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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Dad Shacab Ah Oo Maleeshiiyaadka Somaliland Ku Xidhxidheen Magaalada Laas Caanood Wararka Naga soogaadhaya magaalada Laascaanood ayaa Sheegay In maleeshiiyaadka Somaliland Ay dad shacab ah Kuxidh xidheen gudaha magaalada laascaanood,Dadkan shacabka ah Ee xabsiyada magaalada laascaanood laga buuxiyay Laga soo qabqabtay Guryaha ay ka dagan yihiin Magaalada Iyo qaarkale Ay kasoo qabteen ciimada Somalinad Goobaha aya ku ganacsadaan. Dadka Shacabka ee aan waxba galabsan Maleeshiyaadka maamulkaasi ay ku xidh xidheen ayaa Waxaalagu qiyaasayaa Inay kor u dhaafayaan 20 qof Dadka Oo marka ay sooqbqabenayeen ciidamada maleeshiyaadka siilaanyo ay qaarkood ugaysteen Jirdil. Sababta ka Dambaysa Xadhigan Loo gaysanayo dadka shacabka ah Ee kudhaqan Magaalada laascaanood ayaan Lagaranayn,Walow maleeshiyaadka Somaliland ee Laascaanood ay caadaysteen Inay Tacadi iyo Jirdil ugaystaan shabka laascaanood iyadoo ay kamid tahay xadhigan maanta lagu xidh xidhay Dadkashacabka dhibaatooyinka Ay kawadaan maleeshiyaadka siilaanyo Deegaanada khaatumo.
  2. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Madaxweyne Xasan: Midnimada Somalia waa lama taabtaan min Saylac ilaa Raaskambooni oo hal Dawlad leh
  3. Amina Mohamed's family hail from Taleex and Xudun towns of Khatumo State of Somalia. I don't understand why some secessionist minded individuals are claiming her family hail from Somaliland.
  4. Readout of Under Secretary Sherman’s Meeting with Ahmed Silanyo, President of Somaliland Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 26, 2013 Yesterday, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman met with Somaliland administration President Ahmed Silanyo. Under Secretary Sherman and President Silanyo discussed issues of mutual concern, including stability, democracy and governance, and the need to combat al-Shabaab. The United States expressed support for continued dialogue between the Government of Somalia and Somaliland authorities, as took place in Turkey on April 13. The United States reiterated its strong support for a peaceful and united Somalia.
  5. gooni;941475 wrote: Hadiiba SL dad ku laysay xuduud iyo dawlad aan ictifaaf loo hayn qarnigan 21aad maxay samayn lahaayeen ayagoo dawlada???? That's a Great Question !!!
  6. 'Liibaan';907933 wrote: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Xuskii Sanad Guuradii Kowaad ee Khaatumo State , Australia 2013 I like the Khaatumo State Anniversary in Australia, thanks Liibaan
  7. Elders from the northern regions of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn gather in historic town of Taleh to form Khatumo State of Somalia in early 2012 / RBK Khatumo State Marks Its 1st Anniversary The 1st anniversary of Khatumo State of Somalia has been celebrated today in several parts of the semi-autonomous State and abroad. Celebrations were held in Taleh, the birthplace of Khatumo, and several other towns in the region including Buhodle, Bo’ame and Awr-Bogays. Similar events were also held in abroad. In Taleh, the current regional president Ahmed Elimi Osman led the regional administration in marking its first anniversary, a significant day in the history of the Sool, Sanaag and Ayn region of northern Somalia. Khatumo was formed 12 January 2012 after leaders of the northern regions of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn decided to band together into a new state and declared they wanted to be an independent region within Somalia. The regional administration has a unique system of governance where a president serves only six months, with three presidents having governed the area for the last one year. Since its formation, Khatumo has been at loggerheads with secessionist Somaliland forces sometime engaging in deadly confrontations. Somaliland which has unilaterally declared its independence from the rest of Somalia after the fall of Somalia’s central government is facing resistance from a local clan which formed the Khatumo state. Fighting between Somaliland forces and Khaatumo fighters flared up in January and February last year near the border town of Buhoodle, after a week-long stalemate, forcing thousands to flee.
