Major-General Cawad

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Everything posted by Major-General Cawad

  1. Isbaarooyinkii teedsanaa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye inta u dhaxeysa oo sii kordhaya ,Beesha ***** oo wax ka qaban la isbaarooyinka Muqdisho Saacadihii la soo dhaafay waxaa soo kordhayey tirada isbaarooyinka yaalla inta u dhaxeysa EX-kantarool Afgooye illaa iyo Siinka-dheer, waxaana shalay iyo dorraad halkaasi soo buuxiyay isbaarooyin cusub, kuwaasoo hadda caga-cageynaya ku dhawaad 15 isbaaro, iyadoo gaadiidka BL-ka ah ka qaadayey lacago fara badan, waxaana shalay lagu raacayey BL-ka caasiga ee isaga kala goosha Muqdisho iyo Afgooye lacag u dhaxeysa 15 kun illaa 20 kun Shiling Somali, taasoo ay walaac weyn ka muujiyeen dadka isaga kala goosha waddadaasi. Gudiga isbaara qaadka ayaa u caali la beesha Sacad iyo beesha Duduble oo ayagu wali ka maarmi la isbaarooyinka sharcidarada ah ee lagu baarto shacabka ku nool Muqdisho Dhinaca kale maleeshiyooyinka fariisinkoodu yahay barta laga galo Afgooye, ayaa la sheegay in ay iyaguna madaxa soo daboosheen si aan loo garan, waxeyna baabuurta ka qaadayeen lacago leejo ah, horeyna uma sameyn jirin in ay madaxa soo xirtaan taasoo argagax galisay dadka safarka ah ee saaran BL-ka waddadaasi mareysa. C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile, Mogadishu – Somalia
  2. Ciyaartii siyaasadda ee u dhaxeysay labada kooxood ee kala taageera Yuusuf iyo Shariifka oo qeybteeda 2-aad maraysa heer gebogabo ah Jowhar!!! Nambarka 7-aad ee kooxda Shariifka Cumar Xaashi Aadan ayaa gool-ka 5-aad ku hormariyay kooxdiisa daqiiqadii 61-aad, waxaana ay ciyaartu noqotay 5 –4 ay ku hormareen kooxda Shariifka, balse 9 daqiiqo kadib daqiiqadii 70-aad waxaa gool qurux badan madaxa ugu dhaliyay kooxda Yuusuf kabtankooda nambarka 10-aad Cali Max’ed Geeddi, kaasoo ciyaarta ka dhigay 5 – 5. Labada kooxood ayaa isku qaaday weerar iyo weerar celis, waxaana kooxda Yuusuf ay badaleen nambarka 9-aad Xuseen Caydiid, waxeyna ku bedaleen nambar 16 Cali C/llaahi Cosoble, sidoo kale kooxda Shariifka waxey iyaguna bedaleen nambarka 6-aad Boqorre waxeyna ku bedaleen nambar 13 Eng. Max’ed Xuseen Caddow. Daqiiqaddii 72-aad ayaa waxaa goolkii 6-aad u dhaliyay kooxda Yuusuf nambar 6 Prof. Max’ed Cumar Dalxa oo helay kubbad bulisyoone ah, taas oo uu ka kor qaaday darbigii ay sameysteen difaaca kooxda Shariifka, waxeyna kubaddii ku nasatay shabaqa dhexdiisa kadib markii uu arki waayey goolhaye Sifir, waxeyna hadda ciyaartu mareysaa 6 – 5 ay hoggaanka u hayaan kooxda Yuusuf ee iyagu fadhigoodu yahay Jowhar, tababarkana ku qaadata garoonkii naadigii Isnaay, halka kooxda Shariifka ee fadhigeedu yahay Muqdihso ay iyaguna tababar ku qaateen Ex-garoonkii Minishiibiyo ee xaafadda Xararyaale ee degmada Wardhiigley. Ciyaartu hadda waxa ay mareysaa daqiiqadii 75-aad, wixii natiijo ah oo soo kordhana dib ayaan idin kula socodsiin doonaa. Kooxda Shariifka ayaa moodaa in laga awood roonyahay sababa xaga farsamada tasoo loo aneyey in kooxda shariifka ay ciyaarta uga muhiimsantahay dhaca iyo dhibka dadweynaha halka kooxda Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ay wax walbo ay ka bidayaan in ay shacabka qanciyaan Waxaa diyaariyay: Axmed Max’ed Cabdulle(Uurdoox).Dayniile,Muqdisho
  3. Garoowe:-Waxaa jira warar sheegayaa in Xilkii laga qaaday Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Puntland G/sare: Nuur-salaad Muuse Cali, oo ay qoreen qaar ka mid ah Wabysaytyada Puntland, hadaba si aan arintaas u xaqiijino ayaan waxaan goor dhawayd gurigiisa ku booqday Nuur-salaad Muuse Cali. G/sare: Nuur-salaad Muuse Cali wuxuu ii sheegay in aysan isaga soo gaarin Dikreeto xilka loo qaaday, hase ahaatee uu yahay mawaadin Xilkana laga qaadi karo, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in Saraakiisha sare ee Ciidanka Booliska waliba Taliyaha Ciidanka Xilka looga qaadi karo Dikreeto ka soo baxdaxday Xafiiska Madaxwaynaha, Madaxwaynihiina uu hadda maqan yahay oo uu ambabaxay. Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Puntland G/sare Nuur-salaad Muuse Cali, wuxuu xusay in dhawr jeer oo hore uu codsaday in xilka laga badalo, maadaama uu haatan ku gudajiro xili Cibaado iyo nasasho. Sikastaba ha'ahaatee, Nuur-salaad Muuse Cali, ayaa khibrad aad u wayn oo gaaraysa in ka badan 60 sano u leh hawlaha iyo Sharciyada Ciidanka Booliska, tan iyo intii uu ahaana Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Puntland, ayuu ku guulaystay dhibaatooyin iyo khal-khal so wajahay qaar ka mid ah magaalooyinka waawayn ee Puntland, sida isha dhaqaalaha Puntalnd ee magaalada Dekada ah ee Boosaaso iyo Gaalkacyo.
