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Everything posted by GaadhHaye

  1. ^^^Calankaa dhac.....He should be an easy shooting target for an America cruise missile.….
  2. God is great!!!! Very good, you do not even need oil to upgrade your peoples standard of living to the first world level, I mean with jurisdiction of over 200 miles of economic exclusive zone of marine fishery resources you can institute a social welfare system to eliminate hunger and disease in your state.
  3. ^^^ Ma waxa uu cawaray your stalled search for Soomaalididnimo???
  4. ^^^^^ Heartwarming news Red Emperor Resources NL ("Red Emperor" or "the Company") is both an ASX-listed (ASX: RMP) and AIM-listed (AIM: RMP) natural resource exploration company with oil and gas interests in the frontier state of Puntland and the Republic of Georgia. In Puntland, Red Emperor holds a 20% working interest in two licences encompassing the highly prospective Dharoor and Nugaal valleys in 2011. These two exploration areas cover nearly 40,000km2 and have independently been assessed to potentially contain over 19.9 billion barrels of oil in-place. In the Republic of Georgia, Red Emperor has a 20% working interest in onshore blocks VIa and VIb, covering approx. 6,500km2. The 410km 2D seismic program completed by joint venture partner Range Resources (ASX: RRS; AIM: RRL) with independent consultants RPS Energy identified 68 potential structures containing an estimated 2.045 billion barrels of oil in-place (on a mean 100% basis). The first exploration well spudded in July 2011 and drilling is currently underway.
  5. The greatest dreamer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sit on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:D:D
  6. Suldaanka;793817 wrote: Very pregnant and open ended statement. The question is, will Somaliland hold talks with the current TFG or wait for a viable successor after August 2012? And where should such a meeting take place? Sul, What a selective guy you are!! Read this carefully... 8.We emphasised the urgency of Somalia funding its own public services, and using its assets for the benefit of the people, s well as tackling corruption. We welcomed the progress that has been made in establishing a Joint Financial Management Board to increase transparency and accountability in the collection and efficient use of public revenues, as well as international development aid, and which will help strengthen Somali public financial management institutions. A declaration by the initial embers of the JFMB is at Annex A. Simply put, revenue from key assets in the areas controlled by SNM gangs for example import tax, tariffs, export levies, fees etc collected from Barbra port have to come under the control of JFMB, hhhhhh, and I believe you are smart enough to know the consequence for Soomaalidiids if they do not do as instructed. You guys do not need to talk. All talks have been talked in Garowe. The World needs you to do the following reminding you that the sooner you do the better for everybody: Renounce secession dreams. Form your legit State as part of the Federal Government of Somalia (off course forget about SSC and Awdal States ). Come to Mogadishu meeting that is scheduled in March and ask for the instruction sheet of how you can select the portion of your members of the 1000 National Constituent Assembly. That is all you have to do for now.
  7. The mass grave of the foreign terrorists i.e. members of alqaida being hosted by the alshaab extremists must be like that of Osman bin Ladin : deep in the Indian Ocean. Period.
  8. and David Cameron has finally met with Somali UK communities in his office; among the three things agreed upon there was no mention of Soomaalidiid's burning issue:rolleyes:. Listen: Forward the type to 10.22 Is there any one out there who was an invitee to give us full details?
