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Everything posted by Changed

  1. Originally posted by juxa: ok, i never attacked a person before, but darman, first u link my name to avarage, then u tell story of my life. lol..........once he wrote a story about a deeqo and a roach and the fact that she was from minneaplis and a college student freaked the living shit out of the girl sitting next to me ,lol, yes darman why not xalimo for goodness sakes :mad: back to the topic: pick her habits who cares she loves u ps: who played the song , i like the music :::its hindi right
  2. talking about mail boxes.......nayaa captivating soul ur mail box is full empty bal :mad:
  3. Changed


    salaam caleykom ^^ oi allah u just reminded me of gulaab jami am thinking methai for sweets....ooh boa i miss home baruurvile is my home hede ,i think ,live and talk baruur
  4. asalam caleykom TO NUR: could u open ur session again for ramadan because i read the ur post and i think i learned alot
  5. asalam caleykom i read ur article a while ago flying and walahi yesterday while i was in lab i thought about it and i left class to pray duhr...thanks much for the article sis jazaka allah
  6. salaam caleykom aboow abooow :eek: :eek: “This is a clear violation of the student’s right to freely practice her faith and must be dealt with at the state level i think it should be deal with on a national level :mad:
  7. why do we 'women' want what we can not have? its human nature, this goes for men too, we like to chase, we like to get what we cant have! it a like playing "hide and seek" why do dogs chase u when u start running from them? - why do we like those who dont do us justice? sue said it all for me ! just picture having all that u have the way that u want.. holy moly the thought of it scares me :eek: .it would be too godyamn boring - why do we not appreciate those who threat us like princesses? we want them to , its just that if they over do it , it gets to be too freaky , threat ur lady roughly at times men - is being inlove all that counts? - is it enough if he is inlove with u? - can relationship work, based on trust,loyalty, commitment, but without yr heart going boom, boom, boom ? no the love better be a two-way love, heart better go boom boom and bam bam girl-friend if i use my mind i would say 1, but i think she lady would pick two cuz he loves her and she loves him both ways sista , three is out , he is to young :rolleyes:
  8. somali waxaa kamid ah adiga iyo wax kula mid ah oo qurux moday afeysan laheyn inay ku dal dalantee ee haku dayan dadkaan aan kaseyn luqade afkaga hooyo kuhadal lana soco ropic inay mesha kabixin lol.. abaa i dageeyso ..u dont know nothing about me and u dont know jack shcit about the otherS in this forum so ease up aight . no need to be judgemental in here ,u dont like the fact that we WRITEt in english then dont read WHAT WE WRITE and dont open threads complaining about the (non-somali writers) if u wont let us explain ourselves . AND Y COMLAIN ABOUT OTHERS SOMALI WHEN ur somali is not that perfect/ (STATED BY THE OTHERS), FUNNY AINT IT the non somali writing folks like me and lucky respond adiga na saifta(sword) aa laboodeysa and when other respond(those that write in somali) u calacal by saying abaayo ha i aflagadeen , aflagadeentada ma u jeedid miya .. like i said earlier isku ma jeeda islam laayey :rolleyes: LUCKY AND SALAFI I AGREE :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  9. ^^ lol.......the daqan man was arrested by the cops of SOL for preaching about the somali daqan.. lucky yeah i was thinking about their cloths too,but i didnt post it earlier..cuz my fat a$s had to cook i was to hungry and afur time was right around the corner .man was i hungry. they are can sing, i just think they wont make it big and my logic still lies with glitter being the fav movie :eek: :eek:
  10. lol.... lol...... lol......what a joke .anab loves glitter man ow man that was funny .. but they can really sing though... am actually enjoying their songss , the second one is aight and the third one sound better than the first one ...hey i actually like a somali RB singing somali band coool :cool:
  11. Ramadan kariim to all who in here fasting for the month of shacban? to answer the last part of rudy question it the lastodd numbers of the 10 days of ramadan .best gues is usually the 27 and 29 , to the rest of ur question allah-o-aclam
  12. salaam caleykom this is an interesting topic indeed, and i was thinking about donating some blood a while ago and i didnt do it because a friend of mine said it may have be haram,which prevailed me from doing so..but i think donation of organs or blood is alright and i am for it , to NUR>> what u are saying if someone donates an organ or some blood and the person using it does bad deeds the other person will be punished for it and vice versa (good deeds too, the person would be rewarded for it ) right! but then allah checks our qaloob(minds) and if I donate an organ with good intentions wont my intention count, because i was told by a sheikh once that , if i intend to pray and i missed the prayer i would still be rewarded for having the intention pray ,( i know i have to pray the salat at a later time to make it up). wouldnt that go for the donation too,the Donator obviously is intending for the good when he/she donates the organ.
  13. Changed