  4. Warlords Want To Look Good, Without Doing Much Good - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 01:58 As president Abdullahi Yusuf, prime minister Ali Mohamed Gedi and other members of the cabinet and national assembly are consolidating their tremendous effort of peace keeping and installation of the governmental institutions in Somalia, The ruthless warlords remain the only obstacle to any progress of social and political stability in Somalia. Despite the heinous warlords perpetuate their notorious demeanor, they have now come up with new trends to undermine the immediate goals of the same government they claim to part and parcel. One way of the new tactics is to pretend good Samaritans or ty to look good without doing much good. In their most recent activities with the help of some bias news organizations the warlords bothered to portray a positive image of themselves as pro peace activists which does not reflect the general phenomenon at hand. In order to challenge the artfully and insightfully articulated initiatives of the Somali Transitional Federal Government the, warcheifs attempted in vain to fool the international community by covering up the checkpoints - of course their source of income. Unfortunately the same checkpoints are now visible in multiplied forms in and out Mogadishu. Yet another astonishing trend is the keeping of militias out of Mogadishu. Does that surprise anybody? If that seems at odds with actions of the wicked warlords, that is fundamentally it is. let me say you are not alone in this thought .This promoted some local and international thinkers to question timing and affiliation of such mobilizations at this particular time. A quite number of analysts insist that the affiliation of the militias, capital saga and last but not least anti peace keeping remarks of some warlords is extremely questionable. Karl Von, a great Gearmen military strategist once wrote†War is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means. The same is true with reverse of the statement. In respect of negative activities of villain warlords and handful dissident legislators in Mogadishu we may call their unholy Jihad ‘’ something not more than the continuation of presidentional race at wrong time in wrong place. The central figures of such exercise are those led Somalia into the socio-political dystopia that resulted the invasive anarchism by losing the political will and moral obligation to succeed the former government. Thus warlords and their associates made Somalia the greatest example of nation reduced to nothing in every SEPHER of life. Consequently, it is the believe of many people that warlords are not interested in genuine leadership. For one good instance referring to warlords a Somali poet accentuated in his splendid lyrics ‘â€Man rejecting something yet does not have alternative is not serious of wanting any thing’’. As stated in commentary titled ‘’ Are Somalis inured governmentlessness†issued in Kenya Times, the writer challenged the Somali citizens to ask right questions how much time it takes to understand the entire philosophy of merits and demetiris of warlordsim. Such investigational examinations would help shed light on the diabolic school of thought that dictates’’ kill millions to earn millions ‘’ which warlords are practicing its lessons. According to the book of psychology by Dr. Keren Horney when it comes to the any aspiration including political double standards, any