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Everything posted by xabad

  1. ADMIN BAN Ciilsuldan. I have been warning against anyone replying to this mental asylum patient for some time. Any scraps he is fed only encourage him to be outrageous.
  2. <cite> @benny-adam said:</cite> I wouldn't bother, it's the typical euro-centric garbage that even the west now calls a poor work of academia. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/may/24/worlddispatch.usa Ka bax warkiisa kan. Guardian is good sometimes, but its not correct all the time.
  3. <cite> @Haatu said:</cite> Ciidan la isku dhafey wax tari maayo haddii aan beelaha la heshiisiin, jajuubka lagu noolyaheyna laga bixin. What good would a united army do if they will readily splinter into clan militias at the smallest clan dispute, or if foreigners dictate to us what to do? Beelaha waxaa un la heshiisiin karaa markii caddaalad la helo. Caddaaladna waxaa un lagu heli karaa kitaabka Ilaahey oo si daacad ah loogu dhaqmo . Proof ??? show me any where kitaabka looga daqmay ay cadalad keentay ?
  4. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> There is many like them in the state house neighborhood not just few individuals. What is needed is a complete change to help the poor people of Hargeisa and elsewhere, when you have fat belly ministers stealing the little money Sland gets there is no hope for the poorer average people. While in Hargeisa last year so many street children were begging everywhere it was a shock to me, I did what I could to help though. Far too many mouths to feed. This is the fact everyone side steps.
  5. ^ Haha, Malistar, come on you disrupted the circle jerk.
  6. I hereby apologize to my PL brothers: Tillamook and Che, Xaal qaata, i was wrong for the generalization and truculent language. I have amended my posts.
  7. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> lol@Tillamook I am beginning to think Xabad is Jadiid. Pray tell me who this jadiid is, che ?
  8. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> ^ Lol? C'mon, Che: You know that inconsequential non-entity is mad at me for ripping him a new a-hole in that other thread. So just let him be... let him rile against his betters. ? ^ My reaction to Tillamook's isku camirid and pathetic efforts to rile me up. Son, so pugnacious for what ?
  9. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> While District voting and ridding should be the next step. it is not feasible at the moment. Elections were held in war torn countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, while chaos and insurgencies were going on. The difference was that their governments prepared and implemented their goals of democratic voting. How can anyone expect a president who could not equip and train couple of hundred Somali soldiers for his own safety, will conduct a nation wide election. Since Somalis walk like tortoise , it will take a year or more to even designate and demarcate the so called districts. One thing is for sure Somalis will never accept fair and balanced system. Look at Somaliland, in 2003, they had municipal and presidential elation. Everyone agreed that they were fair and free. Then, In 2005, when it came to parliament, they could not agree a simple formula on district demarcation or population based numbers. The least they could have done is use the total number of those who voted for the presidential election and divide to the regions. Those who fear the actual voter distribution were the so called majority tribe. The biggest hurdle for Somali democracy is " Kuwii sadbursday ayaa doonaya intaa in ka badan". So, the three parties decided to use the 1960 district for the number of parliament representatives. How can one would base their estimate of the population on the pre-colonial boundaries and districts of fifty years ago. They said it is provisional compromise that will last until the next election in five years. Well, 11 years have passed and nothing has been done. Do not expect the next election to be any different. On that history and experience alone, I will not suggest to anyone to another unelected member sitting in the parliament through a district system while the citizens of the district would have any say. They will be appointed by C/kariim Guleed, Ahmed Madoobe, Shariif Hassan and C/weli. If they could appoint about 40 or 50 members, they will definitely have a leg up in the ladder to become a president in the 2016 election. The whole game could be tied to that election. As reported by Nicholas Kay himself, the pool of the electoral collage convened for the election of the president will be larger this time around . It will be based on 4.5, but about 5000 members will convene, which minimizes the whole sale bribing of abut hundred people. Also, these Somali regional states must conduct fair and free election in their regions. The districts that we are looking may come out from those regions. Finally I am afraid that 16 years of 4.5 could be replaced by another unfair and unelected system which could last another decade. This man gets it.
  10. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Who's they? The secret reptilian cabal that won't let the country settle.
  11. Well done ! Let them find no refuge, they should be kept on their toes.
  12. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> A case of everyone else is qabiilist hehe. Whatever argument you were trying to put forward was lost in your general condemnation and over-generalization of en entire people. .
  13. There can never be a popular democracy based on an individual in the western Jeffersonian sense in a country where people only identity is clan, this fact is immutable. Some other form of governance that suits them will have to be found. Gaal waxooda kaliya yaa la isku jaangoyn.
