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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. Tilamook, waa runtaa ma rabno wax dhibaato ahi in ay in ay ku yimaadaan Habraha iyo kooxaha la socda.


    Dhagax-Tuur, uma malaynayo gacan ka hadal in ay gaadhayso, sida Oodweyne sheegayna , maba lulatee maxay leeftaa.


    OOdweyne , I thought about suppressing the news about the allegations until further information comes forward, but I thought that it will be unfair to selectively choose the news and suppress the rest. You said "So from that perspective, both Somalia and Somaliland will have the “chance” to update their “diplomatic strategy” for the political reality that is likely to be facing them. I believe that it is someone else's reality.


    In terms of terrorism and Al-shabaab , I am just releasing the tip of the iceberg. We have more information about mechanics of these false sovereignty on one side and the chaos plus soverignity on the other side.


    My only regret in this article is, this morning I did listen the entire podcast of Dr.C/salaam Omer from London School of economics and his approach and statements were all conciliatory and were based on logic and reality. There wasn't any threat or stick. He said " if Somalia is unstable Somaliland would not remain peaceful, using the Iraq and Syria analogy.


    I do not know extensively , but the chaos theory could be applied here. Things that appear to be random are probably calculated for the purpose of chaos or false instability.

  2. Folks , first of all let me proclaim that I am just a messenger. There are plenty of people who visit back home for many different reasons. Some may say , what is so special about Galbeedi's so called witnesses since we all are familiar what is going on in Mogadishu these days?, well that is a good question. Usually I do not report the familiar narratives of most people who either give a rossy picture of boom or a place of chaos . I concentrate on anomalies , like small details that will give you the larger picture of things. I also think that most of you are capable of distinguishing my perceived bias opinion from the eye witnessed reports. There is a difference between opinion and real event.


    Also I want to state that my report is a third hand account , which means I am passing the message from the person who interviewed the eye witness. The only reason I am eager to pass to SOL readers is that the man who passed the information is a trustworthy and honorable person . Also regardless of how some may see , we must pass the information.


    The public and Al-shabaab


    The witness said that " after visiting Mogadishu for many times , it was the first time I saw the tide is against Al-shabaab, while riding a bus throughout the city, you could hear radio announcements, reports and news stories that is totally against Al-shabaab by the privately owned media.", he continued " people inside the buses are openly sharing the evil's of Al-shabaab and their anti Somali behaviour". The witness said that a total hate , antipathy and contempt of Al-shabaab is widespread among the public. He says people do not afraid them as much as before. Finally , Al-shabaab are losing the support of the public.


    Gerrymandering and vote buying by the parliament hopefuls.


    Many of you have probably seen in the media about the so called candidates of the incoming parliament ( Waxaan ahay musharax u taagan baarlamaanka Somalia) even here in the diaspora. Big money is changing hands this time around. The United Nation mission in Somalia and those who are managing the road map , have increased the pool of those who should be selecting the parliament. Four years ago , it was about 135 elders who selected and nominated members who eventually became parliamentarians. In order to discourage and make it difficult to bribe , the selectors are increased and a caucus of 50 people will select every single member.


    That means 13,750 people will be selecting the members. In order to get the nod you must get the majority of the 50 individuals from many different walks of life. . According to the eye witness , one businessman who is multi millionaire said that this time , he will be ready to spend half million dollars of his own money to get a seat. What will a rich individual would gain by joining the parliament is beyond my understanding. The biggest difference that would make a positive impact is the allocation of the 30% of the seats to women. It is a well known fact Somali women care more about the people and the land than men. It is also the women who bear most of the hardships of the war, so , personally I do welcome their participation.


    As we speak , Damujaddiid have back tracked their Garoowe accord and now they are mobilizing the parliament and the people of Mogadishu to reject the same accord the pushed for everyone to swallow. That is why the security council is pushing the implementation of that accord.and holding the election without delay. After all said and done, their major motivation is the extension of the deadline to one more year. They are asking few more months of extensions through the parliament, but as Somali procrastination is any indication, Danujaddiid will have probably hold the election until next May, 2017.


    .....Now the bombshell...


    It must be verified by more people , but this eye witness have stated a shocking news from the Daallo Airline bombing few months ago. He said one of his own uncle who works at the airport has been among those arrested . He just took only $50 dollars and facilitated the boarding of the man who exploded with his laptop. He confessed and said, " they told me put that man on the plane directly without going through the probal channels of immigration and security check and he succeeded by just doing that". He was a small fish but, the investigation is focused by two men who received money wired through Somali Hawala's.


    According to him, there is a verifiable evidence that the money was transferred from Hargeisa on behalf of the Somaliland intelligence . In my opinion, it could be a foreign intelligence sources operating in Hargeisa. My reasoning is business and money is very important in the intelligence community. Ethiopian Airline revenues have been declining for the last 12 months . Tens of thousand of diaspora who usually travel through Ethiopian Airline, have shifted to Turkish Airline and others. If this trend continues , there could big impact on that country's growth . He said that these investigation have touched a very sensitive issues. After these revelation of Somaliland involvement , General Gaafow, the immigration chief abruptly decided to cancel all flights from Somaliland , but he was overruled and told to keep quiet until the government verifies all those involved.


    There was some discussion here in SOL about the invitation offered to C/raxman Faroole and Shiekh Shariif to Hargeisa. Many of us have speculated the motivations behind this new rapprochements of these leaders by Somaliland was the worsening relations between Siilaanyo and Hassan sheikh. I speculated that due to the unfruitfulness of the unity issues for almost four years that Culusow decided to shun Siilaanyo. I believe the reasons are much bigger and more serious. Turkey through Somalia has scrapped the dialogue between the leaders and py passed to engage the civil society. Even Omar gelle of Djibouti was informed about this involvements.


