
Scramble over ports is deafening

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2 minutes ago, cadnaan1 said:

Part of the deal signed with dp world  was no other port were allowed in Somaliland how is this gonna work .

That is the most misunderstood part of the agreement.

The purpose of the limitation is:

No other port in the territory of Somaliland will be developed without invetment or permission of DP world to compete or take business away from Berbera.

It was the same in Djibouti so Djibouti built 3 other ports.

1 is only for Potash export from Ethiopia (new product new business)

1 is only for meat and live animal (mostly new business and new product of processed)

1 was ok with DP world since the capacity of the Djibouti port was overwhelmed.

Example: If DP world and Somaliland had agreed by volume lets say 2 billion worth of business, then once that is fulfilled Somaliland is free to deal with the extra.


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I welcome the new port and I hope they build one in Luqhaya as well. The ban on building new ports in Somaliland is something that is not in the interest of Somaliland and I hope the government renegotiates that particular point in the contract. 

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lool@ Laasqorey is somaliland. 

niyoow even our most diehard, most stubborn secessionist Oodweyne admitted publicly many times that somaliland doesn't control Sanaag Bari and Laasqorey  is on his hit list to bring it under wing of Somaliland by invading like tukaraq as he said. Oodweyne is telling the truth that this area is 100% loyal to Puntland. this is a fact that most people will have to live. the people of this area are proud Puntlanders today. what changes in the future is in Allah's hand.

niyoow my take is that we need to build ports in lasqoray and ceelayo as soon as possible. the race is on. we need more development niyoow. the Chinese are interested every corner.  


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36 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

I welcome the new port and I hope they build one in Luqhaya as well. The ban on building new ports in Somaliland is something that is not in the interest of Somaliland and I hope the government renegotiates that particular point in the contract. 

I hate to say it, but as the westerners say "the devil is in the details"

I am sure the agreement has numbers. By volume of money, by containers, by weights etc. I cannot believe Somaliland signed by geography of no port development acroos all her sea shore. Unless during days of colonialism nobody signs that kind of agreement these days since business is changing very fast.

The agreement between Djibouti and Ethiopia for example is full of numbers, yet the Ethiopian opposition will tell you that the Tigray have tied Ethiopia completely to benefit their friend Gheulleh. Which is never the case. Its just that Ghelleh needs guarantees to build all the ports, roads, railroad at least until he recoups his investment.

DP also needs guarantee at least to recoup its investment and that is a number related/based on real on the ground number that can be seen, verified.


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36 minutes ago, Mooge said:

lool@ Laasqorey is somaliland. 

niyoow even our most diehard, most stubborn secessionist Oodweyne admitted publicly many times that somaliland doesn't control Sanaag Bari and Laasqorey  is on his hit list to bring it under wing of Somaliland by invading like tukaraq as he said. Oodweyne is telling the truth that this area is 100% loyal to Puntland. this is a fact that most people will have to live. the people of this area are proud Puntlanders today. what changes in the future is in Allah's hand.

niyoow my take is that we need to build ports in lasqoray and ceelayo as soon as possible. the race is on. we need more development niyoow. the Chinese are interested every corner.  



Its all good, but you do not want to be killed today for a chinese possiblity of tomorrow. Remember the difference: The chinese do only commerce. government, security, safety, health, education and defence is all your business. With Americans everything is their business, but liberal in commerce. The modus operandi is opposite.

That is why its so difficult to dance to both music. The chinese will build road, but you need to secure the construction and functioning of the road from terrorist from other governments from local opposition..everything.

The moment Puntland starts building good road to kilil, Shabab, ISIS, ICU...and new names will show up. Is Puntland capable of doing that on its own as has done so far?

I am doing a lot of reading as to what happened in the 1890-1900. In some cases its exact repeat in others player changes and close repeat.


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The moment Puntland starts building good road to kilil, Shabab, ISIS, ICU...and new names will show up. Is Puntland capable of doing that on its own as has done so far?

Guess who sends the terrorists and funds them? None other than somaliland. it is a known fact niyoow. that is why there is no terrorism in hargeisa or burco or berbera. it is because the guy who found the terrorist outfit and was running it until americans killed him was Godane who is from heart of Hargeisa. the terrorist's wife lives in hargeisa and was getting pregnant every year without leaving hargeisa. go figure how she did that. it tells you that somaliland intelligence was the guiding element of the terrorist outfit and as long as other somalis were blown up, it served their purpose of seeking recognition.  godane left the alshabab business to his cousin who also happens to be from somaliland. that guy is the boss of alshabab today. he was first cousin of godane, the woman-dresser. 

niyow the game will be over. 

to address your other point, puntland has defeated alshabab numerous times and will defeat them whenever they show up. 


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11 minutes ago, Mooge said:

the terrorist's wife lives in hargeisa and was getting pregnant every year without leaving hargeisa. go figure how she did that

I also need to know how you figured that out. Just kidding.

Terrorism in Djibouti, Kilil, Ethiopia has also been reduced close to zero. I think one needs to look some rich very rich financiers for Shabab or ISIS beyonf these poor and backward societies. One thing is for sure Djibouti, Kilil, Somaliland, Puntland are all very serious about this. It means downfall if they play with such dangerous weapon. Regardless of their other competition they seem to work co-operatively on this.

Somaliland would be rained by the others if get caught playing dirty. No Somaliland authority will risk this. Can be hanged from tallest post.

12 minutes ago, Mooge said:

to address your other point, puntland has defeated alshabab numerous times and will defeat them whenever they show up. 

But there is a limit. One cannot keep doing the same thing all the time. What is the point every 2-3 years Shabab shows up, Puntland mobilizes defeats it and then 2-3 years later shows up again. And in those 2-3 years Puntland cannot have business confidence to plan and work on big projects.

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Laasqoray port and planning was done long ago. If I not mistaken money was raised in the diaspora in 2014/15. Just like the Chinese who built the Boosaaso airport or other  area, it could be  built by any company that wins the contact, and no one is better than Chinese.

OO,  stop scaring people,  no one will be killed. Ports must be built everywhere. If Wayaane can build a DAM that diverts water from the nile, certainly everyone could build their nations freely. Also, I hope you realized that , you don't even know where Laasqorey is.

We Somalis are a maritime nation with thousands of miles. Our ancestors fought for the sea and we will not seed one inch. 

The great Somali composer and poet Muuse Galaal was asked in 1982, " where is the Somali border?" and he said, " Geelu waa khabiir marka uu dhaqaaqo ama badda Soomaaliyeed ayaa soo celisa ama dhoobayda galbeed" roughly means, " The Somali camel is a scientist , and he knows his territory, when he reaches the sea, that is our border and in the west (Zone 5) the fertile soil of river is his border".


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I can not believe Somaliland would sign a deal that denies local people to build their ports and do small trade. 

That is cruel.

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

OO,  stop scaring people,  no one will be killed. Ports must be built everywhere. If Wayaane can build a DAM that diverts water from the nile, certainly everyone could build their nations freely.

The last thing a Somali does is being scared. Sometimes I think is something that may be helpful to have.

I am serious when countries choose to start chinese business they really need to think it through because the chinese will not even give you guns. You have to protect yourself. Or you need to have different complementary relations with America.

Puntland has this on the anti-terrorism and anti-piracy fronts. Puntland can do business with chinese safely.

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