  9. Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar, currently the James Wallace Professor and retired Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College, leader of Hiil Qaran Somali political movement, who visited Mogadhiso couple of months ago, has fully endorsed Garowe I and Garowe II Principles. Also, he has clearly acknoweleged that the people of Puntland are and have always been the really incubators to Somalinimo i.e. Somali nationalists. Wholeheartedly, I second his thouthfull comment about Somalis in the land of udgoon. Maraykanka (Allpuntland)-Prof.Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo kamid ah Aqoonyahanada Soomaaliyeed ee waxka dhiga qaarkamid ah jaamacadaha dalka Maraykanka ayaa si kal iyo laab ah usoo dhaweeyey qaybtii labaad ee shirkii Tastuurka Qaranka Soomaaliya oo Labo cisho ka hor kusoo gabagaboobey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada dawlada Puntland kaasoo uu sheegey inuu ahaa shir muhiim ah oo loo baahnaa islamarkaasna dhacay waqti muhiim ah, Isagoona codsaday in hirgelinta shirkaas loo wada istaago lagana wada shaqeeyo baraarujinta Ummada Soomaaliyeed si looga boxo xaalada adag ee uu dalku ku jiray mudada dheer. Aqoonyahanka Soomaaliyeed Wuxuu sheegey in shirkaas oo ay reer Puntland martigeliyeen uu si toos ah uga turjumaya himilada Soomaali doonka ah ee ku duugan maskaxda shacabka reer Puntland taasoo uu sheegey in ay tahay Soomaaliya meesha kaliya ee ay dawlad rasmi ah ka jirto islamarkaasna ay dadka Puntland dega kuweyntahay Soomaalinimo Jacaylka iyagoon wax dan gaar ah ku wadan Dadka kale balse un ka danqanaya mushkilada Soomaaliya ka jirta. “Shirkani wuxuu ahaa guul Waayo in dalka gudihiisa lagu shiro oo weliba lasoo saaro go’aamo baa waxay tahay arin aad u weyn oo aan marna la heli karin, Runtii Waxaan rabaa inaan hawada Salaan u mariyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed weliba kuwa reer Puntland, Dadkaasu waa dad qaali ah oo la’aantood ma qabsoomeen shirarkaan iyo kuwo kale, Waa deegaanka kaliya ee xasiloon hadana si caafimaad qabta u raadinaya Soomaalinimo iyadoon madaxdeedu dan gaar ah raadinayn taasna maahan wax la heli karo”Ayuu yiri Prof.Samatar oo dhanka kalena sheegey in Bartamaha sanadkan isaga iyo aqoonyahano kale iyo Siyaasiyiin aad u badani ay u qorshaysantahay inay booqdaan deegaanada Puntland lana kulmaan bulshada iyo madaxda Puntlad. Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland, Gaalkacyo.
  10. The Garowe principles are irreversible; it is binding on all regions of Somalia including the north-western territories. Like it or not. Thank God Somalia is winning this time,,,,
  11. Some of you may brush aside Waagacusub reporting as talk of the town but I don’t think Dahir Alasow, the owner of the cite, can attribute a fabricated quote to Faysal Cali Warabe. To paraphrase it in English, Mr. Faysal Cali Warabe, the leader of Ucud Party, is reported to have said, “Read about it, read about it. We have been given permission to participate in all upcoming Somalweyn reconciliation conferences. Hence, we are expected to bring the Somali Federal government to the streets of Hargeisa”. 15 Febaury lahayd BEESHA DHEXE WAA ISXAMATAA ee ISKUMA CADEEYSO ayaa u muuqata inay meesha ka baxday. Geesi kelya adag oo lagu magacaabo Mohamud Raage ayaa GACAN TOGAALEEYSIGA iyo MUSUQMAASUQA Mohamed Bajaaj iyo Xersi Tooriile dibadda soo dhigay taas oo sida dhul gariir u saameeysay dhamaan bulshada ku abtirsata beesha dhexe ee SOMALILAND. Inkastoo Wasiirka Khaarijiga Mohamed Bajaaj saaxiibadiis ku yiiri “Waxba nagala qaadi maayo maxaa yeelay Wiilka uu sodoga u yahay iyo Marwada ayaa nagula jira arrinka” hadana waxay dad badan la yaabeen Axmed Siilaanyo oo bilaabay Riwaayada I MAQASHII IYO MADADAALI. Agaasimaha guud ee Arrimaha dibadda Mohamud Raage oo xilka iska casilay ayuu Siilaanyo 48 saacadood kadib soo saaray digreeto uu ku sheegay inuu xilkii ka qaaday Mohamud Raage. Wareegtadiisa ma waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa inay tahay mid ka marqaati kaceeysa inuu la socon iscasilaada DG Raage mise waa I MAQASHII iyo MADADAALI sheeko u dhiganta. Xilka qaadista Siilaanyo waxay ka marqaati kacday hadalkii Boqor Buur madow ku sheegay inuu waalan