  8. Dabaal Dega Sanad Guurada khaatumo Oo meelo badan Ka Socda Waxaa Qaybo badan oo kamida Deeganada maamulka Khaatumo State iyo Guud ahaan Qaaradaha Kala Gadisan Ee caalamka maanta Si Toos ah Uga Socda Dabaal Dega Sanadguurada 1aad ee Maamulka Khaatumo State. Dabaal degan Ayaa hada Ka Bilaabmay Qaybo badan oo kamida Deeganada Dalka Gudihiisa Ah Iyoadoo habaynimada Caawa ahna La Filayo Inay Ka Bilaabmaan Qaybaha Kala Duwan ee Daafaha Caalamka. Sawirada, Muuqaalada Iyo Warbixinaha la xidhiidha Dabaal dega Sanad Guurada Khaatumo State Haka Fogaan Xafiiska Shabakada Laascaanood/Sool
  9. Waddanka Saudi Arabiya oo laga Xusi doona Sanad Guuradii Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo waddanka boqortooyada saudi arabiya ayaa lagu qabanayaa xaflad lagu maamuusayo sanad guuradiii 1aad waxaana lagu qabanayaaa bariga saudi arabia ee magaalada dammaam
  10. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Documentary ku saabsan Sanadguuradii 1aad ee khaatumo State of Somalia
  11. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Wareysi SomSat TV Layeeshay Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeydh
  12. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Wareysi SomSat TV Layeeshay Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeydh
  13. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Khaatumo Tisqaaday / Heeska Sanad Guurada Khaatumo State 2013
  14. Khatumo State Gains Access to International Air Travel Sayid Mohamed Hasan Airport in Taleh opens the region to international travelers & Diaspora tourism The recent opening of Taleex airport in Khatumo State of Somalia with its first inaugural arrival flight on 4th Dec 2012 has ushered in a new phase in the development of region. The flight originated from the capital city Mogadishu (which in itself is enjoying a rebirth of freedom & security). This is the first flight of many planned by Khatumo officials who were responsible planning and organizing the air travel facility for the region. Taleex airport has been named after the great Somali Nationalist hero Sayyid Mohamed Abdalla Hassan, who was the leader of the libration movement to oust the colonial British rulers from Somalia and it is fitting symbol for other regions in Somalia to focus on developing their respective states & cities in order to have a greater impact and speed up the rate of development and recovery of the Somali Federal Republic. The new travel corridor from Mogadishu to Taleex creates potential economic impact in Khatumo state due the concept of “Diaspora Tourism”. This type of tourism is attracting the overseas Somalis who hail from this region, to come for short term visits either as individuals or bringing their whole families, so that their children reconnect with their roots and have a better understanding of their place in the world. The cash flow brought by these returnees will be able to sustain new hotels, restaurants and other business that target serving the visitors. The economic multiplier effect shall generate local employment right down to the livestock nomad and the farmer providing fresh produce. The flight is a reflection of the management team behind Khatumo state organization, dedicated, corruption-free and if they maintain this cruising altitude, then Khatumo State of Somalia will be one of the new rising stars in the reborn & improved Somalia. By Ahmed Hashi Sunday, December 09, 2012
  15. Taleex waa Magaaladii ugu horeysay Afrika Ee Diyaarad lagu duqeeyo oo boqol sano kadib diyaaradii u horeysay soo cago-dhigatay Flight #001 Taleh DEC 4, 2012. "This is the first official flight to the newly built Airport of Taleh District, Sool Region, Khatumo State of Somalia. This airport was built by Khatumo State of Somalia without any outside help just few months ago and today a large Khatumo delegation was on board of this historic non stop flight from Mogadishu. This historic city was the first capital city of The Dervish State of Somalia between 1896 - 1920 and it was this same city that was bombed by air by the British Royal Airforce that attack was the first of its kind in Africa. That was the first ever air bombardment in Continental Africa and the ruins from that attack on the Dervish State Forts is still visible today!" For the first time in a 100 years, a plane has hovered over the blue sky of Taleeh City not to bring bombs and bazookas but to land with hope and optimism for the people of Khaatumo State; This plane carrying Khatumo State’s highest dignitaries safely arrived at Sayyid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan’s Airport at approximately 2:15 pm on Dec. 4th. 2012. “This is a Historic day, the people of khatumo have accustomed to bearing the fruit of their newly created state democracy, but they have never seen the likes of this achievement marking the beginning of air transportation for this region” said Indhosheel, the president of Khatumo State.
