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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. oba hiloowlow;869039 wrote: Best of back home dhaqan celis :rolleyes: You forgot this one.... for both babis but also compatible with dhaqan celis
  2. Dadka aanan garaneeyn Malala ---> Eng
  3. Gabadhan 15-jirka ah oo eey Qollada Talibaan-ka madaxa xabad uga dhufteen iyadoo markaase baska iskuulka kujirtay. Malala Pakistaan aad beey caan uga aheeyd, sababta oo ah waxeey u doodi jirtay Gabdhaha xaquuqdooda. Gabadhan oo Markaa "Activist-iga ah baa kabadbaadey Shirqool eey u geeysteen Taalibaanka oo markaasi sabatay in Malala loola cararo Isbitaal kuyaalay Bringham, UK si halkaas loogu qalo, laguna daaweeyo. Malala oo markaas kadib xaladeeda caafimaad dib usoo hagaagtay. Waxeey Malala Maalintii ugu horeeysay Iskuulkaa sare ee Edgbaston,UK ka tiri "Tani waa Maalintii Nolosheeyda iigu horeeysay, Waxeeyna aheeyd riyadeeyda in Caruurta oo dhan eey helaan jaanis eey Iskuul ku aadaan sabata oo ah waa asaaskooda Malala Waxeey jeceshahay ineey Xaga Xaquuqda iyo siyaasada sifiican uga barato. Source-NL:
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  7. Maqane


    Jacaylbaro;927647 wrote: There are some online sites where people upload their own e-books and share with others ,,,, It is like it has everything you need from fiction to technical to so and so ....... One can simply search what he/she is looking for. Sxb, Wali miyaadan Sheegin buugaagta aad raadineeysid nuucoodo, whether English based or Somali.... Hadii aad raadineeydid buugag luqadda English-ka ku qoran then is the best place for you.
  8. I wonder why the girl [who pointed out that there 're good ministers] told the cameraman to stop filming :confused: Is she afraid or what? She said something at the end but waxba kama fahmin! Btw, Jonathan has a good point and he really needs more educated supporters to get rid of the so called Qabailism, laakiin dad badan buu lafaha ka galay cudurkan weeyna adagtahay si loo joojiyo baan umaleeyn.
  9. Abu-wehliye;927405 wrote: Waa guul Somaalida maanta u soo hooyatey ineey ka adkaadaan al-Shabaab iyo ajaanibta wadankeena rabey iney ka dhigaan mid aan waligiis dowlad yeelan. Dowlada Soomaaliya waa ineey ka shaqeysaa sideey u dhaqan rogi laheyd dhalanyarada la duufsadey waxaana dowlada laga filayaa ineey meeleyso dhalantyarda oo ay shaqooyin u hesho si ayan al-Shabaab ama kuwa la mid ah fursad ugu helin ineey duufsadaan. Full Stop . +1
  10. Abu-wehliye;927404 wrote: In qof aan maxkamad dil ku xukumin la dilaa waa xad gudub, laakiinse qofkii ciidamada dawlada ku amarta inuu istaago oo aan istaagin wuu istaahilaa xbad ku dhacda hadeey disho ama ay dhaawacdaba maxaa yeeley qof ogaan kara wuxuu ku fekerayey markuu cararaayey ma jiro. Full Stop .
  11. Tallaabo;927413 wrote: ^ Waar kuwani dhaqanka waxbay kagaranayaan. London waxa ka buuxa qaar u baahan in si degdeg ah loo mastaafuriyo.
  12. @OdaySomali I think that wyre didn't open this thread for discussion. Teeda kale, Mafiicna inaad dadka oo dhan iskumid kadhigtid, not all Habesha ( Ethiopians) are the same. Btw, Negative generalizations waa wax doqonnima ah
  13. Alpha Blondy;926298 wrote: ^ hey Abbas, where are you from inaar? have you seen my garden thread? check out block 9. I'm originally from Mogadishu, Banaadir region.. sxb but currently residing somewhere in the Netherlands. Garden thread kaadii horay maan u arag. i'll browse it now...:cool:
  14. Waryaa, dhamaantiin dhaqan celis sidaan oo kale (see links below) baad u baahantihiin :mad:
  15. Maqane

    For Oba

    sxb what does the title mean :confused:
  16. Alpha Blondy;896876 wrote: Ubaxaas [noocaas] oo kale waan jeclahay sxb +1 nice pictures
  17. oba hiloowlow;925831 wrote: Abbaas nice im from Yaaqshiid too i hope you were not ciyaal juungal with wirif iyo dhagax btw, nice to hear that you're also from Xaafada sxb :cool:
  18. Alpha Blondy;925837 wrote: this is an excellent thread. i really enjoy seeing new pictures of xamar and stuff. but..................... all these flashy buildings are probably owed by a small minority of elite. the messy concrete jungle that is xamar is really lacking in terms of human creativity. these interesting buildings are only made of bricks and mortar....and now reinforced steel thanks to the turks.... isn't really anything impressive. i think someone ought to start a new thread dedicated to the social and cultural happenings in xamar too. you know, something like: Xamar: A Cultural Renaissance Thread.....or similar. it'd be really interesting to learn about the latest developments in arimaha bulshada and iyo waxyaabaha ku saabsan dhaqanka & suugaanta ....... thanks.. Al. Alpha, sxb.. gabi ahaan waan kugu raacsanahay in la bilaabo such threads. we need people oo arintan inala socodsiin kara haddii eey macquultahay. +1 RP
  19. Shumeeeeeey Yaa Shumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey i like dis one btw, embedding waxba matareeydo unless enabled by the vid uploader..... Left ear ONLY LOL
  20. Alpha Blondy;925828 wrote: inaar, are you saying to a 61 year old wrinkly ayeeyo?.......... but i suppose you could be right dee...... there are all sorts of depraved social conditions these days. like the time i was watching a documentary about baby adults who like to act like babies and stuff. they would go about their normal lives as usual but when they come home, they'd dress up as babies and wear baby gear like XXXXL diapers and pretend they like they were a baby. it was a little odd seeing the perversity of these people and how they justified their existence...ruunti. i also watched this documentary about an underground society called fat-feeders in the UK, once. it was about these men, who have a perverted fetish for feeding women to the extent where they are mobidly obese and...... dangerously on the verge of death. the women were also happy to be fed....... in fact, one guy went down for manslaughter. LOL.......caadi istidhi. LOL sxb caadi ma'aha , wax lalayaaba awaleeysan jirin waqtigan lajoogo. Back home xiligii aan yaraa, waxaan indhaheeyga ku arkay dad Shimbirka Guumeeyska dili jiray markii uu kusoo dagto geedka eey leeyihiin ama mid u dhow. Sabata oo ah haddii eeynan sidaas sameeyn waxeey aaminsanyihiin in uu qof/shaqsi kamid ah qooyska ka dhiman doono. :mad: Waa serious thing oo "baala yiri' ah oo eey dadka qaarkood iska dhaxlaan. Marka wuxu waa yaab
  21. AbdurahmanAli;925811 wrote: I'm fluent in language X? Pure guess. Bravo Su'aasha xegta -->
  22. Sxb , Yaaqshid waa dagmadii aan kusoo barbaaray One of the bloodiest dagmo ee kutaal Muqdisho. I hope ineey dagmooyinka ugu fiican noqoto Mustaqbalka. Btw, nice to see wadooyinkii Muqdisho oo qariirada google kusoo laabatay :rolleyes: we keep hoping for the best. Keep them coming sxb