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Everything posted by Cara.
The Holocaust should never be forgotten so long as people blame Jews, call them cursed, downplay their blight, and otherwise make being a Jew uniquely difficult. It doesn't surprise me that a few are playing that tune on this thread. It turns my stomach that someone is suggesting, on the one hand, that Jews "overplay" the Holocaust, while at the same time calling them cursed by Allah. How the frig do you overplay being targetted for mass murder? Is there a way to take gas chambers philosophically? A bright bulb even suggested that the Jews must have done something to piss off Hitler, and so they actually deserved what happened. Hey genius, does that mean what's happening to Muslims is well deserved? Russia, India, America, Serbia, China, the list of countries with a beef against Muslims grows by the day, it seems. The Muslims are to blame, obviously. As for the extremely well-informed dude who accused the Jews of "crying like little girls", I wonder how you would react if 1 in 3 Somalis was wiped off the face of the Earth? Count all your near and dear, then go ahead and imagine a third was murdered for no other reason that that they were Somalis. Castro asked why other holocausts don't get the same recognition. Should they? The Rwandan genocide was disorganized mass hysteria which did kill many people, but it did not arise out of international hatred and scapegoating of an entire race. The Hutu killers used machettes and guns, not efficient machinery that stretched across a continent. "Holy" books don't teach that Tutsis are cursed in the sight of the Creator of the Universe. Few people blame Africans for being preyed on by White slavers. However, the way I was taught the Holocaust was not with emphasis on the race of the victims, but as a cautionary tale: don't allow your government to distract you from real problems by presenting imaginary demons; don't let people act like sheep, going with the flock because that's the path of least resistance; don't let others think for you. These lessons are well-wasted on some whose hatred for the victims of the Holocaust clouds reason.
Angera + caano geel = Ahura (you go girl!) Donuts + coffee = Foxy Yogurt + Shah = Ngonge Sabayed + balbelmo = Callypso (yummy) Sambusa + Tufax = Castro
I like JB's Mehram Rental idea. They could offer all kind of services, the least interesting and most public being chauffeuring wealthy women... I shall say no more. CW, the Saudi women do like the status quo; they are the most impassioned defenders of that particular bit of inequality. For every Lubna Hussain there are 10 outraged matrons casting aspersions on the virtues of any woman who would want to do anything so unladylike as to steer an internal combustion engine on rubber wheels.
I think Ngonge is saying that it is easier to trump the repressive rules about watching dirty movies than the ones about mingling with girls. It takes a certain kind of courage to walk up to a girl and ask her out. I wonder if that's covered in the movie, actually.
Duh, murugo, I don't know why I didn't remember it. It means "remorse" too... P.S. You just had to throw in the original sin in there, didn't you? [big Grin] Whatever do you mean, Castro?
Originally posted by Haniif: it was just a ****** example. There is no reason to make such a huge fuss about it. I'm thinking out loud here, so bear with me. I think that this is a case of sensitization to racism. I grew up in Somalia, with the assumption that I (as a Somali) was superior to people of all other races. Blacks, Whites, Asians, everyone was clearly inferior to any and all Somalis (I know better now, so no lecturing plz). In Somalia, I never had any evidence to contradict this common perception. When I came to the West as a teen, that belief completely insulated me against open racial slurs, much less ambiguous put-downs and implied racism. I had Black friends who would constantly point out that X said something racist, or that teacher is racist, or did you see the way Y was staring at you? My answer was a blank stare, followed by a noncommital shrug. This used to p!ss them off royally, so once I asked a group of Somali school friends if they were aware of any racism emanating from other students or teachers or even shopkeepers. Some said no, some said definitely. My imperfect recollection of those that said yes: they were born in or brought up outside Somalia. Kids from UAE and those raised in the States from a really young age tended to perceive innocuous comments/looks as a personal affront. This more often than not let to victimization and a willingless to blame bad luck and/or personal failure on others. Of course I'm not saying telling your kids that they are better than others because they are Somalis is the right thing to do, but it could certainly turn the whole racism thing on its head. Blacks try so hard to internalize their own self-worth (eg, black is beautiful) but it never seems to sink in. Which is why some get all up in arms over a dumb remark made by a clueless hick. When you don't think you are good enough, it's hard to believe others think you are good enough.
I knew I was gonna regret clicking that thread title, but I couldn't stop reading even after I got cross-eyed with sympathetic pain. Why didn't you use the blow dryer on the affected region, Wordette? If the heat melted the wax the 1st time... Plus you'd have a nicely coiffed nether region...
Shania Twain, Faith Hill and even Tim McGraw are cross-over artists, so you don't have to be a country music-lover to appreciate them. Dolly Parton, is she the one with the antigrav boobies?
^ Xamari just sounds dirty to me Xaaji... Yes, even the most innocent phrase sounds like an indecent proposition to me, or at least an innuendo... I love it, of course
Originally posted by Yoonis_Cadue: I sincerely apologise for a mistake I made earlier. Will wonders never cease? First to translate that phrase gets a quilt!
