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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. Oba, you denied the story but now its being reported by Jawhar. What you do you think of the motion against Shirdoon and who is behind it?
  2. This is Jowhar.com reporting the story of the vote of confidence against Shirdoon. Faroole was ahead of everyone and knew what was happening in Mogadishu - the wicked agenda's of Culusow and Jawaari. Shirdoon has done nothing wrong, in fact he showed a lot of patience and selfless sacrifice to keep the the SFG intact together specially during when he faced a lot of pressure both from his clansmen and on the other hand an open and public abuse of his executive powers by the President. Despite all that the Prime minister did not overreact and agreed with the President conclusively on every issue but the cracks come out because of three reasons, two of them relating to Jubbaland and the other related with Somaliland: 1) The PM disagreed with the Conference in Kismayo but in principle supports the formation of Jubbaland as the 3 states of Gedo and the two Jubbas. Jawari and the HAG of Culusow have other agenda's and are cooking up different structures that keep these regions apart. 2) Shirdoon did not like how the meeting with SL was organised and executed. Culusow planned this along with his close HAG and Damjadiid entourage without care and consideration of the PM's input while this was his job. The PM was further annoyed at how Galayr's plea and the 60 or so PMs who wanted to discuss was thrown out by the parliament. 3) Shirdoon having seen all these, he decided to take a less of role in most of the doings and specially decided to remain idle on the conference in Kismayo - This angered Culusow the most and his lack of actions as he wished the PM would kill the Kismayo process. Culusow wanted to use the parliament motion pretext but Faroole cleverly jumped ahead and busted his motive. The President wanted to claim that there was no disagreement with his PM but its the parliament that decided to do this. What parliament? The one that did not allow to discuss the talks the government had with SL? This is getting more interesting and the isbahaysi of the HAG, D&M and SL will take us back to the old days of 1991, of which Faroole had warned us off and that of which everybody predicted Culusow will take us back there.
  3. Mooshin ka dhan ah Xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa ka socda magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo shirar gaar gaar ah iyo xod xodasho badan ay ka dhex socoto Baarlamaanka gudihiisa, kaasoo lagu xoojinayo Mooshinka. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka mooshinkan ayaa waxaa ilaa iyo hada saxiixay in ka badan 80-mudane, kuwaasoo awood u siineysa inay Gudoonka baarlamaanka horgeeyaan mooshin miisaankiisa culus yahay. Qaar ka mid ah Hotelada Muqdisho ayaa ka socda shirarka looga arrinsanayo mooshinada, waxaana wararka qaar sheegayaan inuu bar bar socdo mooshin kale oo ka dhan ah Gudoonka Baarlamaanka. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in magaalada Nairobi ay si la mid ah uga socoto ololahan ka dhanka ah Xukuumada. Mid ka mid ah Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka oo la hadlay Jowhar.com ayaa sheegay in habeen iyo maalin hotelada ay ka socdaan shirar ku saabsan arrintan, isla markaana ay bar bar socoto balan qaadyo Xildhibaanada loo sameynayo, laguna soo jiidanayo. Ololahan ka dhanka ah Xukuumada ayaa waxaa horboodaya Xildhibaano ku caan baxay abaabulka barnaamijyada mooshinada, waxaana arrintan ay noqotay durba hadal heynta ugu badan ee ka taagan magaalada. War shalay si wada jir ah uga soo baxay Maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa waxay kaga digeen mooshinadan oo si xowli ku socda, isla markaana ku baaqay in aan baarlamaanka laga dhex abuurin kala qeybsanaan. Mooshinkan la wado ee qorshihiisa yahay in lagu rido Xukuumada uu hogaamiyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku soo beegmeysa, iyadoo maalmihii u dambeeyay ay socdeen qorshayaal la doonay in isku shaandheyn loogu sameeyo Golaha Wasiirada, isla markaana la kordhiyo tirada Wasiirada.
  4. Taasu waa sheeko hore Ee markaan kuugu raacay oo ku iri waan hubaa inaa sifiican party ah udhiganaysaan ayaad weerar culus igu soo qaaday
  5. Loooooooooooooool @ at the name of the Song. This is beyond incredible its just awful how its lacks all forms of originality, waar nimanka secessionist sidaan af-gurac uma ahaan jirinee maxaa helay? Wallee wax kalaa kadhaxdhawaayaa malahaa
  6. ^War ninyahow horta maxaad igula dagaashay? Threadkan wixi aad kusoo qortay unbaan sifiican utaageeray inay runtahay.
