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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Yes stranger they would send a plane while khat ban by Federal gov in place
  2. it does not account all vessels, are telling us Berbera is busier that Mogadishu?
  3. Who is so weak that is resorting isku jawaabi? Rely one account,
  4. Why one secessionist is using multiple accounts?
  5. Why did you cut the Somalia flag and country name out?
  6. The deal from Djibouti is working for Sl, what did Farmaajo get? MISE.WAA laga xoqday
  7. Yes he is good arguments but did he follow those good advice by himself?
  8. Nice song Suugaanta yaa la siyaasadeeynin
  9. Let us do some maths, how many Slers go to China and do business???, and how many get their goods for Berbera and goods that goes to Wajaale, I have been to China , loads of business going to Wajaale. Everything in SL, is from China, Everything that passes through is from.China, Ma maqashey, meeshi labo maroodi ku dagaalamaan, cawska uun baa ku burbura, learn some lessons from genius Ina Omar Gheele, he houses both China n US.
  10. Internal problems, how much SL paid this guy?
  11. Isn't this the idiot who sold Somali seas! Ma cidbaa.wax ka qorta
  12. The most stupid dicision and amateurish ever, what are they thinking!! many countries who had recognised Taiwan before , have changed their mind, and withdrew it, to please China cuz they know it is never going to happen, as China has veto power, and know any day now, China will annex Taiwan, so will not ruin relationships with China. PLUS China has a big influence in Africa and AU. It is bad idea.
  13. Maanta baroor diiq baa ku jirtaa , maalin kale haynoo ahaato.
  14. Instead of resorting to personal attacks, tell what is wrong with my analysis, I was here and was against markii Xalweeyste 11 usoo qaadey Pl, and now siyaasadii hadeey isla kiin rogtey, it was military defeat against SL, and now political defeat, I would recommend you tell your leaders in Garoowe, hands off Sool and. SANAAG, waxba ma taraysaan. Runtii Walaalnimada beenta aad belahaas ku hadaanna ka jooja. All your political energy, you spend going after Dhoobo, KARAASH Instead everyday praising Biihi, who is 5 km away from Garoowe, what you going to do?
  15. Latest update I get, is Farmaajo wants to fill N&N with these 13 seats, strategy to get re-elected.
  16. Bro , that is all I am trying to tell him, it was early error, that is coming to bite now, the H@rti group. Never mind, I doubt this will fly, but needs strong come back.
  17. war Heedhe in mudo ah ba, constitions is not worth the paper it is written on, it is temporary, and the only thing that goes is power sharing among tribes. I don;t think this will fly. It has been Lajiifiyona Banaan for a while, and I 100% agree with you, the upper house was not required at all. We should have invested better in working constitutional court. Farmaajo wants to screw with federalism, and and hidden agenda a move similar to JVA alliance.
  18. ok, 54, for 18 regions, how come PL leadership agreed to take 11, while Galmudug, which max a region and half, got 8 seats,. PL were happy to throw that Sanaag and Sool under the bus? How come we accepted yesterday injustice, and protest today, that is all I am saying. Remember the Prime Minister was PL, and of course PL involved engineering this thing. Remember , it would not fly without PL agreement. It has to go back to 18 regions, equal representations, hadii kale meesha lagu kala tago.
  19. Puntland tried to hold hostage Sool n Sanaag seats, instead of sticking the right rule and divide Senate seats among 18 regions, they agreed to divide maamul goboleedyo. I was one the Pple protesting against this initially, but sidaas bay markaas siyaasiinta Pl ugu badisay, hadeyse kusoo laba Kacleeysey. AMAZINGLY, Pl wants now to divide seats among 18 regions . This is how it is most countries. Equal seats regardless of population. Still no idea where 13 seats for Benadir came from?