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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. I hate to see a presidential election where the contestants in the last one are once again facing each other. The notion of having an election just to select the three national parties is also ridiculous to me. As the current crop of political leaders have foolishly decoupled the selection of the political parties from the local elections, the best alternative we have now got is to tie the election of the Guurti with the selection of the three national parties. The leaders of the three parties with the largest number of seats in an elected Guurti should contest in the next presidential election.
  2. Waxay u eegtay inaad adigu is yeelyeelaysid. Sadaam Xuseen dawladdiisii reer ayaa samaystsay, tii Siyaad Barre sidoo kale, tii Qadaafi sidoo kale, tii Tigreyga sidoo kale. Kulligoodna reerihii samaystay waxay ku riyoodeen inay dagaal ku difaaci karaan. Mudane waxaan kugula talinayaa inuu caqligaagu shaqeeyo. Colaadda dhulkeena ka socotaa ma'aha video game aad madaddaalo ka dhigan karto. Adigu haddii aad dhul shisheeye dugsanayso dadkaagii ayay fitnadaasi damqaysaa. Waxaad ogaataa dalka shisheeye aad nabaddiisa iyo horumarkiisa dugsaysid in ragga asaaggaa ah ee dhulkaa u dhasay ay dhisteen adna kaagii ayaad rabtaa inaad dumiso. Ilaahayoow garaadka ha naga qaadin.
  3. Thanks for the respect but I don't represent "My tol". To pretend to be their spokesman would be fraudulent and I don't intend to commit any fraud.
  4. He is one of those who will go down in history as the architects of Somaliland's demise.
  5. @Saalaxand @Game changer Why don't you guys put down your keyboards, leave the comforts of the West behind, go to Somaliland, pick up guns, and fight each other in Gacan Libaax? In my opinion that is more honourable than the drivel you are spewing here.
  6. I think Ucid changes colours according to the mood of its leader.
  7. Do you realise this kind of language is what the idol worshippers of Makkah used to indulge in and what the prophet worked hard to change?
  8. Al-Isra' 17:16 وَإِذَآ أَرَدْنَآ أَن نُّهْلِكَ قَرْيَةً أَمَرْنَا مُتْرَفِيهَا فَفَسَقُوا۟ فِيهَا فَحَقَّ عَلَيْهَا ٱلْقَوْلُ فَدَمَّرْنَٰهَا تَدْمِيرًا "When We decide to destroy a town, We command those corrupted by wealth [to reform], but they [persist in their] disobedience; Our sentence is passed, and We destroy them utterly." According to the lessons from history we are taught in the Qur'an and the long modern history of empires and nations we all are acquainted with, it is the sunnah of Allah that whenever oppression, injustice, transgression against the Divine Law, and the moral decay of a society becomes prevalent, the clock starts ticking for their eventual downfall. Allah knows best.
  9. They are the same people who put the affairs of a whole nation in the hands of an ignorant, unrepentant warlord, and now they are complaining!! Some say that "karma is a b!tch".
  10. Mo Farah is in everyway a product of Great Britian. They nurtured him, trained him, financed him, and promoted him. So where does Somaliland feature in the process of him being a world class athlete? Moreover, Somaliland is just as ugly as Somalia is if not even uglier nowadays.
  11. This competition and the similarly cringe worthy ones before it epitomises the Somali people as a whole. It is a perfect picture of our collective failure. This world and everything in it is defined by competition. It's fabric is made of the carcasses of the loosers and the trophies of the winners. From the constant struggles between the prey and the predator in the animal kingdom (survival of the fittest) to the competition for resources between individual humans and their families, everything is based on competition. Nations which are just a collection of families, are also in competition. And in this group competition of families, we became a joke just like our tortoise sister in this embarrassing clip.
  12. ChatGPT joins....... The discussion in this thread is all theoretical but in reality, Somalis do not know where they have come from and where they are going. Ilaahay ummadaa ha u naxariisto.
  13. Most of the people received non of these tax revenues and were already desperately poor before this unnecessary conflict, so if anyone is getting affected it is the fat cats in government and their financial woes is not anyone's concern.
  14. More signs of utter incompetence or widespread corruption or both. Even the young boy understands what the authorities are trying to hide but cannot be hidden.
  15. Could be a sign of corruption.
  16. In any normal society, the people who delibrately cause chaos and bloodshed are removed from any position of authority and persecuted in the courts of law, but sadly it seems that warlord Muuse Biixi and his evil gang have neither the opposition to stop them nor any intention of ever taking responsibility for this mess. Instead they want to pretend it is business as usual !! Ilaahay Somaliland ha u naxariisto.
  17. The remains of the victims of the f@qash genocide whose foot soldiers were your uncles and cousins refused to remain buried. Those bones want to shout from the rooftops to inform the world that behind the blue flag and the fake Soomaalinimo, there is clan hatred and munaafaqnimo.
  18. Kibirku ma fiicna, awoodood oo dhanna ilaahay ayaa iska leh. Waxba durbaanka ha u tumin koox xagjir ah oo isleh wixii ay caqli iyo wanaag ku keeni waayeen ayay awood aanay lahayn ku keeni karaan.
  19. Xaaji do you really think Mr Biixi and the ignorant gang around him can keep bullying the civilian population? They had already killed enough people in Hargaysa, Burco, Ceergaabo before doing the same in Laascaanood. I don't think any sane person in Somaliland would accept the continuation of their murderous campaign. If the people of Laascaanood want to go their separate way, why hold them hostage? And who can hold them hostage? The durriyadda subclans are themselves barely together anymore. Today it is Laascaanood, tomorrow it might as well be Burco or Ceergaabo. What will the failed Biixi and his fellow failed Kulmiye politicians do then? Some like the senile Saleebaan Gaal have already washed their hands off the country's problems. In fact, today there is barely any government worth its name in Somaliland. If you become ill, you would either have to go abroad for a basic medical treatment or you get killed by the so called "doctors" in the country. It seems the Horn of Africa's busiest route is the one between Hargeisa and Addis Ababa. And if you asked anyone travelling that route as to why they are going to Addis with their live savings, the only answer you would get is - "hospital". Moreover, if diseases and ill-health don't kill you, starvation will do the job for most people in the country. And yet the warlord president instead of resigning from office in disgrace, has the audacity to demand even more time to mismanage what little Somaliland has. And guess who gave him that unconstitutional extra time? Yes the same senile Saleebaan Gaal who refused even to be reminded of the issues in Laascaanood. Xaajiyoow if you are wondering as to why we still have a "government", the answer is the man and woman on the streets believe that- " dawlad la'aan dawlad xumo ayaa dhaanta". So please stop being delusional.
  20. This article is clearly a propaganda piece written on behalf of those folks who demonstrated in front of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The international community are not that gullible to fall for this ludicrous bs. Beesha Lixaad have many eyes and ears on the ground and so don't rely on MMA and captain Che's online crusade.
  21. Waaryaa you are getting over-excited over nothing. Most countries in the world have their share of rebellious villages and the Republic of Somaliland is not different in that regard. Somaliland will keep moving forward whether Laascaanood is on board or not.
  22. Mr BX, Somaliland is not a city state called Berbera. Somaliland as we know it is going down the drain under the watch of ina Biixi, ina Kaahin, and Saleebaan Gaal.
  23. If I was president Muuse Biixi (God forbid), I would be like "yeah call me Somalia all day long if you want, just as long as you keep training and arming my troops". Sometimes the semantics used matter less than the material benefits gained.
  24. Qiyaamaha ayaa dhacaya iyagoo wali tuulooyinkan ku murmayya.