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Originally posted by SHAR MA'ARKE:

Some Somali girl in Norway suggests that the Quran's view on women needs to be re-translated. She means the Quran gives little space to the modern woman and its time to re-translate.
She was later beaten up by a gang of Somalis.

Did they break her nose? :eek:

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Originally posted by Taliban:

quote:Originally posted by me:

In your ideal society she would wear a burka right?

Right. While freedom of speech entitles you to express your viewpoints/opinions, I think it's best to keep to yourself how you find someone's physical appearance ugly.
And I thought that thinking was prohibited in your ideal society.

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^^^^ Pierced thru your afro eh! or you benefited from the oozing enlightment! me wonders!




PS: me thinks 'me'[the forumer] has a point there!...she is not the most pleasant candy..altho that is irrelevant!

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A sever beating is the first thing she deserves and other punishments will be discussed in the meantime :D



Seriously though i am not suprised that more and more somali's in the west are being brainwashed by Europeans and americans. They are more exposed to the western views then their own islamic way of life. therefore they are more likely to take up western views on issues that are important to them. in this case its womens rights. this girl obviously has seen the differences between how this issue is dealt with in the West and has found that our religion doesnt deal with it the way she wants it.


I am not supporting this girls view. far from it i actually completely oppose. i am only explaining that is more the way this girl has been brainwashed by the west that has made her come with this rather then her seeking attention. i believe the same goes for the other somali's who have gone against our religion and criticised it.


I expect the longer our people stay in the west and raise their kids here in the west the more likely more of them will start coming with this sort of stuff. i am not saying we should all leave on mass but just pointing the trend that seems to be developing

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^^^^ Sxb...While I see the simplicity of blaming the west for everything...

They are more exposed to the western views then their own islamic way of life. therefore they are more likely to take up western views on issues that are important to them. in this case its womens rights. this girl obviously has seen the differences between how this issue is dealt with in the West and has found that our religion doesnt deal with it the way she wants it.

I think the above statement doesn't cut it...first you assuming that the kids have not being exposed enough to the Islamic way of life? what about if She was schooled perhaps not properly in Islamic way of life but still went to the madrassa therefore the issue is not being brainwashed at all! will you then say it is the failure of the Islamic schoolers that these kids are turning against Islam? that perhaps we are not teaching these kids Islam properly? or could it be potentially the failure of thier parents for not nurturing these kids in the Islamic way of Life?


Well.. whaddausaynow!


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Originally posted by me:

^not really, you implied that beating is soimething that only Somali or Islamic people do.


So explain yourself
how did you come to that thought?


its not a velgid bra thought if you ask me.

Jepp. Det er typisk av oss muslimer, spør du meg! Mitt standpunkt er basert på Muslimenes reaksjoner etter litt kritikk. Hvorfor må vi ty til vold hver gang Islam blir kritisert av naive og håpløse folk. De er ikke verdt det vettu.


She has now achieved her goal. She is enjoying the largest media attention she could ever dream of. Even one of the countries famous ministers offered her any help she may need.

And it would be shameful if what she claims turns to be true, that 7-8 men atacked her. 7-8 Farahs against one Halimo. That must have been hell of a fight!

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^^^If that is true its a new low for Faraxs indeed. What she said and what was done to her are equally disturbing.

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Jepp. Det er typisk av oss muslimer, spør du meg! Mitt standpunkt er basert på Muslimenes reaksjoner etter litt kritikk. Hvorfor må vi ty til vold hver gang Islam blir kritisert av naive og håpløse folk. De er ikke verdt det vettu.


What you wrote says more about you and your beliefs and values sharmarke then about the muslim people.

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Ilahay jidka toosan ha tuso, laakin in wax lagu sameeyo mayn ahayn, waa loo caqli celiyaa uun. Gangs kulaha....kaalay iyagiiba ayaa ubaahan wax in loo sheego markaasay inan yar oo lunsan jidh dil kusameeyeen.....what a horrible bunch!

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@sharmarke - yes you do, you are ashamed. You have categorized over 1 billion people (muslims) as woman beaters and inhenrintly violent bunch who can not take any criticism. Can I ask you what are your views on blacks?


You are biased against muslims thats what i am saying, maybe it the environment you live in.


Fight fundementalism homeboy, even that fundementalist-we-know-it-all-liberal-crap.


Which means right=wrong and wrong=right.


Where prostitution is legal, but if you pray you must be a terrorist.


Where you go to a club everynight of the week, but if you visit a place of worship once a week then your a bad person.


What I am saying is we live in a bizarro-world where right is wrong and and wrong is right.


Where muslims are attcked because they are differnet, there is allot of racism in these 'criticisms'.

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