    According to this eye witness , there is a conclusion that Somaliland is hurting the South and must be confronted. He said in the coming months a campaign will start to weaken Somaliland and instead of using the carrot , the time has come for tough approach. I do not know if is this the case, but this week the foreign minister of Somalia C/saaaam Hadliye started a campaign to make Somaliland venerable. He gave interview with VOA proclaiming that " if they refuse peace and union, they will not stay in peace". He even went further and in May 20, 2016, he gave speech in London School of Business, a prestigious British university and accused Somalialnd of undermining the security of the south. Furthermore , the new parliament selectors from Somalialnd will be almost 3000 elders and individuals who are coming directly from Somalialnd. As we speak, there are clandestine skirmishes between Somaliland authorities and Al-shabaab sympathizers in Hargeisa this week. I do not know if that confrontations was just local ganks or extremists.


    It has been just the last few days that discussing the future of Somaliland , I did mention the gathering of the storm if new idea's are not implemented for the future. I hope these issues would be resolved without importing Al-shabaab to the north. That scenario is something no Somali wishes for his brother.


    Again I am just a messenger passing relevant issues of the day.

  3. Midda xaqiiiqda ah ee meesha taalaa waxa weeye, inagu ama aynu ahaano Reer Woqooyi ( Soomalialnd), ama degaanada kale ee kulaalaya, Reer Koonfurku hashan aan isku mashquulinayno dhib kuma hayso.


    Wakhtigii Sharrif Ahmed , cabaarihii 2011, oo dhib iyo abaaro jireen, ayaa oday reer Hargeisa ah su'aal weydiiyey oo idhi, " Adeer sidaani xal maahina maxaa talla ah?" Waxa uu yidhi " Adeeer maanta madaxweyne Sharriif sow kursi dhiigle kuma fadhiyo, oo taangi laguma illaalinayo? , haa ayaan ku jawaabay, " Adeer haddaad tidhaa orod oo Hargeisa tag oo dheh waxaan wadaa kursigii Soomaalida e iga gudooma , waxna aan isla dhisno , waxaan hubaa in aanu kaa yeelayn". Taas oo kale , haddi Hassan sheekh 2014, la yidhaado waar orod oo Hargeisa ka deg, oo Borama iyo saylac mar oo dadka u sheeg in kursigan ay midnimadu k aweyn tahay, kaa yeeli maayo.


    Wax kale iskdaa bal car reer Muqdisho ha ogolaadaan si midnimo iyo amaan loo hello aynu caasimada Hargeisa gayno. Waxaan hubaa in aysan yeelayn. Waxaa laga yaabaa in aan qaldanahay , laakiin waxaan u arkaa reer koonfurka in aysan shidaba hayn. Muxuu yidhi abwaankii:


    Ilayn Caduur dhaw dhawduba uma dhacsana.

  4. Gooni, walaahi qalbigayga ayaad akhriday. Markaan qoray qormadan habeenkii subaxdii dambe ayaan waxaan idhi. Waar atoorku sagaarada lab ayuu ahaa ee xaguu kaa maray. Waxa laga yaabaa hadii luuqada aad isticmaali weydo in ereyo iyo magacyo badani ku hoos maraan.


    Coofle, waa runtaa . Soomaalidu wakhtigan dagaal in ay deriska la gasho diyaar umma aha. Xataa hadii ay soo laabato Jamuuriyadu Soomaalidu 30 sano oo nabad ah oo dib u dhis iyo horumar ah ayey u baahan tahay. Dhinaca kale waa runtaa maadaama ay dal inaga haystaan wey walwalayaan in aan qaantii aanu ku la lahayn weydiino ayey ka cabsanayaan.


    Arrimahani Ethiopia ku xalan mayso ama guul ka gaadhi mayso Soomaalida oo la isku soofeeyo oo laka qaybiyo. Ma dhici karto in aan ogolaado saxxiibtinimo been ah. 20 sanadood ayay wadanka hub iyo shido ku soo gurayeen, dagaal ooge, hogaamiye qabiil iyo degaano abuurayeen si ay noo kala fogeeyaan. Markii uu dhamaaday dagaalkii 1977, haba yaraatee wax xabad joojin rasmi ahi ma dhicin. Israatiijiyada ay isticmaaleena waxa weeye wajigii dagaalka ayey bedeleen. Waxay yidhaahdeen , " Soomaalidu saw dhul inagama rabto oo duulaan inaguma ah?, waa in aynu dagaalka gudaha Soomaalia ku celinaa. Guusha u weyn ee ay gaadheeni waa taa. Inagii ayey ina soo hubeeyeen, Hadii Allah yidhaahdana anaguna dib ayaanu ugu celenaynaa gudohooda haddii ay joojin waayaan dhibka.