    i will eat anything that takes the hunger am feeling away, but my fav are sanbuusa malawax bajiye bur with suanbusa ofcours and more i just cant talk about it to damn hungry we are talking about aftar fav i hope :confused: if not i love me anything with spaghetios some pasta with alfredo juxa me to lasagna (drolling already) fried rice(chiness) fajittas dalac bilash(man i love it with canjeelo)
  14. thanks much lucky i had to release it all , i could have sworn yesterday i was gona release some more anger today but am calmer than usual weird eeh :rolleyes: anywho i take back all those nasty comments , i feel better know salafi danbi ba igal siseey :mad: jokes
  15. u just reminded me of the night we hanged out for dinner, remember me , u nafisa , .those were the days i dont know ..why farax too, there is guy i know whose name is farax and i asked him what it felt like to be on the spot light ..he said he didnt care
  16. nah he is not a dameer eating guy , he is the HIV carrier who was sentenced to jail time for intentionally passing his disease to a couple , someone made a post about a woman claiming that a man infected her with HIV, i think he was the one that infected her , news link
  17. LOL......talking about test and assignements i had geography one today i have chemistry midterm biology midterm polical science midterm all of them for next week , i still havent figured out which one i should study for first , yes i want to kill my biolgy proff and my chem..bastaarinta i took their test a week ago now they have new stuff for me to learn :eek: shoot give the sista a break namean, yes i also want to kill the geography proffesor bastarka anaga ayuu nago bar barnayaa his test was nothing close to the study guide, let me do bad on that test and i will demand for his **** to be fired ..seriously i spent over 50 hours of my weekend reading how this goddamn weather systems he better give me the grade i deserve..dhimo for making this poor muslim miserable :mad: dimo ilaheey kaga baryee...damn he is even making me inkaar bastarka bartarkiisa girin :mad: :mad: :mad: aaaah i feel better , i will come again to give my POLICAL SCIENCE TEACHER SOME CAY , I CANT INKAR HIM HE IS MUSLIM SADDLY ENOUGH
  18. salama The last time i checked the Map Somalia was located in east of africa aka the horn of africa . geography that answers ur question .. so we somalis are africans and we somalis are Hamitic ethnic group also known as Cushites jamal interesting hypothesis :confused:
  19. naa ha i dhihin naarta ka na naa leeye , and who u are u to talk about the somali youth when u are the perfect example of what these people are running from::::::::::isku ma jeede islam laaye ,
  20. yow suga nooh naagta ana u shekeynaya somaliga jabtan hada rabtid wala so gura lakiin qof fahmayo majiro nooh , yaqay dadka qarkood somaliga ku adag , me my self cant read somali, it takes me forever to read somali , i can only read the messed up somali(my somali only) the somali u(hibo nuuro) and other write is hard for me to read. but i can write a little .got it , lucky sis i agree we all cant write somalia, i understand lol..mama african will not let anyone bully her kids i like that
  21. thanks much rudy.....i was told the 24 would be the first and iwas making sure thanks all for the info
  22. i vote for: Ahmed Gurey he defeated the ethopians
  23. when is ramadan :confused: i mean the date