  14. Right, they always see the speck in other people's eyes, failing to notice the logs in theirs. Don't you just love their new found soft spot for the .5 people, when did their ever about anyone other than their clan bal. Let them answer these following: How would a District System be implemented ? Can they be a credible census in Somalia at this moment ? Can we ever ensure a credible direct one man voting anywhere in Somalia ? Would a large but sparsely populated District have the same number of MP's as more populous one ? How would different clans or even sub clans in the same district agree on their MP's ? Why does an impoverished country need a second legislative body ? Would we use the current Gobolo ? remember Siyaad Barre gerrymandered them to give certain some clans extra.
  15. Fascinating ! Thanks Libaax, I already posted a Wapo link about this topic a while back.
  16. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> If you'd paid any attention to what I wrote earlier in this thread, then you'd know the only way to move from the clan based zero-sum politics in Somalia, is to allow the nation to form other coalitions based on regions, provinces and districts. Ergo, your fear of the D-block's dominance will be greatly reduced because people will instead be forced to make political alliances based on the geographies and territories they live and belong to, instead of the bloodline they might share with others-- no matter how sacrosanct it maybe(only in the case of the D-Block, of course ?) Wrong, it's worse than the 4.5 system. At least with 4.5 the major qabiils have equal vote, the alternative favors those with larger land mass and hence more degmo. you have no problem with that, PL are enthusiastic for this, but some of us are fair minded and have a long term view as to how end the hostilities in the Somali peninsula. The boffins can sit down and come with a better system than this 4.5 system i am sure, but if there no alternative i say keep it. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> P.S As to me making assumptions about the Somali clan you formerly belonged to, I wouldn't give it the time of day. And besides, everyone knows that once one becomes an atheist and renounces the Tawheed, then one has rescinded his somalihood and therefore cannot belong to any Somali clan or family. For to be a Somali, my dear mooncalf, is first and foremost to believe in the one true God. So deen and clan chauvinism go like hand and glove, somaha Tillamook. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
  17. <cite> @somalee said:</cite> Why is it so laakiin?. It is not confined to Wahabbis. Somalee, i suggest you read " The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai", if you want to understand this unique characteristic Arab male attitude to women.
  18. <cite> @Asad Ahmed said:</cite> This is simple,Those who are advocating for District/degaan Based should Start from Their Degaans,they have agreed to share power on clan lines in their districts and failed to have distrcit based so why push into us this task when somalia doesnt have the resources/time to enforce such travesty system.4.5 is not perfect but atleast it is working,4.5 will be the dominant theme in the next years to come. Fair point.
  19. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> ...and so you have the audacity to challenge the all concurring hero of SOL, Señor Tillamook ? ? Xabad, the record is out there for all to see that you support and prefer the 4.5 travesty because you fear the indomitable D-Block would otherwise assume their rightful pedestal over the Laangaab nimcompoops who support the 4.5 nonsense. Need I say more...? See, its all a zero sum game with you. Domination, pedestal, right place, laangaabnimo , waa maxay waxaan ? Nin caqli leh aan kuu haystay. Ileen your just a knuckle dragging e-mooryaan. We are past this nonsense, son, it doesn't excite us, besides nobody will respect you more or think your tough cause your beating and taunting on a fellow skinny. The world doesn't care. I don't even enjoy fighting with black people let alone other Somalis. What have we learned from the civil war and the last 30 years, if you bloviating like this ? Dib isugu noqo, son. Don't make assumption about my clan, you'd be surprised if i reveal my clan. Look in the mirror Tillamook. Godspeed.
  20. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> What's this doublespeak, sxb? In a different post your frantic hullabaloo for the 4.5 system . That is a damned Lie and you know it ! What system are you for ??
  21. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> Granted, you fear the purported tyranny that may arise from a majority taking control ... but, how do you propose we, Somalis, divvy up the cake of power? Since we're not homogenous, per your earlier assertion(unlike Swaziland???) and since there is an obvious diversity of interests within Somalia, how do you suppose we share power? Honestly i don't know, a few years i would have said loose federation. Even that may not bring justice and peace, as Qabyaalad turns inwards when it doesn't have outside targets.
  22. I answered that, I am against MAJORITY rule in general, it's a bad thing, it's tyranny and i am against all tyranny, clan, religious, national, ethnic etc.
  23. I am against majority rule in Somalia. I am also against majority rule except in a very homogeneous state say like say Swaziland. No, I don't think 4.5 system or district system will usher in democracy.
  24. Mooge, since your the resident expert on Somali politics, I need your views. PL and D-block in general want a Gobol system in wax lagu qaybsado, because they have the largest land mass and most Degmo, that is why they are also very enthusiastic for upper house. My question is won't that disenfranchise the other clans and return the D block hegemony ee laga gudbay ? Daacad uga jawaab. I understand 4.5 is used against PL in the Somali parliament when other clans band against PL and the D-block, for example denying them funds and blocking mashaariic sida petrol qodista iwm , but won't it be better to fight for more autonomy and say over your own regional development instead of gerrymandering the whole system to your favor.