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Everything posted by Dalmar1

  1. The Civil and the Political disobedience of the Federal States Maamul gobleedyada oo xiriirka u jaray dowladda dhexe The Main Oppoistion Groups Supporting The Federal States in cutting their Political Relations with the Administrations of President Farmaajo. Political Boycott from the Members of both the Lower House and the Senate house, as President Farmaajo is being politically undermined and shamefaced as almost nobody turned up for his Important Parliamentary opening Speech, only 7% MP's (only Farmaajo's and Kheire's Clans) were present for this special occasion of the Parliamentary opening!
  2. Madaxweyne ku xigeenno ka soo horjeestay shirkii Kismaayo Muqdisho-KNN-Madaxweyne ku xigeenada maamulada Galmudug iyo Puntland Cabdixakiin Camey iyo Maxamed Xaashi Carabeey oo la hadlay warbaahinta Kulmiye ayaa caawa usheegay in ay si cad uga soo horjeedaan in xiriirka loo jaro Dawladda dhexe. Madaxda Dawlad goboleedyada oo muddo ku shirsanaa Kismaayo ayaa akhirkii war ay soo saareen waxa ay sheegeen in ay xiriirka ujareen dawladda dhexe ee Soomaaliya. VP Camey (Puntland), VP Carabeey (Galmudug), and VP Cali Cabdualhi (Hiirshabelle) have all denied unanamiously the ties cut with the SFG, they say that the Kismayo Conference Final Communique does not concern them nor their States!
  3. Yep Sister ( i assume your a female, based on your emotional outburst), that we the ''delusional'' Somali people will see you in the case of the Criminal Abdi ina Iley as either with Us or Him (Tuug Ina Iley), and if you choose him, well that makes you an accomplice in crime (for verbal/text support) doesn't it?
  4. @maakhiri1walaal, Xaaf is no better or worse then the rest of the federal foreign stooges (Criminals, drug dealer and terrorist state leaders), also find me one post where i have supported the likes of Xaaf, HAG are not like those folks ( puntlander or somalilander) where they support their leader 100% whether he is wrong or not all because of kinship/clan ties, anaga HAG we will never support 1 of us if he is wrong, look at the cutthroat Aideed of how we took care of him by our own self when he caused many mischief around Somalia. The famous quote come's to mind; ''A nation has to be able to deal with its traitors and cutthroats and turncoats." p.s Xaaf is the product of this cancerous federalism, federalism is where the degenerates rise in office and the nationalists die!
  5. MMA, i have deleted all mention of that controversial man, i only called his name out to show the level of hypocrisy of certain community, no offence intended.
  6. Quoting the part in my statement about him being warlord wont help you win any political points, and besides i doubt you puntlanders would welcome anyone that will resuscitate Somalia, you puntlanders are known for pushing Somalia's Disintegration and nothing more.
  7. Alhamdulilahi, that whenever we Southern Somalis have Political discussion we tend to know whether mjs are amongst us, if so we know what to expect and that is as always their usual victimhood calacaal about the HAG boogieman! Walee you mjs, no matter how young or old never cease to amaze us with your baby tears of victimhood, trust me there is no love lost for you folks either in here in South Somalia, as will always see you as the treacherous people that brought Ethiopia into Somalia, its funny right that no matter how you paint us HG with the looter names and such, that Somalia will always prefer us over you treacherous folks in pirate puntlanders, in fact the Somalia Senators recently actually chose an Former Warlord Qeybdiid over your faroole for seat of Head of Constitution Committee, that should tell you something. Now go calacaal, demonstrate or just cry me a river, thats what your folks are known for!
  8. All feeble lies, for godsake for once write a post without cuqdad, your hate for HG is paramount and your posts full of HG calacaal amounts to nothing but Horseshit. Its always your people from pintiland that has alot of calacaal to say about HG, i wonder why, maybe victimhood?
