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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. SSC waa xaq-udirir, dalkooda iyo dadkooda ayee difaacayaan. cid wax uma sheeganayaan waxna mayeelayaan
  2. RedSea;694696 wrote: correction: " Dugsi Ma leh qabyaladii, waxay dumisoo mooyaa neh". If everybody suddently stopped supporting his/her warlord who knows where somalia would be by now. It starts with us. Red sea, you are right 100%, how you if you start and lead by example? Will you stop supporting Warlord Siilaanyo, and stop supporting the clan project of Somaliland ???
  3. RedSea;694699 wrote: That is a solution, you dimwit. In order to forge long lasting solution you have to be impartial and considerate of all parties whether you agree with them or not.
  4. RedSea;694700 wrote: "kooxda yar ee Somali diidka ah ee Qudhmis" were all familiar headlines in the edition of October star newspaper coming of Xamar. The headlines of clan websites like hadhwanaag, Togdheernews,, Jamhuuriya, etc are same if not worse RedSea;694700 wrote: Oh! how times have changed eh. Sida hadhka laba diisa galin ee uu hadba jiho geedka uga wareego ayey dhibaatada iyo guushuna ukala wareegaan. Times have changed, and they will continue to change till the day of judgement, Allah said clearly in the Holy Quran that he grant different days (of varying fortunes) to people by turns, so that Allah may know those who really believe. Guushu waanoo soo socotaa, waana sabrabaa Insha Allah, dunidan waa temporary macno badan kumma fadhido, nabad ha la isi siiyo, xasarada iyo dhiiga qubanaya ha la joojiyo, cibaado haa lagu badalo. RedSea;694700 wrote: Hadii aad raacdan dariiqa saxda ah, guul ayaa gaadhaysaan, Laakin sidan aad wax ku wadaan iyo colaadan aad hurinaysaan Maanta adinkaa waa Somaliland ayaa dariiqa khaldan ee qaloocan ku socda, gardarada wada, dulmiga, oo xaqii diidan, oo dagaal soo qaaday, oo duulay, oo rabo boob iyo xaq daro. Taladu waa ka noqda waalidan iyo kibirkan waad ku jabasaan. Saad sheegtay dadkan dhulkooda u daaya oo dagaal iyo dhibta joojiya. Cida colaada horinasa, dhiiga daadinasa waa Somaliland ee dagaalka bilaabay, ee rabo khasab in dhul dad kale ku qabsadaan, dadkii lahaana inay dulmiyaan. RedSea;694700 wrote: hadii aad dayn waydaan waxay noqonaysaa in aynu kala fogaano. Warlord Siilaanyo iyo Mamulka Somaliland ayaa dadka jaarka ah kala fogeenayaa, cadaawada abuuraya, fitnada kale dhex dhigaya dadka muslimka. Hadii la rabo in dadka walaalaha la isku soo dhaweeyo waa in kow khasabka lajoojiyaa, cadaalada laga shaqeeya, dulmiga la joojiyaa, la is-ixtiraama, la-isqadariyaa, jaar wanaaga iyo walaaltinamo la xaqdhowraa. RedSea;694700 wrote: Markaa adna bussiness aad gaysato Garowe kadib markaan Burco albaab keda kaa celiyo This is funny, taa adee ku jirtaa hadii aad noo diido dhulkaaga noo diido, kumaba soo aadano, Insha Allah Dhulkeena naga badan oo na deeqaya, sidoo kale waxaanu rajeenana in adna dhulkaagu ku deeqo oo aad iimaansato kuuna macaanaado. Business keena waxaanu la aadana Garowe, Laas