yahay waloow dadka la shaqeeyaana sheegeen in laga qariyay is casilaadiisa oo qol lagu xiray. Agaasimaha iscasilay ee u dhashay beesha **** wuxuu adeegsaday hab dhaqan ay ka muuqato cadaalad iyo aqoon marka la eego inuu soo daabacay Bank Statement muujinaya lacagta ay lunsadeen Xersi Tooriile iyo Mohamed Bajaaj. Wasiir Bajaaj wuxuu yiri “ Mohamud Raage kuma wanaagsana luqada” hasse yeeshee baaris ay Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay waxay ku ogaatay in Mr Raage uu dalka Denmark tegay isagoo 19 Jir iyo inuu yahay aqoonyahan xiriir qotodheer la leh beesha Caalamka sidaas daraadeed hadalka Bajaaj waxaa lagu fasiri karaa NIN DAAD QAADAY CUNBO CUSKAY. Iyadoo ay xaaladahu sidaas u kacsan yihiin hadana waxay beesha uga dhawaaqeeysaa Magaaladda Hargeysa maamul goboleed la magac baxay Garoodi State of Somalia halka beesha Sacad Muuse iyadana ku shirsan tahay Magaaladda Gabiley oo lagu wado inay uga dhawaaqaan Naasahablood State of Somalia. Faysal Cali Warabe oo ka dhoofayay Garoonka Hargeysa wuxuu yiri “ Waxaa naloo fasaxay inaan tegi karno shirarka Somaliweyn sidaas darteed waxa nalaga sugo waa dowlad Somaliweyn” Suldaanka guud ee Beelaha ***** Suldaan Mohamed Abdulkadir oo isagana u dhashay beesha ayaa yiri “21 sano ayaan kunteenar ku xirneeyn sidaas darteed waxaa la soo gaaray xilligii aan Somaliweyn wax la qeybsan lahayn” Si kastaba ha u muuqdeen xaaladaha laakiin waxaa Somaliland badbaadin karo hadii la helo 10 Masuul oo cadaalada kala mida Mohamud Raage,una sheega runta bulshada Somaliland. SOURCE:
  12. Abtigiis;785770 wrote: Whatever the personal guilt of this man is, he is wronged in more than million ways by Somalis. Adeer, ilaahay intaad ka yaabtaan ninkan quudhsiga dadiisa loogeeystay awgeed ha loo saamaxo. Haduu 1000 uu dilay, tobanaan kun oo uu la dhashay ayaan dhimana nooleyn oo nolosha lagu cadhaabay through segregation, stigma and racism cad. Markaa waa in la saamaxo odaygan si dadka uu ka dhashay ayna ugu qaadan in tani daba socoto dhibaatadaii haybsoca ee lagu hayey dadkiisa. Abtigiis, I do think you have limited information of this case; this is not a criminal case; it is a civil case. If Ali Samater is found guilty he will not be jailed nor deported from USA. He may be fined some amount of money and I am sure thousands of Somalis in USA are ready to help him out as they have already decided to finance his defence. But the good thing is that if he is found not guilty the plaintiffs and American lawyers who are misleading these clueless Somalidiids will be sued for damages which could be millions of USA dollars to compensate Ali Samater for all expenses he incurs, the price of time value he loses, for defamation of his character and that of his immediate family members, slander, any psychological disorder he may suffer cuz of this, the list goes. So, cidna ha baryin Cali Samater, waxay qaadaan bay lee yihiin…..
  13. In the blink of an eye, Allah alters one condition to another. Odayga maanta Soomaali midnimadeeda u ooyada, labo usbuuc ka hor waxa uu lahaa wiilka gaadhi kara hal naaskeed qoriga ha qaato si uu u difaaco Soomaalidiidnima....Maashaaalaah. Buuhoodle heroes have to be highly praised.......Every other issue is negotiable but the BLUE FLAG,,,NEVER...
  14. Freedom;784469 wrote: Dude were do you get your facts from. Facts? The Road Map is the mechanism through which the transitional federal government of Somalia is scheduled to return to a normal permanent system of governance and the Garowe Principles is the vehicles driving it. This vehicle is certified by the international community headed by the general secretary of the United Nations and the main interesting feature in it is that it has a defined timeline for pickup and delivery. Try to be at the loading and unloading docks or you will be left in the dust. If you are secessionist you may have been blinded by propaganda by hateful literature of anti Somali people and may not had the mental readiness to follow what is really going on in Mogadishu. Now the facts are hitting you hard on the face and you are coming to realise that the only place you are going to is Xamar. Dee imka googlegaree: Somali National Consultative Constitutional Conference si aad wax u garato…..