  9. You have to admit with Abdiqasam, that he tried his best in the worst era ever (The CIA Sponsored warlords), President Abdiqasim remains the only President since Siade barre and upto present day Presidents to have expelled The Ethiopia army from Somalia since they entered in 1996 in BAY,BAKOOL and GEDO, read below How his PM Ali Khalif Galydh diplomatically in the UN Summit expelled Ethiopia from Somalia; The Ethiopia army and influence was thus expelled successfully under the administration of President Abdiqasim, only to return back in 2006 under President Abdulahi Yuusuf. You see sxb @maakhiri1that HG has a past for fighting against foreigners/shisheeye occupation in Somalia, we like every Somalis have Moryaans within our ranks, but we will never Sell Somalia to foreigners especially Xabashi Ethiopia as some treacherous clans will do gladly.
  10. What i posted was pure advocacy of HG being President, we have seen all other major clans come and go, and non were beneficial in terms of stability, peace and positive development, every ailment that exist in Somalia today, HG has a cure for it, i dare you ask me something that is an obstacle Somalia faces and i will say how HG can overcome that obstacle whether it be Al-shabaabs,Federal Moryaans, Ethiopia and Somaliland, we HG have the antidote to those ailments!
  11. What looters?...are you calling HG Looters, a collective of people who have done no harm?? Your post smells of qabyaalad and you are definitely a qabilisto, kulaha ''stop sullying Ciisa name'' then precedes to call collective beesha HG's looters, if they are in your book looters, then so is Ciisa since he hails from those looters you call!
  12. Why the name calling, when ever we demand for the right of presidency its always your type the Puntlanders that jump with name calling, i sense that fear has got something to do with it, you Puntlanders fear that your house called Federalism will be dismantled the moment HG is chosen for Presidency, tbh you are right to fear beacuse that is our goal, to dismantle this cancerous Federalism. Every tom, dick and harry had a turn for the Presidency, i think our (HG) time has come, and i sincerely believe that once we assume the presidency that we shall overcome this hardship, instability that foreign imposed federalism has brought, we shall like strive like Cabdulahi Cisa (AUN) into bringing back the 2nd Somalia Republic Insha'allahi.
  13. As for hal Xaafad Galkacyo, Lol, tbh we are the only sub HAG that rules lands beyond its wildest dreams, many lands that we do not inhabit is now under our Firm Hands, even in the cursed Federalism we excel, we have a state we named, a flag we designed, and lands and clans we absorbed, if that is not success then i dont know what it is! Federalism no matter how good to us, our ambition will never allow us to settle with less than Ras-kamboni-Zaylac (then after we shall strive for Somaliweyne) in our firm hands, insha'allahi we shall fight endlessly,as we shall never accept the pirates and foreigners imposed federalism.
  14. Lol, now you are willing to give Farmaajo another 6 years, after reading what i wrote on what might happen to you if HAG''s Elite HG ever do get the Presidency, waryaa Samafaloow why the fear, we had the Xabashi Traitor Abdulahi Yuusuf as president, then the 2 useless beesha Unaka leh Sheikh Shariif and HSM, and now we have the Deskjob employee the timid inept Farmaajo, i think its fair due now that the Iljeex HAG's HG get its turn. The Moment HG becomes President, all cards will fall to its place, iljeex Mahad Karate Leader of the Youths will follow his beesh's ruling and dismantle the political tool aka Al-shabaab, and then from there all foreign stooging states beginning from Jubaland and Puntland will be dismantled at the barrel of a gun, to be honest thats the only methods to restrain the Nomadic Somalis, and we excel in restraining too! So far Farmaajo is playing into our HAG's game, fight federalism whatever means necessary, paint those federal stooges as spoilers to the regions, then after our HAG's ascension to power it will be a walk in the park in dismantling them insha'allahi.