Qorey, Bosaso, Galkacyo, Mogadisho, Baladweyn, Baydhabo, Kismaayo, Jigjiga, iyo Dhagaxbuur Anagu qof kasta oo soomaali ah, iyo muslim ah waanu kusoo dhoweynanaa gacmo furan, xitaa kuwa na xumeeya sidiina, albaabka Las anod iyo Buhoodle ayaanu kusoo dhoweynanaa, waayo Allah baa yidhi dadka ku xumeeya haa xumeen. ============================================================= In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. [3:139] This (the Qur’an) is a clear demonstration to men, and a guidance and an admonition to the Godfearing. [3:140] Slacken not, nor grieve; and you shall certainly have the upper hand, if you are believers. [3:141] If you have received an injury, surely the disbelieving people have already received a similar injury. And such days We cause to alternate among men that they may be admonished, and that Allah may distinguish those who believe and may take witnesses from among you; and Allah loves not the unjust [3:142] And that Allah may purify those who believe, and destroy the disbelievers. [3:143] Do you suppose that you will enter Heaven while Allah has not yet tested/ distinguished those of you that strive in the way of Allah and has not yet distinguished the steadfast. "Sadaqa Allahu Al-Adheem" (Allah the Most Great spoke the truth)
  5. Taleexi;694316 wrote: Red Sea: Ma toobad keenay Taleexi, Red sea waxa uu aaminsanyahay in tolka gar iyo gardaraba lagu taageero, lakiin waxa uu ku dhaama kuwa badan marmar runta iyo xaqa ayaa kasoo baxsada, yarku waa Somaliland Wadaad Soomaalidu hore ayee wadaad tolkii kama Janna tago, laakiin xaqa haa lagu dadaalo, iyo dadka muslim ka ha lakala badbaadiyo. Prophet PBUH said ""help your brother whether he is a wronged or is a wrong doer, the way you support your wrong doer brother is by stopping him from that bad action" (as reported by Sahih al-Muslim).
  6. RedSea;694310 wrote: Lool xaajigu indho adkaa Saxib dadkan dhulkooda aan iska dayno laakin waan kugu raacsan ahay in militia dagaalka soo qaaday ay ku horeeyen gacanta. They were very careless in their calculations and as such have invited trouble. Indho adeegaa, warlordnimada Siilaanyo, iyo cyber warlordnimada X X waa dhibaatada ka taagan Somalia Although, you agreed with X X (the faisal waraabee of SOL) and support your somaliland clan militia (aggressor and trespasser) invasion of SSC territories, and blamed those who are fighting for thier freedom and land. I still think you are sometimes realistic and pragmatic when compared with XX and JB. Hadii amaan, la isisiiyo, la ismagangaliyo, la is-ixtiraamo, la isxaq dhowro, la is khasbin, jaar wanaaga la il-laaliyo, nabada iyo walaaltinimada si fudud ayaa lagu helayaa, waana lawada noo laankaraa. Lakiin hadii aad walaalkaa iyo jaarkaaga aad ku xadgudubtid oo aad dagaal ku qaadid, oo aad quri giisii aad ku qabsatid halkaa dhibaataa ka imanasa. Xidmad waxay ku dhantahay "dadkan dhulkooda aan iska dayno laakiiin....." baad raacisay ayaa meesha kharibtay, Dadka oo dhulka loo daayo waa furaha nabada, wax kastoo kale waa laga hishiin karaa markaa kadib.
