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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. This is a bigger threat to national existence,
  2. Stil I am telling you, these guys have no plans. It is becoming a joke, they have absolutely no plans and time is up.
  3. You are young, and I have hope on you, You also thinking ,, things are not black and white, don't let others, who are your father's age, bitter and and have no hope, ruin and brainwash your life
  4. KHAYRE AND Fsrmaajo are together on this, it is a game
  5. Crazy YES good cop, bad cop. They want to derail Dhusamareeb
  6. Why do your emosions going ahead of you?, Che did not comment but posted audio of Siyad Barre, AUN, he did not say, he believed it or support, are YOU not the one judging him cuz you guessing his intentions?
  7. Who will speak for Salaad Gabeyre? His version?
  8. subxaana Allah, waa sheeka caruureed, I am well-versed the history of my country , with all nonsense in the internet, this is one of the extreme Bs,. You should ask, what do I agree on,? easier.
  9. No, realist, sheeka caruureeda weli ma rumaysan tahay, grow up.
  10. Yes stranger they would send a plane while khat ban by Federal gov in place
  11. it does not account all vessels, are telling us Berbera is busier that Mogadishu?
  12. Who is so weak that is resorting isku jawaabi? Rely one account,
  13. Why one secessionist is using multiple accounts?
  14. Why did you cut the Somalia flag and country name out?
  15. The deal from Djibouti is working for Sl, what did Farmaajo get? MISE.WAA laga xoqday
  16. Yes he is good arguments but did he follow those good advice by himself?
  17. Nice song Suugaanta yaa la siyaasadeeynin
  18. Let us do some maths, how many Slers go to China and do business???, and how many get their goods for Berbera and goods that goes to Wajaale, I have been to China , loads of business going to Wajaale. Everything in SL, is from China, Everything that passes through is from.China, Ma maqashey, meeshi labo maroodi ku dagaalamaan, cawska uun baa ku burbura, learn some lessons from genius Ina Omar Gheele, he houses both China n US.
  19. Internal problems, how much SL paid this guy?
  20. Isn't this the idiot who sold Somali seas! Ma cidbaa.wax ka qorta
  21. The most stupid dicision and amateurish ever, what are they thinking!! many countries who had recognised Taiwan before , have changed their mind, and withdrew it, to please China cuz they know it is never going to happen, as China has veto power, and know any day now, China will annex Taiwan, so will not ruin relationships with China. PLUS China has a big influence in Africa and AU. It is bad idea.
  22. Maanta baroor diiq baa ku jirtaa , maalin kale haynoo ahaato.