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They were Raped - Here is the Story

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War Naxdinle: Gabdho Soomaaliyeed oo lagu kufsaday Koonfurta Sudan oo qaarka mid ah u geeriyoodeen



Duleedka Magaalada Juba ee xarunta Maamul Goboleedka SPLA ee koonfurta dalka Sudan ayaa waxaa lagu kufsaday gabadho soomaaliyeed oo tiradoodu gaadhayso 10 hablood kuwaas oo qaar ka mid ah la keenay iyadoo xaaladoodu liidato cusbataal ku yaala magaalada Kampala ee dalka Uganda halkaas oo mid ka mid ah ku geeriyootay ...............


Gabadh lagu magacaabo Xaawo balse diiday in la sheego magaceeda oo sadexan ayaa saxaafada u sheegtay iyadoo ku sugan cusbataalka ku yaala magaalada Kampala in iyada iyo 9 gabdhood oo la socday ay Uganda ka baxeen 10tii bishii october ee sanadan 2008 , markii ay gaadhen magaalada Juba ee caasimada koonfurta Sudan ay ka raaceen doon yar oo kusocotay magaalada khartuum taasi oo qaada webiga Nile-ka balse markii qiyaastii masaafo dhan 20km aanu ka soconay ayay tidhi magaalada jubba ayaa doontii joojiyeen nimankii waday waxaana nalagu khasbay inaanu ka soo degno doonta balse taasi waanu diidnay ilaa markii danbe xoog nalooga dejiyey ..


Xaawo oo ilmaynaysa ayaa tidhi( Isla markii webiga banaakiisa nala geeyey ayaa waxaa jeexa ka soo baxay ciidamo ku lebisan dharka tuutaha waxaana naloo ka xeeyey jeexa ay nimanku ka soo baxeen oo ay ku taalay xeri weyn oo ciidamo lagu tababarayey, gabadha dhimatay inan ay qaraabo ahaayeen oo iyana nala socotay ayaa taqaanay luuqada Carabiga waxayna u sheegtay inaanu nahay dad masaakiina oo kasoo cararay dalka Somalia balse hadalkeeda may dhegaysan ee iyadii ayaa hore loo ka xeeyey waxaana dharka lagaga bixiyey hortayada oo ay ku fuuleen sadex nin oo laba ka mid ah ay ahaayeen nimankii doonta naga soo kireeyey , gabdhaha 2 mooyaane inta kale guur hore ma soo marin oo hablo bikro ah ayay ahaayeen waxaana dhacday in nimankii dhibaato kala kulmaan marka ay kufsanayeen waxayna markii danbe u isticimaaleen mindiyo iyo biro kale taas oo sababtay dhiig bax aad ubadan oo hada gabadhi u geeriyotayba )


Sida ay sheegtay gabadha magaceeda kusoo gaabisay xaawo waxaa duurka koonfurta Sudan lagu haystay iyada iyo saaxiibadeeda ay isla tahriibeen mudo gaadhaysa 18 casho waxaana maalintii 19 ay keeneen nimankii haystay inta gaadhi lagu soo guray duleedka magaalada halkaas oo ay ka heleen darawalo Somali ah oo iyagu shidaalka geeya koonfurta Sudan kuwaas oo lacago isugu dardaray ka dibna usoo gudbiyey dalka Uganda , xaawo ayaa intaasi raacisay in loo sheegay intii aanay jubba ka bixin in dumar Soomaaliyeed oo tahriib ahaa lagu haysto duurka halkaas oo qaar kood caruuro ku dhaleen si qasab ah .


Tan iyo Intii Dowlada Maraykanku joojisay qaxootigii ay ka qaadi jirtay sanad walba Dalalka Kenya, Ethiopia iyo Uganda ayaa waxaa sii laba jibaarmay Somalida tahriibta ah ee beegsanaya dalka Libiya si ugu sii gudbaan Dalalka Reer yurub safarkaasi oo leh halis aad ubadan oo isagu jira dil, Kufsi, dhac iyo waliba Gabadhaha Somalida ah oo inta meel ku xaraystaan qoomiyada madow ee koonfurta Sudan caruur khasab ah kaga dhalaan dabadeedna sii daayaan inta ilmahana kala hadhaan .Somalidii ugu badnayd ee u tahriibta dalka Talyaaniga ayaa labadii sano ee ugu danbeeyey ka gudubtay xuduuda udhaxaysa sudan iyo Uganda dadkaas oo badan koodu ahaa Dad Ka soo Cararay magaalada Mogadishu iyo waliba dadkii eheladoodu usoo dacwoonlahaayeen ee joogay Addis-ababa iyo Nairobi kuwaas oo hada xal mooday inay jiidhaan masaafo kumanaan KM ah oo isugu jirta Bad, saxaro lama degan oo aan biyo lahayn iyo waliba dhul jabhado iyo colaado ka oogayihiin oo ay ugu horayso Waqooyiga Uganda, Koonfurta Sudan iyo Gobolka Darfur ee xiga dhinaca xuduuda Sudan iyo Libya .


