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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. You are reading it upside down, as I said before it is HSM et al, who are breaking away from the Federal gov't by nullifying the Federal Constitution (2004/2012), and not PL seceding. The new Constitution (2024) is no longer binding, and PL does not recognise the current admin in Xamar, and very soon it shall have assumed the de facto role of the former Federal government with Foreign, Defence, and Monetary Ministries amongst others, operating under the old Constitution.
  2. The Puntland State Government has officially responded to the Somali Federal Government’s recent decision to shut down the Ethiopian consulate in Garowe. In a detailed statement, Puntland State highlights its enduring economic, security, and societal ties with Ethiopia, critiquing the Federal Government’s decision as a violation of the constitution meant to unify Somalia. Describing the move on April 4, 2024, as motivated by enmity and detrimental to Puntland’s interests, the statement emphasizes that Puntland will pursue its foreign relations with neighboring countries and international stakeholders, asserting that the consulate’s closure does not reflect the state’s interests or policies.
  3. This gets very interesting; the Consulate in Xamar has not been closed, and the Ambassador was not expelled, but instructed to return for consultation. Intel from villa Xamar indicate, the plan was to close the Consulate in Garowe alone, till in the final hour, it was suggested to include the Hargeysa office too. HSM et al is not even hiding his double dealings. QODOBKA 3AAD: DHAQANGALKA 1. Wasaarada arrimaha dibedda waxaa la farayaa in ay qaraarkan si rasmi ah u gaarsiiso dawladda Itoobiya, kuna wargeliso Safiirka Dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya "in uu dalkiisa la tashi ugu laabto".
  4. See, trouble with nostalgia, selective memory, and misplaced loyalty is they all hinge upon fantasies derived from unreal events and times whilst ignoring horrors of the same, an ailment, which bedevils the human psyche, nonetheless I could appreciate the underlying sentiment. That we could not deny, my brother. I observe similar thing in all the major cities I visited, and I always ask myself, imagine had we saved and kept the old institutions intact, preserved the old heritage, designs etc, but then I am reminded of the legacy that which led to the current state, something most Kacaanists tend to deny, and ignore. Here, you are being dishonest in your thinking. Surely, you are not equating years long, ongoing custom and trade outpost at Tuurdibi with the infamous MoU, which technically signed away prime Somali coastal land to Habasha, are you? If so, you are not being genuine. That was a leadership failure on the part of your beloved leader, HSM, who instead of rallying the public against the invading enemy, chose to fiddle with the Constitution in further instilling division and chaos amongst the nation whilst jetting from one foreign capital to another with broken limps. Do you recall a SINGLE meeting or conference at the national level to address or discuss implications of the MoU? Do you recall FMS heads being congregated to discuss looming crises? Do you recall intellectuals of any kind in Somalia, and abroad discussing or debating the issue? All because of failure of leadership, and the buck stops with your beloved President. The conflict started with the proposed changes to the Judiciary branch of government by HSM, who sought to bring all Powers under the FGS, after which Deni excused himself, appointing a Consultative Committee, which drafted contested issues releasing the following 10 points at the heart of the conflict between PL and FGS: 1) Develop clear and strict safeguards of the national sovereignty with SSC-Khatumo question at its heart, 2) Completion of the Constitution, where guiding principles of power-sharing and consensus, participation, inclusivity, politically or otherwise, are adhered to, 3) Devise an agreed upon inclusive national security programme, 4) Agree upon a natural resources management and sharing plan, 5) Delineation of, and separation of Federal-State powers, and collaboration of institutions, as outlined in the Constitution, 6) Create an agreed upon National judiciary system, defining Federal-State functions and roles, 7) Formulate a transparent National economic and treasury programme with defined, and agreed upon guidelines, 8. What form, or type of Election at the Federal level to be adopted, 9) Determine as to the status of the Capital city, along with its rules and regulations, 10) Work out a political solution prior to any amendments are presented to Federal institutions. Now, read the said 10 points, and tell me where PL was wrong? PL is not seceding, for its people do not wish to be cause of the destruction of Somalia. That role is being assumed by our brothers in NW, and cousins in Xamar. Be just in your disposition in apportioning blame. Let me remind you of what the late Dr. Galaydh said 'the break-up of the nation is being administered in the South'.
