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Posts posted by Maqane

  1. United Nations, New York, 12 July 2013 - Education activist Malala Yousafzai marks her 16th birthday, on Friday, 12 July 2013 at the United Nations by giving her first high-level public appearance and statement on the importance of education.

    Malala became a public figure when she was shot by the Taliban while travelling to school last year in Pakistan -- targeted because of her committed campaigning for the right of all girls to an education. Flown to the United Kingdom to recover, she is now back at school and continues to advocate for every child's right to education.

    In support of the UN Secretary-General's Global Education First Initiative (GEFI), on 12 July -- declared as "Malala Day" -- the President of the UN General Assembly and the UN Special Envoy for Global Education with the support of A World at School initiative are organizing the UN Youth Assembly, where more than 500 young leaders from around the world will convene to accelerate the goal of getting all children, especially girls, in school and learning by 2015.

  2. Iyadoo la tixgelinayo Sharciyada Forumka " Maamulka waa in uu tirtiraa post #45 i.w.m

    1 - Qabiil: absolutely no qabiil talk. Not even a mention of any qabiil/Clan name. No qabiil discussion of any kind.


    :- Reported :mad:

  3. Hambalyo baan dhihi lahaa Ardayda qalinjebisay! :) .


    Waxaan rajayn in ay arday badan helaan jaaniskan oo kale laakiin ay jaamacad haboon ka helaan wadanka inta ay dibada u aadi lahaayeen sabata oo ah ardayda waxaa laga yaabaa in ay iskuulkan u galaan si ay dibada ugu helaan jaanis taasina waxay ila tahay mid aan haboonayn oo ka fiicantahay in wadanka laga dhiso Jaamacad/do sare.


    Dowlada waxaan ka rajayn inay siyaasad aqoonsi aanay ku mashquulin oo ay wadankooda iyo dadkooda ka fakaraan.

  4. nuune;966477 wrote:


    Abbaas, lool fiican sxb, I used to run that domain, not anymore due to busy times, seems some indhayar guys oo Japanese ayaa la wareegay maba ogeyn waa horaan iska fasaxey, is it still attached to my profile here ehehe

    hehe, got it, curiosity didn't kill the cat though . waxaan mooday inaad asalkaada indhayar ka soo jeeday ;)

  5. Hallo Nomads,


    Meeshan baan Islaan dariska ah u brugraminayaa Diish/satellite marka waxaan idinka codsan hadii aad taqaaniin Channels oo qarsan oo Afka Soomaaliga ah ku baxa?




    Here 're the list that i already knew. She is claiming there 're also other channels out there :eek:



    - Somaliland National TV

    - Somali Channel

    - Somali National TV

    - Universal Somali TV

    - Somalisat

    - Royal Somali TV