Maxamed Axmed Faarax oo ah ganacsade Somali ah oo jooga Koonfurta Sudan magaalada Kaya ayaa sheegay in sanadkan oo keliya lagu kufsaday magaalada uu joogo 7 hablood oo mid ka mid ah hortiisa lagu kufsaday markii uu isku dayey in uu wax ka qabtana isagii gacan laga jebiyey ka dibna ay xabsiga utaxaabeen ciidamada Jabhada SPLA isagoo lagu eedeeyey inuu gacan u taagay sarkaal sare oo ka mid ah jabhada wadanka usoo halgan tahay mudada ka badan 20-ka sano waxaana markii danbe lagu soo daayey lacag madax furasho ah.


Isbuucii aynu ka soo gudubnay ayaa ciidamada SPLA waxay $10(toban kun oo dollar) ka qaadeen dhalinyaro Somali ah iyagoo markaasi gaadhi ka raacayey magaalaa labaad ee ugu weyn koonfurta Sudan ee Wau iyagoona kusii jeeday magaalada Juba si ugu sii gudbaan dhinaca khartuum ,dhalinyaradaasi oo wararkii ugu danbeeyey sheegayaan inay ku xidhan yihiin xuduuda Uganda iyo Sudan ..


Qaar ka mid ah jaaliyada Somalida ee ku dhaqan Uganda ayaa qoraalo cabashooyin ku aadan dhibaatooyinka Somalida loogu gaysto koonfurta Sudan ugudbiyey horaantii sanadkan wakiilka Maamul goboleedka SPLA ee konfurta Sudan ujooga magaalada Kampala qoraal kaas oo aan ilaa hada wax jawaab ah lagahayn



C/qaadir gaabuush

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Caku ciil badanaa! They indeed are vulnerable gabdhaheena soomaliyeed. Our unique somali race is under threat. Xiirantii SPLA ahayd xattaa maku dayeen! Eheey ah!! Illaahoow umadan ka soo gaar. Ayagiina ma joogsanayaan meel kasta like places from hell like south sudan, Congo, Angola, Niger, Zimbabwe etc meel aysan ayagoo shuko wayn joogin malahan. Waxay meelahan udhex-mushaaxaan sidii inay dalkoodi iyo dadkoodi la joogaan.

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Waa arin laga murugoodo walaahi, allahayow u sahal inta hada nool, koley hadii ay noolaadaan psychological damage iyo stigma attached ayaaban dhib yareyn.


Soomaaliyeey toos, toosoo ilaahiina seegee isku tiirsada...


I am moved...

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:mad: :mad: :mad: ...Tolla'ayoow Tolla'ay ma maantaa Dinka, Yam Yam iyo Qadaadweyn gabdheheenii haweysteen?


Allah maxey sharafteenii dhimatay hadaan nahay ragga Soomaaliyeed sababtoo ah ITS OUR OWN FAULT in gabdheheena sidaa meel walba loogu faraxumeeyo...and here we're still arguing about reer hebel iyo hebel...



Allahayoow wadada toosan nagu hag...Allahayoow munaafiqiinta nagu dhex jirta ee na qaseysa naga qabo...Allahayoow dhibka iyo murugada joogtada ah naga qaad...Allahayoow na cafi waan kugu jisaarnee...Allahayoow dalkeena nabad nooga dhig dadkeenii dhammaaye Insha Allah...Aamiin Ya Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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I feel sorry for them truly & wish there was something I could do for them but I can’t help being angry with them. They seem highly niave and irresponsible. Why would they trust their lives in a place where neither human law nor Allah’s law is followed? They should have used their common sense and protected themselves from cawannimo instead of being obsessed with tahrib, better to get shot and die with dignity.

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^Even you, yaa Lily.. :(



Originally posted by Allamagan:

Ayagiina ma joogsanayaan meel kasta like places from hell like south sudan, Congo, Angola, Niger, Zimbabwe etc meel aysan ayagoo shuko wayn joogin malahan. Waxay meelahan udhex-mushaaxaan sidii inay dalkoodi iyo dadkoodi la joogaan.

Yagaa isu keenay markaa??? WTF!! Have you no shame, man? How easy it is for a man to type such words of condemnation from the comforts of his home! Easier than trying to think of ways of perhaps helping the sisters or demanding some justice from the culbrits.. even for a minute..