one who is devided into two opposing ambitions can not put his energies wholeheartedly into one thing, finally frustrates his efforts and fails in all pursuits. The same is true with Somali warlords and MPs in Mogadishu who want to kill want two birds with one stone which means they want to be a government officials at the same time retain their old hallmarks of warlorldism. However, all signs are indicating that Somali people no longer trust warchiefs. At least one philosophical theory argues “The people are more like to learn, believe, perceive and accept what they notice more than, what they are told thousand times. According to recent survey by Somali Institute of Research and Thought overwhelming majority of Somalis both in the country and Diaspora have good faith in Somali Transitional Government while they negatively view what the warlords and loyalists are doing in Mogadishu. Since no power can with stand the people’ collective will when they are united, the Somali nationals beyond all tribal lines should stand by their government by pressurizing the warlords to accept the realities on the ground. In my view the government is the biggest asset and inheritance that nation can posses collectively. Fortunately we now own a broad based, all inclusive government embedded in the support of the international community headed by President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime minister Ali Mohamed Gedi whom their capabilities of political will, moral authority and ethical responsibility to restore the political stability, national rule of law and public order is certainly reliable. Likewise the lawmakers should stand to this prestigious act beyond all factional persuasions as patriotic champions and loyal servants of their homeland. As everyone will reap tomorrow what he sows today, the history which is the only survivor of Somalia’ s tragedy will not only register its contents but also reward everyone accordingly. Some say politics is dirty game. As we aware every game has a winner and loser, so let’s hope the Government will be out as the winner of any challenging games ahead. By: Faisal Issa, E-mail: Wargeyska Dalka
  5. I second that bro, inshallah things will work out nicely to be a little bit vague.
  6. • Madaxweynaha Dawlada Federaalka ah ee KM ah ee Somaliya Mudane Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo saaka ka amba baxay Garoonka Diyaradaha ee Magalada Galkacyo ayaa maanta abaarihii 2:00 duhurnimo ka Degay Garonka Diyaradaha ee Magaladda Jawhar. Mardhow oo ay xiriir dhanka is gaarsiinta ah ay la samaysay Idaacada Radio Garowe dhanka Magaaladda Jawhar ayaa waxaa naloo sheegay in Madaxweyanah Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Somaliya halkaas si weyn ugu soo dhoweeyeen xubnaha labada gole ee dawladda federaalka Soomaaliyeed, maamulka gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe iyo dadweyne aad u fara badan. Sidoo kale, Waxaa naloo sheegay in amaanka Magaaladda si weyn loo adkeeyey ilaa iyo saakana ay xirnayeen wadooyinka iyo dhamaan goobaha loo sii cayimay in Madaxweynaha la dejiyo. Waxaana Madaxweynaha uu haatan degan yahay Gurriga Madaxtooyada ku meel gaarka ah ee Magaaladda Jawhar halkaas oo si weyn loo sugayo amaanka Madaxweynaha waxaana la sheegayaa in Ciidamada halkaas ku sugan ay yihiin kuwo aad u tiro badan oo ka kooban Ciidamada Ilaaladda Madaxweynaha iyo Ciidamada qaranka Somaliya ee dhawaan la ururiyey. Madaxweynaha iyo Wafdigiisa ayaa markii ay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Galkacyo ka dhoofayeen wuxuu saxaafadda u sheeegay in hawlaha ugu horeeya ee uu qaban doono ay ka mid yihin dib u soo celinta amaanka Somaliya Axmed Maxamed Radio Garowe-Puntland/Somaliya
