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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. Who wears short shorts? Ngonge: I wear short shorts!
  2. Post them here, folks. You know you wanna.* "I think Cheney is starting to lose it. After he shot the guy he screamed, `Anyone else want to call domestic wiretapping illegal?!'" Jay Leno "When the ambulance got there, out of force of habit they put Cheney on the stretcher. No, the other guy!" Jay Leno "But all kidding aside--and in fairness to Dick Cheney--every five years he has to shed innocent blood or he violates his deal with the devil." Jimmy Kimmel * Yes, yes you wimpy spoilsports. I know the guy's just had a heart attack. But he's a lawyer for pete's sake!
  3. steamy chick, JB. "Steaming" means she's angry or she reeks. Castro & Pucca, You know what they say about assuming things...
  4. Do you know, they've discovered a tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt? It's near that famous King Tut tomb. The most looted and exploited archaelogical dig site known to man still some secrets to reveal! Link
  5. That's the spirit JB. I just hope Bishaaro will be more merciful than Ngonge and put you out of your misery.
  6. Cara.

    The Prodigal

    Shot My back itches to kiss the wall But my feet stay rooted Out of my hands the raw rice drifts down Like leaves on a dead tree Like blood Shout A stranger waves A demon strapped to his back He laughs and embraces me Little sister how you’ve grown I hold still Sweat and gunpowder surround me
  7. *Backs away from computer* "What have I done!?"
  8. Um, when I say I wear nothing but tennis shoes, I mean on my feet. I wear pants and shirts and stuff too. Actually I usually wear socks with the tennis shoes, so that's not quite right either.
  9. ^ See? oh-so-witty comments like these would have been so much more appropriate in a chat, where they could be generously forgotten...
  10. Amelia, tell her girl. As if you don't offer yourself to guys the other 360+ days of the year
  11. Are y'all for real? I keep my wallet in my trusty backpack, and wear nothing but tennis shoes or golashes. I carry a purse and wear fancy shoes maybe three times a year. One of those being tomorrow. You know. Valentine's Day. Hee hee. But I did like that coat Sheh displayed, Dorothy Something. Do they ship to the US I wonder?
  12. Oh, Castro, I didn't mean you. It's obvious you're taking a wholly paternal interest in the proceedings. They need to fix the chat function on this thing. Idle chitchat on SOL forums is just wrong. Solemn page-long treatises is more the trademark.
  13. Ahura, quit this Madam Butterfly nonesense. Gabar Soomaali ah baad tahaye. :mad: What a depressing thread this is. All the desperate single people and the shameless married odayo. *Flees before she catches something*
  14. Originally posted by Sayyid ()Qutb: You can also find your answer in this short clip, called the 'sword sermon', by some frightened folks! Nothing milicious or violent and it's perfectly 'safe' for all to view even the smallest of children! Demented.
  15. Originally posted by OLOL: As for Xamar Cadeey - it is the biggest and most important city in Somalia. Mogadishu is Somalia and Somalia is Mogadishu. If we need to have a lasting peace and reconcilliation...we have to fix the problems of the capital city and it is the government who has to take the lead here and not run away FROM its duties. Some of us, here in the Diaspora who happen to hail from other regions maybe biased but as someone who was born and bred in Xamar...and who have visited there three times in the last 7 years, I know the majority of the Mogadishu people are very sincere in their search for peace and stability. Very true walaal. I wasn't born in Xamar, but I spent my formative years there (I came as an economic immigrant with my family from Galkacyo agagaarkeeda). There's no doubt in my mind that a legitimate gov't must return to Xamar, but, like everything else associated with Somali politics, it's a knotty problem with an unobvious solution.
  16. ^Khayr, you did that whole "This town ain't big enough for the both of us" thing, but now you want me to contribute? Or are you hoping for a smackdown from the sheikh?
  17. Thanks Abdi, that was touching. Little Maxamed and C/Nasir have the right of it. I live in a city without a large Somali community, so I've donated my pittance to UNICEF instead. Give what you can, to whatever charity you trust.
  18. Nur my friend, if your answer to my suggestion for honorable conduct is, Thats right, be fair and tell that to the Danes, French, Germans Palau too? then we have little to talk about. If this is a simple tit for tat measure, such that you're attacking American society for what the Danes did, then I have nothing to say. You must have taken a page out of the Iranians' book, the one in which it makes perfect sense to caricature the Jewish Holocaust because a Danish tabloid caricatured a great man. My self, I like to think my moral code does not allow me to excuse my behavior on the grounds that "he started it first!" As for whether I think there are flaws in "Americanism", we haven't even established what you think "Americanism" means. If the word means "Western Values", then I would say there are definite flaws, but they are not mortal flaws and in any case, the alternative (some sort of theocratic fascism) is much, much worse. The difficulty is not that I would concede that this system is not perfect, the difficulty is that you're incapable of conceding that your system could ever be flawed. What kind of discussion can we possibly have when you compare the nonexistent ideal of Islamism (in which a Hitler and a Sharon embrace somewhat improbably) to the gritty reality of secular democracy?