  7. Voice of America : Media Groups Condemn Suspension of Broadcaster in Small Region in Northwestern Somalia Michael Onyiego | Nairobi12 October 2010 With investors and the international community looking to increase ties with Somaliland, the recent suspension of a London-based broadcaster has media freedom groups questioning the breakaway government's commitment to democracy. Somaliland has impressed international observers as a small outpost of democracy in an otherwise troubled region. While not recognized by any nation, the small region in northwestern Somalia has nevertheless been lauded for holding its third successful multi-party election in less than a decade. Presidential elections held in June were deemed by observers to meet international standards and produced a peaceful transfer of power from President Dahir Rayale Kahin to challenger Ahmed Silaanyo. Bias accusation Somaliland's reputation is in jeopardy, however, after the suspension Thursday of United Kingdom-based satellite broadcaster Universal TV. Information Minister Abdullahi Osman accused the station of bias and ordered it to stop operations indefinitely, without clarifying further. According to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists, the ban came shortly after the station broadcast interviews and discussions featuring the Sool, Sanag and Cayn Militia, a separatist group from Somaliland's eastern border. Somaliland's borders have been inherited from the former British Colony of the same name. The Sool, Sanag and Cayn Militia advocates separation with the region in favor of Puntland, the semi-autonomous state which neighbors Somaliland. Call to lift suspension Africa Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists, Tom Rhodes, condemned the suspension. "It certainly doesn't bode well for Somaliland's achievements in promoting democracy," said Rhodes. "This abrupt suspension clearly is an example that Somaliland has a long way to go. Somaliland actually bans any private broadcasters operating within its region. The only reason that Universal TV is viewed by the public in Somaliland is because it is broadcast outside from the United Kingdom via satellite." The suspension of Universal TV comes as donors, as well as the international community, look to Somaliland to provide stability in the Horn of Africa. On Monday, officials from the region met with a delegation of international donors interested in providing support for development, as well as anti-terrorism efforts. High hopes for region The United States also has expressed a strong interest in the region. In late September, United States Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson told journalists the U.S. would start to "aggressively" engage the Somaliland government in light of its stability compared with rest of the region. Many still feel the breakaway state can maintain its status as an emerging democracy. The National Union of Somali Journalists called the episode "a major test" to the government's commitment to media freedom. Tom Rhodes said the region could reaffirm its commitment to democracy by lifting the ban. "The first thing that Somaliland needs to do is, of course, lift this censorship with Universal TV and allow the reporters to continue reporting in Somaliland," Rhodes said. "The second thing, if not the first thing, should be to lift the suspension on private broadcasters working within the country. Somaliland already has a vibrant print press, with vibrant, independent broadcasters also working in the country. It is really the two steps forward that Somaliland needs to achieve its goals." Rhodes said the government was negotiating with Universal TV and that he expected the station back on the air in the near future. Universal TV is a Somali television network established in 2005 to broadcast news to the Somali diaspora. The network maintains correspondents throughout Somalia and the region. Some observers say Universal TV maintains a pro-Puntland stance, which has provoked the ire of the Somaliland government.
  8. Originally posted by A_Khadar: I partially attended one of these cermonies and an speaker from Awdal said in there "We are with you not with S/L.." For his statement was re-assuring that Awdalities are with union rather successionist.. Job well done. Khadar waa runtaa reer Awdal waa dad gob ah, oo garanaya qiimaha ee leedahay wadaniyadu iyo midnimada soomaaliyeed, markaa wax badan bey SSC iyo Awdal wadaagaan. sidii midnimo soomaaliyeed loo heli lahaa iyo Qarankii Soomaaliyeed baa laga wada sshaqeen karaa. Shacabka Awdal waa u hanbalyeeyeen Shacabka SSC meelee joogaanba, markaa SSC waa soo dhoweenayaan taageerada Awdal