  7. Jawhar}26-07-05 kumanaan qof ayaa waxaa ay ku soo dhaweeyeen madaxweynaha Somalia gegida diyaradaha ee magaalada jawhar oo uu madaxweynuhu ka dagay daqiiqado ka hor Sida uu ku soo waramayao wariyaha shabakada wararka ee WidhWidh Online ee Magaalada jawhar Siciid Xagaa waxaa uu hadau madaxweynaha iyo wefdigii la socday ay marayaan inta u dhaxeeysa gegida diyaaradaha iyo Magaalada jawhar oo ilaa 15 KM magaalada u jirta. madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa waxaa si heer qaran ah u soo dhaweeyey Raysala wasaaraha Somalia Cali maxamed Geedi iyo golihiisa wasiirada oo intoodu badan ku sugan magaalada Jawhar. Wrbixinta la xidhiidha Socdaalka Madaxweynaha kala soco WidhWidh Online WidhWidh Online News Center
  8. Jowhar:- (Puntlandpost) Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Madaxweynaha Jamahuuriyadda Federaalka KMG-ka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa muddo 40-daqiiqo ah ka hor; ka soo dagay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Degmada Jowhar, waxaana halkaas ku soo dhaweeyay madax uu ka mid Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha Baarlamaanka Prof. Maxamed Cumar Dalxa. Diyaaraddii wadday Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa in yar uu ka soo horreeyay diyaarad kale oo sitay Ciidammo sakuurad ah iyo alaabooyinkii madaxweynaha, waxaana madaxweynaha Safarkiisa ku wehliyay xubno uu ka mid yahay Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliyeed Gen.Cabdi Madoobe. Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigii uu hoggaaminayay ayaa waxaa haatan la geeyay xarunta Dowladda FKMG-ka ku leedahay Magaalada Jowhar, waxaana la filayaa in marka uu nasto kaddib uu saxaafadda la'hadalo, sidoo kale Madaxweynuhu wuxuu hadal u jeedin doonaa xubnaha labada gole ee ku sugan Jowhar. Amaanka magaalada Jowhar ayaa si weyn loo adkeeyay, iyadoo ruux walba oo doonaya inuu tago halka uu ku sugan yahay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo xubnaha kale ee dowladda si weyn loo baarayo. Wixii ka soo kordha safarka Madaxweynaha dib ayaan idin kala socodsiin doonaa haddii RABBI idmo.
  9. Jowhar:- Madaxweynaha Dowladda FKMG-ka ee Soomaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafti balaaran oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa abaarihii 2:00-duhurnimo oo qadar daqiiqado ah la'a uu maanta kasoo dagay garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta Gobalka Sh/dhexe. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa si weyn garoonka ugu soo dhaweeyey Mas’uuliyiin uu ugu horeeyey R/wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi,Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee baarlamanka Prof.Maxamed Cumar Dalxa,Xubnaha labada gole ee Dowladda,Gudoomiyaha maamulka Gobalka Sh/dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) iyo dadweyne kale oo kor u dhaafayey boqolaal ruux. Madaxweynaha ayaa intii uu garoonka ku sugnaa waxaa uu salaan sharaf ka qaatay Wasiiradii iyo Xildhibaanadii halkaasi kusoo dhaweeyey isagoo ay markaasi garab socdeen R/wasaaraha Soomaaliya Mudane, Geedi iyo Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Sh/dhexe,waxaana uu sidoo kale uu salaan ka qaatay Ciidamadii Bambeyda ee halkaasi loogu diyaariyey in ay madaxweynaha kusoo dhaweeyaan. Intaa ka dib Madaxweynaha ayaa isagoo ay la socdaan istaaf qaas ah oo isaga loo diyaariyey inay amaankiisa sugaan ayaa u gudbay magaalada jowhar waxaana la dejiyey xarunta Gobalka. Madaxweynaha ayaa intii aysan garoonka soo caga dhiganin diyaaradii siday,waxaa soo degtay diyaarad kale oo siday ciidamo gaar ah oo laga keenay Gobalada Puntland,oo Madaxweynaha Ilaaladiisa qaas ka ah noqon doona, iyadoo ciidamadaasina ay wataan labis u gaar ah iyaga si loogu aqoon sado inay yihiin ilaalada Madaxweynaha . Magaalada Jowhar oo ay horey ugu sugnaayeeen Mas’uuliyiin Dowladda ka tirsan oo uu ugu horeeyo R/wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali M.Geedi oo maalmihi lasoo dhaafayba halkaasi ka waday diyaar garood xooggan oo ay ugu jireen Soo dhaweynta Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudame C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, Waxayna masuuliyiintii DFKS ka joogay magaalada Jowhar ay si fiican u adkeeyeen gabi ahaanba amaanka Gobalka gaar ahaan magaalada Jowhar ee uu soo gaaray Madaxweynaha lana filayo in ay fariisin kumeel gaar ah u noqoto.