  15. In this era of Somalia's rebirth, Farmaajo is not the man for it, we all know Somalia is Sick and the disease is many such as foreign meddling, clan grievances (Somaliland), and cancerous Federalism, and the very Doctor that can cure this disease can only come from Mogadishu's HAG. I honestly believe only HAG can fix Somalia, and i am not talking about the corrupt inept beesha Unaka lah (infact these folks are actually new into the Politics), i am talking about beeshaPM Cabdulahi Cisa that brought us out of Colonialism and united Italy Somaliland with British Somaliland under Cegal. We Have seen the past Presidents (after Siade barre) how useless and inept they were, from Beesha Puntland Abdulahi yuusuf on how treacherously colluding with an foreign enemy on their tank, and Beesha Unaka Leh how they keep managing to produce corrupt Presidents calool shaqeystayaal over and over again, its amazing that their political capacity never surpasses the cambool iyo beenza they so much love, and the Present day President Farmaajo, how useless he is in a place so Hostile to him, he is put in a simple words a Cat among Lions, his odds of succeeding as an great leader is highly stacked against him in qabyaalad loving nation called Somalia. What we need is an clan known for its Political expertise and military strength, and that is no other /Abdulahi Isa! (The Picture) Is the day Somalia was born (South and North united) under Cabdulahi Isa/Egal both AUN If Beesha Cabdulahi Cisa does become President, do you know how easy it will be for them to rule Somalia with ease, this is what will happen to each clan states; Jubaland; Kenya will be expelled for internal meddling, then an instant military invasion under SNA will follow, which after the Kenyan project will be abolished! Galmudug, Koonfur Galbeed, and Hiirshabelle are all HAG's playground, they will follow blindly without say. Puntland; Political and Economical Isolation, till we strengthen The 2nd Somalia Republic Government then an Military invasion for its treacherous politics. Somaliland; we will Follow Abdulahi Cisa - Egal Agreements, and that is after listening to their grievances to give them the absolute role of Presidency/ PM whatever they like and they will forever keep it, only South (Mogadishu) and North state (Hargeisa) shall exist per 1960's agreement, every other foreign sponsored states will be abolished!
  16. As per source are saying, is that President Farmaajo's Tri-pate talks in Eritrea was at his request in order to Help Djibouti solve its conflict with Eritrea, so far Eritrea has agreed to relinquish the Djibouti lands, and Prisoners of wars it had taken during the 2008 border conflict! Glad tidings are about to turn and good fortune on Djibouti, as Iasias Afwerki is determined to leave a good legacy behind by first mending the broken relations within its regions (HOA) especially that of its neighbors, after giving Djibouti back its land and POW, its excepted that Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti with UN will unilaterally announce that all Hostility in the Horn Africa has ended, then the Security Council under China, Russia, and UK will lift the sanction on Somalia and Eritrea as they both have matured Politically, with this sanctions lifted certain spoilers (Not Al-shabaab, as there is another solutions for it) in Somalia will face an humiliating end.
  17. 2 years in the political worlds amounts to decades, why wait for someone to leave, when we have our destines at our very own hands and can change it, i truly believe that separating from that region Somali state is in our very own best interests, as it will not only safeguard our lands from the encroaching Oromos but it will also give us a Political space to breath from the prison called Ogadenia.
  18. Not only did he ignore the beesha you mentioned above, he also ignored most of HAG blocks that live at eastern front next to Oromos, @Abtigiisis no differnce then Abdi ina Iley, wakahi i have lost all political faith of these dumb folks beesha Bigfoots. Intellectuals and Politicians abroad and insde in Ethiopia of the HAG and D1r Communities are calling for a separation of the Somali state, they want to form a different state that combines the HAG and Dir lands in the Western parts of the Somali state and theSomali lands in Eastern parts of Oromo state while making Dhire Dhabe the capital state, here below is an Oromo professor close to PM Abiy Ahmed that supports this idea, a State that combines Irir lands with Afran Oromos; https://www.zehabesha.com/exclusive-interview-can-opdo-survive-with-olf-in-ethiopia/ In short quote he says; "Some parts of Ethiopian Somali region can also merge with eastern parts of Oromia regional state and Dire dawa can also serve as the the capital, Of the new region we can refer to as eastern Ethiopia regional state (consisting of Irir Somalis and Afran Oromos)" The politically inept dumb Beesha Bigfoots will never bring any good tangible changes to the collective Somali people outside their own the D block, hence its best to separate from them and create a state where we actually matter in dignity, Mustafa Omar is no better than the Criminal Abdi ina Iley!