  7. ^Mar haduu bilaabay inuu soo report gareeyo in good light wuu iska qanacsanyahayee iska daa? Dabrow, suashayda labaad kama aadan jawabin, when is the President of Jubbaland getting elected, update us please if you have the info.
  8. ^Adeer you said it best markaa maxaa rabtaa. In short we are good at piracy, Alshabab and fighting each other but you are good at dancing and having a party Intaas ma isku waafaqnaa oo makukala tagnaa?
  9. Beautiful image walahi masha'allah. Walahi Somalia is enough for everyone the land of beauty and plenty but its people that are dumb. Kulli waa Alpha oo kale and his BS of preserving dastuurka federaalka beelaha Somaliyed lagu kala qaybiyay.
  10. Xx, I agree with you on this one and specially the title of your thread. If there is one thing that the SNM know how to do better is how to throw a big party. We can always rely on you to throw the greatest party on May 18.
  11. Dabrow, we welcome your change of heart and thank you for these great updates. Could you tell us when the Presidential election will take place?
  12. Oba, you are getting desperate waryaa. This is a press release and not a fadhi-kudirir talk, the man must know something to make such statement also Faroole was not known to make wild and fake allegations. He's jumping ahead of everyone and using this to put Culosow on the hot seat, to come forward and come clean instead of using HAG and other allied MPs in Mogadishu. Moreover, Faroole likes Shirdoon on a personal level and wants to put on record that he supports and stands by him.
  13. Puntland oo ka digtey mooshin ka dhan ah Raysalwasaare Saacid | on May 12, 2013 4 Comments Puntland_logo1War-saxaafadeed ka soo baxay Madaxtooyada Dowladda Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay sida Puntland uga wel-welsan tahay mooshin ay wadaan qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada Mooshinkaas oo looga soo horjeedo Raysalwasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon, digniinta Puntland ayaa soo baxaysa, xili masuuliyiin ka agdhaw Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ay sheegayaan in isbedel lagu samaynaayo Xukuuumadda, iayada oo aan wax war ah ka soo bixin weli Raysalwasaare Saacid, hoos ka akhri Warka Puntland ka soo baxay: WAR-SAXAAFADEED Isqabqabsiga siyaasadeed ee Hey’adaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana jira koox Xildhibaano ah oo wadda mooshin ka soo horjeeda Rai’sul Wasaaraha Federaalka oo xilliga uu magacaaban yahay dhan yahay muddo 7-bilood ah, Dr. Cabdi Farax Shirdon (Saacid). Iskudaygaan ayaa dhuminaya wakhti, dhaqaale, iyo dadaalkii wadajirka ahaa ee Soomaalida iyo Beesha Caalamka ay geliyeen in la dhiso Hey’daha cusub ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Xilligii Dowladdii Federaalka ee KMG ahayd waxaa hareereeyey isqabqabsi siyaasadeed oo curyaamiyey awoodii Dowladdu ay ku fulin lahayd waajibaadkeedii, ayna u gaarsiin lahayd adeegga bulshada muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed. Dowladda Puntland ayaa aaminsan in dano gaar ahaaneed oo ku wajahan helida xafiis siyaaseed ay ka dambayso tallaabadan, waxayna Puntland ugu baaqaysaa Hey’adaha Federaalka Soomaaliya inay ku mashquulaan hirgelinta howlaha Qaran, sida maaraynta caqabadaha dhaqaale oo dalka gudahiisa ka jira, xal u helida faragelintii lagu sameeyey Dastuurka Federaalka, ka shaqaynta amniga, iyo taageeridda dhisida Maamullada Federaaliga ah ee dhiman. — DHAMAAD — Horseed Media 2013
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;938893 wrote: Loool @ SNM man trying to dismember Somalia but that chain is too strong for his small muscles and the machine he's using since 1991, which has been overused and run out of its momentum coming to its end of life cycle.
  15. The reality is all these numbers do not matter now but what greatly matters is to arrive at an agreement and a happy ending for all to create a lasting peace and an admin for the 3 regions. All of Somalia will move to a one man one vote system in 3 years time.
  16. Malistar, whether you acknowledge Kismayo belongs to Ahmed Madoobe or Gandi's clan is neither here nor there. As we currently know their larger clan is there and your clan is in Mogadishu. When you vacate the houses of Ahmed Madoobe's clansmen you are occupying in Mogadishu and start opening up the capital for all Somalis to participate in its administration including Gandi's clansmen will the clan holding Mogadishu hostage be allowed to visit Kismayo or Bosaso.