  10. Madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta 20:00 duhurnimo ka soo degay garoonka magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Sh/dhexe Jowhar Wefdiga madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa garoonka ku soo dhoweeyey xubno ka tirsan labada gole dowladda ee Jowhar ku sugnaa, waxaana xubnaha wefdiga madaxweynaha soo dhoweeyey hor kacayey ra'isul wasaare Cali Max'ed Geedd, guddoomiye ku-xigeenka 1-aad ee baarlamaanka Prof. Max'ed Cumar Dalxa, waxaana madaxweynuhu markii uu ka soo degay garoonka uu salaan sharaf ka qaatay cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada qalabka sida Wafdiga madaxweynaha ayaa loo galbiyey meel loogu tala galay in uu ku nasto Kala soco faahfahin intaa dheer dayniile com wararkiisa danbe .
  11. Jowhar(AllPuntland)- Taliyaha ciidanka booliska Soomaaliyeed Cali Maxamed Xasan Madoobe ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in gobollo ka tirsan koonfurta Soomaaliya oo uu maalmahan socdaal ku marayay ay aad usoo dhaweeyeen DFKGS. Mud: Madoobe oo waraysi siiyay Radio Daljir ayaa sheegay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin dad hamuun u qaba inay dawlad helaan isla markaana kasoo daalay dhibaatadii ay kusoo jireen 14kii sano. Wuxuu xusay taliyaha ciidanka booliska Soomaaliyeed in hawlaha dawladda u xilsaartay u tagay laga bilaabo Kismaayo illaa dooloow , wuxuu sheegay maamullada deegamadaasi inuu kala hadlay inay is horumariyaan dawladdana lashaqeeyaan. Mar wax laga waydiiyay hawlaha sida gaarka ah dawladdu ugu xilsaartay ee uu wax kaqabtay ayuu sheegay inuu u tagay gobollada jubada hoose , jubada dhexe iyo gedo inuu halkaasi ka diyaar gareeyo ciidamo boolis oo ammaanka dalka ka qaybqaata. Hawshaasi ayuu sheegay inuu wax badan ka qabtay waxna ay udhimman yihiin , uuna ku dadaalayo inta dhimman inuu sida ugu dhaqsaha badan usoo dhammeyo. Mud: Xasan Madoobe iyo xubno kale oo ciidanka Soomaaliya katirsan ayaa meelo kamid ah dalka kawaday hawlo lagu aruurinayo ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed , waxaana masuuliyiintaasi kamid ah taliyaha ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed Gen: Ismaaciil Qaasim Naaji. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  12. Jowhar(AllPuntland)- Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Mud: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi ballaarn oo uu hor kacayo ayaa maanta ka dagay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Jowhar. Socdaalka Madaxwaynaha ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa xubno ka tirsan golayaasha dawladda iyo taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed . Xubno labada gole ka tirsan oo uu ugu horeeyo raysulwasaare Geeddi ayaa madaxwaynaha kusoo dhaweeyay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Jowhar. Dadwaynaha magaalada Jowhar ayaa qayb libaax leh ka qaatay soo dhawaynta madaxwayne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed. Wafdiga madaxwaynaha waxaa kasii horeeyay diyaarad sidday wafdi dawladda ka tirsan oo saacado uun ka horaysay wafdiga madaxwaynaha. Madaxwayne Yuusuf ayaa lafilayaa inuu gudo galo hawlaha horyaalla oo sida lasheegay ay ugu horayso xasilinta dalka Soomaaliya . CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  13. The pictures you actually posted were taken some five years ago since then the company Mubarak Construction Company (MCC) has evolved enourmously. You won't believe what new houses they build and the guy who has got a much share in the company and also the founder is called Abdulqaadir Ciise who is the biggest and wealthiest entrenpreneur in Bosaso City. He did he degree in engineering in Canada but now he is based in Boasao for the last six-to-five years really one could envy him. But on a serious note i wish him all the best in this life and the hereafter.
  14. Walaal it is you who has got the problem and need instant therapy, I would suggest the "quraan" to you which can cure even your cuqdad and if you don't hurry up it really could be fatal. Walaal consider your health and well-being. Iam not who started this inflamentory crap posted by you. You really should be ashamed of yourself. I wouldn't even dare to come back to the political section and make further sick comments if i was you. You either subscribe to the norms of the somali culture or otherwise get out of here that's my advice for you.