Yoonis, I think you should be a linguist 97st and a historian 130th, right after you are a horn-billed platypus. You are wrong about "eed" meaning "guilt". It's closer in meaning to "blameworthy". ---------------------- I think bal adba can be translated as "then you--" in some instances. Say Farax is razing you about your inability to lift a heavy object. You say, Bal adba kor u qaad = then you pick it up ----------------------- Castro, What about "shame"? As in I felt ashamed. The closest is waan ceeboobay but I think this is closer to I was mortified, implying witnesses to your indiscretion. Perhaps Somalis are not familiar with the concept of internal controls for bad behavior. That's why the closest word to "guilt" is "dambi", which is externally imposed by religious strictures. The English word, on the other hand, might reflect a Christian pre-occupation with Original Sin. Everyone is bad from the get-go. Guilt (recognition that you've done wrong) must then be ingrained in people.
Idil, Do you guys think, given the choice that doctors should shift emphasis away from those who are already sick in order to preserve the health of those in the future? I think it goes against the Hippocratic oath or something. It's one thing to practice triage, to judge between 2 ill patients and treat the one at greater risk, but it's another thing entirely to refuse treatment for an ill individual so as to preserve resources for the healthy. In some cases, a doctor might decide that 1 patient is beyond help, and treat another that has a better chance of survival, but most chronic diseases are treatable. The mortality rate from CVD has actually been decreasing due to the plethora of treatments available (what's increasing is the prevalance and incidence rate). I hope that made sense...
Caano Geel, Idil, i agree with you on the contraversy of germline therepy, but do you not think its just an extention of our social make up. And infact a potential socail equaliser. Nah. It will do the opposite. Cold hard cash --> ability to "buy" the right genes for ones offspring (depending, of course, on how much genes actually control phenotype!). I somehow can't see insurance companies covering this sort of procedure, even if it will reduce their costs later (perhaps people would even be less likely to purchase insurance). Idil, The French study you quoted sounds intriguing, I'd love to hear more when you have time. Castro, I think just about anything (including eating pork) is Halal to preserve life. And like Idil said, one may have moral misgivings about a procedure right up until their life or that of their loved ones' is at risk. Then all bets are off...
Originally posted by liibaan: i dont fin d nothin rong with badd gramer. yu can still reed the sentance i jus wrote cant u? its not ap roblem wif me if u dont spell the werds rite, but just put in enuf effort so that i can at least understand what yer tryin to say and also u need 2 use the rite werds not the wrong 1s But that was actually grammatically correct Liibaan...
Originally posted by Castro: ^ That's true. It's funny hearing it when there's a heavy eastern European or Indian accent, but reading it is a pain. There's absolutely no excuse to write bad grammar if one has lived in an English speaking country more than 5 years. None. Someone who's been born and bred in one (nominally) English-speaking country: "As a matter of fact, I know relations between our governments is good." —George W. Bush, on U.S.-South Korean relations, Washington D.C., Nov. 8, 2005 "So please give cash money to organizations that are directly involved in helping save lives — save the life who had been affected by Hurricane Katrina." —George W. Bush, Washington D.C., Sept. 6, 2005
Interesting topic, Idil. Just a couple of questions. I'm not in genetics so please bear with me if the answers are obvious. 1. What is the delivery method? I mean how to get the modified gene into the cell? I recall attenuated viruses were the most promises vectors way back when I first heard about gene therapy. Is that still the case? 2. Is there possible risks from cancer? eg, from the modified tissue perhaps getting out of hand, and in particular your example of blood tissues like vessels and the heart. Anginogenesis is a typical early step in tumor formation/growth. Thanks.
^You troll... Sheh, it really does. Reading the Qur'an works for you? I've never fallen asleep while reading anything, even a textbook.
Are there any upward facing dogs?
^ [gag]warm milk and honey[/gag] Warm bath works pretty well though. I use a simple relaxation technique to overcome insomnia (actually, it's the first part of self-hypnosis). You lie flat on your back, close your eyes and focus, really focus the fingertips of one hand. Everytime your mind wanders, just bring it back to your fingertips. Do this until all you can feel is your finger tips. Now concentrate on your wrists. Work your way up all the way to your face and concentrate on each feature (lips, eyes, forehead). If you are not wonderfully relaxed by now, work on the other arm, your legs, and on and on. Gets all the kinks out every time.
M's reply was more insulting to black people because it demonstrates that at least one of them lacks basic reading comprehension skills.
^ But is Social Responsiblity only defined through 'preventing pregnancy'? Now where do you get a damn-fool equation like that? If I understand Water-Lily right, all s/he said is that if you're so indiscriminate and ignorant that you have unprotected sex in this day and age, then perhaps it's better to prevent the pregnancy. What kind of parent would a promiscuous trollop be? That you go off on a wild tangent doesn't surprise me, Khayr. Careful man, you are becoming a caricature.
Ah, I see. It's about how inconvenient truth can be. That ignorance is bliss.
Socod_badne, Come on. You laid it on a little thick there. Now no one will take it seriously. You shouldn't have been so empathetic. Here, try it like this: Girls, It's not your fault that we have sex with prostitutes. Really. We just have this sex drive, see. You probably don't know what it is, but let me give you an analogy: You are at the mall and you notice the designer boutique where you always wistfully window-shop has a "SALE!!!!" You run to check it out and and oh my god is that a Louis Vuitton handbag at 75% off!!? Then you realize it's a knock-off... How's that an analogy? It's not. I just want to get you all worked up, you are so cute when you get maniacal... plus, I wanted to tear up the credit card statement before you realize where exactly I've been going on all those "business trips" http://www.toptik.co.il/data/images/Louis%20Vuitton.jpg
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