  9. Aaliya, Khadar, iyo Liibaan waad ku mahadsantihiin dhamaan wararkii, maqaaladii, sawiradii, videoskii aad nala wadaagteen Waa wax Allah weyn loogu mahadiyo sida wanaagsan shacabkii SSC u mideysanyahay gude iyo dabadba, iyo ee diyaar ugu yihiin xoreynta deegaankii ee dhasheen. Guul iyo Gobanimo SSC iyo Somalia
  10. Waa dhaqanka reer SSC inay taageeraan hogaamiye kasta oo soomaaliyeed Sida Madaxweyna Sheikh Shariif iyo Ra'isul wasaare Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed, waa taariikh dheer laga soo bilaabo Sayidkii iyo ka hor Waa waajib saaran muwaadan kasta oo soomaaliyeed inuu taageero Madaxweyne kasta oo soomaaliyeed, si loo helo nidaam iyo kala danbeyn iyo wadan horu marsan
  11. Waa xaqiiq SSC waa Hanaqaaday hanbalyo yaanu leenahay Mahadsanid Xidigta Somaliweyn Saado Cali, waa hees wadani ah, oo aad qiimo badan oo lagu xusayo Sanad Guuradii kowaad ee kasoo wareegtay aasaskii Maamulka SSC Happy Birthday SSC Hambalyo Hambalyo Dhamaan Shacabka SSC Sanad Guuro wacan, Kulu caam wa antum bil khayr Waxaan Allah weyn ka baryanaa kna rajeenanaa in sanadkan sanadkiisa aynu ku gaadhno Guul, Gobanimo, xoriyad, nabad, horumar, bashbash iyo barwaaqo, Waxaynu Allah uga mahad celinaynaa midnimada aynu haysano. Long Live SSC Long Live United Somalia
  12. Reer Dhahar iyo Maakhir waa lagu ogaa shucuur wadanimo, aad iyo aad ayee u mahadsanyihiin Soomaaliya dhan mar hore ayee hagaagi laheed hadii ee noqon sida wadaniyiinta Reer Makaahir Baraka Allahu fiikum, halkaa kawada wadanimada iyo somalinimada
  13. Great Job Sulieman Xagloyoosiye, Allah haa ku fududeeyo shaqada weyn aad u heyso dadkaaga iyo dalkaaga Walaal Xudeedi mahadsanid
  14. Originally posted by Som@li: Where in the world would someone spent $50K on Khat in a month? Qaad cun badanaa ninku??? waa intee jawaan $50K Hada xaalku waa “Qaad Gado, Soo Bari Gallay” Before it used to be...“Land Cruiser Gado, Soo Bari Gallay”
  15. Happy Birthday SSC Hambalyo Hambalyo Dhamaan Shacabka SSC Sanad Guuro wacan, Kulu caam wa antum bil khayr Waxaan Allah weyn ka baryanaa kna rajeenanaa in sanadkan sanadkiisa aynu ku gaadhno Guul, Gobanimo, xoriyad, nabad, horumar, bashbash iyo barwaaqo, Waxaynu Allah uga mahad celinaynaa midnimada aynu haysano. Long Live SSC Long Live United Somalia Thank you Liibaan, for your positive contributions
  16. By far the best video, so far Masha Allah the SSC State is reality today, Yes We Can, People of SSC can liberate their land themselves, they don't need help from anyone Thank Brother Taleexi
  17. Originally posted by Freedomfighter007: Get this garbage out of here You should get out of here Mr Garbage, no one needs your ****** comments If you don't have anything positive to contribute, leave my thread, and leave SomaliaOnline Forum, Go to Somalidiid Forums, maybe they need your dumb comments in there
  18. The Vice-President of the SSC Liberation Movement is Canadian Somali Ali Hassan Sabarey "Very funny that the so called Foreign Minister of secessionist Clan Somaliland is omitting the fact that everyone in the leadership of the SNM aka Somaliland including himself is from the ***** diaspora. The guy is a refugee in London UK. These people are all criminals who engineered the attacks against the peaceful SSC territories" ------------------------------------------- Toronto's National Post Report: SSC Liberation Movement Defending SSC People Against Secessionist Clan Somaliland Stewart Bell, National Post · Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 Armed with assault rifles and machine guns mounted on pickup trucks, the Horn of Africa's latest liberation group began fighting this summer in the semidesert formerly known as British Somaliland. They call themselves the SSC and their deputy leader is a sturdy, gray-haired former army officer named Colonel Ali Hassan Sabarey, who speaks English and studied business administration at college. He is also a Canadian. "I really miss the hockey," the former Toronto resident told the National Post in a phone interview. "I really miss that and I miss a lot of things. I miss the Eaton's Centre, I miss the downtown, I miss the community and I hope I will be back." In the four months since Col. Sabarey, a former Seneca College student, and the SSC leader Suleiman Essa of Columbus, Ohio, arrived in the region, their militias have clashed repeatedly with Somaliland government forces. "A number of people have lost their lives," said Mohammed Omar, below, the Foreign Minister of Somaliland. He said the SSC was trying to undermine security in Somaliland