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Everything posted by Changed

  1. nayaa stpaul give me call or a holer tell me when he is coming me and my girls are gona be so there, i love him and i got the s*tupid white men...i will so get it signed am so excited .. dismiss what i wrote above ....i just read the post to find i missd it ,...stpaul i hate u :mad: :mad: ever heard private message
  2. nayaa stpaul give me call or a holer tell me when he is coming me and my girls are gona be so there, i love him and i got the s*tupid white men...i will so get it signed am so excited .. dismiss what i wrote above ....i just read the post to find i missd it ,...stpaul i hate u :mad: :mad: ever heard private message
  3. ^^ and nafisa insha allah i will start , count me in this is what i will do insha allah ,grab my quran and read it with sheikh husarry , and its translation is also with it ..this is the cite just in case u want to do it too Quran recitation i was reading surat jinn the other day and this verses brought tears to my eyes walaahi 25. Say: "I know not whether the (Punishment) which ye are promised is near, or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant term. 26. "He (alone) knows the Unseen, nor does He make any one acquainted with His Mysteries,- 27. "Except an apostle whom He has chosen: and then He makes a band of watchers march before him and behind him, 28. "That He may know that they have (truly) brought and delivered the Messages of their Lord: and He surrounds (all the mysteries) that are with them, and takes account of every single thing." surah jinn ayats 25-28
  4. asalaam caleykom! i havent taken it , but am sure its worth it , a friend of mine took the course and she did great in the MCAT test , i will be taking the MCAT test end of my junior year insha allah
  5. asalaam caleykom! i havent taken it , but am sure its worth it , a friend of mine took the course and she did great in the MCAT test , i will be taking the MCAT test end of my junior year insha allah
  6. asalaam caleykom WALNUT TREE (Passion) unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise. okay somewhat true but i aint jelous , nor am am i disliked ..the rest are true,
  7. salaams okay.. i had to remind u the question is an "IF" its not like our parents are going to do that to us . i cant say NO personaly cuz my parents been through alot to get me to where i am today and yes lucky if i am in the situation(INSHA ALLAH I WILL NEVER BE IN) it will be different but what if they are really stubborn and sobbing and dying ... ya rabbi i can never say no to that its my parents after ALL
  8. salaam caleykom and RAMADAN KARIIM , My thoughts: He is interested in her, he even goes to friday juma for her, i dont know about y'll but to me it sounds like he is making the effort to change for her , what do y'll think :confused: but then marrying a man that does not pray is taking a huge risk, IF i was the lady: i would pray two rakkah of salaat istaqarah(<==is that how u write it) and see what happens
  9. asalaam caleykom waraxmatullah wabakarakato Jazaka allah kheyran bro
  10. salaam caleykom Ramadan kariim................please pray for us all in ur prayers insha allah
  11. salaam caleykom 19 Ramadan kariim y'LL
  12. okay now that i see how he writes ... i got only three words to say LOL but does it bother u :confused:
  13. tony please dont hack my system ur shit is scary as F**ck
  14. LOL. This is funny as hell, i dont use fancy words (as my friend would say) but i dont mind reading them. i think one should use the words they are comfortable with, did it ever cross ur mind firslady that he may not be using the words to put u or others down and he is being himself, just because he is somali who says he cant use big words to express himself, everyone in here has the right to be themselves, or be whoever they want to be , why do u care if he looks at dictionaries to use the words atleast he is learning something and he is putting a use to what he is learned :rolleyes: If u want to use "big words" go, or buy ur self a dictionary learn them and put from them in a sentence , and wala u got his writing skills right thurr just incase u dont get what he is saying use the dictionary (all of that are jokes of course firslady no offence sister) i get ur point dow
  15. asalaam caleykom wait until they explain advertisement :eek: , news reports and other stuff :eek: , after i took mass communication , i didnt watch tv for 2 weeks it disgusted me, but the reason they are teaching u all this is for u to think of stuff critically , most of the stuff that is shown of tv are baised , most of the companies are owned by the same jew owner namean . and i agree they make blacks look like the criminals all the time ,when they the "white men are the real criminals " :rolleyes: :mad:
  16. sweetie like they said it all for me . REPORT HIM IF U DONT WANT HIM TOUCHING U ==>IF U WANT IT ITS ANOTHER CASE :eek: , sounds like u like him yet u dont want him to touch u :confused: , my advice to u is: stop flirting with him, ur "lol" tells me u giggle around him alot, He does not like u for ur personality he likes u cuz of ur body ,and that is okay in some cases but not in this case , u know what physical attraction leads to so watch our sistah , and ur whatever comment wont stop him say leave me alone mofhaker :mad: or i will report u :mad: , if he does not stop report and make sure he is fired :mad: yeah i think u are younger than 22 too but hey we have to take ur word for it right
  17. i was reading this article earlier on the new-york times , its sad really sad to hear and i am hopping the 15 dead are not somalis i pray to god they arent but whoever they are i pray for them (most probably the dead one were somalis cuz the survivors were somalis ). god bless their hearts and souls ameen, its the worst death anyone could ever have jari ricyaa igu kacdo markaan maqlo wax sas u kale aah walaahi
  18. salaam caleykom to answer the question of the six pillars of imaan six pillars of iman are beleive in GOD (ALLAH) beleive in angels (maliakah) believe in the books(quran and the others) believe in the prophets(adam, noah, mohammed) judgement day (aaqirah) qadr (kheyr and shar)
  19. i maybe wrong and they changed the article i got my previous quote from , i gues they got a better one :rolleyes: , but if u guys read the quote i gave earlier, the first report was given by a missionary news agency and it got me to think of it critically why missionaries first they may have worked for them namean, but hey i maybe wrong i was just bringing my thought and my opinion of it to the table, there's something to the claims of a 'plot to destabilise' Somaliland? lol ..interesting ..
  20. salaam caleykom who told them to teach christianity in somalia, these missionries never give up do they, am sad that they are killed but that is what happens for going to an islamic country and trying to teach them of christianity a husband and wife team working for the SOS Kinderdorf children's organization were shot and killed Monday. The Vatican-based Missionary News Agency, MISNA, also reported the slaying and that the victims worked for the non-governmental agency. read to find out hoos hoos eey rabeen in diinta ku buran someone cought them and shot them :rolleyes:
  21. okay i think she is acting dumb to spice the show up, her dad said she was playing into the blonde bimpo hope ...she is acting cuz if she is as dumb as she sounds like ,i feel bad for nick
  22. Changed

    Did you know?

    salaam caleykom oh my god , :eek: i didnt know sue thanks for the info , OH boy am i speechless , i dont know how to react to it , i know they picked poor countries and dumped it in there , but for some odd reason never thought it would happen to my country :mad: i heard about illegal activities in somalia, i hear some so called biznez men got minners somewhere in somalia and R selling uranium sad though
  23. u love her and am hopping she loves u too then there should be no problem, there will be a time when u two will be togheter, distance is a minor problem if u ask me Go wih ur heart
  24. salaama i will be back with my question regarding this