Cambuulo iyo bun

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Everything posted by Cambuulo iyo bun

  1. I see Somalia thank you. 1-1 so far
  2. Alpha Blondy;972620 wrote: inaar, i actually own one of those koofa barawani caps. hangools are banned here. it's considered a weapon-like instrument. i bet you didn't know that. Caqils and Chief Caqils, Suldaans and other odayaal dhaqameed are allowed to carry it thought. ;) of course, i'll need a permit from the interior ministry once i've dethroned my Caqil uncle. ;) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Lmaao gaartey
  3. Who is your candidate for the election? Faroole or Gaas?
  4. Nice Al where is the koofi barawani and the hangool tho
  5. malistar2012;972565 wrote: Kenyan Defense force will hand over Kismaayo , It will be very difficult for the Kenyan President who just signed agreement in front of Heads of State .IC will see Kenya DF as obstacle to peace and stability in Somalia . +1
  6. Alpha Blondy;972482 wrote: basically, during Dahir Riyaale's time, some die-hard Kulmiyites (Beesha Haradaan) were very keen in organising protests against the President's visit to London. firstly, they asked other members of the saddex habro of the bermuda triangle to join their crazy protests and they ALL declined......... since internal politics shouldn't be played out in the international arena..... not content, they asked the HAG and the HAG said..... ''our business people, our children, our women and large members of beeshayada live in Hargeisa ee naga daa ciyaarta, ma garateen?....'' ....(in case of reprisal and attacks against our people)... :p marka, the morale of the story is...... ''wuxuu HAGooow gartay, ayeey Beesha Haradan garan waayeen, dee'' (which is to respect the peace reer Somaliland worship) :p:D LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Lmaaaaao gartey caadi maha
  7. saalax and Gaaroodi midkiin haku baxo Naxar goobasho lama ogolo. wabilahi towfiiq.
  8. Apophis whats good bro? Long time no see, how is the ramadan going? :rolleyes:
  9. Alpha Blondy;972426 wrote: i'm here with my friend and he's on the phone making major plans to go back to Mogadishu to make money. how foolish he is, ma istidhi? :p he's telling me there are plenty of dirta waqooyi ee duriyaada properties in the busy commerical areas of MOG . he's saying you can trust the HAG with these properties. marka i asked why? he says HAGoow wuxuu garanaya waxaay beesha haradaan garanwayey. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.... :p LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOOOOOOOL sheeko waalan balse maxey beesha haraadan garan waayeen?
  10. Haatu are you turjuumaan inaar
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;972417 wrote: President barre hiiraale welcomed the decision to send a multi national force to Kismayo Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 | Posted by Wadani Wadani Dhalay Dhagayso:- Maamulka Barre Hiiraale oo soo dhaweeyay Ciidamo isku dhaf ah in la geeyo Kismaayo Saraakiisha Ciidamadda Maamulka Barre Hiiraale ee ku sugan duleedka degmada Kismaayo ayaa soo dhaweeyay Warmurtiyeedkii kasoo baxay shirkii Madaxda wadamada Ciidamadda ay ka joogaan Soomaaliya ku yeesheen Magaalada Kampala ee caasimada dalka Uganda. Qodobada Warmurtiyeedka ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Ciidamo isku dhaf ah in la geeyo Ciidamadda magaalo xeebeeda Kismaayo. Cabdi Ibrahim Aadan Waraabe oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aanka ay qaateen madaxda Ciidamadda ka joogaan Soomaaliya. magacaa aan ka qeyliyay walaahi
  12. maydhax iyo mayrax maxaa la yiraa?
  13. LOL i heard people using it especially in Mogadishu and its surroundings all the way to Bay and Bakool. Me personally i use Toban :cool:
  14. Maaddeey;972330 wrote: akaaga caano garoor lagu qabay!. Ma inaad dadka dulleysato ood gacan hoorsiga barto baad rabtaa, Blessed?. Maad agoonta hooyadood $5000 u dirtid hal mar ah si ay stall amwax uun meherad ah ku furato, waana shaqeysatay adiga & qof kalena waa ka maarantay!. Haddiise aad $100 bil walba dirto, iyadana waxba uma tereyso adna waa kugu dhib, ilaa imisaadse diri kartaa?, haddaad shaqo beesho ama dhimatase yaa u maciin ah?. +1. My immediate relatives actually do this , every month we have a phone conference qaaraan type each family 800 dollar baa laga rabaa we're like 7 families doing it, so far 24 people ayaan shaqo uu abuurnay oo iyaga hada is maamulo. This is the way aid money makes ppl lazy!!!
  15. in some places in koonfuria its toman, labo=lama, sideed=siyeey, 50=Qontan
  16. Classified;972053 wrote: Prisons are built in deserts. Puntland is a good location for criminals from all over Somalia to be incarcerated.
  17. i see oromo counting is very similar too rendille as well. Btw we say Toman too