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Everything posted by Changed

  1. we all know that Muslim women aren not oppresed and to my understanding some men beat their wives up and say its the religion,(we all know our religions forbids us to harm women and children) she fights for those women/kids rights , she gives them shelter , to me she has a big heart period, i may not agree with her on certain terms but she did what she had to do , i dont know why we seem to be critisising her. yes she is contradicting herself (hijaabed in iran and not in paris) and i agree action speak louder than words but cant u guys see the fact that she said she did what she did because she was muslim and that our religion is for human rights looking at the bigger picture here her personal life is her's , and its between her and ALLAH (swc) Islamiccity==review on HER
  2. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Originally posted by mizz unique [sister there is no Ayah says they should stoned to be clear with u in the beginning. can u show me any Aayah says we have to pray 5 times a day and 4 rak'ah in zuhur prayers and so on....? if there is no ayat show me the hadith that says stone the gays... and og girl i am sure u know of spelling errors i meant luut(loot or how ever u spell it ) not luuq ..all am asking is something that brings the fact out(if u show me a hadith/quran, and i will learn and thank u for enlightening me) , i dont want opinions i hope am making my self clear I am really gutted that she took her hijab off - that makes a political statement about Islam withour her having to say anything..... i agree with u 110% percent but what confuses me the most walaalo is there R alot of people in here who say islam is not for human rights
  3. thinking poor xafsa six chapter plus work ...i have a 10 chapter midterm of physical geography, 8 chapter biology, 3 chemistry all in this week am thinking i hate school , .. new thought entered my mind , nuune u can read 6 chapter and be prepared for a test in 2 hours ..masha allah teach us the techniques it sure takes me about 5-7 hours to get the concept ,2 hours to have them down nafisa was just a thought , i wish i was brave enough to go with my thought , i had to prepare for the lab exam i had that week and the exams coming this week
  4. ^^^^^ouch ouch ouch..that hurt man forrreal...flying ama kill ya better not set a foot in stompers cuz i will be there looking for u ,ala hooyoy
  5. finally got the time to ends it ,,,,,,,,i thought level 24 was the hardest,
  6. tell me where in sural luuq its says to kill homo's and honestly am asking this cuz i heard of surat luuq but i dont know the translation and i want the ayat that says they should be stonned to death :confused: please show me the verse .. and to make it clear i never said am pro homosexuality i just think what they do is between them and ALLAH(swc)..and we humans have no right to judge them , "lakom dinakom waliya diin" that is an ayat am a firm beleiver of and i will never interfer in one sexuality or ones sins ones deed namean, :rolleyes:
  7. dadka qarkood diinta qalooc qalooc eey u gashay ka waran. :eek: :eek: MMA point well taken but still this women is for human rights, she won and i read the entire article yesterday and today to see the flaws u guys see in her , yet i see no flaw , why cant we appriciate her for what she did and yes kheyr islam is for human righs , that homosexuals have right to exist in society, that fornication is Normal and that people who engage in them, should not be looked down upon or punished, or that Men and Women are Equal, Muslim and NonMuslim shold be treated the same b/c they are both Humans? etc.... yes homosexual have the right to exist in society..y because its their life and its between them and allah , show me one ayat that says kill or harm a homo-sexual, u know what muslims or non-muslims we have not right to treat one equal and the other non equal we as muslim are told to treat our neighbors the best we can and if the non-muslims are one of them then so be it we treat them good and with respect, the fact that they are non-muslim is between them and allah , who are u to tell us that we cant treat them the same way we treat our muslim brother and sisters if u say its said in our religios please be kind enough to bring us a full proove of it nuune she benefited sxb i am not sure if that is the correct digit but something over a million dollars sxb
  8. ...there are so many rules and restrictions in the hadith and from the madhabs than there is in the Koran.. opininoated sweetie we sunnis too and the hadith is a apart of following the sunna of the prophet mohammed (scw) since all we know of his action are only through the hadiths and when it comes to madhabs i was told i had to follow one since "I" know very little and since my intrepretion on some off the rulling can be wrong , we follow them to save our selves from sin .and if think u know it all then u can follow what u think is right from each of the madhabs and not follow the is a personal choice. i know u know it all but i just had to remind ya sis.... to all those that are attacking opinio; please watch ur tones and dont use emotions , because when it comes to islam we are supposed to talk to oneother kindly and not attack when another, now that she has raised few question answers it to the best of ur knowledge and bring evidence on u or else dont respond, and yes remember not to attack the person attack the idea, walaahi what we are lacking here in this thread is the skills to communicate
