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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has offered to mediate between the United Arab Emirates and Somalia after strained relations following the recent signing of the Berbera Port deal. A source confirmed to Radio Dalsan that Riyadh had made an initial communication with the government of Somalia seeking to mediate the two countries. Last week an alleged UAE government sponsored anti-Farmaajo campaign on social media strained the relations even further. Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo’s is set to tour Qatar this week a move seen by analysts as tactical. The Farmaajo administration had declined to cut ties with Qatar following the 2017 Gulf crisis. Mogadishu termed “null and void” the Berbera concession to Ethiopia and DP World saying it interfered with its sovereignty
  2. Thanks OO. Yes, agree, SFG should help Puntland, as well as SL, as long as things done through proper channels.
  3. What do you think GAAS will do who is sitting on the deal he had with DP World?
  4. here are the 11 MPs, who closet secessionist supporters, against this motion, they must be shamed, and kicked out of the parliament. Magacyada Xildhibaannada Saxiixay Mooshinka Dib Loogu Dhigayo Arrinta DP World: Maxamed Cumar Carte Qaalib Cabdi raxmaan Ibbi Axmed Maxamud Sheekh(Dhagaweyne) Maxamed Ibraahi Cabdi (Diyeeshe) Cali Maxamed Muuse Aamino Cumar Jaamac Huda Axmed Cali Axmed Maxamed Jaamac Faadumo Ismaaciil Xuseen Aamino Sheekh Cusmaan’ Faadumo Xasan Cali
  5. This company will never be allowed to operate in SOMALIA, Bosaaso and Berbera have to look a new partner, maybe Turkish, maybe Americans.. Those arrogant arabs thought they could buy SOMALIS.
  6. Somali parliament on Monday banned the DP World from Somalia barely two weeks after Emirati ports operator unveiled its agreement with Ethiopia and Somaliland. In a hotly debated session, Somali lawmakers jointly declared the company a threat to the country’s sovereignty, independence and unity. “DP World had deliberately infringed on the country’s sovereignty there for it has been banned from operating in the country,” reads resolution issued after the session. The resolution said the agreement between Ethiopia, Somaliland and DP World was against the country’s Provisional Constitution . “Any agreement engaged in a country or organization which is not based on the provisional constitution of Somalia is null and void, therefore all the deals signed with Dubai Port World are invalid as they are against the country’s constitution, foreign investment regulations and other regulations of the country,” the resolution ruled. The move comes barely a day after Somali president warned the foreign countries and companies against breaching the country’s sovereignty. "Whoever wishes to engage investment in Somalia should seek the permission from the legal institutions of the government. Somalia's foreign policy is based on neutralism and mutual respect," he told the opening session of parliament. The ban will also affect the agreement between Puntland state and DP World's P&O ports which was granting the company to manage the port for 30 years. "I am warning companies and countries not to cross the line and put to question the sovereignty of Somalia". Early this month, Dubai announced a tripartite agreement dividing the Berbera port between DP World (51%), the Ethiopian government (19%), and Somaliland (30%). The Somali government‘s ministry ports had previous termed the deal as null and void.
  7. labors should demand their rights, with no labor laws, third world countries are ripe for exploitation!
  8. War heedhe kan soo maaha kii Faroole wasaarada maaliyada furaha u hayey oo sidii hanti gaar ah u isticmaali jireen? Gabartu waa gabadh aad ufiican, dadka wanaagsan hala soo dhoweeeyo. Maalin walba Tuugada mark sidaa loo wadwado, waa meesha wax ka hagaagi la'yihiin iyana markeey fursad u helaan meeshoodii ka miistaan!
  9. Did the Ethiopians bring their Families? surely these are not Somalis.
  10. meel Muufadii iyo maraqii isku jirey bay ahayd, oo kiro iyo wax kale ku qaadan jireen, Daar dawladeed u wareega la yiri meeshana ka durugsan. Wadanka dhan waxaa in badan jirta in sharciga iyo amarrada loo hoogansamin oo dawladnimoba la ilaawey waxay ahayd.
  11. History repeating itself. Congrats Eritreans on their win!
  12. I suspect DUCAALE is not SLer, but someone sent to sow division, another ai bot.
  13. RIP EGAL, he was one of the last great SOMALI politicians.
  14. Ducaale, KUWA Zakariye sheegay, oo quluubtooda la bedelay, la yiri Somali ma tihiin, ama waa ka duwantihiin, miyaad tahay? Success story of Ethiopia, Bal muraayada isku fiiri.
  15. what is DUCAALE smoking? adeer, habeen uma hoyateen Awdal, hadeey reer Awdal ka midoobaan SL. Laakin waxaan wanaag aha, in umada dhulkaas ku dhaqan wax fiican wada qabsadaan.
  16. absolutely unacceptable, The office must reopen asap
  17. not sure why they are not trained in LOCAL language
  18. Turkey opens largest overseas army base in Somalia
  19. Kaalay Suuqii SOL miyuu idinku yaraadey? magaalada kala gala!
  20. Do you know right know as we speak, Qatar is recruiting 1000s of boys from Mogadishu/Hargaisa, cuz at least that is what we are good at , fighting, in case if it ever comes to real invasion by KSA and its collision, those boys will be at the front lines.
  21. I agree, the Tele-prompter bit too confusing, it maybe first time used ever in SOMALIA