  19. Hence why i call them traitors and the Kismayo conference an foreign sponsored warlords rebellious gathering meant to undermine the fragile Somalia government.
  20. Xaaji to be honest, i rather have a beautiful city that looks like that regardless of its secret police then have cities like Mogadishu, Hargeisa, Djibouti or any Somali city. Asmara is a city that looks more like an Western city then an African city especially an east African cities.
  21. The meeting in Kismaayo is an open attack against Farmaajo and his group, each state leader one by one is attacking Farmaajo, its an open rebellion from these treacherous groups; Khudbadda C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas “Sharaf bay nootahay in Marlabaad iskugu nimaadno shirka golaha iskaashiga maamul goboleedyada dalka oo looga tashanayo Mustaqbalka iyo aayaha Soomaaliya gaar ahaan arrimaha aan u aragno in ay muhiim yihiin ee dhanka Siyaasadda,Amniga,Dhaqaalaha, arrimaha bulshada iyo barashada is dhexgalka dowlad goboleedyada . Waxaa uu shirkan ku soo beegmay Wakhti xasaasi ah Soomaaliya gaar ahaan dhanka Siyaasadda iyo amniga labaduba,Soomaaliya waxaa ay mareysaa xaalad Khatar ah xaaladaha nucaasi ah eek ala guurka ah waxaa loobaahanyahay runtii sid adag in indhaha loogu hayo si dhowna looga warqabo taas ayaa keentay Shirkan . Shirka waxaa uu diiradda saari doonaa arrimo muhiim ah arrimahaasi waa labo qeybood qeyb waxaa weeye waxaa ka dhaxeeya dowlad goboleedyada Waxa ay wadaagaan danahooda khaaska ah, midna waxaa weeye midda dowlad goboleedka ay la wadaagto dowladda dhexe iyo ajandaha Soomaaliya labadubaDabcan waxaa jira dano gaar ah oo ka dhaxeeya dowlad goboleedyada taasina waxaa ay hoos imaaneysaa midda guud ee Soomaaliya . Dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya iyo dowladaha xubnaha ka ah xidid maahan xigaalo maahan Saaxiibo maahan qaraabo maahan waxaa ka dhaxeeyo waa shaqo umaddaa loo shaqeynayaa marka waxaan leenahay mas’uuliyaddaasi halgu wada shaqeeyo hana la isku ixtiraamo” . Khudbadda Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdi Waare “Afartan sano kadib anagoo intii ka tabar yar oo taladeennada ay weli kala baahsantahay oo dagaallo qabiil ay weli jiraan oo dib u heshiisiin dhab ah aan la sameynin ayaa mar labaad hadana gobolka waxaa ka kacay duufaan kale waxaan halis ugu jirnaa in aan ilduuf labaad galno oo la mid ah kii dhacday sagaashamaadkii oo aan ku wareerno duufaantaan marka labaad kacday oo awoodo Milatari iyo kuwo dhaqaale ay ku tartamayaan kheyraadka iyo Istiraatiijiyadda Soomaaliya halka ay ku taallo waxaa arrintaasi ku jira wadamo deris ah kuwo gobol ah iyo kuwo caalami ah sababtuna wax kale ma ahane meesha aan ku naal ayaa qasbeysa in cid walba danaheeda nagu waardiyeysato. Si aan duufaantaas mar labaad aanu ugu il duufin waxaa muhiim ah in aan taariikhda wax ka baranno oo aan tashanno waa arrin ka weyn koox yar in ay isbiddo in dadka