  9. MY MOM WOULD NEVER ASK ME TO MARRY A MAN, lets just say she did for some ODD reason,i would definatey say YES cuz i love my mommy to death and her wish is my command yow simple as dat
  10. i think abdiqasin was elected in 2000 and he should stay , all i heard about him is good stuff and i heard bad stuff from candullahi yosuf, ...since he was elected he has the right to be named president , yosuf on the other hand should ran see if he wins but he is a loser i hear and a killer ,and i gues he wont get any vote one question dow...arent they both puntilanders , so y the accusation people? two different puntiland tribes having problems or what a little confused i know one of them is mix am not even sure though i heard this while i was serving tea to habro that came over ooh i just rade the thread back and found out that one of them is from mogdisho, but he has no record of killing so y be pro yosuf the killer and not be pro the man that does not kill , is it because he is not from central somalia..... who resides in central somalia again? this thang i crazy
  11. section are u done with 18 , am still stuck with it
  12. forget my thought i just finished 15
  13. am done with 13 but 15 is hard as hell shoo for 12 get to the one on top move the one to the right up.... with out the ball.. then on the lower two ones move the closet one up, then move the right on down, and move the with the ball down , now move the one to the right back out and then hit then u score with the farthest one... i hope explained my self section i see u got 12 and 13, did u get 15 help a sistah our .... ps thanks for the game
  14. section it easy toget through 12 i find 13 hard..i forgot how i did it but i will tell ya about about it once i start the came over..or is there a way to go back on step
  15. ^^ .lol..and when i said the whites dont know the difference my intention was to inform the somalis how lucky are to get affirmative action, we didnt work hard for it , the A.A worked they asses off to get it namean from being a slave to having the right of the white is not an easy thing to obtain namean, i see it was easy for u to make the wrong interpretation of my statement it is true white dont know the difference , and the fact that am for it is another case
  16. sad just because she was depresed y'll just blame her :eek: ,he rapped her period, if she wanted fame she would have floded her self in tv and would have told reporter how he raped her and stuff, she is not looking for all the attention she is getting she is keeping her identity a secret. I think she led him on and tried to stop him (got uncomfortable) and said NO it was to late and he went ahead and did his thang,(this is the conclution i came up with ofcourse) which is wrong ..NO MEANS NO KOBE :mad: :mad: ..i think she can only be blamed for flirting with him ; he on the contrary is to blamed for rapping her her :rolleyes:
  17. i wanted to go to UCLA for graduate school and now i wont thanks to u malikah am all for affirmative action , and yeah ama have to agree with you girls that we somalis consider ourselves to be different from them and i think what we somalis dont undertand is that most of the whites wont look at our difference's , we are black to all of them and negro's to some of them, on the other hand afro american dont consider us to be one of them and they are actually pridefull :eek: , when i lived in louisiana i had a teacher (black) tell me i wasnt black, and funny part was she was mix i was actually darker than her , lol...and have u seen them say " u are african , well u dont look like that image i saw on tv"(they basically be-little the africans) to be honest we R two different species with different culture (and we each have an image of the other build in our heads) all for affirmative action because the white dont know the difference
  18. am feeling ****** for missing my classes , and am thinking of an excuse to give to my chemistry prof cuz i will see him tommorow(the truth is after the lab-test yesterday, i slept and i woke up at 11:00am instead of 7 am), and am also wondering if i should go ahead to the library to prepare for the midterm next week but am thinking of taking the day off,of school activities and just relaxing,going to a kick boxing class (to release the stress and dedicating every kick , and bunch to my bio- and chem- proff's ), and basically doing nothing but relaxing , am thinking of going to spa too
  19. i learned 1: respect can't come automatically it has to be gained, 2:life is a learning experience and the experiance is what makes us a better person, 3: trust anyone at all because when it really come to it they will chose themselves over u.. 4: do as it would be done to thee;what goes around comes around 5: patience is a virtue
  20. what is ss&h and what is sanag and suul :confused:
  21. lol@go f ur self......the chines one was
  22. i think it depends , because the case that u presented may be quite different from other peoples cases, that ladies family sounds like a tribalist one , so instead of teaching the kids the good stuff(language, deen, telling them heroic stories , badiye stories) they thought the kids the bad stuff so i would say it depends ...i hope ... i wont take my kids to somalia , its personal dow