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Everything posted by Changed

  1. Originally posted by Baashi: I agree with OGUN, I would not recommend him to run let alone vote for him. He ought to do what he does best - writing. He is a qualified citizen to run for the presidency though. i think u are contradicing ur self right there bro.. u think he is qualified yet u dont think he will make the best president , i dont know jack schnit about the guy but all you'll do is praise him, so if he is that good of person and has prestigious awards under his belt i dont see the reason for him not to be a good president na'mean , personaliy he would have to want to run, our discusion of wether he makes a good candidate or not wont a virtue in his decition, i think he is 100% better than the ignorants that are rulling or want to rule our country, the man is educated , and he is doesnt not descrimate, my best example would be his wife, someone said that he was not a good candidate just because he is married to a nigerian, what is wrong with nigerian, a man can marry a non muslim, (religiously) and that should take the doubt of her religion(islam,christian etc) out of the door.
  2. i have a request, anyone heard of the re-make of lafta dabarka calisa laba dinac inoqotee by boqol.. its goes like this damac ba igu yaalo dhaq dhaqaaqi waaye lafta dabarka celisa laba dinac inoqtee ...goes on and on.... nin dimasho jooga something something tahi lama dageestee... zanks much please get me its lyrics and the song
  3. ahahhahahaahha ahahhhahahahahaha funny one sxb......i heard different and a grosser version of it but i still crack up at it :rolleyes:
  4. good artic horn...could u please tell us of her qualification?... she sounds educated enough nuune what has banazir done, i thought she was better than Nawaz Sharif and trust me (this is personal) Parvez Musharaf has nothing on her on a serious note : i think we need a little diversity in our politics , men destroyed our country , and havent done anything to put it back intact so why not give eedo asha and her other women a chance p:S: what is up with hi pakistan @horn :confused:
  5. i read few pages of ur book the mighty collision of two worlds over the summer and i loved it , i will tell ya how good when am done, keep the good job coming safi
  6. Different Strengths of Patience Some people cannot have patience without struggling and facing many difficulties. Others are able to have patience easily. The first type is like a man who wrestles with a strong man and cannot beat him without the utmost effort. The second type is like a man who wrestles with a weak man and beats him easily. Such is the war between the soldiers of ar-Rahman and the soldiers of Shaytan. Whoever defeats the soldiers of Shaytan can defeat Shaytan himself. ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud narrated, ‘A man wrestled with one of the jinn, and beat him, then (the man) asked, ‘Why are you so weak and small?’ The jinn answered ‘I am very big and strong compared to the rest of the jinn.’” Someone asked ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud. “Was the man ‘Umar?” and he replied, “Who else could it have been?” Some of the Sahabah said: “A believer whips the Shaytan the way a person whips his camel when he is traveling.” Ibn Abi’d-Dunya narrated from some of the salaf that one shaytan met with another, and asked him why he was so thin. The other shaytan replied, “Because I am with a man who mentions the name of Allah when he eats, so I cannot eat with him, and he mentions the name of Allah when he drinks, so I cannot drink with him. When he enters his home he mentions the name of Allah, so I stay outside. The first shaytan said, “But I am with a man who does not mention the name of Allah when he eats, so I eat with him. He does not mention the name of Allah when he drinks, so I drink with him. When he enters his home he does not mention the name of Allah, so I enter with him.” So whoever develops the habit of patience is feared by his enemies, and whoever finds patience difficult is in danger, as his enemy will readily dare to attack him and do him harm. Taken from the book, Patience and Gratitude – An abridged translation of ‘Uddat as-sabirin wa dhakhirat ash-shakirin- by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (1292-1350 CE) Translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab. Chapter 2, pp 16-17. "Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah" and then remained on a right course--the angels will descend upon them, (saying), "Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised." [Al Quran 41:30] "The best among people is one who is a source of benefit to the people."- Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhe wasallam)
  7. salaam caleykom! i would love to learn alot more about this man. he sounds like he is the better than the candidates we have at the momment !but the question at hand is: is he interested? : cuz if he aint , then it is a problem , i loved it when he compated the image of somali to the one of frieda paintings and i cant beleive he called siyad bare a marxist , the man was not even close to being called a marxist ; besides that i find marxs theory to be one of the best theories we have out there, its just the way the people interpret marxs theory that i have issues with eg stalin, mussolini ,hitler and meo zang.
  8. pablo neruda one of my fav thanks for sharing it with us
  9. ^^^^ lol praciticing medicine i hope , may be married with 2 kids maybe hey all that ^^ is fantasy who knows what may come out of it :rolleyes:
  10. .che i used to live near baar kish too.. do by anychance know jiiro called jiiro joogso(am not sure) juxa i think we were neighbors too i have a gut feeling it will be reunion of the somalis living in suuq jungal and hurwaa area, btw we lived in between jungal and hurwaa,
  11. funny! aint it , cook or good looks hmmmmmm let me think! get real sxb what if u ended up with a chick that can cook yet cant communicate with u and the same goes for the beautifull women, and stop telling the girls to stop being emotional? what the hell do u mean by it anywho! , R u intending that when women talk they dont use their brains but their emotions? :mad: get real nooh, its like asking: now do u want a man with d*ck? or a man with b*lls ? :rolleyes: now he can only have one of the above ummmmm whats ur pick ladies , now when u men respond dont use emotions but ur inputs is wanted :eek: :eek: , arghhhhhhhh some men just :mad: :mad: being emotional again arent I :rolleyes:
  12. entrep to me gaalo still means non-muslims and like i stated earlier we cant call a muslim a non-muslim, we have no right to ! i dont have the hadith on me but am sure of it ... and i do agree with u when u say somalis are quick to judge and when i talked about rationality i was just giving my prospective the war-lords power the their dirty politics, they think they are right and they believe that if it was for them somalis would be messed up(i dont agree with them ofcource) and none of them would do anything they considered to be irrational: so for u to say their action are the same or similar to those of the galoos obiviously means u think they are irrational, and i dont object to it but what my objection was all about is u calling them galoos cuz islamically u cant call a muslim gaalo my brother
  13. YA ALLAH :eek: now we have an organization that arranges marriages, subxanallah :eek: YA RAXEEEM,YA CAZIIZ :eek: yikes
  14. good article but can u ellaborate more on how somalis on walfare are galoos too? to me galoos are those that are non-muslims and am preety sure calling a self-proclaimed muslim gaalo is forbiden, the fact that u called the warlords gaalo to me feels like u went a little over board we have no right to , but i agree with u muslims are not to kill other humans, its like calling bin laden and maxammed ATA a non-muslim(he killed women and men(children am not sure of)). To me rationality is on the eye of the beholder, what my be rational to me may not be rational to the society i live with , and the same goes for everyone , my point here is these people think they are doing the right thing so its rational to them but to us its not ratioanl at all and honestly we cant justify what is rational and what aint and allah is the only judge to rationality.....hope y'll got my point its kinda confusing am sure
  15. ^^^^^^^^ nayaa wa ka dartaye section6xer
  17. pete from what u wrote am asuming the child has been living with another family for 10 years before he was put in ur custody, just imagine with what he is going through, am guesing u are of different race and of a different religion that obiviously will make the kid retaliate, he does not want to change , he will actually adopt some habit just to be extreme , i know it hard taking care of a kid who has no respect for house rules and trust me am not trying to make excuse for the kid but think about it for a while , he doesnt know the damage he is causing and u dont know what he is going through(that is cuz we human tend to be selfish and think of nothing but our needs ), to be taken away from the people u lived with by the social services already made him powerless and the only power he has now is the power of not following the house rules , do u know what i mean.. my advice on how to deal with him is be nice with him " love wins everyone heart" and trust me he will come around , even though he does not care of u taking him in and giving him a home he will eventually come to love u for that ,
  18. pete from what u wrote am asuming the child has been living with another family for 10 years before he was put in ur custody, just imagine with what he is going through, am guesing u are of different race and of a different religion that obiviously will make the kid retaliate, he does not want to change , he will actually adopt some habit just to be extreme , i know it hard taking care of a kid who has no respect for house rules and trust me am not trying to make excuse for the kid but think about it for a while , he doesnt know the damage he is causing and u dont know what he is going through(that is cuz we human tend to be selfish and think of nothing but our needs ), to be taken away from the people u lived with by the social services already made him powerless and the only power he has now is the power of not following the house rules , do u know what i mean.. my advice on how to deal with him is be nice with him " love wins everyone heart" and trust me he will come around , even though he does not care of u taking him in and giving him a home he will eventually come to love u for that ,
  19. Changed

