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Everything posted by Abaadir

  1. Maryama sheekh waxaaa ay ahayd Sayid maxamed xaaskiisa. waa ay bukootey markaas baa siyid ku gabaygaan u tiriyey: Alahayow macbuudow adaan kuu maskiin ahaye Muraadkii an lee yahay adaan kuu miciin sadaye alahayow maryama noogu sahal maalig baad tahaye Muslim hooyadiis bay ahayd meeluu joogaba e martidiyo manqada reerka iyo maatada iyo xaaska inta mudane oo idil qoftaa moosin u ahayde eebow maryama noogu sahal maalig baad tahaye
  2. Sayid maxamed baa gabaygaan tiri yey. ma dhamayn karo.. qofkii yaqaanow dhamee: nimanyohow dabuub gabay baryaa uma dadaalayne wax i daaray mooyiye xalaa laygu soo dagaye aan dabeebto gabaygaygu waa dab iyo baaruude onkod diririgleyn baan ahiyo dirirkii cawleede daad soo rogmaday baan ahoo dooxadii yimide aan dur duro dabaal ban ku mari dool la i xiraye dayax iyo shamsaan ahay hadaan lay dafirahayne gudcur dama habeen dumay cirkaan dacal ka nuuraynin ma diyado tilaabada ninkii dawga marayaaye dugsi hadaan la helin dhaxanta waa lagu dadoodaaye . . .
  3. Pujah... nice gabay ina abti. qatar baad tahay...
  4. Awal maanso waataan dabroo daayay waayaha e ka da'a weyni daandaansi iyo diradirayntiiye waa layga wada doonayaa doogsintaan baraye aan daleeyo caawana qalbigu wey digrinayaaye dagane maxamedow waxaynu nahay ul iyo diirkeede dadka kale ha joogtee adaan iga digtoonayne ragiinii dariiqadda ka yimid durug warkiisiiye dunjigiisba waan wada jeclaa dagaha reer nuure wixii duubleh daris baanu nahay iyo daraawiishe Sayid maxamed dooduu i yiri iyo daabada uu keenay waa ii soo duceeyee allow darajasiis raaji Muslim oo dhan baa diiq ku jirey jeeruu daahiraye awliyada duushuu carshiga kula dukeeyaaye ninba wuxuu dibnaha ugu hayiyo daarka iyo laabtad daniguu gartaa waxa qalbiga kaga dahsoonaaye. Gabaygaan ma dhama... ninkii hayow dhamee saaxiibayaa. Gabaygaan waxaa tiriyey nin la yiraahdo Adan Axmed. Sayid maxamed buuna ku amaanayaa.
  5. MKA and DUKe you suport TFG because the president is from your clan.
  6. Aaliyah posted: p.s. Marriage is not an easy matter so dont rush to it. peace. NN how do you know?
  7. Indodeq posted: In the old days most guys never used to marry a used woman Where there is a will there is a way. If there is love, you will marry the woman regarless her past history.
  8. Castro... I am still loughing lol. Paternity test kulahaa. well, it does not really matter how I met her. We are still married and have bunch of kids, that is what matters I think......
  9. A very Wiseman once said “A woman is as old as she looks, while man is as old as he feels”
  10. RED: It is really hard to believe anything you say bro. How can you talk about Somalinimo when you advocate North-eastern regions to break away from the rest of the country? You can’t have your cake and eat it. I still can not swallow the fact that Courts are gone before they reach Somali/Djibouti border. Pland and Sland would have been history for good. Xiin: I feel the humiliation too. My feeling has reached a point where I avoid talking or encountering Ethiopian friends, just so they don’t ask me what is going on in Somalia. But we can not remain this situation any longer. It is time to set a side QAB iyo SHARAF and work with this TFG thing for the next two years.
  11. Xiin: I am very disappoited that Courts have gone too. but I mean.. we have something in Mogadisho now that if we support could be good starting point for low and order in the country. For Adeer Castro, He is a good fella I think.
  12. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Abaadir: Castro: What do Barre Hiilaale and Abdulaahi Yousuf have in common that you don’t like? Sometimes Duke is right... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War wuxu su'aal xumaa! Xiin, Naga daa adeer dee... suaal xun ma ahane. Odaga Castro an waxaan is iri Amxaaruu mar mar siiyo ka dhiganayaa....... ee oohintu orgiga ka weyn
  13. Xoogsade: We have government in Mogadishu. It may not be our liking. But let us support it and disarm people. The government’s mandate will expire in next two years. We will have a better government after two years. Why do we really have to appose everything?
  14. Why do people love to see these two Qabiil fight over Kismayo.? We have government in Mogadishu today; all of us should be supporting it regardless of our qabiil differences. I personally would like to see Maxkamadaha in power then this government but we don’t have a choice to day. Supporting this Government is one good option in order Ethiopians to leave the country. Pland Clans should understand just they live in CALANLEY, does not mean they will rule Jubooyinka. It will be more complicated then that. For Reer Gedo, Kismaayo xoog baan ku haysanaa ma shaqaynaso. Kismaayo is a Somali town and Yes... Pland tribes will rule the city if they are elected or appointed. I mean... come on guys, the entire country in under occupation. Who runs Kismaayo is irrelevant today. Castro: What do Barre Hiilaale and Abdulaahi Yousuf have in common that you don’t like? Sometimes Duke is right...
  15. If I'm feeling depressed then it has to be Koshin with him qaraami..... Kooshin ma kuwa wajiyo xun la dhuhuu ku jiraa?
  16. Valenteena baan ka yaabay. Markay maqasho nin baa laba naag la hadlay way soo boodi un. Horta ina abti Araweelo ma qaraabaad ahaydeen. Raganimaa gabdha ku aasan.
  17. Abaadir


    It is not dacaayad. did you notice the guy is wearing same shirt since he is in Magadishu. His shoes looks kinda little bit biger on his size too. May be Muse Sudi had a point in there. Waxaan kaloo maqlay kursigii buu ku seexdey. sariirta aad baa laga waayey. kursigaan baan rabaa.
  18. Abaadir


    Rumor has it; President Yusuf lost his luggage at the Mogadishu airport. Important document and his clothes were in the luggage. If he is loosing papers, can we trust him to lead a nation.
  19. What is up with this garaad criss crossing north American. Does not he has some more important tasks at home. is it true he used to cabbie in Boston?
  20. Ali Dhuux was guines when it comes to Gabay. He was very talented but as ME said He was also young rebel: Rag hadaad Colaad lee dihiin ciidanse u weydo. Hadba waxaad ku ciil bixi kartaa kuu cawo aduuna. By Ali dhuux
  21. Markii Ingiriis Sayid Maxamed iyo Daraawiish diyaaradaha ku dukheeyey, Cali Dhuux wuxuu yir: Waaligu digtaa duul haduu kuu daraan jireye. Bal dayaay wadaadkii wakaas sii dabayshadaye. Calaashaan wuu ku farxayaa wixii Sayidka iyo Daraawiish ku dhacay.
  22. War reer Barigaanu faan iyo Booto badanaa...... carry on brother.
  23. Fact remains thou that this clan controls one district out of the 15 districts in Mogadishu. to say the largest clan is little bit exaggeration. regardless the clan charleading, I am still ashamed Ethopian tanks are in the streets of Mogadishu. What a shameful day.... Somalia is gone for good.