ay ka caqli badantahay, kawa daniyadsantahay ka toosantahay kana cilmi badantahay . Waa arrin ka weyn Mucaarad iyo Muxaafad waa arrin ka weyn dowlad fedaraal iyo maamul goboleed waa arrin u baahan Soomaali oo dhan shacab iyo dowlad in laga tashado, sababtoo ah anagoo sidaan ah tabarteenna iyo taladeenna haddii aan galno khaladkii oo kale markaan waxaan halis ugu jirnaa in annagoo fiirineyna waddankeenna iyo Kheyraadkeenna ayadoo nala ka talo gelin la qaato. Waxaan halis ugu jirnaa dowladnimada iyo calanka aan ku hoos jirno inaan weyno waxaan halis ugu jirnaa qoomiyadda Soomaalinimada in la waayo sidaas daraateed Khatarta na hoos taal ma ahan khatar sahlan waa arrin u baahan in aan isweydiinno su’aalo Muhiim ah . Waa maxay danta Soomaalida annaga qaranka Soomaaliya haddaan nahay horta danteenna maxay tahay maxaan deriska ka leenahay maxaan gobolka ka leenahay maxaa caalamka ka leenahay oo aan qeexno danteenna aduunka Saaxiibtinnimo, qaraabo iyo xidid laguma joogo waxaa lagu joogaa dan Waa inaan isweydiinaa yaa saaxiib nala ah illeen kaligeen ma noolaan karno yaa saaxiib nala ah yaa xulufo nala ah yaa danwadaagnaa” . Khudbadda Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan “Waxaa la isku hagranayaa Shabaabka arrimihiisa sababtoo ah dowladda Federaalka mar aysan wax heyn waa ay jirtaa lkin hadda oo cid walba ay ogtahay rasaasta ay heso in ilmihii soo dhinta diyaar u ahaa oo Shabaab la dagaalamayay in rasaas ay siin weydo horoyana ay raashin u siin weyday daawo u siin weyday maxay na tuseysaa arrintaas. Waxaa ay na tuseysaa in aan isku aragti laga aheyn sida Alshabaab loola dagaalamayo, dowladda Federaalka oo ah isha annaga wax noo qabata shirar badan ayaa la yeelanay shirarkii iyaga ahaa wixii lagu hehsiiyay maxaa ka hirgalay maxaase ka hirgalin wixii hirgalay sidey u hirgaleen wixii gali waayay maxay ku maqanyihiin maamulladaa ma dowladda Fedaraalkaa ma beesha caalamkaa waa in la si warasado haddii intaasi oo dhan la isku keeno waxaan aaminsanahy in wax badan ay soo bixi doonaan”. Khudbadda Madaxweyne Axmed Ducaale Geele Xaaf “Dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya oo aan u qabtay wax badan oo aan Dhuusomareeb geeyay waxaa ay iigu xijiyeen Xaaf waa inuu baxaa hal heyska Madaxda dowladda Federaalka waa Xaaf inuu baxo intee aadaa odayga waa kii dad soo dhoweeyay . Wakhti dambe uu u tartamo uma harin intii la I dhihi lahaa wakhtiga yarka sii dhameyso aad iyo aad ayey nasiib darro u tahay, Soomaaliya waxaa ay u baahantahay dib u heshiisiin mana dhamaato dib u heshiisiinta labada qod oo la heshiisiinayo haddii uu qof samro waxbaa ka hagaago haddii uu midna samri waayo waxba kama hagaagaan. Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaa ay ku jirtaa kanna saar kanna siib ayay maamul goboleedyada ku heysaa ma oga waxa dalka ka socda wasiirradii waa la mid taliyaashii ciidamada waa la mid haatanna intoodii kooxda ahaa ayaaba iskaga daray”.
