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Posts posted by Maqane

  1. Unfortunately, most you seem to never went to school to learn Somali language. Ma daacad bay idinka tahay toban inuusan la mid (ld) ahay toman oo Mayrax aysan la mid ahayn maydhax?

  2. Haatu is actually right. Iskahadal means to tell something about yourself or to talk automatically like a robot (i.e the famous msn blabla) but this can't be formally used when writing a bio!


    Iskahadal = tell something about yourself (summarize your bio )

  3. kickz;971615 wrote:
    I love how GMail asks me my phone number occasionally. I always scoff at the request, what a load of BS

    There could be a lot of reasons why Google is asking your Phone number, i like the second step verification it adds extra layer si ay uga hortagaan shuftada iyo si ay u sii horumariyaan the Prism program.

    Google is getting creepier nowadays and keeps asking you to use your real name ... caadi ma ahan ma istiri :P

  4. Google is creative and smart enough in adding features/products to it's service, however some of this products may be an interesting and useful and some of them 're used for specific purpose.


    Google explains how dashboard works and gives and acceptable answer to it's end users on why this features is important!


    Apart from that, it's surprising that the article is shared by a company (Yahoo) that was second to sign the NSA Prism program :D but it's being said that yahoo has won a fight against this program but i don't think this makes a Company that you can trust because it has still something to do with it and "Hadal badan haan ma buuxsho"






  5. Such amazing Pics!, thanks for sharing Safferz


    #2 LOOL @ the guy you pictured while he was against it .. Madax adeeg badanaa!.. but i think you had to because you wanted that T-shirt :D




    Edit: @Apophis Stay on Topic Lakadyahow!, adigu wax kasta waad kasoo horjeedaa hadii aan ku arkaba :rolleyes:

  6. Naxar Nugaaleed;970676 wrote:
    You skipped way over the horrific situationist right in front of your eyes to insinuate a bias because the founders of this American non profit are Israeli.
    Somali logic is so frustrating sometimes

    +1 Majority of them don't use their brains but like to copycat things they heard (i.e baa la yiri!).


    Muuqaalkaas ka sokoow, waxaa jira wax yaaba kadaran ee ka dhaca Haddii ay ahaan lahayd wadamada carabta sida Yemen, sacuudiga, iwm. Dumarka xuquuqdooda hoos baa loo dhigaa, ragana kor baa loo qaadaa waana run aan labeenin karin!.


    Waxaa ka daran in ay jiraan Soomaali dhaxashay dhaqankaas foosha xun oo aan indhahayga ku arkay (Gabdhaha oo lagu Qasbo nin aysan raali ka ahayn ama noloshooda shaqsiyeed oo lagu xadgudbo). Waa Jaahilnimo waxyaabahaas oo kale kuwa ku dhaqma, ama kuwa aaminsan in ay caadi tahay. Waxaa fiican in arrimahan oo kale laga wada hadlo ama laga wada doodo inta la iska aamusnaa lahaay ama la dhihi lahaa "Reer galbeed,reer yahuud, reer gaalo, reer Hebel hadalkooda naga daaya!.

  7. King Fahd of Sacuudi carabiya oo ka soo horjeeda Xasan Guuleed Abtidoon of Jabuuti and the famous Comrade siyaad barre oo safka dhinaca midig ka istaagsan. That's what i can remember!


    ..and ofcourse the Sadaam xuseen of Ciraaq.



    Btw, this is a great footage from 90meeyadi!