  15. waryahee don't insult our president obviously i don't want to argue with you because you seem like someone who wants to provocate however we're not going to bring us down to your level of ignorance and insufficinet IQ walaahi this guy started this thing iam not insulting anyone but you can see from his post who silly he is. You never ever insult our president who isn't a political pragmatist i.e. in your own words prostitutes like your politicians in your small little encave who play slaves for their superior ethiopian neighbours and who also worship white caucausians like idols if they could help them to achieve their dream which turned out to be a nightmare. Talking about christians it's your people who give christian missionaries in Hargaysa shelter and a Haven which they could operate freely to chrisitanise the local muslim population which was emphasised by Mustafe X Ismaciil a well known somali islamic scholor who hails from the same region as yours. Indeed they would even allow the head of the evangelical church to come to hargaysa if they believe that he can further their "dream". Cabdillahi Yusuf is a man of principal and political agenda with high standard of politcal morals compared to your low life politicians. P.S. Fix up you suffer what people call ICD which stands for inferiority complex diorder syndrome obviously you also suffer from low self-esteem.
  16. I like the video especially West Bosaso City with its high Daaroyinka and fooqoyinka dhadheer. Enjoy Dawasho wacan!!
  17. Waxaa maanta si rasmi ah loo dhagax dhigay Dhisme ka kooban 340 Guri lana damacsanyahay inay dagaan Qaxooti badan oo ay la soo gudboonaatay dhibaatooyinka dabiiciga ah sida roobabkii qobowga... Watay oo kal hore ka da'ay gobolda Puntland iyo kuwa ka soo laabtay wadamada dariska la ah Somaliya. Munaasaba dhagaxdhiga waxaa si wadajir ah u dhagax dhigay gudoomiyaha Degmada C/salaan Xasan Xirsi Gu'jir, Gudoomiyaha Gobalka C/llahi Ciise Aw Axmed, Isimo uu horkacayo Suldaan Siciid Garase iyo qaybo ka mid ah xubnaha Golaha deeganka. Dhinaca Kale sarkaal u hadlay Hay’adda Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan guriyeynta ee Habitat ayaa shaaca ka qaadday in ay koonfurta magaalada Garowe laga dhisayo ilaa iyo 340 guri iyo adeegyadoodii kuwaas oo la dejin doono dadka ku bara kacay gudaha dalka (IDP) iyo weliba kuwa ka soo laabtay dalalka deriska la ah Somaaliya. Maamulka gobolka Nugaal iyo golaha deegaanka gobolka Nugaal oo uu hoggaaminayo duqa degmada Garoowe, Cabdisalaan Xasan Gujir ayaa ku guulestey soo diyaarinta dhulka laga dhisayo dhismayaasha cusub ee ay maal gelineyso Qaramada Midoobey gaar ahaan dawladda Japan. Guryahan deeqda ah ayaa waxaa laga dhisayaa dhinaca koonfureed ee magaalada Garoowe gaar ahaan agagaarka garoonkii hore ee diyaaradaha, waxana loo qaybiyey saddex qaybood oo isku dhow-dhow kuwaas oo uu cabbirkoodu kala yahay 300x130, 100x130, 200x100. Go’aaminta dhulka loo qoondeeyey guryahan deeqda ah ayaa waxaa ka wada tashadaday odayaasha iyo waxgaradka deegaanka iyadoo arrintaas loo saaray guddi soo nidaamiya, sida uu Radio Garowe u sheegay guddoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal, C/laahi Ciise aw-Axmed. Hay’adda UN habitat ayaa indhoweydba ka war sugeysey bixinta dhulkan ee ay ku hawlannaayeen maamulka gobolka, maamulka degmada iyo duqowda deegaanka, iyadoo haya’ddu ay dhakhso ku bilaabayso dhismaha guryahaas sida ay noo sheegeen mas'uuliyiintaa. Isha
  18. Well, what can I say ... the only thing open to me now is to make nasteexa for my brother Qurac who started of this topic walaal don't loose your akhiro for something you don't know about. It is worse enough for a man in uu faafiyo war aan xaqiideeda aan la ogeen. Walaahi it's shameful and degrading for someone to spread something he allegdly heard from someone else that's why we're in the chaos we're finding in right now. Subxanallah war miyaadan xishoonin miya. this is not the way of the sunnah were we're required to check our sources and be 100% sure before we talk or wright something we don't know off. Without me confirming it or denying because i don't know really. However I do know that Cabdillahi Yusuf got four children called Axmad, Maxamed, Maryam and one other girl. But what i want to ask you is walaal are you 100% sure that this story is true please answer me my question and bring your evidence otherwise xaal baa laga qaadi hadaad dhaqan uu leedahay. I don't care who they marry but i'd prefer somali women marrying somali men. However there was this girl who was from Hargeisa who lived with her mother who was also reer hargaysa someone may ask why does it matter where she comes from but i think it really matters for somebody here anyhow she brought her Jamaican boyfriend to live with her and her mother in two bedroom flat. This Jamaican guy used to wake up in the morning wearing tight boxer shorts or nickers and the mother said to her girl war maandhay haddaan ka hari karin ninkaan oo aadan ceyrin iga xijaab yacni sarawiil iyo shaar ha xirto oo ha iga xishoodo, meaning if you're unwilling (reluctant) to tell the jamaican guy to leave us tell him at least that he should wear something i.e. he should't run naked in the house with tight shorts because he should feel embarrassed. However this guy was a jamaican kaafir with no manners and akhlaaq so her talk and words were in vain because dhanqan iyo diin midna ma yaqaniin.
