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Box 109, 365 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto M6R 2M8 Tel:416-837-2218



We are a government funded, non-denominational organization whose primary aim is to assist young females of recent immigrant origin in cases of parental abuse due to cultural differences. Most of our charges are teenage girls from the Indo-Pakistani region and West and Horn regions of Africa. We specialize in rescue and relocation to trained foster parents. We are in contact with hospitals and school boards and Welfare offices in the GTA from whom we accept referrals. Girls, if you have any concerns about any of these family situations:


- physical abuse from parents and relatives

- mental/emotional abuse from parents and relatives

- parents pressuring you to go on “holiday” to the Horn regions of Africa (possible FGM)

- parents interfering with your dating wishes

- parents taking you to India or Pakistan for an arranged marriage

- any other concerns



WE CAN help you to cope with any of these situations.


YOU can call us at the above number or write us a note and we will arrange for a “guidance” appointment at your school in total confidence. Even your friends will not know what you are doing.


WE will provide you with temporary accommodation so will not be pressured by family/community


WE can help you into a foster home environment out of town and make arrangements to continue your education there


WE can give you psychological counseling and arrange for legal advice



REMEMBER we have helped at least 200 others like you in the last 8 years.


Also remember this is a FREE service. You may even be given funds for personal expenses.

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Qac Qaac   

r u serious?


what king of organization are you guys?



Do you guys seperate kids from their families?


What is in it 4 u guys?


sol never stops amazing me...

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can you keep your stuff to yourself, we don'twant to hear your craaap stuff here, and stop posting the same thing into every thread you ignorant barbeque

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naa heedhe, caramel_kisses...balaayo shukulaato kugu shumusay.


naa ilaaheey kabaq oo shaqadaa kaa laad laada iska fuji. waxaas maad la timaadid somalia, maxaa lagu dhangadeen lahaa waay oo waaayyy...


na ha shumis badnan oo ha shaqo xumaan ee sida isku dhaan. aloo yaa muufo qamiir ah wijiga kaa saara. geed yahee bushimaheeda aad u qabtid jalmad qaxwo laga shubaaya yaaaaa.




kaftan walashiis...laakiin yarta waa riyoonosaa nooh.. riyo lee ku jir single mother aa noqonee saas leena lagugu sameenaa hadii aadan aheen single


ii baashaal macaanta.

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Salam Alaykum,


Garab tuujiye,I just want to let you know that caramel_kisses and camel_ksses are 2 different people so dont confuse them,lol.

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weligey tanoo kale.... :rolleyes:


waraa garab tuujiye...magaca u fiirso nooh marka kow :mad: maskaxdi maa lagaa tuujiyay? :D

bambina abaayadiis dadkaan seef labooda yaasha bal arag.




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ar yarta raali iyo nus ahoo yaaqee... xoogoo sheekadaan ku taraarexee....meelkaste shumis iyo shukulaato ayaa noo dhigteen si aan u socono aan garan la'nahay. maskaxda la iga ma tuujiyo maxaa yeelay abaayo ani meelahaas sensitife aan ka ahay nooh. mukalaal camal aan jimicsi galaa hadii meelahaas la iga taabto.


bambina dhexdaa lagaa salaamay walaashiis yartaal shumiska raaxada noogaga qaadayna ha dhageysan......


raali iyo rubac ahaada.........ilaaheey meelaha raaxadaleh ha idinka ka tuujiyo aamino dhaha...

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can you keep your stuff to yourself, we don'twant to hear your craaap stuff here, and stop posting the same thing into every thread you ignorant barbeque

What makes you think we want to hear your 'craaap' stuff?? Why dont you keep your pessimistic views to yourself...Have you ever heard of the saying, "If you dont have something nice to say, Don't say anything at all"....How would you know that there aren't young girls out here that are going through situations like this, and that are searching for help? If you can't accept it then try to understand it, if you can't understand it, then try to tolerate it....but if you refuse to do either then thats fine as long as you dont try to censor it.......

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Nuune iga faaf macalinka lerta iyo xagaaga isii ama fareejo iga shido. afuufoo kulahaa aabahaa iyo fuundigaa aheed maxaan dhahaa.


sexy girl maxaa waaye xanaaqaan abaa, barkin qalad maa ku seexatay mise gaajo aa ku heysay markii aa wax qoreysay. dooro buufis qabto camal aaba ugu duuftay nuune. maskiinkaas yuu kugu suuxin, wuxuu kaharay lafihii


xanaaqa jooji walaashiis hadii xanaaqeysidna diraca iska jeex jeex ciil daraadiis. sifiican u xanaaq ama shib naga dheh...


waraa daa waxaan waa erayadiin garab tuuji ileen gabar quruxbad tuujiska bee kumacdahee...waayahay aqyaarta...


ilaaheey afkiina waxa qurunka ah haka dhooro aamino dhaha ileen waa ducee...jaaw

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^^^^ abaaayadiis maka yaabtay tuujiye, cilmul kadeedka uu bartaa wuxuu qulqulinaayo arag, wax waalan,


tuujiye waraa thanks sexy girl waad iga dhicissay bacawdaas xanaqa badan lol,


abaay sexy girl iga rali ahoow barbeque maan ku dhahay sorry hee hadaad mooday inaan adiga kugu wado, tan kaloo waalan aan hadalkaas ku dhahay, anyway hadii adiga dhib ku heesto addreska ay qortay gabartaas aad hee, ani kaama celinaayo xor iyo nus aad tahay, macsalamo,


note: sexygirl, iam sory walaalo hadaad dhibsatay hadalkeega,aduunka waxan ugu necbahay gabar ii xanaaqdo,jaaw

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"A duunka waxaan ugu necbahay gabar ii xanaaqda"


Waraa kaalay maxaa waaye jil jileeca kugu jiro. gabar hadee kuu xanaaq do sidee noqonee, ma murugoonee. jil jilicaa ma bajaqaa....war nuunoow i dhageyso gabari hadee kuu xanaaqdo sankaa loo tagaa adigana hadii ee xanaaqdo ma gaal shiree ku geynee ileen waxaad tahay nimanka lagu haroostay 911ka war daa ha xanaaqdo wili ha is jacburuso, ayadee u taalaa taas. tuugitaankana juujo ee xoogaa laf dhabarta xoojiso ee jiljileeca iska daa. waxa kuu keenayo jil jileeca waxaa waaye cuntada jil jilic aad cuntid nooh.. waraa baastada iyo musharida iyo doolshada iyo buskutka iyo cabitaankaan fudfud aad cabtid oona cuntid iska jooji...waxaa aad la kori la'dahay oo wili aad nuune latahay waaba,.


sexy abaayo is xanaji.. xiskalee yuusan ku xanuunin..ileen adee kuu daran tahee

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how i miss my friend, these kind of association are the ones laguu balambalay, dhul gaaleed marka liyimid baa laga fikiri laha horta marka hore.

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