  5. What about the Ethiopian troops in SW, HS, JL, GM and Mogadishu? Will they be expelled?
  6. Does the FGS have means or teeth to implement its decision? Will Ethiopian airline flights to Garowe & Hargeysa be banned? Do the referenced Articles of the amended Constitution apply to either political entity? Will the Wajaale & Tuurdibi customs be closed?
  7. QARAARKA GOLAHA WASIIRADA EE KU AADDAN HABDHAQANKA GURRACAN IYO FARAGELINTA QAAWAN EE DAWLADDA ITOOBIYA. Golaha Wasiirada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Markii ay arkeen: Qodobada 99aad xarfihiisa (a) iyo (f) iyo Qodobka 54aad xarfihiisa (a), (b) iyo (c) ee Dastuurka dalka; Markii ay arkeen: Axdiga Vienna ee ku saabsan xiriirrada diblomaasiyadeed gaar ahaan Qodobkiisa 12aad oo xeerinaya in dowladda soo dirsatay ergada diblomaasiyadeed ee martida ah aysan xafiisyo ka furan karin meel ka baxsan meesha uu madaxa ergadu uu ka howlgalo, haddii aan oggolaansho cad laga helin dowladda martida loo yahay; Markii ay arkeen: Axdiga Vienna ee ku saabsan xiriirrada diblomaasiyadeed gaar ahaan Qodobkiisa 41aad faqradiisa 3aad oo xeerinaysa in xarumaha diblomaasiyadeed aan loo isticmaali karin ujeeddooyin ka baxsan shaqada uu sharcigu u oggol yahay ergada diblomaasiyadeed ee martida ah; Markii ay garowsadeen: In faragelinta qaawan ee Dowladda Itoobiya ku heyso arrimaha gudaha ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay xadgudub ku tahay qaranimada iyo madaxbanaanida dalka Soomaaliya; Waxa ay soo saareen qodobbada soo socda: QODOBKA 1AAD: XIRITAANKA QUNSULIYADAHA ITOOBIYA 1. Laga billaabo maanta oo taariikhdu ay tahay 04 April 2024, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxa ay xirtey isla markaana oggolaanshihii hawlgalka oo ay dalka uga furnaayeen kala noqotay qunsuliyadaha ay Dowladda Itoobiya ku lahayd magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Hargeysa, waana in ay muddo todobaad gudahiis ah ku xirtaa labadaasi qunsuliyadood. 2. Diblomaasiyiinta iyo shaqaalaha Dowladda Ethiopia uga howlgala labada qunsuliyadood ee ka furnaa magaalooyinka kor ku xusan waa in ay dalka uga baxaan muddo todobaad gudahiis ah. QODOBKA 2AAD: XADGUDUBYADA 1. Diblomaasiyiinta Dowladda Itoobiya ee u hoggaansami waaya qaraarkaan waxa ay galayaan xadgudub ka dhan ah Qaranimada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaana laga qaadayaa tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo waafaqsan xeerarka diblomaasiyadda caalamka. QODOBKA 3AAD: DHAQANGALKA 1. Wasaarada arrimaha dibedda waxaa la farayaa in ay qaraarkan si rasmi ah u gaarsiiso dawladda Itoobiya, kuna wargeliso Safiirka Dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya in uu dalkiisa la tashi ugu laabto. 2. Qaraarkaan waxa uu dhaqangelayaa marka ay ansixiyaan Golaha Wasiirada ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya uuna saxiixo Ra’iisulwasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya.
  8. An MP in the Federal Parliament said today if any FGS official visit PL, it is treason.
  9. MMA, This is the legacy of your beloved Kacaan. Now, feast on broken glass, gobble up, and ingest it slowly lest choked in heaves. Very poor timing. This has been an ongoing project about the Tuurdibi trade route connecting Garacad to DDS. Former Minister of Finance (Dhabancad) and the current (Maxamed Farax) are in DDS for that project. Ethiopia FO intent on making some miles from it, and advertising it.