and neighbouring Puntland and Ethiopia. "It is very unfortunate to know that some of the people who are causing harm to our security, or attempting to endanger our security, are actually coming from the United States or from Canada," the Foreign Minister said. "I would describe those leaders who are waging war against Somaliland, we call them people who have committed war crimes. They simply attacked and killed citizens, therefore we would like to take them into justice in Somaliland." The SSC, which derives its name from the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions it represents, is a product of the almost total collapse of Somalia, one of the most lawless, chaotic and heavily armed places on the planet. Somalia is also one of Canada's top sources of refugees. About 150,000 ethnic Somalis live in Canada, according to government figures. But some have returned to take up leadership positions in their troubled homeland. Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke of Ottawa served as prime minister of Somalia's fragile UN-backed Transitional Federal Government until he resigned on Tuesday. A handful of young Toronto men has also joined Somalia's version of the Taliban, Al-Shabab. And there is Col. Sabarey. "He's a very easy-going, humble kind of guy," said Abdi Saleban of Ottawa, who attended a conference in Nairobi last year that founded the SSC and made Col. Sabarey its deputy leader. "He has a military background." The colonel comes from Las Anod, in northern Somalia, his associates said. He served in the Somali National Army during the reign of military dictator Siad Barre. He left the country in 1990 to study in the United States and came to Canada in 1991, he said. That same year, northern Somalia broke away from the south. The Somali National Movement, formed by exiles in London, declared independence from southern Somalia. It called the new northern republic Somaliland. Roughly the size of England, Somaliland borders Somalia's Puntland region, Ethiopia, Djibouti and the strategic Gulf of Aden. With its capital in Hargeisa, it has a population of 3.5 million and an economy largely based on livestock exports to Saudi Arabia. Relative to the turmoil in southern Somalia, it is peaceful. "Somaliland is actually a flourishing democracy," Foreign Minister Omar said. "We have just had a presidential election which has been declared a free and fair election by the international community. We also have a thriving society, including the economy." But almost 20 years after declaring independence, the breakaway region is not widely recognized internationally. Canada does not formally recognize the Republic of Somaliland. Neither do clan leaders in the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions that are nominally part of Somaliland accept secession. They want to remain part of Somalia. Experts believe the issue is partly rooted in clan differences between the *****-dominated Somaliland government and the SSC, which is made up of ******s. The issue came to a head in 2007, when Somaliland forces moved into Las Anod, the administrative capital of the Sool region. Clan leaders responded with a declaration calling for "all necessary sacrifices in terms of life and resources to be put at the disposal of the liberation struggle." "Three years ago, they have forcefully occupied this territory, SSC territory and have violated the rights of the citizens," Col. Sabarey said. "Since then they killed many people, they forced so many people out of the country and within the country as refugees." He said the Somaliland government had denied basic services such as health care, clean water and schools to the eastern regions. "Calling us war criminals, it's a false statement and they have attacked this territory and still they are here. They are attacking us." In October 2009, hundreds of members of the Somali diaspora, many from North America and Europe, gathered in the Kenyan capital and selected Col. Sabarey and Mr. Essa to lead the SSC and recruit a militia force. "You know, when you are a place where there is no government, to save your people and save yourself you have to at least bring some power to your people, and that is exactly what they are doing there," said Mr. Saleban. Skirmishes between the SSC and Somaliland forces began shortly after the two leaders returned to the region in May. In June, the United Nations reported that thousands had been displaced by the fighting. The Somaliland Times reported on July 24 the SSC had attacked Somaliland forces in Widh Widh. A Somaliland soldier was killed and 20 SSC fighters