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Ladies, how do guys do this!

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Baashi, thaank you walaalkiis and walaahi i have thought of that stuff and done it already, but what skipped my mind was, that she is at a stage of being very very picky/walac.


usually soon as she gets home, i pop a precooked macarooni&cheese in the microwave, have it ready in 5min.But nooo she craves for something different in every 20min or so, if i can't make it, i have to go out and get this stage dumarka that are having baby for the fisrt time are unpredictable sxb. marka amar dowlo waa in aan adeecno........baashi xalay cunto aan kariyey, ilaa saqdhexe ay u soo kacaysay si ay u biis biisto...walaalkiis shaqo iiga soo raadi.hotelada waan qalin jibiyayee :D:D:D xataa safaari NIcolte ku taala waan u shaqaynaa


Khery, a lot of times waxaa shaki iga gala, in aad tahay nin waligii aan xil qaadin ama nin xilqaaday oo xilqaad micnihiisaba aqoon. hadaba aan run kuu sheego sxb....Ninka ragi ah wuxuu mutaysan yahay in uu reerkiisa dhaqo, taa soo soo raacda dulqaad, naxariis, garasho, dareen iyo damiirnimo walaalkiis....micnaha aad reerka ku dhaqaysid kuma fadhiyo in aad dhariga oo qura keentid, ee micnihu waa mid kaa ka qaalisan... i hope you realize that intaadan qaangaar noqon, qarul sa'uul in aad tahay baan kaa dhadhansaday sxb, igana raali ahoow hadaan kuugu xadgudbay


AS, boooooooy am i glad i ain't married to you (just kidding)loool...thaanx for the advice, but am the type of faarax that likes the learn namean betta late then and laundry am familiar with and cooking is now a pending process insha allaah




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Qac Qaac   

Brother waxana dhan la isku heestoba waa intaas, helping the family.. how/when/what/


all those questions waa in laga jawaabaa b4 aa la isku bood boodin..


akhyaaroow gabdhahaan waxay rabaan in wax laga kariyo.. so haddaba iska sii ogoo what kind of woman u r marrying...


pls ppl. let's not use hadiths to prove our points.. that is dangerous.. hadiths don't contradict.. we shouldn't be having our own agendas about the hadiths...


the part of woman not cooking is exactly right... no one is arguing about it...

but love starts when the two ppl help each other, and cook for themselves if they don't do that to each other.. then how and where is the love gonna come from.. anyways...


we supposed to be human.. if some one is tire, the other person should cook. girls/guys pls naga dhaafa sidaan i am scared wallahi for the future somali houses or families.. this kind of argumentative will always be held at home... culture clashes...

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sa wr wb,

just wanted to comment on the suggestions of send her away? to her relatives :rolleyes: :rolleyes: i dont get it. who is the father of the baby? you are? who is the husband? you are?


marka yaa dhibka iskaga dhigaysaa? comeon, dhexdo xero and be a MAN smile.gif


qacbaro, your Qs are good, but i really dont see what the big deal is. waxan dhan named shaqo guri does not take more than 2 hrs and yes that includes even vocuuming the entire bloody house.

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^^^waxaan ku weydiha jaale icon_razz.gif maxaad machineka uu rakibeyse hadaad wacdarada ka timaado adna xamili karin :eek: (ma yarreysato waad ogtahay) :D laguguma so korin miya alaabahas hadaad taabatid-waa ku dhamaate icon_razz.gif cajiib. waxaa la yiri jini ninkii keena bixiya ;) ..adi le og sidaad u habeyn laheyd ariintaas.

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Originally posted by Qacbaro:

Brother waxana dhan la isku heestoba waa intaas, helping the family.. how/when/what/


all those questions waa in laga jawaabaa b4 aa la isku bood boodin..


akhyaaroow gabdhahaan waxay rabaan in wax laga kariyo.. so haddaba iska sii ogoo what kind of woman u r marrying...


pls ppl. let's not use hadiths to prove our points.. that is dangerous.. hadiths don't contradict.. we shouldn't be having our own agendas about the hadiths...


the part of woman not cooking is exactly right... no one is arguing about it...

but love starts when the two ppl help each other, and cook for themselves if they don't do that to each other.. then how and where is the love gonna come from.. anyways...


we supposed to be human.. if some one is tire, the other person should cook. girls/guys pls naga dhaafa sidaan i am scared wallahi for the future somali houses or families.. this kind of argumentative will always be held at home... culture clashes...

BRAVO ...WOW...qacbaro

i think u get the point is not about the cooking or cleaning literaly....i think it is about being supportive of ur spouse...and if we don't have support, wat do we have...where is the love ppl?..... ;)


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Qac Qaac   

let's celebrate Besbaaso we agreed on something oooooh aaaaah...


yeah of course it is about the supportive part.. but hope we see that the same way.. it may differ depending how u see it, from which angle..

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Abootooy!!! qacbaro abidkaa qorax kor ka maka nuurin, laakiin hadee ka nuuroysaa.

"shabshololob gadaal shololob aabaloo baaq aan wadnaa...Isii Isaar.." baaq aan meeshaan ka dareemay nooh..


cafimaad badanaa!!

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