  17. I think there may be some truth in the story. Given how privy and insightful Faroole is when it comes to Somali politics and specially the goings on in Mogadishu I believe there is some truth to it. Remember how he unexpectedly uncovered the truth to the wider public and exposed the changing of the constitution blasting Culowos during his visit to Garowe and forcing him to admit the changes. The days and the weeks ahead will clear out the fog.
  18. Garoowe (RBC) War saxaafadeed galabta [12/05/2013] ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in koox xildhibaano ah oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ay wadaan olole ka dhan ah raysul wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon Saacid. Sida lagu sheegay war saxaafadeedka xafiiska madaxtooyada Puntland ka soo baxay, waxaa ololahan looga gol leeyahay in lagu abuuro isqabqabsi siyaasadeed oo ka dhex bilawda hay’adaha dawlada federaalka Soomaaliya. “Puntland waxay si adag uga digeysaa soo cusbooneysiinta khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka djex jiray hay’adaha dawlada federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo ay jiraan koox xildhibaano ah oo wada olole [mooshin] ay uga soo horjeedaan raysul wasaare Saacid oo kaliya mudo 7 bilood ah xafiiska ku sugnaa.” ayaa lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka. “Iskudaygaasi waa mid luminaya waqti, dhaqaale iyo dedaalka wadajirka ah ee ay Soomaalida talada ka go’do iyo saaxiibada caalamka ay ku bixiyeen keenista nidaamka federaalka.” ayaa lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka. War saxaafadeedka Puntland ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli qaar ka mid ah beelaha Soomaalida ay ku gadoodeen magacaabista saraakiisha cusub ee hogaanka booliska iyo nabadsugida dalka. RBC Radio
  19. malistar, that was straight forward question marka please address my question without resorting to threats that your clan being the most powerful in Somalia.
  20. ^Waar yaa ilaahay yaqaan, ciyaalkan yaryarka yaa kusoo daayay SOL. Adeer my point was very simple. While the people in Kismaayo's houses are occupied in Mogadishu and the capital is excursively gang-controlled by one clan, the President's clan, how much of a right will Mogadishu has or demand to control Kismayo? Xx, you need to stop the daydreams and smell the strong coffee. Waxa aad sheegaysid waxba kama jiraan waxa anigu aan sheegayona waa sax cid kaa yeelaysa majirto. In fact waxa anigu aan sheegayo oo ah inay Hargeisa tahay Somalia ayaa runta ee adiga waxa aad sheegaysid ee wadan baan nahay ayaan waxba kajirin. Waxaa tahay qabiil Hargeisa hada haysta kamana duwanid qabiilada kale ee Somalidda ee midkasta magaalada uu ubadanyahay ama dhulka uu daganyahay haysta.
  21. Xaglatoosiye is just show me where the money is, I wouldn't be surprised if he heads Mogadishu but I doubt Culusow will trust such a man. Culusow only recruits from his close Dam-jadiid group.
  22. Sensi, Muse was as 'legendary' indeed as Waraabe is.
  23. ^That's nice picture lol@Amin Amir. But in reality this image is just nothing and Faisal just showed up at the party of Culusow. Faisal is a little individual and insignificant, he's the Muse Yalaxow of Hargeisa and even carries less weight in the small triangle itself let alone within the larger Somali people.
  24. Xx, you are just wasting time Awoowe. Why do you think what you believe is more accurate, valuable, precious than what I believe? Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay in Hargeisa dalka Somalia ay tahay, waxaan aaminsanahay Xx iyo aniga inuu dalka inaka dhaxeeyo.
  25. And what about Sex? since most of you disapprove marrying young or at least not encourage it, what are we suppose to do because unlike Gaalo's we cannot play or sleep around as Muslims we are strictly not allowed to have sex outside marriage. You either fast few days every week and completely shut off your mind from the manhood/womanhood thing for many years during your prime age which is very hard to do given all the temptations around you day in day out. Also it can be unhealthy and a burden for the individual just think about all the mental issues and sexual frustration it builds up on the person. Also getting married is not only about having kids or getting into a stable (not with a new person after every while) life - that's for Gaalo's who want kids in their mid or late 30's or finally decided to settle down with one person. But Muslims do it for many other reasons and one does not necessarily need to have kids immediately as they can delay it. The most important thing is to have an opposite partner that completes and balances your life and health in every sense - and if that can happen from a young age and its possible I encourage it.