were injured, while another 10 were taken prisoner, it reported. Osman Hassan, an executive of the diaspora organization that helped elect Col. Sabarey to his position, said the fighting had been minimal. And he said some SSC supporters are not happy about that. "There have been a number of encounters with the Somaliland militias and the SSC, but not to the extent that we would have liked," said Mr. Hassan, a Geneva-based executive committee member of the Northern Somali Unionist Movement. "They were supposed to really fight, you know, guerrilla war, hit and run. The Somaliland militias are not that strong. I mean, most of them are unpaid and they have a lot of deserters. So it's not as though we are facing the USA army in Iraq," he said. "To be honest with you, I have not been impressed, neither with him nor with his leader," he said of Col. Sabarey and Mr. Essa. "They have been getting a lot of money, almost a half a million dollars, from the diaspora and most of it has actually been wasted. So we have been very unhappy with them.... So Ali Sabarey and Suleiman are, I think, on their way out." Al Jazeera featured Col. Sabarey in a report broadcast in July. It was titled: "Somalia's newest armed group SSC threatens violent campaign." Footage showed young armed men standing at attention before Col. Sabarey. The SSC fighters were shown driving a "technical," a pickup truck with a heavy gun mounted in the bed. The letters S-S-C were scrawled on the driver's door in red paint. "Our ultimate goal is to make this area peaceful and prosperous and also seek a united Somalia," Col Sabarey, dressed in a military uniform, said in the broadcast. It did not mention he was Canadian, but Somalis in Toronto who saw the segment recognized him. Commentary on Somali news websites ranges from supportive of the SSC cause to calling its leaders "blood-soaked warmongers" who should be arrested and handed over to Canadian and U.S. authorities. In interviews, Col. Sabarey told the National Post that while he misses Canada, he did not hesitate to return to Africa. "I have to sacrifice. Sometimes you have to help your original community and you have to do what you have to do," he said. "The people that say, 'They shouldn't go back to where they are born' ... I don't believe that. I believe I'm an ambassador from Canada. And wherever I am, I represent Canada." Despite the uniforms and weapons, he said he would prefer to use the power of persuasion to make the Somaliland troops leave. "To force them would be the last resort. I'm a Canadian, I'm not that much good for fighting."
  19. Great news, Masha Allah A New Dawn, A New SSC STATE SSC people are ready to liberate their land and have their own state ‎ SSC socotay oo duushay, hada waa noo muuqaataa Laas Caanood iyo SSC oo xor ah, waayo Buhoodle oo xor ayaanu heysanaa, Allah noo daa Reer Buhoodle Thank You Buhoodle Long Live Buhoodle & SSC, Long Live Somaliweyn
  20. Dad shacab ah oo SNM shalay ka qafaasheen aaga Widhwidh Tuesday, 20 July 2010 01:05 Dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay magaalada Widhwidh ee ay iskaga horyimaadeen ciidamada maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah iyo ciidamada hogaanka gobollada SSC oo qasaare aad u balaadhan ka soo gaadhay ciidamada maamulka Hargeysa ayaa waxaa ka soo baxaya warar kale oo dheeraad ah. Sida wararku xaqiijinayaan ciidamada maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah ayaa waxay agagaarka magaalada Widhiwidh ka qab qabteen dad shacab ah oo ku sugnaa degaanka kadib markii dagaalkaasi joogsaday iyaga oo dadkaa ku tilmaamay in ay ka mid ahaayeen ciidamadii la dagaalamay. Dadkaa shacabka ah ee maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah ay ka ururiyeen agagaarka dhanka ay ka haystaan magaalada Widhidh ayaa ilaa hada waxaa lagu qiyaasay lix qof oo shacab ah, waxaana markiiba dadkaa loo gudbiyey dhanka magaalada Burco. Dhanka kale qasaarahii ciidamada maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah ka soo gaadhay dagaalkaa shalay ayaa sida lagu soo waramayo aad u sii kordhaya, waxaana dhimashada ciidankaa hada lagu sheegayaa in ay kor u dhaaftay 25 askari oo ay ka mid yihiin labadii sarkaal ee ciidamadaa ugu sareeyey. Magaalada Widhwidh ee shalay dagaalku ka dhacayna maanta waxaa laga soo waramayaa deganaasho iyada oo weli ay ciidamadii magaaladaa ku dagaalamay kala joogaan oo ay ku kala suganyahiin labada dhinac ee magaaladaas. Dagaalka magaalada Widhwidh oo hada in mudo ah soo noqnoqonayey ayaan ilaa hada labada dhinac ee magaaladaa ku dagaalamaya si toos ah loola kicin oo aan magaalada looga qabsanin.