    Raising kids

    pete from what u wrote am asuming the child has been living with another family for 10 years before he was put in ur custody, just imagine with what he is going through, am guesing u are of different race and of a different religion that obiviously will make the kid retaliate, he does not want to change , he will actually adopt some habit just to be extreme , i know it hard taking care of a kid who has no respect for house rules and trust me am not trying to make excuse for the kid but think about it for a while , he doesnt know the damage he is causing and u dont know what he is going through(that is cuz we human tend to be selfish and think of nothing but our needs ), to be taken away from the people u lived with by the social services already made him powerless and the only power he has now is the power of not following the house rules , do u know what i mean.. my advice on how to deal with him is be nice with him " love wins everyone heart" and trust me he will come around , even though he does not care of u taking him in and giving him a home he will eventually come to love u for that ,
  20. Changed

    Raising kids

    pete from what u wrote am asuming the child has been living with another family for 10 years before he was put in ur custody, just imagine with what he is going through, am guesing u are of different race and of a different religion that obiviously will make the kid retaliate, he does not want to change , he will actually adopt some habit just to be extreme , i know it hard taking care of a kid who has no respect for house rules and trust me am not trying to make excuse for the kid but think about it for a while , he doesnt know the damage he is causing and u dont know what he is going through(that is cuz we human tend to be selfish and think of nothing but our needs ), to be taken away from the people u lived with by the social services already made him powerless and the only power he has now is the power of not following the house rules , do u know what i mean.. my advice on how to deal with him is be nice with him " love wins everyone heart" and trust me he will come around , even though he does not care of u taking him in and giving him a home he will eventually come to love u for that ,
  21. oh my god darman...u are good...naayaa flying neey let go shooping nooh... shiiid i want to buy me some..cant wait till i get those loans send to me
  22. silent guy ..i think ...
  23. **** techno time ***** dan dan dara dan dan dara waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw jumps up and down with "system of the down*** walks out cuz hip hop is back on ***c walks outs **** lol@ stpaul midwest kutirir rock on chica..
  24. :eek: :eek: i noticed the quran part..he kisses a man i dont care..but y hand the quran to the kufar :mad: yikes
  25. i seriously need this medication...i over drew my acount over 200 dollars and spent extra 700 for back to school shopping... sectionsixer u aren ot helping with gorgeous shoes u got there