  16. Congratulations to ENNAHDA Party and people of Tunis, 90% turn out of voters in Tunis is a remarkable achievement. Insha Allah, soon Egypt in November, Libya, Yemen etc will follow. No more Dictators. الله اكبر ولله الحمد، صدق وعده، نصر عبده اعز جنده وهزم الاحزاب وحده, نحن قوم اعزنا الله بالاسلام قال تعالى : " اليوم اكملت لكم دينكم واتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا- "- Allah Almighty said“This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”
  17. Happy Anniversary to SSC, beautiful pictures and videos masha Allah, Allah haa adiin siyaadsho. Hambalyo Hambalyo Dhamaan reer SSC, Sanad Guuro wacan, Kulu caam wa antum bil khayr,
  18. Hambalyo iyo Bogaadin Awdal State of Somalia Guul iyo Gobanimo Awdal State of Somalia Hanoolatu Awdal State of Somalia
  19. Ethiopia has a huge vested interest in keeping Somalia divided and weak because of the O'ga'den Region/Western Somalia. Melez supports all the somali clan-enclaves and warlords like SL, PL, Ahlu Sunna, Galmudug, etc Ethiopia doesn't want a repeat of 1977 War.
  20. Odeygan lagu magacaabo Xaaji Waraabe waa Warlord/ Dagaal Ooge, waxa uu ku doodayaa waa hadaanu reer hebel nahay (Jabhada Somaliland) dagaal ayaanu ku qabsananaa dhamaan dhulkii Ingriisku guumeesan jiray, wada hadal na marabno lamana galano dadka Soomaaliyeed ee dhulka iska leh, waayo Ingriis baanu ka dhaxalnay, Waxaa Odeygan Cimragaasoo jooga u wanaagsan inuu cibadadiisa, iyo nabada ka shaqeeyo.
  21. RedSea;703175 wrote: These guys never get tired of running back and forth in that dusty old trial. Laakin ninka in lasoo dhaweeyo ma ahayn. Waxa ay aheed inta qol lagu xidho(iyo inta lasocta) kadib loo daaro Cajal muuqaal oo ah ku salaysan Somaliland iyo hormeerka yacnii permanant brainwash:D:D:D Reerkan SL, waa inay ogaadaan gardarada iyo kibir waa lagu jabaa ..........Somaliland should leave alone SSC regions, SSC people don't want to be part of secessionist clan entity. Nabada iyo Jaar wanaaga wax ka fiican ma jiro, markaa haa la is xaq dhowro, hana la is qadariyo. khasab wax shaqeenaya maaha dagaalka ha la joojiyo.
  22. RedSea;703244 wrote: Peace between the community is good and we welcome it. Pumtland needs to leave the " rer waqoyi" brothers alone. Somaliland must leave alone SSC people, and Somaliland must stop its war of aggression against SSC region. People of SSC support United Somalia, and they don't want to be part of Secessionist clan entity. Somaliland-Northwest, Awdal, SSC-North Central, Maakhir, Puntland/-Northeast are all Northern Somalia/Reer Woqooyi Allah nabad haa ka dhigo SSC iyo dhamaan gobolada Somalia