    Haddaba Ethiopiada maanta jirtaa ma sii jiri karto illaa isbedel dhinaca siyaasada iyo taariikhda ah laga sameeyo. Boqortooyinkii aduunyada ka jiray dhamaantood way dumaeen , waxa ka soo hadhay waxa reer galbeedku ugu yeedho " constitutional monarchy. " Cidina ma yeelayso in boqortooyo nidaam kaligii taliye isu bedesho. Saddex midkood ayaan kala dooransiin lahaa , waa mida koobaade, Sida dawladii Yugoslavia ay u noqotay shan wadan (Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia , montenegro iyo Slovenia) waa in ay Ethiopia ukala furfurantaa oo ay u noqotaa ( Somali galbeed, Oromia, Denaakil , Tigree, Ahmara, Sidaamo iyo Gambeela) .Tan labaad, Hadii taa la waayo waa in ay noqotaa " prular , multicultural democracy " oo doorashooyin xalaala lagu kala baxo, Tigreeguna waa in uu awooda lumiyaa. Hadii labaad midna dhici weydo waxa xiga waa burbur. Sidan hadda wax yihiin cidina ma yeelayso. Iyagaa laga rabaa in ay kala doortaan oo kiniiinkaa qadhaadh liqaan.


    Aan ku daree , Soomaalidu ma ogolaanayso waxan ay kawadaan Kililka shanaad , siibaa coolaadaha iyo hubka la iskugu dhiibayo killika iyo gobolada kulaalaya. Waxa la yidhi geed walba in gubtaa hoos taal. Waataan ku lahaa:


    Hadii nabad la waayana

    dhankastaba ha noqotee

    Nacas igama libin helo.


    Gebagabedii sidaad sheegtay weeye hawshu. Diblomaasiyad ayaa la rabaa. Taasina ma dhacayso ilaa helo dad aragti leh oo garanaya taariikhda degaanka. Ragan Damjadiid ee ku soo barbaaray mashaariic iyo beeso raadi, dhawr dumarana guursao, ingama saarayaan dhibta.

  5. Barwaaqo waad salaaman tahay,


    Waa rutaa heestaas way iga maqnayd laakiin , Hadal waa margi ayey Soomaalidu tidhaa. Waxaan u jeeday afaraydan dambe ee uu Suldaanku soo qoray :


    Anagu xamar dooni mayno;

    xumaana u gaysan mayno;

    xeerkii laba dowladood iyo

    xuduud baa naga dhexeeya


    taas ayaan lahaa Khadra ma heesin, fanaaniinta badan baa jirta oo aan shanqadha badnayn sidii uu qaranku u dumay.

  6. It is a nice read. Even the so called outsiders are getting to know the Somali project.


    meesha waa loo soo shaqa tagaa. Imisann ku celecinay.


    The main points are well known to all.


    "In short, a political economy based on counter-terrorism needs a terror group in order to survive ".


    "The SNA fails to develop because the government embezzles the funds in order to fund patronage needed to stay afloat and to pay off al-Shabaab to avoid being killed ".


    "Under such circumstances, all the actors have reconciled themselves to the existence of al-Shabaab and have trimmed their operations to match."


    Now who would clean the house from mercenaries, oligarchs, and the corrupt overseers. Remember , Damujadiid was the product of the NGO;s . They used to create projects which in turn were financed by the donors. THey never built or created one single job while they were in Mogadishu for the last 10 years.



  7. Just watch your neighbouring countries and their GDP. We are talking about over $50 billion with the B. If you subtract the foreign donations, Somaliland budget is less than $!50 million. As someone who understands economic power and global trade , Somaliland is peanuts.


    Yes you did okay but, what is your outlook of the future. You will think differently unless you do not mind the domination of your neighbors countries. The Southerners does not own the Somalia we keep discussing, it belongs to all.


  8. Xaaji, Uma jeedo xalku Muqdishu ayuu jiraa. The centralized Somali state where business, jobs, education and power was concentrated in Mogadishu is not the answer. Definitely the people of Somaliland came from a long way. As our friend Suldaanka said, they went through refugee camps and all other hardships. That is way they are a resilient group.


    Also their pride for what they have, regardless of how big or small it is mind boggling. Any decent person must congratulate the people for what they have done. The main issue is that the people of Somaliland could do more, while keeping their achievements.


    Of course my tone of propagating unity does not mean that you must import insecurity and political domination from Mogadishu. You are right unlike October 21, people in Hargeisa are celebrating without competition. My point is You could bring the so called capital to Hargeisa, provide Somaliland soldiers to help secure the people , and rather than allow Ugandan and Ethiopian forces to keep prolonging the conflict you could help your fellow Somalis.t. Why not dream big ?, why not take charge.


    Yes, celebrate what you have achieved, but remember, you do not live in a vacuum or an island. The fire in your neighbor's house may ingulf you someday if you don't rush to extinguish the fire.


    When the Great Darwiish was defeated by the british, people who hated or considered the Darwiish their enemies celebrated including a man by the name of Cali Jamac Habiil who was the maternal cousin of Sayidka.

    Cali jaamac Said:


    Waa lagu digtaa ruux haduu ku darnaan jiraye

    bal dayaay waa kaas wadaadkii sii dabayshadaye.


    Another great poet who was based in the british headquarters or base in Berbera , resented the tone and the celebration of the defeat of the " Daraawiish".


    Salaan carabay lamented about the defeat and the disappearance of the barrier wall that and he said:


    Derbi buu ahaa dan dugsanayey..















  9. It has been proclaimed throughout the land that this October 21 day will be celebrated only in Hargeisa and Beesha Dhexe zone. I have seen people organizing for June 26. Even Cirro is talking about scrapping this day.


    On serious note a generation has passed with little achievements. If Somaliland is measuring itself with the war torn South Central Somalia, then it can celebrate the relative peace, freedom and meagre economic growth. On the other hand , if you measure your health care, education, employment, poverty reduction, infrastructure, government institution , economic growth and future outlook in any where in the world, then it is a quarter century of stagnation and false dream.


