SUQAAR has to be taken care of by non other than the halimo so good luck with it girls really; i wz hoping farah's can learn to do it on their own; sky???? hmm interesting i'm still trying to figure out ur last hmm, so don't post another one!!!
  4. salam all; Dawoco; sis i don't mind jokes; after all this is the jokes section; and i already said the joke wz funny; what i pointed out to her wz her lack of respect for landers in what she wrote for her location (which she has changed) i personally found it offensive, and when i pointed it out, the gurl started trippin; OG_ true; i don't hate the chick; i have no reason to do so, after all it is just words on screen!! but damn she is bloody annoying :mad: some times i feel like knocking some sense into her;; !!!
  5. ^^^^really love; this thread ended 8days ago!! where were you;; talking about bring the half dead back;; if you wanna fight wid me dee don't spoile the joke section xalimo; create a thread;; :cool: what is your obbessive behaviour of jaad!! even if i had cell damage, i still make more sense then you!! pluze this is the 21st century;; the whole of somali eats the damn thing i know it reached ur hut in laascaanod;;so stop trippin really love shaaqalaan baan kuu haasa; get a hold of ur S*tupidness; it is reaching a new level plz take your advice and shove it up jack's *A*S*S , or urs, it is off no use to me and sorry u can't qaxirs me; everyone knows jazmin and MIzZ are the same one person :rolleyes:
  6. ^^^^^so why are u still here responding yet again that ur not gone argue with him :confused: ignore the whole thread; duh; such farah, stop going in circles; i don't know what y'll arguing about but i love this part!!! "I believe you, and all the big bearded mullahs here, should loosen up and spare us the holier-than-thou attitude." ooh; can i give you guys a tip; just agree to differ;; it is a sign of civilastion; or so they tell me salam
  7. salam all; dudette; figure it out ur self; Ay; lool sis i agree; the only homeless ppl i see are guys lazygirl; if you found it so boring and lame the first time; then why u back here now reading this
  8. okay; the last three post did not help at all; oh and suprise, suprise, it is the farah's; north; adeer does my inability to set up a poll shows what???? :confused: Dudette: what i would like to say to you, is not suited to public audience; so i let you carry on chatting out of ur hole; :rolleyes: sky; hhm interesting; i see you agree wid ur mate Dudette; :eek:
  9. ^^salam sis; yeah the guy died in ealing broadway, he was stabed by some youth; a mosque wz attacked in liverpool, the windows in my local one waz broken; and the abuses that i have been hearing is strange as well, so keep ur head up salam
  10. ^^^^do i have to choke it out of you; :rolleyes: hey zephy u still bored, i see many p.s. that were't there before in your message; lool salam
  11. Final_Say

    Girl Logic

    ^^^^i don't no whether to bash you or not; so i'm gonna do what i really wanna do; which is laugh; looool you guys are funny
  12. adeer ofley; your glasses must be getting old; "She had too. All the luuq's were taken as she said. They had to do it right there in barxada. did i say that; hhm, i remember saying i wz bored;; either way adeer what do you think, boys or gurls in SOL; no long thing;
  13. long analysis zephy; but i swear this place as more chicks den guys or guys who like female nick names :confused:
  14. zephy dee i wz bored; and he happened to be the only one not in luuq; it wz either go luuq wid him or fight with him; i hate luuq so i fought with him; lool he wz talking in terms of sucess levels, positions, promotions; he believes that most women give up and stay at home, which in his mind is a good failure; :mad: such a bloody farah; OG; sis u still working; u work more than me and that is strange my friend;
  15. salam; hi ppl; i know ur all bored hence why your reading this anyway i wz in chat earlier and i had a debate with one of the guy's (i'm not gonna expose who) who insisted that in SOL, the girls are doing worsen then the guys in life; so to end the debATE, and shut this guy up; sisters; tell him dee; he lives in dream world; i wanted to set up a poll; but i have no idea how to do it; i also tried telling this boy that this could not be so, because in general we have more female than males and on SOL we still have more females then males; :rolleyes: he won't listen; little farah has it twisted; set him on the straight and narrow path; maca salamah
  16. loool^ i saw it coming; lool; some quick up marriages :rolleyes: thanks WOL
  17. oraah does not mean he has seen you have sex before; simple your private parts; sorry love i don't know what countries you been seeing; but everyone knows that free relationships, cheating, one night stands, and all the other names to describe stuipness stempts from the west; the none western tent to be less open about their business even if they get up to no good; zephy i agree divorce is normal, i would never marry without the option of divorcing if were gonna kill each other , but in the west it is take for a joke, almost as qick as flings; as haddad said it is option we are not advise to use;
  18. ^^^^that is just not fair; an english title, with a somali post, that would take me atleast 10yrs with no breaks to read :mad: with a big picture that doesn't fit the screen, you either see the white man or the farah!!! oh well i wz interested as well; thats till i saw the somali essay that goes with it; salam
  19. happy late birthday sis; i wz busy wid the london things; may allah guide you, keep you safe, hope you see many more yrs inshallah; maca salamah
  20. ^^^^looooool; ur funny; i guess u have a hard time understanding western realtions, which ofley seem to have adopted freely; loool; not to worry, its hard for me to understand too;
  21. yeah he wz in chat earlier; said he's fine
  22. subxanallah; i wish her well; anyone know the exact details of how Diamante is; inshallah i'll pray for her
  23. dawco and nafta signed in the other one; so i guess they are okay!! but still sign in
  24. i hope ur safe and well water inshallah; my prayers are with you; oh has anyone heard from shujui