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Everything posted by Hobbesian_Brute

  1. what an imbecilic thing to say, didn't AS start it by kidnapping foreigners and ruining kenya tourism industry
  2. there is no conflict in somalia currently apart from this islamist insurgency, do you even know what is going on. and al shabaab is not symptom of larger problem, that is disingenuous of you.
  3. what happens most of the time is just translate somali language into english, like today at the mosque a somali guy was sleeping and a kenyan guy kept looking at him, he got upset and sat up and told the guy, war go and do your business, he was literally translating bax shaqadaada qabso, instead of saying go and mind your business.
  4. ^ intercine is ok, but the second example is atrocious. but you too alpha are guilty of wordiness in your meaningless rants here.
  5. Che -Guevara;978741 wrote: The time honored tradition of Somali bashing.... Every Somali is racist but me, every Somali is ignorant but me.... Honored by who ?? The few somalis who write here are not representative of the somali people. i would put them top 5 percentile
  6. you don't deserve a serious response, hence why i said the birds.
  7. Che -Guevara;978735 wrote: " kdf has killed thousands in somalia - a blatant lie" How do you know it's lie? The birds told me!
  8. i got into seriously heated argument with a somali fella justifying the attack supposedly because the kdf attacked kismayo. forgetting the inconvenient fact that AS started it all by kidnapping and killing foreign tourists at the coast, a fact he denies. such atrocities are fair game in his book anyway, coz kdf has killed thousands in somalia - a blatant lie. i swear the nerve on some people is just out of this world. my question is why don't muslims condemn atrocities like these unconditionally ? why do they are always look for lame tenuous excuses everytime terrorists kill innocents.:mad:
  9. Haatu;978714 wrote: Who told them to demonstrate and start a rebellion against their ruler? As Hassan al-Basri said, not a day of good did they get from raising the sword. Instead their homes have been destroyed and their families killed or living as refuges. May Allah help the poor Syrians caught up in this violence. :confused: words fail you sometimes. bal waxaani eega.
  10. this is totally different, this is like a voluntary brothel on wheels, weird.
  11. Maan its looks like a terrorist attack, the gunmen ordered muslims to leave the mall and procedeed to massacre the others. i swear this doesn't look good for us somalis.:mad:
  12. I really like how the leftist/liberal western press feign surprise and shock when they find out simple facts about foreign aid; 1. that its dwarfed by the money hard working honest africans send back homes in remittances. 2. that foreign aid is totally ineffective and even counterproductive. 3. that africans can live without foreign aid just fine. Nacala waji kaga yala kilaabta macaga dalka kaga soo dawarsada dibadaha. shameless vomit eaters lot. say what you say about AS but their 100% correct about kicking the aid industry out of the country.:mad:
  13. imagine if somalis were light skinned, they would the most racist people on this planet, nazis would be pale in comparison. leave alone bantus, just look at how they deal with so called untouchable clans. myself, i have always treated bantu somalis well and never denigrated them as a people.
  14. Don't blame the poor syrians, blame sykes-picot, if you don't know it, read up.
  15. I can't believe no one has update us on the hostage situtation currently unfolding in nairobi's upscale westlands mall in westlands. Terrible scenes from the news. it was earlier reported to be a failed bank robbery but it increasingly looks like a terrorist attack. i am really dreading the possibility of somalis being behind this waxshi incident. somalis have a bad rep already this will surely lead to xenophic attacks on somalis like south africa. allow sahal. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24186780
  16. if its true, it just confirms what we already know, nothing new, just move on. obama was wise not to attack assad, these rats would have taken over the country in no time.
  17. the primary role of woman was gathering in the original hunter and gathering societies of our our forefathers. this idea of women sitting at home doing nothing is only specific to sand coons - for their own twisted sexual reasons, Somali women were/are integral part of the workforce in the miyi. your not impressing anyone adeer.
  18. Haatu;978584 wrote: War I barely know my own lineage and you expect me to know where random clans settle Learn your lineage sxb, its literally a life saver.
  19. i was kidding too, it seems Haatu doesn't know his area well, otherwise how could he not know xaloolshe was made up clan
  20. ^ nah, we are not talking about that one. the real wardheer is ours
  21. your excused because i don't think your a local and just put that name under your location, otherwise you would know the lions of wardheer.
  22. Haatu;978566 wrote: And what village am I from Mr Know it all? ..tan networka siin aanan qabanayn ba. you know it