    The people have done their best against the odds and the circumstances they found themselves for the last twenty years. They were law abiding , loyal and made personal sacrifices everything they achieved. I have still high hopes for the people including a united future with their brothers in the south.


    Many years ago , around 1999, I did discuss a fervent secessionist about the future. He kept talking about the coming recognition , and I told him that , " Soomaalidu iyada oo jabtay oo qaxooti noqotay , oo kala firidhay , islamarkaana bisad u eeg haddii aqoonsi iman waayey , ma marka Soomaalidu nabad hesho ee shabeelku soo noqdo ayaad aqoonsi sugi".


    Even last weekend , I did have a coffee with one of the Landers and he kept repeating that " waar Soomaali way ku deysay " . He was disappointed about the current situation in the south and he seemed to be resigned about the future of the Somali state. I told him that If South central Somalia was peaceful even five consecutive years , believe me we could see wonders. WE could see ten times what Somaliland achieved in for the last 25 years.


    There is a lot going on in the horn of Africa, and Xaaji and company think the status quo will continue another 25 years. A different storm is gathering in the Somali inhabited lands , and if things do not change , Somaliland could be one of the first dominos to fall. As history has shown, Somali states or institutions, usually do not pass the first quarter century. Either corruption, incompetence or their greed will destroy them eventually.


    Xaaji this is a time of reflection.

















  10. I do not know the details , but Dubai World Port is a world class port management company, few years ago they even sent a proposal to run the largest sea port in the eastern United State, New York Port Authority. For political reason their bid was rejected. Before DWP , the Djibouti port was small port with outdated services.


    They built huge modern container port and through C/raxman Borre, they added another big oil terminal. Infact in 2011, when I visited Djibouti I toured with a businessman who who manages containers. One of the biggest advantage for Djibouti was, the elimination of loopholes and special treatment of Ethiopian cargo and other connected people. Everyone must pay a recognized tariff or port services charges for the transiting shipments.


    The collected taxes and fees go directly to the government coffers. Ethiopia or any other power business must deal with the DWP. the looting of corrupt officials diminished . The only downside was they employ Asians and other foreigners for some of the jobs.


    This so called " xaqul Qalim" is a hidden kick back that is used by Somaliland ministers in any contract signed by a foreign company, whether they are mineral explorers or any resource project.


    DWP is much better than the French company of Bollore., which was trying to take over the port. Ethiopia must now pay the necessary tariffs and port services without arm reselling this weak Somali " Maamul" which can not resist the Ethiopian power. The best way to eliminate the Berbera port corruption is to directly transfer the taxes and tariffs from the port to the general revenue of the government. Now, the money goes directly to the palace and used as slash money.


    Politics aside, it is a good deal. They will modernize the services , and If the free port zone is accomplished it will generate huge trade. What is missing the input of the local people , like the proposed free zone of Diredawa, , the development of the smaller Awdal ports to serve local people and exports. we have to see .















  11. ......... qormo af Soomaali.


    Maadaama aan rabo in aan dhex galo arrimo xaasaasi ah maqaalkan iyo kuwa kele oo soo socda Af-Soomaali ayaan ku soo gudbin.


    Wararka ugu dambeeya ee ka imaanaya Jigjiga waxa ay sheegayaan i Madaxweynaha Galmudug ogolaaday in maleeshiyada Galmudug hoos tagto ciidamada Ethiopia ee immaanaya Cadaado. Arrintani waxa laga yaabaa in ay dhamays tirtay in Ethioipia ay maamulada Soomaalidu soo wada hoos yimaadaan. Bishii ina dhaaftay ayey ahayd markii reer Gedo isu dhiibee Kenya. Waa sunnada cusub ee Soomaalidu wada marayso. halkaa aan ku yara noqdee weli ma soo wada dhamaan ee qaar ayaa jira marka ay sunadaas maraan oo guulna ka gaadhaan, in qaylada ka dhacda meel dheer laga maqli doono hadii aan la is daba qaban.


    Galmudug markaan leeyahay uma jeedo Galgaduud ama guud ahaan gobolada dhexe. Wiilasha Reer Galgaduud, ha joogaan Cadaado, Caabudwaaq ama Dhuusamaredd, waa koox dhibaatooyin badan ka geystay badhtamaha iyo koonfurta Soomaaliya. Mida kale, reer Galgaduud mar hore ayey isku dhiibeen Ethiopia. Sanadkii 2009 kii, ayagoo uu horboodayo horjoogahoodi Axmed C/salaam ayey isku dhiibeen janeraal Gabre, taliyihii ciidankii Ethiopia ee Muqdisho fadhiyey markay dalka soo galleen.


    Siyaasada uu Ina C/sallam dejiyey waa tan ay damjadiid iyo siyaasiyiin badan oo Soomaali ahi kaga daydeen , islamarkaana ku shaqeeyaan. Waxa uu ka dhaadhiciyey Gabre in dadka "Muqaawamada" ahaa ee la dagaalamyey Ethiopia iyo dawladii ku meel gaadhka ay dhamaantood yihiin beesha USC guud ahaan gaar ahaana reerka uu ka soo jeedo e fadhigoodu Galgaduud yahay. Arrintaas oo runta aad uga fog, sobobtoo ah markii xukunka uu la wareegay Shariif Ahmed iyo kooxdiisu dagaalkii maxakamaduhu wadeen ma joogsan ee waji kale ayuu qaatay. Waxa uu u sheegay siyaasiyiinta beesha oo uu ka mid yahay Hassan Sheekh Mohamuud in Ethiopia oo dhabarka la saaro ay u fudeynayso in uu kursiga si nabad ah ugu fadhiyo oo sidii c/laahi Yusuf an la inqilaabin.