  15. Carafaat;783984 wrote: Its Berbera and Burco or Buroa in English. try to hide your feelings. And second. which garowe principle? the one which nobody but Puntland was happy about? Even the TFG didnt like, but was forced. Somaliland doesnt care about the Roadmap, cause the Roadmap is for Somalia's actors like Puntland, Galmadudug, Xiin Xeeb, Hiiraan, Jubba's, Shabbele's, Bay Bakool, Banadir. Somaliland Roadmap is one with SSC/Maakhir/. wax fahan You mean the international community has forced the TFG to go along with Puntland’s demands to add enhancements to the Road Map for the production of The Garowe Principles? Suppose it did. Are you saying the SNM gangs in Hargeisa have more economic claw, diplomatic claw, political and intellectual claw than President Sheikh Sharif in order to resist the combined wishes and national interests of the members of international community in regard to Somalia? If the mental force that had persuaded Mogadishu, has an imaginary weight of one Kilogram, I guess the pressure needed to make warlord Siilaanyo to bow to The Garowe Principles has less than 0.0001 gram.
  16. Carafaat;783907 wrote: Indeed, we should make quite an entrance there. knowing our folks they would do quite good in diplomatic circles. As long as they are willing to accept the Road Map and the Garowe Principles as they are, they may be given the chance to join the Stakeholders Council and subsequently may have voice on the nomination of members of parliament that must be selected from “The Triangle: Hargeisa, Barbara and parts of Burcoa, based on 4.5 formula before August of the current. Ostensibly and just a reminder for OUR secessionist BROTHERS, any Somali whether from “The Triangle” or from other areas of the Somali Republic has the inalienable right to run for the office of presidency in SOMALIA BACK TO BUSINESS DECISION AUGUST2012.
  17. IAmRevolution;783210 wrote: Hargeysa:-Waaxa maanta dhagax dhigay taallo lagu Xusaayo Col. Richard Corfield oo ka mid ahaa raagii uu soo halgaamay Somaliland. Col. Richard Corfield oo taalladan loogu magac-baxay waxa uu hormuud u ahaa, isla markaana ahaa Sarkaalgii ugu horeeyey ee ka dhiidhiyey tacadiyadii ay Xukuumadii Daarwiish ahayd ee Ismacaail Miire ku haysay Shacabka reer Somaliland, waxaanu wakhtigaas noqday Sarkaalgii ugu horeeyey ee ka mid noqda Ururkii dhaqdhaqaaqa halgankii lagu xoreeyey Somaliland. Sidoo kale, Col. Richard Corfield waxa uu ka mid ahaa Siyaasiintii Somaliland wakhtigii halganka lagu jirey, waxaanu ka qayb-qaatay, isla markaana uu kaalin weyn kaga jirey bundhigii Qarannimada Somaliland, isagoo ahaa Sarkaaglii ugu horeeyey ee Boqortooyada Engris ku wareejiso hooganka hubka Somaliland, iyadoo talaabadaas uu Sarkaalgu beesha Darwiisheed hubka kaga dhigay-na ay hormuud u noqotay in Somaliland ee xoreeyadaydii ku guulaysatay 1960kii. Col. Richard Corfield waxa kale oo xusid mudan waxyaabaha lagu xasuusto inuu ahaa Weeyeel jecel nabadgelyada iyo Wada noolaanshaha ummadda reer Somaliland, isagoo waayo-aragnimo buuxda u lahaa dhaqannada iyo deegaanada ay ku nool yihiin Ummada Reer Somaliland, waxaanu tiir dhexaad u ahaa bahda Ciidamada ee Somaliland. Abdullahi Orgiliiqe Waaheen/Office Hargeysa/Somaliland Oodweyne;783217 wrote: :D Very artistic imagination, I must admit, indeed.. You could have gotten the elusive recognition long time ago if you had the intellect to come up with this idea of building a silver statue if not a golden one for Richard Corfield, your national hero, early in the beginning of 1990s. But, it is not too late. Go ahead and build a bronze one in the center of Hargeisa for your British masters (I guess you can not afford a silver now let along a golden one; after all, the current Buhoodle skirmishes are too expensive for you now). The problem you will encounter, though, is that the royal family in U.K. will not be fully satisfied with you if the carton plane effigy (the one SNM gang erected in the city symbolizing the imaginary suffering the revolutionary government had done to you), and the statue of a proud “God chosen” British national (in your mind) share the same space in the city. In other words if you decide to build a monument for Lord Corfield please remove the carton plane effigy if you want the recognition to jump off from the bottom frame of the “window” it has been sitting on for the last 21 years. In the modern history of human, Britons believe they are the victorious. No way can their pride reside close to feelings of defeat. :cool: Good luck
  18. Somalia;780880 wrote: No, but the militia you praised did. Please tell that militia that they should stop hurting children. Thank you. Warlord Siilaanyo did that to the children and he will be brought to the courts of justice not excluding the International Criminal Court. Judicial technicians of Khatuma State of Somalia as per the press release today are documenting the case against warlord Siilaayo for this massacre.
