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Everything posted by Abdul

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;831228 wrote: The guy who bought the land and the folks who are demonstrating belong to the same clan each family is claiming the land. Then why attack the sl militia base??
  2. Good development indeed.Buhoodleh airport is next.insha Allah.
  3. Haatu;831085 wrote: Whatever their reasons they should come back soon and continue with their duties Good point.They should be back and join fellow somalis to finish the process.
  4. you are in the wrong thread i think.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;830689 wrote: These youth are young 21. 19 the oldest is 22 they should not worry about politics they should focus on their studies.Every year they miss will never come back. Their future depends on a good education. Learning about 'snm mujaahids' is not good education sxb.Bravo to the students.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;830534 wrote: Laakin detoore OMG iska daa hablaha yar yar eeh naasuhu u so baxeen ba yidha OMG manad dakhtar ahayn. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  7. He did well and actualy appears in control of the situation.
  8. uchi;830450 wrote: I hope XX & Carafaat are safe~ They are safe and sound,talking about the constitution and other stuff few hours ago.
  9. True they are working hard and the airport however small is good develpoment.
  10. nuune;830005 wrote: lol, aniga personally qof diyaarad lee iska saaran mar kasta madaxweyne iima ahan, Kuwait darraato, waxa ka horeeyey suudaan, shalay Uganda(5 times a month), isla shalay Kenya(4 times in a month), isla maanta mareekan, isla barri masar, xageen u soconaa, I know diyaaradaas in ay kiro tahey from a company at Wilson airport, they are really in profit, and doing well business wise, having charged Sharifka for each trip one way for $250,000 thousand dollars, back, similar amount, I am not exaggerating this, I know for a fact and know the rented plane well and the company who owns it. This is more than rent, it means the plane goes where ever he goes and cost is even more, so that figure I mentioned is based on a rented plane similar to that from the company who owns it. if this true,then Shariff must spending millons of dollars each month on travel alone.This is un-acceptable for a country where two year olds are going to bed hungry.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;829945 wrote: if Somaliland is willing to be part of Somalia i welcome them to be part of a Unitary state instead of clan federalism. This is good stuff coming from you.
  12. He might be the prefered candidate for all we know.
  13. Xx,you should know that Sl is part of the package.
  14. Swallow it,you mean let you secede???This will not happen, the purpose of this meeting is to unite the country.
  15. You want to know the outcome?????No government in Somalia will allow the break-up of the country.Its that simple.
  16. 'Liibaan';829205 wrote: Waa sheekadii moor yaanta, waxaa la isku heystaa nin kale guriigiisa, waa ku qabso ku qada meyside, layaab. loool
  17. So the letter was genuine after all,he played his cards close to his chest this time.
  18. If Faroole was against the new constitution,im sure he would say something by now.
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;828744 wrote: Indeed its afduub ka gaadhsi but it wont work mark my words:D Ana war ku haye waleh. Tell us what you know,Xaaji