    Sidoo kalena waxa uu Gobolada dhexe ka sameeyey koox hubaysan oo laga soo hubeeyey lagana maamulo Ethiopia oo lagu magacaabo " Ehlu Suna Wal Jameeca" ama wadaado kitaab iyo qori la ordaya.


    Galmudugta aan ka hadlayo waa mid salka ku haysa Mudug oo raad weyn ku leh taariikhdii hore ee Soomaalidii hore iyo tan casrigan aynu joogno. Claahi Ciise oo abihii Mudug ka soo jeeday raad wanaagsan ayuu kaga tagay tarriikhdii SYL iyo tii lixdamaadkii. Waxa uu ahaa raiisul wasaarihii u horeeyey ee wakhtigii daakhiliga ee haddana diyaariyey in uu madaxweynaha u horeeya ee Soomaalida xorta ah noqdo qof kale, taas oo gebi ahaanba ka soo horjeeda sunada ay Afrikaanku bilaabeen ay iyagu is bokhraan.


    Mohamed Faarax Caydiid (Ahn), oo isaguna reer Mudug ah ayaa raad taban iyo mid toganba ku leeyahay taariikhda Soomaalida. Waxa uu ahaa nin aan cabsan oo mayal adag xagga siyaasada. Waxa uu kaga daba tegay xuduuda Kenya isaga oo eryanaya madaxweynihii Jamuuriyada Soomaaliya, waxa uuna gacanta ku dhigay Gaalkacayo iyo Kismaayo inta u dhaxaysa. In kasta uu guulo military gaadhay haddana waxa uu awoodi waayey in dhaqdhaqaaqiisa uu ka dhigo mid qaran oo dawlad dhisid iyo maamul dawladeed ku wajahan. Milishiyadiisii waxay noqotay kuwa ujeedadoodu aanay dhaafsiisnayn ujeedo beeleed iyo aargoosi.


    Sidoo kale waxa aan la dafiri karin in Maanifesto, oo ahayd siyaasiyiin aan hubaysnayni Caydiid kaga guulaysteen dhinaca siyaasda markii ay Djibouti ku soo caleemo saareen Cali Mahdi oo aan ka mid ahayn hogaankii jabhada USC. Aalaaba wakhtiyada kala guurka ah waxa xukunka loo dhiibaa dadka hubaysan ee awooda la wareegay , ama cid ay gacan saar la leeyihiin. Arrintaas ay Maanisfesto ku dhaqaaqday waxay horseeday dagaal sokeeye oo iska horgeeyey laba maroodi oo awood beelleed kulaha koonfurta iyo Benadir. Dhacdooyinkaas iyo kuwa kaleba waxay horseedeen burbur , colaad iyo gaajo keentay in aduunyadu soo fara geliso Somalia. Gebagebadiina waxay keentay in Maraykanka iyo Caydiid isku dhacaan. Dagaal kaas dhex maray Caydiid taageerayaashiisa iyo Maraykanka waxa uu raad weyn ku yeeshay fikrada Soomaalida laga qabo ee ah dad dagaal yahaniin ah oo aan la gumaysan karin. Filimka la yidhaahdo " black hawk down" ayaa calaamad u ah mushkilada Soomaalida ee aduunka gashay.


    " Waxa aad tahay Libaax Libaax dhalay, haddii madaxda Afrikaanku adoo kale noqon lahaayeen Afrika lama gumaeysteen".


    Wxa sidaa yidhi raiisul wasaarihii hore ee Ethioipa Meles Zanawi mar uu xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Caydiid 1993. Markii la doortay madaxweynaha cusub Bill Clinton, waxa uu Soomaaliya ka soo saaray ciidaadii Maraykanka waxa uuna ku wareejiyey hawlaha Somalia dawlada Ethioipa. In kasta oo Meles awoodaas la siiyey hadana kuma dhiiran in hawshii loo diray uu fuliyo. Meles marnaba kuma hamiyin in uu ku soo ruqaansado ama toos u farageliyo intii uu Caydiid noolaa. Muxuu yidhi abwaankii:


    Hashaan gaada wetnow libaax uga gaban waayey

    in aan goroyo cawl uga tegaa waa wax soo gudhaye


    Meles waxa uu ogaa in aanu ku soo dhici karin Soomaalida inta ay nool yihiin kuwa Caydiid oo kale ah ee aan marnaba maal jacayl iyo cabsi geeri aanay ku jirin. Wuu ogaa in aanu hunguriyeyn karin Soomaalida qabku ku jiro ee aan marnaba ogolaanayn in ay biyaha u dhaamiyaan Ethiopia. Marka loo eego kuwan maanta jooga waa arrin la yaableh. Ethiopiaanku way yaqaanaan qofka ay heeryaha dul saaranayaan. C/laahi Yusuf oo ay taangigooda Muqdisho ku keenan way ka baqeen , maadaama uu ka mid ahaa Soomaalidii mayalka adkayd. waxay ogaayeen marka uu awood yar sameysto in uu iyaga ku soo jeesan doono. Nin aanu saaxiibo nahay oo u dhuun daloolay xukuumadii C/laahi Yusuf , ayaan 2007 wax ka wediiyeey markii uu Muqdisho ka qabsaday maxakamadaha. Waxa uu yidhi , C/laahi awood Madaxweyne ayuu lahaa intii uu u soo socday ee uusan Muqdisho imaan, hase ahaatee maalintii uu soo galay, cidii waday (Ethioipia), waxay bilaabeen in ay horjoogsadaan ajendihiisii.


