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  1. 2 points
    The Somalis that are being killed reside in cities and towns across Oromia. These are not people that live in the border districts. The Oromo version of Liyu Police along with the general public are the ones that are carrying out the murders. The local and federal authorities have basically told the trapped Somali civilians are on their own. While the Liyu Police have indeed committed crimes, the killings by the Oromo are under-reported and largely target civilians. The number of displaced Somalis have also been under-reported. The Oromo has an advantage over the Somalis in that they have more influence at the federal level. The current situation was initially instigated by the TLPF but there always have been simmering tensions that were bound to explode. The situation was also happening in other parts of Ethiopia though at slower rate, many Amharas and Tigray were killed in Oromo. Tigray businessmen have been kicked out of the Amhara Region. Institutions and regions are becoming segregated. It is not clear if this is by a design or things are just getting out of hand. Anyway, the situation does not bode well for the region. As much as I like to see Ethiopia disintegrate, a collapse of Ethiopia would be catastrophic.
  2. 2 points
    He is a house negro anyway. He doesn't do anything without the approval of his Tigre masters.
  3. 2 points
    Iley knows only how to beat up his own Somalis. He can't handle Oromo's bullying.
  4. 2 points
    Many villages in question belong to Somalis. Oromo are expansionists. They have already be given many predominantly Somali districts. They have already taken Dire Dhabe (though it is technically a specially administered city). Soon, they will be claiming Jigjiga. If you give them an inch, they will demand a mile. Somaliland and Puntland are also teeming with Oromo. They may look harmless but they have pent up anger. once unleashed will create havoc. The Woyanes will make sure Ethiopia disintegrates if they cannot hold on to power. They will invoke article 39 and make sure the shit hits the roof.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Very unfortunate situation. But I blame on Somali regional administration for it all.
  8. 1 point
    So they want to instigate a violence in peaceful place? Ali Khalif has unhealthy hatred towards Puntland.
  9. 1 point
    Good progress but one that will come with price, demographic shift within few decades unless Ethiopian population flow is not managed well.
  10. 1 point
    Indeed, it seems corridor puzzle is just coming together now. One of the other game changer infrastructure links is the energy interconnection, whereby Somaliland will tap into Ethiopia's hydro-electric power in order to make electricity widely available and cheap. At the moment, electricity in Somaliland is one of the most expensive in Africa at around USD 0.80 cents /KWh. More on this, BBC Somali Waraysi Dib-u-dhiska wadada Berbera ilaa Wajaale oo laga wadahadlay
  11. 1 point
    That will be very impressive if it can be built. The entire Somali region will benefit and experience tremendous economic growth.
  12. 1 point
    Is it possible he is looking for "attention" and few headlines. It is very a strange argument he is making.
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