  10. Let us not forget reer Awdal are true acolytes and beneficiaries of the Kacaan, which explains Galbeedi's frequent dirgax dirgax & diga rogasho. I suppose when he revisited Xamar, memories of old resurfaced and he is now a born again Kacaanist. He and MMA would make a lovely companions frequenting old ground whilst reminiscing of the good old days, which had never been. Dhal Kacaan will forever be just that.
  11. Yes, a spin of some sort. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed Adam Farah as the new Head of the Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister effective 01 April 2024. The former Speaker of the House of Federation (HoF), Adem Farah, who hails from the #Somali region in #Ethiopia, has been serving as Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) after being elected at the party's first general assembly held in two years ago in March 2022. Directly appointed by and accountable to Prime Minister Abiy, the Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office is responsible for, among others, overseeing the performances and the institutional independence of democratic institutions in Ethiopia including the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission.
  12. Many of you seem as if to have penchant for tyrannical rule. Surely, it is not just 'cos you have been brought up under such a rule, and have not learnt anything from the lesson of the past 50 years of the nation's history. Instead of resorting to power-grabbing methods, which is what most of the amendment rise to, implement democratic institutions and safeguards to prevent usurpation of powers, and maintain checks and balance. The only time the PM's powers being diluted would make sense is when political parties and elections had been implemented throughout the nation, till then, and in order to maintain the political power-sharing principle, which is the only thing keeping the nation intact, and thus far made the FGS possible, till then it must remain in place. Otherwise, it is back to the ugly days of tyranny and dictatorship. The nation has come a long way to revert back to that.
  13. For a moment there, I forgot you were an acolyte of the atrocious Kacaan ideology. Q&Q nicely refuted your short-sighted, ill-conceived, self-serving points, but I still want to get back to my original question, but at first let me dispense with a more pertinent query: Would you want someone in Xamar to organise district council elections in Awdal: Boorama, Baki, Lughaya, and Zaylac? Or would you want Dr Bahar et al to undertake the engagement? If no, and you would prefer Dr Bahar et al, then the same is true for the 20 MPs representing reer Awdal in the Federal Parliament, both Houses, as one would not want them (s)elected, or their election being managed, by some busy bees dispatched from Xamar. Or are you advocating for the opposite? Postscript: Let me remind you the question (focus on the underlined bit): what was wrong with PL's local elections? On 3/30/2024 at 10:02 PM, galbeedi said: In Mogadishu, I realized that there is no such thing as federal states ( Dawlad Goboleed). Puntalnd might be slightly better than the rest, yet Puntland itself couldn't deliver minor issues like organizing local elections.
  14. Here is a copy of what was submitted to the MPs for their approval. Soojeedinta-Nuqulka-Kama-Dambayst-ah-28.3.2024.pdf
  15. That is 'cos your response was that of an amateur debutante primed for an evening out in genteel circles worse than even XX in his odious self in bad times, and instead of constraining your poking of the bear at its tail, you veered off stroking its precious mane, hence the ire, and the reason you are now seeking shelter, and bellowing for agency and utility. They all speak of good game when in opposition, but the minute their derriere touches the seat, they morph into mini Afweyne. Think about the speeches HSM made whilst attending civil society conferences in Xamar, Garowe, Jibouti etc.
  16. Boowe ku mahadsanid laba-dhaclaynta, hogatusaalaynta, iyo xogaha, but you did not answer my simple question; if you could try it one more time, and this time do bear in mind I am fully briefed as to the ills and inner goings of Somali politics. Now, try one more time. And one more thing, boowe aashaa hadal, hana gadoodin!
  17. Joint press conference by President Said Abdullahi Deni & UN envoy for #Somalia Catriona Laing in Garowe on Sunday following talks on the current situation.