  21. Saxaafada SNM oo Soo Bandhigtay Dad Rayid Ah oo Laga Qafaashey Deegaanka Widhwidh Riinjinews:-Sida aad sawirkan ku aragtaanba oo aanu ka soo xiganey Shebekeda ku xusan,ayaa waxay daabacday in ay qabteen 7 maxbuus oo dagaalkii ugu dambeeyey ay ka qabsadeen Ciidamada SSC... Xidhiidh aanu la sameynay Kuxigeenka Hogaanka SSC Col Sabarey ayaa wuxuu noo xaqiijiyey in ay yihiin dhalinyaradii deegaanka Widhwidh oo Ciidanka SL ay ka uruuriyeen isla markaana ay u gudbiyeen Burco,sida uu sheegay Sabarey 7 maxbuus ayaan haba yaraate ka tirsanayn ciidamada SSC balse ka mid ah shacabka SSC ee marka Dagaal dhoco ay Ciidamada SL ku gadoodi jireen,sidii kal hore dagaalkii dhacay ay gumaadka ka geysteen WIDHWIDH Iyo BALIHADHAC. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Ciidamada SL ayaa tacadiyo kala duwan ka geysta xiliyada dagaalku dhexmaro Ciidamada SSC,arintan oo ay ka soo xigteen Ciidamada Itobiya oo xiliyada ay Jabhada OLNF isku ay ka jaraan Shacabka ********iya. Magacyada maxaabiista Cabdi Ismaaciil Maxamed 2 Cariif Maxamed Axmed 3 Xiis C/laahi Jaamac 4 Axmed Cabdi Jaamac 5 C/laahi Cismaan Cabdi 6 Cabdi Cismaan Yuusuf 7 Nuur Xasan riinjinews
  22. A new armed group is threatening to launch a violent campaign for the reunification of Somalia. The group is known as SSC, the initials of the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions they say that they want to liberate. These regions are currently disputed over by both the breakaway Somaliland Republic and the Semi-autonomous region of Puntland in North East Somalia. "Our ultimate goal is to make this area peaceful and prosperous and also seek a united Somalia," Ali Sabarey, the deputy leader of SSC, told Al Jazeera. However, Somaliland officials dismiss the SSC as ineffective, saying that their threats are hollow. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow has this exclusive report from the SSC stronghold of Buuhoodle. Source: Al Jazeera Warka aysan rabin Somaliland in aad maqasho Dhaqdhaqaaqa SSC ayaa markii ugu horeysey si weyn ugu soo ifbaxay shaashadaha warbaahinta aduunka si ka taloowsan rabitaanka Somaliland iyo Puntland Dhaqdhaqaaqani oo ay KismaayoNews u taqaano Darwiishland ayaa gooyey xakamihii xayiraada in codkooda aduunka u gudbo kadib markii taleefishanka caalamiga ah ee Aljazeera uu maanta faafiyey warbixin gaar ah oo ka hadlaysa SSC. Waxay ahayd warbixintii mudo labbo habeen ah uu xabsi ugu jirey Maxamed Cadoow oo ah wariyaha warbixinta soo duubey kadib markii maamulka Somaliland ay ku xireen magaalada Burco. Malaayiin qof oo aduunka dacaladiisa ku nool ayaa heystey kumanaan sababood oo ay indhahooda ugu dheeygagaan daawashada oday 60 jir ah oo la dhaanteeynaya baasuuke, isagoo u doodaya Soomaaliweyn SSC (Sool, Sabaag iyo Ceyn) waa dhaqdhaqaaqa kaliya ee hubeysan ee maanta u doodaya soo celinta Soomaaliweyn ama Soomaaliya, Cali Sabarey waa hogaamiye ku xigeenka SSC wuxuu Aljazeera u sheegey in uu doonayo barwaaqo, dabadgalyo iyo in dhulka ay ku noolyihiin uu hoosyimaado maamul Soomaaliya oo dhan ka shaqeeya. Garaadada beesha ayaa