    Raggii ma adigaa ka hadhay

    Runtii ma anigaa ka baqay


    Waxa la yidhi meel aar ka kacay atoor ( bakayle) fadhiisay. ragaas reer Muduga ah ee ann soo sheegnay waxa bedelay kuwa aad u liita oo karti iyo geesinimo ku yar tahay. Damjadiidkan aynu hadda aragnay waxa lagu tilmaami karaa , dhinac waa wadaado nasakhan oo diin u ehel sheeganaya, dhinac waa dad musuq maasuq ragaadiyey oo wax urursi ku jira, hase ahaatee aragtidooda siyaasadeed iyo xukun jeclaysigoodu waxa uu keenaya in Soomaalidu ukala baratento kuwa nacabka ah ee halkaa dhigay. Haddaba reer Muduga oo Soomaalida ugu mayalka adkaa markay halkaas maraan, maxaad kuwa kale sheegi.


    Hawshan isdhiibista Soomaalida oo mar hore soo bilaabatay waa arrin khatar badan oo keeni karta in dwalado yar yar oo la noqdo daaye horseedi karta gaajo iyo dib u dhac aan dhmaanayn. waa arrin u baahan in si qoto dheer loo eego. Xagay ka bilaabatay?, xagey ku socotaa?, wakhtigan xaadirka yaa gacan sareeya?, halkayse salka dhigi doontta?.


    Qormadan soo socota ayaan jecelahay in aan ku qaadaa dhigo dalkan la sarifanayo.




    Nacasoow gumaysiga nabarada qarsoon iyo

    igu raabay naafada nabad lama wadaagee.


    Ma nastoo habeen qudha nabad kumaa casheeyee

    naakhuudayaashiyo nacabkaan illalsha.


    Hadii nabad la waayana dhan kastaba ha noqotee

    nacas igama libin helo naxariisna uma galo

  12. Che,


    The Oromo migrants flooding to Somaliland , Puntland and other places are mostly people who share religious, cultural and tribal lineage with those of Somali origin. The Jaarso are mostly peasant farmers who are part of Somali clan family.


    I know the Duriyada may not like it, but those Oromos that inhabit Dire Dawa, Fayanbiiro, Hawaas and neighboring Oromo territories are Somalis who originate from the D.....R clan family. They are our distant cousins. Most of the Jaarso Oromos inter marry from Somalis , and, after one generation they usually claim to be Somali. Thy integrate easily like any Somali clan from Ethiopia or other places.


    Of course there are animist and some Christian Oromos, but those groups mostly transit through Somalia to reach other destinations. Those mostly found in Boosaaso are there for " Tahriib".


    Others are called " warooyin", just like those in the inter river Somalis , it is easy to join and be part of the " Warro" clan family. If you can speak the language , you could be one of them.


    In Somalilnd and Djibouti, they became integral part of the work force. In Hargeisa, Borama and many places, they are the only reliable people who could do most of the menial jobs. IN Hargeisa, they are over 100,000 people. They work in restaurants, garages, homes, small tea shops and farms. Without them life will completely stop. What most people do not understand is that native city born men lost the ability to perform any physical job. iddle sitting and " Chat" chewing made them immobile and lazy. Without them the garbage in Hargeisa could be like mountains.


    I have family members in Borama who never worked one single day in the last 15 years, yet , they live and chew Chat daily. In Djibouti , it is even worse. If you stroll one of the boulevards in the late afternoon, all you see is well dressed women enjoying the fresh air with no men in sight. They are all indoors chewing. Worse, every minister, or oligarch have an Oromo security guard , nanny or housekeeper to make life easier for the lazy family.


    As Coofle, said the Oromos are the only people who could grow and replenish the disappearing Somali people. Every year an average of 1000 Somali youth leaves Soomaliland to find life outside their home. We need them , besides, they're not going anywhere.


    Also, when Somalia comes back , definitely the Tigre will loose power and the Oromos who are on the rise will be our allies. You better treat them while they are our guests.









  13. Anigu waxaan qabaa Unaka qori isku dhiibkoodu wuu nagu batay. Reer Puntlandna they do not have the coalition or the huge money needed to dislodge " Damujadiid".


    Habrahan madax faluuqa qaba hadday talo iga qaadan lahaayeen wadanka waan qaban lahayn Soomaalina waan bad baadin lahayn. Waxaadse Moodaa intaas ayeyba uGu dhan tahay.


    Augestine Mahiga, visited Siilaanyo in 2011, and asked him, " in early seventies , when you were the economy minister, of Somalia, how much was your national

    budget?", Siilaanyo replied "about $200-and $300 million". Then he said How about ten times that be in charge of the next government of Somalia?.


    Siilaanyo waxa uu ka baqay abaarahii markaa socday iyo Al-Shabaab, oo uu is yidhi meeshaan xal kama muuqdo. Si kastaba ha ahaateewaa in la helaa xeeled xukunka looga wareejiyo kooxahan koonfureed , gaar ahaan beelahan is eryanaya.





  14. Mid waa war wanaagsan in la is dhexmaro . Odaygan daalay ee Siilaanyo waxaan odhan lahaa Muqdisho gaadh oo soo booqo. Xaaji iyo jabhadu cabaar bay buuqi ka dibna hadal uun baa ka dambeyn.