  19. No Surprise!!! Iam not surprised at all, not the slightest. That's how their brain works. Do you actually know what the meaning of "Isbaaro" is, it's a somali term meaning an illegal roadblock or checkpoint set up by gangsters who want some cash from the drives and ordinary public who have to pay lots of money in order to go through. For the people of Mogadishu "isboorooyinka" is a fashion accessory and a status symbol as for other people rings, gold and silver bracelets and mobile phone's are fashion accessories and status symbols. We've to get rid of the mentality of these people.
  20. Why are we bothering with who can lead Somaliya when we don't have any respect for our leaders at this moment. However unpopular or corrupt they're the representatives of the Somali nation have elected them. Therefore we should not let this opportunity to slip out of our hands. People were saying back in the day how Siyad Barre was evil and really bad but I would rather have Siyaad right now than being in this nightmare which we endured for the last fourteen years. I would urge everyone to respect and not revolt against our leaders of today because rebellions only leads to destruction. We can have arguments and disagreements on certain issues but this does not mean that try to sabotage or badmouth our leaders relentness how stubborn and ignorant they are. As long as our leaders do not force us to do "Harem" actions which are unlawful in Islaam then we're obliged to follow them because to rebel against them would be to rebel against Allah allmighty that's why we've to strive to follow our leaders not blindly but in a righteous way. Inshallah one day we will be living soon together in our lovely country in peace, harmony and mutual respect but to rubbish all leaders that come along because he is from clan X is totally and entirelly inappriopriate looking at the sad situation we find us today.
  21. Good Topic bro. However on a serious note i would go back to Somalia without any doubt and that's not because of nostalgia or homesickness but rather from my consciousness, out of rationale and practical reasons and out of love,loyality to my home country of Soomaaliya. Walle waa run in Soomaaliya ey Soomaali leedahay. I've lived in the west without being westernised and brainwashed for the majority and nearly entire life span. I don't have any feelings nor loyality to Europe, Northamerika or Oceania (australasia). I wasn't even born in Somalia but inshallah iam looking forward to going back it will not be easy but hey "Was it easy for West-Germany to recover from the shatterings and destruction of its cities and infrastructure to become one of the leading countries in engineering, technology, medicine, pharmacy and agriculture" to become the second largest economy in the world. One could argue that they benefited from the "marshall plan" but without any sacrifice and determination if you were to get billions you coudn't do anything I think we've to do a hell lot of sacrifice and patience to restore Somalias glory once again. It will take time but inshallah our generation will be the one who will actually accomplomish that in the near future. So study hard illeen sharaf waxaad ku leedahay dalkaagii Hooyo iyo Dhulkaagii Hooyo and no where else. Wallahi the people who are consent with their lives in the west are really a ingorant bunch of people who are misguided. I feel really sad when my western comrades ask me everytime about the time of my departure of their country although we
  22. What strikes me is the lack of female participation in the discussions of the topic's in the political section of the forum. I believe that it is vital and important that our sisters actively take part in the discussions because some of them have got wisdom and passion for the peaceful development in Somalia. We all know that the economical backbone of Somalia are today our female sisters who contribute enourmously to the economic well-being of our country. However they are not recognised because they don't take part in the political process of the country. The politics section forum is a patriachal section. It is also a very much men dominated world. Anyhow we actually would welcome our sisters with open arms and we would give them "qaddarin" and respect at the same time with the exception of few maybe the like's of sky&family. Calm down brother Iam only joking paradoxically I actually enjoy your posts and contributions very much because they're indeed very entertaining. Inshallah keep them coming.