  19. The price for Nabad is the destruction of your dreams and coming back to your senses; Somali is indivisible and Buuhoodle people have proven that to you. Unless you move your malacalas out of Khatumo State lands, there will be NO, NO, I repeat no peace. Sleep on that day and night
  20. Labada guuto oo gabadhu sheegayso waa go'doon oo waa lagu hareeraysan yahay, sida maanta warsaxaafeedkii Khaatumo State of Somalia ku soo baxay, lamana xasuuqayo ee waa in ay isdhiibaa....Buuhoodle guul, guul, xaqbaad ku taagan tihiin ILLAAHAYNA waa idinla jiraa
  21. Countries with more than 1billion bbl of proved oil reserves: Saudi Arabia 262,600,000,000 Venezuela 211,200,000,000 Canada 175,200,000,000 Iran 137,000,000,000 Iraq 115,000,000,000 Kuwait 104,000,000,000 United Arab Emirates 97,800,000,000 Russia 60,000,000,000 Libya 46,420,000,000 Nigeria 37,200,000,000 Kazakhstan 30,000,000,000 Qatar 25,380,000,000 United States 20,680,000,000 China 20,350,000,000 Brazil 12,860,000,000 Algeria 12,200,000,000 Mexico 10,420,000,000 Angola 9,500,000,000 Azerbaijan 7,000,000,000 Ecuador 6,510,000,000 India 5,682,000,000 Norway 5,670,000,000 Oman 5,500,000,000 European Union 5,193,000,000 Sudan 5,000,000,000 Egypt 4,400,000,000 Malaysia 4,000,000,000 Indonesia 3,990,000,000 Australia 3,318,000,000 Yemen 3,000,000,000 United Kingdom 2,858,000,000 Argentina 2,505,000,000 Syria 2,500,000,000 Gabon 2,000,000,000 Colombia 1,900,000,000 Congo, Republic of the 1,600,000,000 Chad 1,500,000,000 Brunei 1,100,000,000 Equatorial Guinea 1,100,000,000 Uganda 1,000,000,000 Somalia 19,500,000,000? Ahead of
  22. Carafaat;776477 wrote: Article is a bit confusing. First it denies the existence of Somaliland, then it potrays it as an clan enclave, concluding with the end of sesseci And the author argues that that Awdalland and Khaatumoland mean the end to secessionism. But I think the main point is that beesha has a clear political agenda to leverage the secessionist agenda of Somaliland. But not how to leverage the powers of the State, build an administration replacing Somaliland in SSC region. No, no. Khaatuma State of Somalia and Awdal State of Somalia individually or together, hand in hand, possess unequivocally unstoppable political leverage to shutdown SNM gang’s coffee shop in Hargeisa…
  23. While President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud known as Silanyo was on vacation in the United Kingdom, the Minister to the Presidency, Hersi Ali Haji Hassan, visited the Ethiopian Consul, General Berhe Tesfay, on 19 November. According to a source close to those present at the meeting, he complained, somewhat undiplomatically, about the actions by Ethiopian troops who entered Somaliland without authorisation. Hersi asked the Consul to inform the authorities in Addis Ababa of his displeasure on this point. He also complained of what he called “the expansion of Ethiopian culture into Somaliland”. Hersi, who is deeply religious, was referring to the large increase in the number of snack bars run by Ethiopians that sell alcoholic drinks and housing prostitution . Berhe Tesfaye, whose features could be seen to tense with anger, did not respond to this criticism. He left on 21 November to refer the matter to the authorities in Addis Ababa :(