    Before Siilaanyo came , it was a crime and illegal to sit with Somali leaders during Rayaale's reign, then Siilaanyo has sweeten the pot to the youngsters who run the media in Somaliland and they all jumped to the banwagon and followed the slogan: " Darbi baan ku xidhnayn iyo meel baan ku quflnayn".


    Xaaji, dhinac waa runtaa oo nin Ugabdha waardiyeynayso madaxtooyadiisa, oo

    tabar lahyn cidina ka haybeysan mayso. Markaa waa gartaa in aad ku celecliso Slooganka " weligayo ku biiri mayno". Soomaalidu waxay tidhaa midho guntigaaga ku Jira kuwa geed saran looma daadiyo".


    Rageedi hadii ay iman la haayeen mashruucani wuu dhmaan lahaa. Ha iska socdo mashruucani, xaajiga iyo kooxdiisuna ha ku ceceliyaan " ma meeshan belaayadu ka jito ayaanu u tagi". Laakiin wax walba gunaanad bay leeyihiin.


    The gravy train of Somali politics will end someday.

  15. It is all about the Mogadishu election. As many have reported President Hassan Sheekh said that he is done talking to Siilaanyo. For four years , he did not push even a needle in terms of union road map.


    "Siilaanyo waan is deynaey ayuu yidhi". Somaliland was begging for almost a year for re-starting of the useless talks in Istanbul, Turkey, but Hassan Sheekh did not back down. Even the Turks decided to change the strategy by inviting experts and civil society. . Now inviting these two is a political pressure for Culusow to change his behaviour.


    In the last election, Culusow got the vote of almost all of the " Xildhibaaano" from the north, whether they were from Hargeisa, Borama or even Laascaanood.

  16. Somalis love to exaggerate and take issues to the extremes. The good Sheikh says that those who survived would like to go back. I do not think so. No one regardless of the horrible journey they went through , will go back to the fourth world .


    Look, when we were growing up there were sense of pride. Even if you dreamed of going abroad , the idea was to get some money, come back and get marry the local girl of your dreams. Although , some of these young guys are emulating and seeing their friends from the diaspora who came back with resources and got their girl , many have an idle boring life. Their family might be a middle class , but they are tired of the static life within these small regions.


    Even in peaceful Somaliland, there is no hope. Dusty roads, no mobility for youth, no enthusiasm for the future and no pride. The early pride of " waan go'aynaa", has come and gone.


    Nations and even people need challenges in their lives . You need competition , you need rivalry to achieve higher goals. I will go even further and say , " Sometimes you may need enemies for your nation in order to keep the internal bond of the people". Other than stay guard of the wrong tribe , there is no challenges among these youth.


    These hopeless youth need a to get back their pride , and that pride is a free, prosperous and dynamic Somalia. Unless that goal is achieved both the Somali youth back home and in the diaspora will suffer.


    In the diaspora , some Somali youngsters are running away from the bad name of that country, and they are joining the lost tribes of north America and the hopeless underclass .









  17. Gooni, wadadan Soomaalidu way wada martay, laakiin jidka aad qaadeen cid martay ma jirto. Ugaas, Siyaasi iyo oday oo udbohoodi wata. waxa is qaban lihi waxa weeye, reer Gedo inksasta oo aay ahaayeen kuwii qaranku gacantooda ku dumay haddana beryahan dambe, gaar ahaan 15 sano ee u dambeeyey waxaa loo arkayey dad Somaalinimada danaynaya oo mitid ah oo aan marnaba isdhiibayn.


    Waxa cadaanaysa in cidina cid kale ka Soomaalisanayn ee Fursad la'aan haysay.


    Waxaanse la yaabay magaalo qofka degani ma guri iyo dukaan ka badan ayuu ku leeyahay. Sida ninka Hargeisa joogi uusan oramada ka xigin magaalada, ayaa Kismaayana loowada leeyahay.

  18. waa wax cajaa'ib ag.


    He doesn't have a fixed address or official title. His actions are criminal in ay sense of the word. A foreign intelligence operative , who is operating openly in another country, threatening leaders, undermining the interest of the host nation and sawing discord and destruction among the people is criminal.


    Any legitimate Somali leader should have arrested him on the spot and charge him with espionage, corruption, bribery and even causing total mayhem . I would have arrested my first day of the job to send clear message.


























  19. This week an extraordinary meeting between the Gedo (Kacaan) community and the government of Kenya took place. Almost everyone that mattered attended the meeting. The meeting was arranged by the former prime minister Saacid who is based in Kenya since 1991, after the collapse of the Somali state. He established some businesses connected with no governmental organizations. He was aided by another former prime minister C/weli Sheekh Ahmed.





    According to those who followed this meeting and others held in Nairobi for the last few weeks, Kenya got exactly what it has demanded. In the middle of January , 2016, Al-Shabaab extremists overrun a Kenyan forward military base in the small town of Ceel Cade, Gedo, Somalia. While it is hard to know the exact number of the Kenyan Casualty, unofficial figures were between 100 and 200 soldiers. Both the Kenyan government and the public could not stomach the largest military casualty suffered by Kenya in it's history.





    Kenyatta Junior openly accused the Gedo community by aiding Al-Shabaab. Since they can not find a sitting duck Al-Shabaab or a village to capture from them, they decided to go after the soft targets, in this case the unarmed civilian population of Gedo. They started indiscriminate bombing of the border communities and villages. Collateral damages may happen where militants are targeted, but this indiscriminate killings of the local people by Kenya was deliberate and calculated. There were no organized local media or others brave enough to bring this crimes to the Somali public and the international audience, yet some how certain Somalis were able to document the atrocities committed by Kenya. Aided by international human right NGO's , they collected enough evidence to incriminate the Kenyan government or at least show their disregard of civilian population. Late last month, this accusation got some traction that they could attract the attention of the world.