  23. People don't jumb ahead of yourself the Madaxweyne is in Djibouti because his plane could not land in the darkness of Jowhar airport. He will be in Jowhar tommorrow inshallah after that he will go to the international conference held in Doxaa Dowladul Qatar.
  24. Constructive criticism is very appreciated. No region, state and individual is perfect there are always room for improvement as our brother countraflow said and which I totally agree with. However if you criticise you have to show both sides of the coins and I actually believe as brother Duke already said that our region with the grace of our lord is getting stronger and better every day (alxamdullaah). The new government of his excellency Boqor Cadde Muuse Xirsi is very progressive and more transparent than the old regime under the leadership of Ina-Yeey, which Iam glad to see the back off because of his lack of investment. he invested heavy in the Police and Armed forces which we are greatful for because they build the basis for our precious peace. Now there are a lot of developments going on back home and the futures lookes nothing but bright in every sense of the world. Relax and Watch this short clip showing Bosasonias abusing some sheep!
  25. This whole thread is getting more and more pathetic people let's stop the arguments and internal divisions about the past and be for once brothers and sisters! Walaal Rahima i accept your challenge and i will inshallah offer you an excellent account of the USC what it is and how to join it. As for my brothers the like's of wind&co have failed in their task and duty. Some people have already accused you of "ignorance" and other have labelled you "naive" but iam a gentleman that's why I'll give you all the answers to your questions. First of all USC stands for (United Somali Chemists. It is a group of amateur would be chemist who set up a amateur or DIY laboratory to find a cure for a desease called Gangraena ( the dying of tissue and blood cells)which has befallen the body called politics in Somalia. But no one took them serious enough and in frustration they set up a diy lab and actually to the surprise of many found a magic cure to the desease. When they presented it to the professional, multi-national pharmceutical companies and some registered Doctors and University Hospitals they refused to give them funding for the new magic cure, also they patronized them and called the security guards to get rid of this useless intruders. The USC full of anger, dipression and frustration embarked on a unilateral compaign to cure the body of Somali politics and by doing so to the amazement of all the professionals managed to cure the body however the magic pill they've invented (which was also untested, unregulated and in fact illegal)had some severe side-affects and in result of that the body was brought to hospital. At the hospital the body was stolen by the USC and they cut of the Head and the two arms. However the head and the right hand managed to escape miracuosly. The left hand was hacked to death and eaten by the (USC) call it barbarism or canibalism. The head fled up north in fact to the North-East and some others also fled southwards to a city with a port near the border and some parts of the brain cells and nerves of the right hand have set up in refuge camps for deplaced brains and arms. Now the body runs around like craz headless chicken in the capital and there is no one to take charge or put as a responsible part to safeguard the values also the heart (capital) of the body was eaten by the USC another act of canibalism. The rest of the body part which consits of the legs to the stomach who were the bearer of the heavy weight lost it and because the head was to heavy and removed by the USC they're as happy as they have been since the thousand years. The legs have recovered from the heavy weight (head) which they used to transport where ever it (head) commanded it to go. But no the legs are their own master and they run amok. THere has also been internal fights and divisions amongst the liberated legs and in fact the left part of the leg was wounded but it lost its fight for survival. Now the head and the right arm have come to a mutual agreement and there are now to options open for them. One is to discipline the headless chickens by putting an embargo on goods and restricting their movements. Or to kill the legs and throw it into the ocean for once and all with the help of a friend on the second border who has also promised to give us spare legs made of metal or wood which are a replacement until the current head fertilises an egg which will produce a healthy body in which the order is right the head gives the order and the legs have to follow persuit there is no more running around. THis is the end of a long story on the meaning of the USC and membership was open for all the componets in the leg up to the stomach. This was a world tured upside down but with a little bit of luck and skill the world was made intact again and it should stay that way until the end. Hope this will explain your question if you have further questions do not hesitate to ask me and I would be very delightful to shed some light into your room full of darkness partly because the curtains are closed so ill open the curtains step by step so that you can see with your own eyes the full sunshine and the green from your window.