Also, are you telling me Somaalia hablaha laguma kufsado?? News flash, it happens all the time dear, if not by Ethiopians [ay dadkoodu usoo kaxaysteen], it's bloody 'freedom fighters' who rape and then stone?! Possibly the reasons why these sisters are running away.

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Blessed, I'm not saying rape doesn't occur in Somalia or anywhere else in the world but you have to admit, trekking across unknown/unsafe territories with a bunch of girlfriends is not the smartest nor the safest thing to do. It's not like they were taking a trip to New Zealand or Europe or anywhere with laws to protect you.


I'm certainly not saying they deserved it but they grossly underestimated the risk " xaawo ayaa intaasi raacisay in loo sheegay intii aanay jubba ka bixin in dumar Soomaaliyeed oo tahriib ahaa lagu haysto duurka halkaas oo qaar kood caruuro ku dhaleen si qasab ah".


The situation at home may be just as bad laakin no point going out of the frying pan into the fire.

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^^ But they are going to the lands of milk and honey. They are taking the risk in order to see that light at the end of the tunnel. Do you then say that since they knew the risks involved they should suffer the consequences with no complaints at all?


As for the story itself, it's just another tragedy like the hundreds before it. A shake of the head is all one can do when faced with such a story.

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No I'm not syaing that & I would be inhuman not to be moved by their suffering. What I am saying is that it makes me angry they were so careless with their safety, that is all.

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Normally the place would be safe, but a backlash against Somali businessmen similar to the one in South Africa seems to be developing in Southern Sudan:


JUBA (13 Oct.) – The Madi Community on Friday protested against SPLA commander illicit sale of land to Somali businessmen leaves one man shot dead, a woman fatally injured and scores held in detention in Nimule.


Members of the Madi Community living in Juba and in diaspora express deepest concern over the prevailing security situation and tension existing between the Madi community and the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Army (SPLA) garrison force in Nimule.


This particular impasse started on Monday October 6, 2008 when the Community became concerned over some Somali Business men fencing piece of Land without proper local authorities' approval.


About five hundred Madi community members in Nimule decided to question this illicit move to find out who gave these Somali business men the land without the consent of the local authority, Payam administrator or the community leaders.


In the process, it was revealed to the community that this land was sold to the Somali Business men by some of the top leaders of the SPLA. The name of Major General Wilson Deng Kouirot and another officer whose name was not revealed were the officers mentioned to have allegedly sold the land to the Somali.


Before this discussion was completed between the community and the Somali Business men, a group of well armed SPLA soldiers dominated by one ethnic feature immediately intervened causing confusion and panic.


They started beating and ordering people to disperse from the site. After several appeals from the community leadership in Nimule, they were able to agree on the way forward as follows:


1. The SPLA in Nimule garrison agreed with the community leadership to form a committee to amicably follow-up the matter.


2. The SPLA in Nimule under the Brigade commander has acknowledged the objection of the community to have the land sold to the Somali businessmen.


3. That the committee will temporarily close down the construction site and notify those mentioned to establish how they acquired the land sold.


4. That the government authorities both at GOSS and state level will be notified so that the matter is solved with the knowledge of all concerned.


In a surprised turn, before the end of the day on Monday October 6, there was a high level of military deployment all over Nimule targeting the Madi community members. Before 6.00 pm everyone was forced to remain indoors. At night, there was selected picking of Madi community members. Some were beaten and taken to the military barrack to be detained and others were harassed, beaten and released. So far, one person was shot in cold blood. A woman was cut on the throat with a machete (panga) and is hospitalized in Nimule still fighting for her life.


In the last four days, the situation remained the same causing both humanitarian and security concern. Our women are being prevented from collecting firewood and water from the boreholes.


Shops and Market centre were closed down causing lack of basic food commodities. This natural consequence has been interpreted by the base commander that the Madi and Lolubo do not want other ethnic group in Nimule. This was made public by his public utterance and address to selected community members other than Madi.


However, we would like to emphasis the fact that the Madi Community in the past several years has been faced with the problem of land occupation and such cases have been amicably resolved through the right channels without causing such grievous consequences as per the recent above incident. Therefore it is not true that the Madis do not want to live with other ethnic groups but rather there should be a respect of right authority and issues about allocation of land should be handled by the right authorities as in the past without causing harm to communal ancestral land.

We therefore appeal to the government to urgently intervene in resolving this matter following through the above mentioned action points and ensuring that peace prevails for the people of Nimule. We do not want this matter to replicate the case of Western Equatoria where situation turned into ethnic clashes with grievous consequences to the people. We want the enjoyment of the CPA to prevail all over the South. RELATED STORIES

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