lasoo bandhigey iyagoo warbixin ka dhagaysanaya saraakiisha ciidamada, Garaad Jaamac Garaad oo ah saldanada boqortooyo ee ugu facaweyn beelaha waqooyiga dalka dega ayaa Aljazeera u sheegey “Dulqaadkii ayaa naga dhamaaday, Puntland iyo Somaliland-ba waxaan u sheegney in ay faraha naga qaadaan, hadii ay dhagaysan waayaan xoog ayaan ku maqashiineynaa codkeena” marka uu hadalkaasi dhahaya waxaa hareer fadhiya gurtidii beesha. Kani waa warka aysan dooneyn in aad maqasho Somaliland oo ah maamul gooni isu tag ah oo ku celinaya gefafkii xukuumadii Siyaad Barre ay ka geeysatay Waqooyiga Soomaaliya iyo dabcan Puntland oo ku socota dariiq kaasi lamid ah. Markii Aljazeera ay dhawaan tagtey Buuhoodle ee ay soo duubtey warbixintani waxaa markiiba xabsiga loo dhaadhiciyey wariyihii soo duubey ee Maxamed Cadoow, dhowr habeen ayuu xirnaa waxaana lagu qasbey in warbixinta aanan la baahin inta lagu jiro howlaha doorashada, taasina waxay u muuqataa in ay hergashay, todobaadyo kadib markii doorashadii ay dhamaatay natiijadiina lasoo saaray ayay warbixinta hawada gashay. FG: Warbixinta Aljazeera xididka hoose ka daawo
  23. Qolabaa Calankeedu Duul waa ceynoo, Anagaa keenu waa cirkoo kala, Aan caadna laheyn een caashaqayee. Xiddig yahay cadi waad na ciidamisee, Carradaan kaligaa aad u curatee, Cadceedda sideeda caan noqo ee..... Aamiin Erayadan waxaa tiriyay isla markaana ku luqeyn jiray Allaha u naxariistee Abwaan Cabdillaahi Qarshe LONG LIVE SOMALIA SOMALIA HANOOLATU
  24. Dhmaan shacabka soomaaliyeed waxaan ugu hambalyeenayaa Maalimihii farxada badnee, qiimaha badnaa, ee wadankeeena soomaaliyeed waa 50 guuradii ka soo waraagtey maalmihii Xoriyada, Gobanimada, Midowga, iyo aaasaaskii Jamhuuriyada Somalia Allaha weyn waxaan ka baryaya inuu shacabkeena iyo dalkeen Somalia siiyo nabad, horumar, barwaaqo, hogaan wanaagsan, shacab is jecel oo walaalaha, taariiqa toosan nagu hanuuniya, duni iyo aakhirana guul nasiiyo..amiin Ilaahay haa ka dhigu usbuuc khayr qaba wadankeena Soomaalia mid farxad badan wata, nabad, xasilooni, horumar, doladnimo amiin Waxaan kaloo Rabigeena ka baryanaa inuu naga Illaaliyo, sharka cadowga Somalia, muslimiinta oo dhan. iyo in uu shacabka walaalaha ee Somaalida iyo muslimka dhexdooda kala badbaadiyo oo ka ilaaliyo wixii khilaaf...Amiin HAPPY BIRTH DAY SOMALIA 1960 - 2010 Golden Jubilee Celebrations: Somalia's 50th Anniversary of the Independence &Reunification The Celebration of the Somali National Week comes between June 26 and July 1 every year. June 26: Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, & SSC Regions took independence from Britain (Gobalada Woqooyi Somalia ayaa ka xoroobay Ingriiska) June 27: Djibouti took independence from France (Jabuuti ayaa ka xorooday Faransiiska) July 1: South, Central and East Somalia took independence from Italy (Gobalada Bari iyo Koonfir ayaa ka xoroobay Talyaaniga) July 1: the Union Day (Maalintii Midowga Soomaaliyeed) July 1: the Somali Republic Day (Maalinta Jamhuuriyada Somalia) Happy Somali National Week to all Somali people, It is the 50th anniversary of Somalia 1960-2010