  18. Priorities. There was no need to tamper with the Constitution. Instead political agreement, as stated in the Constitution, and institutions building, as desperately needed (perhaps focus upon security and judiciary) are far more critical to the nation, and to invest in so as to keep the nation intact and weather the tide during these taxing times. Instead, valuable time is being wasted on painting Mona Lisa on fanciful canvass of no use to the nation nor its citizenry. Postscript: With the only consensus based, agreed upon Federal Constitution being those of the 2004/2012, and subsequent unilateral amendments to the said Constitution by the gov't in Xamar on Mar. 30, 2024, which nullifies core principles of the said Constitution, therefore it computes to conclude Xamar gov't seceded forming a South Central gov't. And with PL standing by the consensus based Constitution, it is therefore the de facto legitimate political entity representing the Federal gov't. If you could elaborate. If you could explain.
  19. The nation is at a crossroads, and this opens the gate for dark days to come.
  20. Laamiga isku xidhi doonta Qabri Dahar - Doollo - dekada Garacad
  21. According to TRT, Türkiye has trained more than 6,000 Gorgor soldiers since 2017. However, the current strength of the unit, which consists of the 17th Brigade (approximately 1,900 soldiers) and the 18th Brigade (around 2,100 soldiers), suggests that at least 2,000 soldiers have been lost to desertions and deaths. The majority of these losses have occurred over the past 12 months, coinciding with President Hassan Sheikh’s liberation operations, which have been stuck in Phase 1 for nearly two years. The impact of these losses is most evident in the decimation of Gorgor’s leadership ranks. In the Mudug region alone, four battalion commanders have been lost to deaths and desertions and Al-Shabab attacks this year. Company commanders have also been hit hard, with many falling victim to attacks or facing court-martials. The death of the 18th Brigade’s commander in battle underscores the severity of the situation and the risks faced by those leading the fight against Al-Shabab. Gorgor Forces in Crisis: Desertions and Leadership Failures THESOMALIDIGEST.COM The Gorgor, the elite special forces trained by Türkiye for Somalia, have lost more than 2,000 soldiers in...
  22. In a display of defiance against corruption, Mogadishu-based businessmen have halted their operations at Mogadishu Port for the last two days, citing a corrupt scheme linked to port activities. Local entrepreneurs have voiced their frustrations, stating they are being pressured to engage in and financially contribute to a scanning service not officially recognized by the Ministry of Finance. Payments for this service are allegedly directed to a select group of businessmen with close ties to port authorities, effectively bypassing standard governmental oversight and sparking concerns over legality and the apparent circumvention of the Ministry of Finance’s authority. This standstill at the port, resulting in little to no operations over the past two days, not only highlights the transparency issues of financial transactions but also suggests a deeper, systemic issue of governance and corruption. Mogadishu Port Corruption Alleged by Businessmen THESOMALIDIGEST.COM Challenging corruption at Mogadishu Port, local businessmen boycott biggest port in Somalia...
  23. The level of incompetence is mind blowing. ---------------------------- Ethiopia’s State Bank Mobilizes Task Force to Recoup 6 Billion Birr Lost through mysterious “system failure” The source indicated that the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia does not yet know the amount of money it lost, but it indicated that over six billion birr worth of transactions were conducted in a matter of six hours, and over 25,000 money transfers were made. Borkena has learned from citizens’ reports on social media that most money transfer transactions and ATM withdrawals were observed among university students. Jimma University and Addis Ababa University have issued warning statements urging students to return if they have withdrawn or transferred money from the bank and avoid facing legal consequences. Last week, the bank fired more than 200 employees in connection with fraudulent educational credentials.
  24. Somaliland and Allied Militias Plan Offensive Against SSC Bihi aims to use a new conflict as a pretext to delay elections in Somaliland-controlled districts. SSC forces did not invade Isaaq-inhabited districts and villages after they dislodged Goja’ade from Somaliland forces and allied clan militias. “Any war against SSC constituencies will be viewed as a political decision against lives and properties of a Somali clan and will have wider repercussions” said a retired MP in Hargeisa, who accused Bihi of the intention to spark internecine inter-clan war to stay in power. Somaliland and Allied Militias Plan Offensive Against SSC – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — Somaliland Administration is reportedly planning an offensive...
  25. The prediction is D.C is Cali Dheere will be the next President in 24 months. In the meantime, XSM is just soiling the rugs in the mosque, but fret not, for order for replacements have already been placed. An 8,000 foreign private army is staged for deployment to protect foreign interests & pretense in Xamar post the imminent takeover.