  22. By Frederick Golooba-Mutebi Former US president Barrack Obama called it the “North Korea of Africa”. Others portray it as a terrible dictatorship, a police state and a regional troublemaker. Its reputation has been further sullied by reports about so many of its citizens, young people mostly, fleeing repression at home. That repression, it is said, is the reason Eritrea’s youth are willing to risk life and limb in crossing the Mediterranean in overcrowded boats. As I write this column, it is four days since I arrived in Asmara, the country’s capital city. This visit of discovery is a culmination of many years of actively wanting to come here and see the place for myself and make my own mind about what Eritrea and Eritreans and their leaders are about. My desire to visit was sharpened by the many contradictions and accounts by diaspora Eritreans and foreign commentators about life in Eritrea. Commentators tend to dwell on repression and and human rights abuses; the longevity in power of President Isaias Afeworki, who apparently has no intention of stepping down, and the large numbers of refugees taking flight in search of refuge outside the country’s borders. The feeling I have usually been left with is that Eritrea is a nasty place. Meanwhile, every time I have chanced upon Eritreans, and I have chanced upon many in different places, I have not been able to resist the temptation to ask about what they think of their country and government. I have often been quick to add: “I hear many bad things about it”. That I have heard bad things is never news. If anything, their reaction tends to be something like “I know what you have heard”, before they advise me to be careful about what I read or hear, because “it is not always true”. Upon hearing that, I usually ask them whether they ever revisit the country, and if they have been there in recent times. Some say they have been away for a long time. Others visit on a regular basis, returning for holidays and family as well as national events. Currently there are many diaspora Eritreans , many to attend a popular festival. Among those that visit regularly, many originally left as refugees fleeing, not from repression, but from the economic hardships imposed on the country by the conflict with Ethiopia, international sanctions, and the way the government has responded to both, which, even officials admit has not made life any easier. And so last week I set off to experience Eritrea at first hand. Of course, I have not been here long enough to claim expertise. And I do not expect to be here long enough to form first impressions. Many things have struck me. Easily the most significant is the peace and quiet, the orderliness, and what seems like a uniquely Eritrean approach to security. After many daytime and nigh-time walks and drives around Asmara, I have seen only two uniformed police officers, each in a different part of the city, both unarmed. Coming from East Africa where the visibility of police officers and their automatic rifles is a major feature of policing, this takes a bit of getting used to. This absence of visible policing, including by traffic cops, on the streets of a large city, is hardly my idea of a police state. And nowhere have I seen a uniformed soldier, let alone anyone carrying a firearm. I have gone past or into several buildings’ housings government ministries and foreign missions. I have no signs of guards, armed or not. Nor have I entered any building and been frisked for weapons or dangerous objects. And in none of the buildings have I encountered metal detectors, which in East Africa are now a common sight, even in places of worship. Not so long ago, traffic cops were withdrawn from the streets of Uganda’s capital, Kampala, in response to what the police force construed as objectionable remarks by a senior city official. It threw traffic into utter chaos and almost forced motorists to abandon their cars. Asmara But in Asmara, easily one of Africa’s cleanest cities, without traffic cops and with traffic lights not working, perhaps because of frequent power outages, motorists exhibit the highest level of discipline and civility. That includes bicycle riders and motorcyclists. Not here the excessive sense of self-importance that compels officials in some East African counties to drive on the wrong side of the road, sirens blaring, forcing other motorists onto pavements while traffic cops stand by and watch as if it did not matter. I have asked officials and ordinary people about the absence of active policing during the day and night. Apparently the police come out only in response to calls for help. Otherwise, in this “police state”, citizens look out for each other as well as looking after private and public property.
  23. As the Ethiopia election is nearing is Abiy's government banning strong opposition groups/individuals from participating using dual nationalities as an excuse to hold his PM seat, or is Jawar Mohammed criticizing the Ethiopia government from banning him as he wants to enter the upcoming national election?