    In the background of all this is the sitting president of Kenya and his deputy were already investigated and accused of inciting genocide by the United Nations as early as last year. Another publicity and accusations with hard evidence will put the Kenyan leader in precarious situation. Now the local businessman Saacid and C/weli were hired or I should say contracted out by Kenya to made certain arrangements with the Community. They did not disappoint. They brought the supreme Ugaas of the Gedo community, elders, religious leaders, businessmen and politicians.




    According to Nairobi based people, Kenya has got more than it bargained for. Here is the break down.




    1- The Gedo leaders fully agreed and supported the wall Kenya is building between Kenya and the provisional border of 1963.


    2-Those activists who were organizing and highlighting the Gedo genocide against the Kenyan government agreed to drop their cases and financial compensation were promised for their time spent in the issue.


    3- 1200 Gedo militia will be trained by the Kenyan government inside Kenya. Those militia will be paid and controlled by that government and will be fighting Al-Shabaab along side the Kenyan military.


    4- C/weli Sheekh Ahmed, the former prime minister, will be aided by Kenya in the next Somali presidential election.


    5-The Gedo militia controlled by Barre Hiiraale and others will be given permanent bases in Kismayo with direct help from the Kenyan government.


    6- Gedo politicians agreed to support the presence of Kenyan military in Somalia for the next few years.


    7- The Gedo administration should be immediately under the direct control of the Jubba administration.




    there were some more, but these ones are the major points.




    In other words , the Gedo community became a client clan of Kenya. Justifying their warm relations with Kenya, those who attended the meeting, publicly explained their motivations. They rightly pointed the fingers to the federal government ,especially the President who mourned with the Kenyan soldiers during Ceel Cade killings, while ignoring the death of the Gedo civilians. They felt abandoned by the Somali government , so they took care of their clan business as every Somali would do. Certainly they are not the first Somali clan to have a meeting with a foreign government, but it could be the largest of it's kind. Ministers, Prime ministers, elders and businessmen.




    To get a foot hold in the throat cut Somali power structure , one must carry the water for the new powers of 21st century. Corrupt and weak nations of the region suddenly became the indespensible mountain ( buur ku tiirsanow ma maqli jirtay).




    Finally, it is too early to see how and when this community will benefit from the Kenyan help.

  20. As this case showed , first you have to diagnose the illness, then you can balance the modern medicine with the natural one.


    I also heard this week from some experts debating the importance of " Gut" in most health issues. Lady Blue mentioned this in her health thread few weeks ago. I did not put much weight until I heard from the experts. I am convinced that miss Blue knows more in health issues than she is mentioning.


    It also shows that there are many hidden experts in SOL.

  21. Mr. Maxamed , there is some info I would like to pass to you.



    The mother of a toddler who died of meningitis began weeping uncontrollably Tuesday after a jury found her and her husband guilty of failing to provide their ill son with the necessaries of life.


    David and Collet Stephan were charged after 19-month-old Ezekiel died in March 2012.


    The couple testified at their trial in Lethbridge that they believed their son had croup or flu, so they treated him for 2 1/2 weeks with remedies that included smoothies with hot peppers, garlic, onions and horseradish.


    He eventually stopped breathing and died after being rushed to hospital.


    The defence argued the couple were loving, responsible parents who simply didn’t realize how sick the little boy was.


    The Crown said the Stephans didn’t do enough to ensure Ezekiel received the medical help he needed. The prosecution noted that the Stephans had been warned by a friend who was a registered nurse that the boy probably had meningitis.


    The maximum penalty for failing to provide the necessaries of life is five years in prison.



    The case has drawn international attention, due in part because of the societal divide between those who do and don’t believe in the natural medicine movement.


    Court documents entered at the trial said just days before Ezekiel was rushed to hospital his family was giving him fluids through an eyedropper because he wouldn’t eat or drink.


    The jury also heard that Collet Stephan researched treatments for viral meningitis online and picked up an echinacea mixture from a naturopath in Lethbridge.


    Court was told Ezekiel was too stiff to sit in his car seat and had to lie on a mattress on the way to a naturopath’s office the day before he stopped breathing.


  22. Let me try to give another take on Trump and the democrats. First , the destruction of the Republican party may finally happen under Trump. They watched and cheered while he was attacking Obama and others. Now he came for them and there is no where to run.


    Their other alternative is Cruz. This nut case is pure evil compared to Trump. Asked about ISIS he said " I will use nuclear and would like to see the glow in the sand". Religious extremists are awful people regardless of which religion they belong. He foreign policy advisers are those Qur'an burning neocon lunatics like Frank Gaffney. He is the worst of the worst.


    Clinton could win, but unless she wins the congress, it will be four years of gridlock. Americans are reduced just like a debating society. They could not agree on anything. America is taking the image of the useless 24 hour cable news debate that does not allow the conclusion of any thing.


    In China less than 10 men will decide the issue and the next day it will be implemented.


    Liberals are enlighten and sensible, but they can not relate with normal people. Rather than jobs, and local communities, they concentrate things like global warming and gender issues.


    Personally , I am not worried about Trump or his ideas. Let him confront China and others. Soon he will realize how the world has changed long time ago.