  19. I don't know where to start. Nur, my brother, one does not elevate oneself by demeaning others. The Western Values ( Americanism) and Islam So now Western values = Americanism? ... Nur posts can not be sued for more than 500 Somali schillings...which will settle all damages that will include, injuries suffered when laughing out loud, or rolling over on your back on the floor. Can you be sued for false advertisement? I was expecting to at least smile, even unwillingly. Americanism religion stresses The value of this life and how one should fully enjoy it while it lasts. This concept is transmitted through sermons aired by TV , movies, Billboards and the lists go on. So many followers of the Americansim religion try to be happy and not to worry specially when they lose their jobs, houses repossesed, wife runs away with boyfriend and leaves behind a dog to look after if she is kind to him. Later, this follower of this great world religion, out of joy takes advantage of his rights, the right to die, and jumbs from the Brooklyn Bridge to pursue happiness. This is a favourite myth perpetrated by religionists. Contrary to your whole-cloth fabrication here, most Americans are happy, most don't commit suicide and your favorite trope (that of the wayward wife) is sadly not all that common. According to the CDC, suicide is not even in the top 10 leading causes of death. Instead, the leading causes of death are those killers in old age--heart disease, cancer, etc. In other words "the follower of Americanism" is somehow resisting the pull of the Brooklyn Bridge long enough for old age to claim him. Speaking of old age, the life expectancy in the US is 77 years, you'd think if life was so miserable simple apathy would kill our poor "Americanist" before he or she reached 40 even if s/he does not actively end it all in a showy display. But the pull of your argument requires no facts to back it up. It's a comforting tale told to oneself so many times that it becomes truth by repetition. And a repeat is what we get in the next paragraph: Some other followers of the Americanism religion, have it all, money, power, looks, ..., but late at night when he is alone, ponders the purpose of life, why I am here, what is my function, why so many people hate me, why are they envious of my success, this follower of this great world religion, is trying to pursue happiness, so in the morning his body is found floating on his expensive pool. Police say he took his life, and reporters explain that he was always depressed due to all the money he had that failed to fill the void that he could not explain. This would be funny if it wasn't so perplexing. See, our poor depressed Americanist has escaped death by Brooklyn Bridge, so now it's the swimming pool. If watery suicide holds a special fascination for you, Nur, you should avoid islands. Another popular strawman argument for a highly religious, collectivist society is that somehow, everyone in a secular democracy cares only about money and possessions. The truth is that most know that family, health and personal fulfillment are the key to happiness. Wealth, up to a point, does increase happiness, but only so far as it improves one of the three above factors. But Americanists are too stoopid to grasp this, which is why they are all floating in one body of water or another. Nonetheless, I understand what you're saying, I think. The secular life, focusing as it does on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is dissatisfying on a spiritual level. But the truth is that secular democracies have the happiest populations on the planet, for the simple reason that the government stays out of their spiritual lives. That is why immigration to secular societies far outweighs immigration to theocracies. People vote with their feet. I think that so long as secular democracies are far more attractive than theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, we will continue to observe attempts to create improbable comparisons that do no more than showcase personal prejudices.
  20. LOL. SB, there's a common conflict between men and women vis a vis the toilet seat. Men put it up, but forget to put it down when they are done.
  21. Originally posted by Curling Waterfall: I'm almost tempted to make something of this Valentine... last V-day left me a little scarred. I went to grab a bite at the only restaurant I assumed would not be pandering to this commercial joke... the Somali Restaurant at S'bush. And what do you know? They had a live singer jarring to the tunes of Lionel Richie (‘hello, is it me you’re looking for’…like no ) and a red and white theme + flowers on each table. That + little xalimos and Farah's looking all pretty and smelling fine. If it wasn’t odd enough being the only 2 girls sitting there, we ran into this nomad who asked us 'haye, ma sidaanaad ku dambeyseen'... the cheek! . Well.. not this year… I’m not going to that restaurant . LOL. That's awful. Awfully funny, I mean. "ma sidaanad ku dambeyseen"... ouch. Makes you out to be a couple of bitter 50-year old spinsters, huh?
  22. Good laugh. Girl Next Door/Saving Jane Small town homecoming queen Shes the star in this scene Theres no way to deny shes lovely Perfect skin perfect hair Perfumed hearts everywhere Tell myself that inside shes ugly Maybe I'm just jealous I can't help but hate her Secretly I wonder if my boyfriend wants to date her She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band She is a cheerleader I'm sittin in the stands She gets the top bunk I'm sleepin on the floor Shes Miss America and I'm just the girl next door Senior class president She must be heaven sent She was never the last one standing A backseat debutaunt Everything that you want Never to harsh or too demanding Maybe I'll admit it I'm a little bitter Everybody loves her but I just wanna hit her She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band She is a cheerleader I'm sittin in the stands She gets the top bunk I'm sleepin on the floor Shes Miss America and I'm just the girl next door Oh an I'm just the girl next door I don't know why I'm feelin sorry for myself I spend all my time wishin that I was someone else She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band She is a cheerleader I'm sittin in the stands I get A little bit she gets a little more Shes Miss America and... she's Miss America I'm just the girl next door...
  23. ^Love it; it's playing on the radio constantly and will probably get pretty old soon
  24. Castro, the joke is getting a little old, ninyahow. Caano Geel, Blessed, Sheh, and now me? It's Valentine's Day, not Valentine's Decade. Pace yourself.
  25. Originally posted by Suldaan Awad: I've just 'heard', that the taliban are stocking up 100 kg of 'diamond' or 'gold', to give to anyone who 'kills' the cartoonists who has depicted our prophet peace be upon him. I don't know. Why are there quotation marks around all the important bits? My grade school English teacher said that they signify skepticism. 'Heard' = Made it up whole-cloth 'Diamond' = Graphite 'Gold' = Pyrite 'Kills' = Scolds severely Let me know when the real deal is going down.